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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - World of Warcraft Class Recruitment Status module (db backend) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=137670)

mdroschak 03-18-2007 04:30 PM

THe first part works great and it shows up perfect now.

When i go to add the recruit.php to edit the first module this is what i get.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class recruit in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\bbz\forums\modules\class_recrui t.php on line 17

Im assuming this has to do with your php4 edit, making changes now to see what happens. I think you should make it a little bit more clear that you need to edit the Class_recruit.php file if you use php4. I wasn't sure which one you meant so i looked through them all to find the code you posted.

EDIT: I've made the changes to the class_recruit.php file and still have the same error message. So as of right now i just have the issue getting the edit module to display. The other one looks perfect and is using my style.

turnipofdoom 03-18-2007 05:33 PM

Lets see if that fixes it for you, grab the files and replace functions_recruit.php and recruit.php in your modules dir with the ones in the zip.

mdroschak 03-18-2007 06:00 PM


Thanks a ton for your quick responses, nice to have a supported mod...

One other quick question, not a big deal but just curious. Is there a way to make the recruit_edit.php file use your forum template? I notice the colors and everything else is right on but it doesn't fit itself into the frame size, outlines, etc.. I dont know how difficult it is to do that.. and really its not a big deal because it matches perfect. The size is just a bit off because it's kind of on it's own.

Thanks again!

turnipofdoom 03-18-2007 06:14 PM

Not at the moment, I have to do that still. I wasnt planning on releasing this until I had but such is life. For us, its private, so 99% of visitors never see the small visual errors with the forum =)

mdroschak 03-18-2007 06:18 PM

Sounds good, I will keep an eye out for an update when you get around to it. Otherwise things are working great, thanks for the nice module =)

Dan 03-18-2007 06:35 PM

Great idea :)

Synth 03-21-2007 07:06 PM

Well, I have everything installed with the updated files and it all shows fine now, and can update the status.

The only thing is, I have set the status editing module to only show for admins. When I am logged in all the linked text on my front page is a light grey color. This only happens for me as I am the only one who can see the edit module. Anyone else i.e members, visitors etc. do not have the problem because that module does not show up for them.

Also, you mentioned to update the image paths in the recruit.php but for the life of me cannot see where the paths need updated.

Thanks alot for this by the way!

turnipofdoom 03-22-2007 10:01 PM

My mistake on the link update instructions, first mod and all ;p It was removed, and that was part of the previous version..

You can try removing the style class definitions in recruit.php

<body class='module'> just remove class='module',
same with:
<table class="module">
<td valign="top" class="thead">

otherwise, I am not sure why it would change the link colors, but ill look at it.

Xaices 03-25-2007 07:38 PM

ok what am I doing wrong?


-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Host:
-- Generation Time: Mar 18, 2007 at 11:26 AM
-- Server version: 5.0.26
-- PHP Version: 5.1.6-pl6-gentoo

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `recruitment`

CREATE TABLE `recruitment` (
  `Class` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `Status` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Class`)

-- Dumping data for table `recruitment`

INSERT INTO `recruitment` (`Class`, `Status`) VALUES ('Warrior', '1'),
('Paladin', '2'),
('DreadKnight', '2'),
('Ranger', '1'),
('Rogue', '1'),
('Monk', '2'),
('Bard', '2'),
('Cleric', '2'),
('Shaman', '1'),
('Desciple', '1'),
('Bloodmage', '1'),
('Sorcerer', '1'),
('Druid', '1'),
('Psionicist', '1'),
('Necromancer', '1');

I go to forums/admincp/

maintenance/Execute SGL Query

I copy and paste the above into the manual query.

I get this error.


An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ';

-- Dumping data for table `recruitment`

INSERT INTO `recruitme' at line 20
vB 3.6.4
PHP Version 4.4.4
Client API version 4.1.21

I am doing something wrong, I just do not know what, obviously. Yes I changed the classes from WoW to Vanguard.

Xaices 03-25-2007 10:26 PM

ok I went into myPHPadmin and created the table from there. Seems to all work except I get this error now.


Warning: Missing argument 16 for setstatus() in /modules/class_recruit.php on line 45
That error message appears right above the edit display on the frontpage of cmps.

Here is the code for class_recruit.php that I am using.

PHP Code:

     * Dark Portal Syndicate http://www.darkportals.com
     * Copyright 2002-2007
     * ------------------
     * class_recruit.php
     * Began: 6/27/05
     * Last Modified 3/18/2007
     * Authors: Delinah Howard, Jessica Zakhar. <site-admins@darkportals.com>


class recruit {

$result_rows = array();


$this->vbObj =& $vbulletin;
$necromancer )
$classes = array(
'Warrior' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$warrior'<b>' ) ),
'Paladin' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$paladin'<b>' ) ), 
'DreadKnight' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$dreadknight'<b>' ) ),
'Ranger' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$ranger'<b>' ) ),
'Rogue' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$rogue'<b>' ) ),
'Monk' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$monk'<b>') ),
'Bard' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$bard'<b>' ) ),
'Cleric' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$cleric'<b>' ) ),
'Desciple' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$desciple'<b>' ) ),
'Bloodmage' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$bloodmage'<b>' ) ),
'Sorcerer' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$sorcerer'<b>' ) ),
'Druid' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$druid'<b>' ) ),
'Psionicist' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$psionicist'<b>' ) ),
'Necromancer' => $this->vbObj->db->escape_stringstrip_tags$necromancer'<b>' ) )

$classes AS $key => $value )
$query = ( "UPDATE recruitment SET status='$value' WHERE class='$key'" );
$this->vbObj->db->query$query );

Line 45 of that is
PHP Code:


So what happens now is that when I fill out the edit fields and hit save I get that error and Dread Knight and Necromancer show no values. If I hit the refresh button on the page then certain class values get changed.

Any ideas?

turnipofdoom 03-26-2007 01:21 AM

did you adjust teh methos call at the top of recruit.php to account for the extra fields in setStatus ?

Xaices 03-26-2007 01:53 AM

I think so?

PHP Code:

include_once( "class_recruit.php" );
$data = new recruit();
if( isset( 
$_POST['Edit'] ))
$data->setStatus$_POST['warrior'], $_POST['paladin'], $_POST['dreadknight'], $_POST['ranger'], $_POST['rogue'], $_POST['monk'], $_POST['bard'], $_POST['cleric'], $_POST['shaman'], $_POST['desciple'], $_POST['bloodmage'], $_POST['sorcerer'], $_POST['druid'], $_POST['psionicist'], $_POST['necromancer'] );


<body class='module'>
  <form action="" method="post">
  <table class="module">
    <td width="171" align="right" valign="top" class="thead">
          <input name="warrior" type="text" id="warrior" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Warrior'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="paladin" type="text" id="paladin" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Paladin'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="dreadknight" type="text" id="dreadknight" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('DreadKnight'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="Ranger" type="text" id="ranger" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Ranger'); ?>" size="12">
          <input name="rogue" type="text" id="rogue" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Rogue'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="bard" type="text" id="bard" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Bard'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="cleric" type="text" id="cleric" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Cleric'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="shaman" type="text" id="shaman" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Shaman'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="desciple" type="text" id="desciple" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Desciple'); ?>" size="12">
        <input name="bloodmage" type="text" id="bloodmage" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Bloodmage'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="sorcerer" type="text" id="sorcerer" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Sorcerer'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="druid" type="text" id="druid" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Druid'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="psionicist" type="text" id="psionicist" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Psionicist'); ?>" size="12">
         <input name="necromancer" type="text" id="necromancer" value="<?php echo $data->gStatus('Necromancer'); ?>" size="12">
    <td valign="top" class="thead"><div align="center">
      <div align="center">
        <input name="Edit" type="submit" id="Edit" value="Save">

turnipofdoom 03-26-2007 02:43 AM

looks like you just need to remove the $druid, line, since its not in the form.

Xaices 03-26-2007 01:48 PM

What Druid line where?

Druid is a Vanguard Class and I do not see it missing from any of the coding, I may be blind, It is the third class from the last. Sorcerer, Druid, Psionicist, Necromancer. Should be in there.

Where am I missing it I can not see.

Thanks for the assistance btw.

turnipofdoom 03-26-2007 02:11 PM

Ok you have

PHP Code:

$data->setStatus$_POST['warrior'], $_POST['paladin'], $_POST['dreadknight'], $_POST['ranger'], $_POST['rogue'], $_POST['monk'], $_POST['bard'], $_POST['cleric'], $_POST['shaman'], $_POST['desciple'], $_POST['bloodmage'], $_POST['sorcerer'], $_POST['druid'], $_POST['psionicist'], $_POST['necromancer'] ); 

so our post order to setStatus is:



In class_recruit.php

PHP Code:

    function setStatus$druid

There is our order we post into the db. See how druid is listed twice ? =) remove the first entry.

Xaices 03-26-2007 02:21 PM

ah thank you so much.

I just could not see what your were pointing out to me. Thanks for the showing me the way.

Can't fix that atm, but when I get a chance will post back to let you know the outcome.



turnipofdoom 03-26-2007 02:36 PM

haha no worries, it was my pleasure, sometimes the answer is starring you right in the face and you just cant see it. ive been there its great!

Xaices 03-26-2007 10:47 PM

Ok that fixed the error message displaying on the front page. How ever, instead of the Dread Knight and Necromancer not displaying numbers it is now Ranger and Monk that do not save input. Attaching Picture.

btw guild site is www.ire-guild.org

Any ideas on what could be causing only two fields not to save?

turnipofdoom 03-27-2007 12:32 PM

It looks like you're missing Monk completely from the gStatus code, and for Ranger the input name should be ranger, lower case. Fix those and you should be fine. =)

(Please click install for me, btw! Thanks!)

Xaices 03-27-2007 01:33 PM

i'm an idiot, rofl.

Not like it hasn't been prevelent, but I have no idea how to code, recode etc. I just open up the file read it and try to replicate to achieve what I want. Tho I am learning from building this site.

Thanks again.

When I am done and all complete and it works, do you want the files and images to add a complete Vanguard Saga of Heroes Recruitment to your hack?

Clicked Installed!

turnipofdoom 03-27-2007 03:07 PM

yeah actually that would be great, could you email them off to jzakhar at gmail dot com and ill put them in one zip and toss up instructions for people.. also make sure you add your name to the files you modified ;p

ichwarsvb 03-27-2007 08:40 PM

Need Help...
I used the normal VBulletin V3.65 not the advanced one. Where do i have to put the files in? Here? ../forum/vbcms_global_modules ?
I do so and thats the result :)

turnipofdoom 03-28-2007 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by ichwarsvb (Post 1213942)
Need Help...
I used the normal VBulletin V3.65 not the advanced one. Where do i have to put the files in? Here? ../forum/vbcms_global_modules ?
I do so and thats the result :)

Well until today, id never heard of VBCMS before, and all the information I can find on google is in German, which I dont speak. I am sure it could be made to work, but with out having access to the application I really cannot help you.

Xaices 03-28-2007 01:35 PM

Vangaurd Saga of Heroes Recruitment is done and sent to turnipofdoom.

Thanks again for this mudule and your help during the modification to Vangaurd.

Oz_Berserk 04-14-2007 12:42 AM

This is the problem that I'm having. I'm going into the admincp, changing the .php file to recruit.php, clean file on, shell template on, going to the portal (vBadvanced) and editing the info for it, coming back to the admin cp and setting class_recruit.php, and when I go back to the portal the recruitment box is gone. Any idea what's going on? I tried switching the files around to find the right combination, but nothing worked.

turnipofdoom 04-15-2007 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Oz_Berserk (Post 1227131)
This is the problem that I'm having. I'm going into the admincp, changing the .php file to recruit.php, clean file on, shell template on, going to the portal (vBadvanced) and editing the info for it, coming back to the admin cp and setting class_recruit.php, and when I go back to the portal the recruitment box is gone. Any idea what's going on? I tried switching the files around to find the right combination, but nothing worked.

Having some trouble following your process there. did you create the new template to hold all the html for recruit.php ?

idwf 04-28-2007 02:10 PM

took quite a bit of template modification to get working...and havn't tested it all as of yet...but i've clicked install :)

elricstorm 05-02-2007 03:02 PM

The admin php template works fine. However, the first template you said to create does not. When I create it, and reload my page I get:

Content Encoding Error (content_encoding_error)

The content header contains different encoding than what was expected....

Any reason why this might be occurring?

The step that this is creating the issue at is:

Add a php module to vbCMPS, add the file functions_recruit.php, under templates used put 'adv_portal_functions_recruit', clean file output to off, use module shell template to no.

If I set the clean file output to on, I get no errors and nothing shows up period. If I change the php file to a template file, I get no errors, I see all of the classes but get no class counts.

elricstorm 05-02-2007 03:26 PM

I fixed my issue. If anyone encounters this issue, go to your cpadmin, vboptions, and find the http headers options. Turn off "gzip".

Fixed and everything working properly.

turnipofdoom 05-02-2007 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by elricstorm (Post 1239813)
I fixed my issue. If anyone encounters this issue, go to your cpadmin, vboptions, and find the http headers options. Turn off "gzip".

Fixed and everything working properly.

Interesting so compressing the output errors it, I will take a look, since that is a pretty common option to have enabled. Thanks for the feedback on that one.

elricstorm 05-02-2007 06:37 PM

yer welcome - it's a nice addition you made. I was getting asked by numerous people to change my old recruitment status module and wanted something simple enough that even a monkey could edit it. This was simple, effective, and nicely polished.

turnipofdoom 05-02-2007 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by elricstorm (Post 1239969)
yer welcome - it's a nice addition you made. I was getting asked by numerous people to change my old recruitment status module and wanted something simple enough that even a monkey could edit it. This was simple, effective, and nicely polished.

Hey look at that Stamford, I am up in Old Saybrook, near New London, a fellow CT person!

Also can I get your apache and php version info?

idwf 05-03-2007 09:15 PM

... [please delete]

NightPhoenix 06-03-2007 03:52 AM

Came back to try this again... and it worked.... Installed

I have php5, but still needed to make the changes you have listed for php4 to prevent the errors from popping up.

Do you know what might be causing the issue in the attached screenshot? My website is www.shuhalo.com

It would be nice if I could figure how to get the blue section to blend in better.

turnipofdoom 06-05-2007 12:01 AM

Do you recall what the errors were ? Was it a keyword error ? Can you change it back and post the fatal error ? That would really help. Can you also post the HTML source for the blue background page.

SuprSurfr 06-15-2007 09:01 PM

Hey would it be possible to modify the code so that it only shows what classes that are open for recruitment on the page?


If I had 0 or closed in the field dont show the Class at all on the page.
If I had 1 or greater or Open in the field it would show the class on the fron page.

Is this doable and if so how difficult?


turnipofdoom 06-15-2007 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by SuprSurfr (Post 1269279)
Hey would it be possible to modify the code so that it only shows what classes that are open for recruitment on the page?


If I had 0 or closed in the field dont show the Class at all on the page.
If I had 1 or greater or Open in the field it would show the class on the fron page.

Is this doable and if so how difficult?


You can do something like
PHP Code:

<if condition="$druid > 0">
div><img src="../../forum/images/wow/Druid.gif" width="20" height="20"Druid$druid</div>

Inside your display template. You would need to do one if condition for each class

SuprSurfr 06-16-2007 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by turnipofdoom (Post 1269309)
You can do something like
PHP Code:

<if condition="$druid > 0">
div><img src="../../forum/images/wow/Druid.gif" width="20" height="20"Druid$druid</div>

Inside your display template. You would need to do one if condition for each class

Thats what i needed!

I used this code:


<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" class="tborder" width="100%">
                <td class="tcat">
                <a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('functions_recruit')"><img id="collapseimg_functions_recruit"

src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$collapseimg_functions_recruit.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
                <span class="smallfont"><strong>$vba_style[portal_blockbullet] Recruitment</strong></span></td>
        <tbody id="collapseobj_functions_recruit" style="$collapseobj_functions_recruit">
<td class="$getbgrow">
    <if condition="$assassin <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Assassin.gif" width="20" height="20"> Assassin: $assassin</div>
          <if condition="$berserker <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Berserker.gif" width="20" height="20"> Berserker: $berserker</div>
        <if condition="$brigand <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Brigand.gif" width="20" height="20"> Brigand: $brigand</div>
        <if condition="$bruiser <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Bruiser.gif" width="20" height="20"> Bruiser: $bruiser</div>
        <if condition="$coercer <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Coercer.gif" width="20" height="20"> Coercer: $coercer</div>
        <if condition="$conjuror<> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Conjuror.gif" width="20" height="20"> Conjuror: $conjuror</div>
        <if condition="$defiler <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Defiler.gif" width="20" height="20"> Defiler: $defiler</div>
        <if condition="$dirge <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Dirge.gif" width="20" height="20"> Dirge: $dirge</div>
        <if condition="$fury <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Fury.gif" width="20" height="20"> Fury: $fury</div>
        <if condition="$guardian <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Guardian.gif" width="20" height="20"> Guardian: $guardian</div>
        <if condition="$illusionist <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Illusionist.gif" width="20" height="20"> Illusionist: $illusionist</div>
        <if condition="$inquisitor <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Inquisitor.gif" width="20" height="20"> Inquisitor: $inquisitor</div>
        <if condition="$monk <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Monk.gif" width="20" height="20"> Monk: $monk</div>
        <if condition="$mystic <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Mystic.gif" width="20" height="20"> Mystic: $mystic</div>
        <if condition="$necromancer <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Necromancer.gif" width="20" height="20"> Necromancer: $necromancer</div>
        <if condition="$paladin <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Paladin.gif" width="20" height="20"> Paladin: $paladin</div>
        <if condition="$ranger <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Ranger.gif" width="20" height="20"> Ranger: $ranger</div>
        <if condition="$swashbuckler <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Swashbuckler.gif" width="20" height="20"> Swashbuckler: $swashbuckler</div>
        <if condition="$shadowknight <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Shadowknight.gif" width="20" height="20"> Shadowknight: $shadowknight</div>
        <if condition="$templar <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Templar.gif" width="20" height="20"> Templar: $templar</div>
        <if condition="$troubador <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Troubador.gif" width="20" height="20"> Troubador: $troubador</div>
        <if condition="$warden <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Warden.gif" width="20" height="20"> Warden: $warden</div>
        <if condition="$warlock <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Warlock.gif" width="20" height="20"> Warlock: $warlock</div>
        <if condition="$wizard <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Wizard.gif" width="20" height="20"> Wizard: $wizard</div>

<br />

All classes marked "Closed" will be hidden.
The only drawback is that it has to only be "Closed" and not "closed" for it to be hidden.
Any other value numeric or alpha will cause the class to be displayed on the list.

check it out here :D

turnipofdoom 06-16-2007 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by SuprSurfr (Post 1269748)
Thats what i needed!

I used this code:


<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" class="tborder" width="100%">
                <td class="tcat">
                <a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('functions_recruit')"><img id="collapseimg_functions_recruit"

src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$collapseimg_functions_recruit.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
                <span class="smallfont"><strong>$vba_style[portal_blockbullet] Recruitment</strong></span></td>
        <tbody id="collapseobj_functions_recruit" style="$collapseobj_functions_recruit">
<td class="$getbgrow">
    <if condition="$assassin <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Assassin.gif" width="20" height="20"> Assassin: $assassin</div>
          <if condition="$berserker <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Berserker.gif" width="20" height="20"> Berserker: $berserker</div>
        <if condition="$brigand <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Brigand.gif" width="20" height="20"> Brigand: $brigand</div>
        <if condition="$bruiser <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Bruiser.gif" width="20" height="20"> Bruiser: $bruiser</div>
        <if condition="$coercer <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Coercer.gif" width="20" height="20"> Coercer: $coercer</div>
        <if condition="$conjuror<> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Conjuror.gif" width="20" height="20"> Conjuror: $conjuror</div>
        <if condition="$defiler <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Defiler.gif" width="20" height="20"> Defiler: $defiler</div>
        <if condition="$dirge <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Dirge.gif" width="20" height="20"> Dirge: $dirge</div>
        <if condition="$fury <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Fury.gif" width="20" height="20"> Fury: $fury</div>
        <if condition="$guardian <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Guardian.gif" width="20" height="20"> Guardian: $guardian</div>
        <if condition="$illusionist <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Illusionist.gif" width="20" height="20"> Illusionist: $illusionist</div>
        <if condition="$inquisitor <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Inquisitor.gif" width="20" height="20"> Inquisitor: $inquisitor</div>
        <if condition="$monk <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Monk.gif" width="20" height="20"> Monk: $monk</div>
        <if condition="$mystic <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Mystic.gif" width="20" height="20"> Mystic: $mystic</div>
        <if condition="$necromancer <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Necromancer.gif" width="20" height="20"> Necromancer: $necromancer</div>
        <if condition="$paladin <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Paladin.gif" width="20" height="20"> Paladin: $paladin</div>
        <if condition="$ranger <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Ranger.gif" width="20" height="20"> Ranger: $ranger</div>
        <if condition="$swashbuckler <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Swashbuckler.gif" width="20" height="20"> Swashbuckler: $swashbuckler</div>
        <if condition="$shadowknight <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Shadowknight.gif" width="20" height="20"> Shadowknight: $shadowknight</div>
        <if condition="$templar <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Templar.gif" width="20" height="20"> Templar: $templar</div>
        <if condition="$troubador <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Troubador.gif" width="20" height="20"> Troubador: $troubador</div>
        <if condition="$warden <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Warden.gif" width="20" height="20"> Warden: $warden</div>
        <if condition="$warlock <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Warlock.gif" width="20" height="20"> Warlock: $warlock</div>
        <if condition="$wizard <> "Closed"">
        <div><img src=".././images/avatars/EQ2/Wizard.gif" width="20" height="20"> Wizard: $wizard</div>

<br />

All classes marked "Closed" will be hidden.
The only drawback is that it has to only be "Closed" and not "closed" for it to be hidden.
Any other value numeric or alpha will cause the class to be displayed on the list.

check it out here :D

That's pretty funny, I use this for eq2 as well. I just modified it a little. What server you on ?

SuprSurfr 06-16-2007 01:29 PM

One other thing... Is it possible to have the configuration portion collapsable like the other templates?

here is a pic.


It kind of sticks out and I would like to be able to make it collapsed by default with Vbadvanced options.


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Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
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  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
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  • fetch_threadinfo
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  • global_setup_complete
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  • pagenav_page
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  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete