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Cyricx 12-12-2006 11:45 AM

My one question..

Does it allow for more then one page with each page using different news forums?

That's the big bonus of vbadvanced to me, and if your product could do similiar I would definately give it a go :)

peterska2 12-12-2006 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1137004)
My one question..

Does it allow for more then one page with each page using different news forums?

That's the big bonus of vbadvanced to me, and if your product could do similiar I would definately give it a go :)

At the moment it doesn't, but this is something that I am looking into.

iran.gs 12-12-2006 12:26 PM

Installed just few minutes ago humm real nice but don't think this can handle
big news and big post forums news, and thats is our biggest viewed and this does not handle that :(

Smoothie 12-12-2006 02:27 PM

Can this be installed in /root or does it need to go in the root/forum directory?

TheBlackPoet 12-12-2006 02:36 PM

man!! thank you very much!!! for whatever reason, i could not install the other cmps.. but this one came through like a champ!! now i dont have to install a seperate portal system..
your hack has helped me tremendously...

redlabour 12-12-2006 02:46 PM

1. Really need the possibility to enter different Boxes (more then in your Addon for 2 custom Contents) with own HTML Content from the AdminCP like it is possible at vBa.

2. Sure a RSS Feedsystem for external Feeds is a must have. Look here for a Example : Customizable RSS feed module

3. And can i move the Boxes from AdminCp wherever i like (left, center, right)?

TheBlackPoet 12-12-2006 03:49 PM

someone asked me if i could help them understand how to install this portal... i am no coder... and peterska2 is best to ask for assistance, but... i did supply some instructions for the person who asked... and thought i would share them....

Step #1 - edit your portal.php file it should look something like this.....

/home/this is your root folder name/public_html/'

Step#2 change the name of the portal.php to index.php

Step#3 change the name of your index.php (on the server-side) (your forum index.php, to forum.php)

step#4 go to forum home options in your admincp and change the index to forum

step#5 go to your admincp plugins and products /manage products and upload your xml file that is in your portal directory

after you do this... your hack is installed...

refresh your screen and look under your VBulletin Options for portal. set up which forum will be your news for the portal.... and the other stuff...

the work starts now.......

in your styles and templates look for the portal templates you primarily want to work with the left and right columns.... in the addons that come with portal hack are instructions.. read them...

you are looking for code snippets that have $who_has_posted this code in it... each addon will have an instructions document.. and in that document you will find the code to paste.... either in your left or right column..
i suggest as you are pasting the snippets... dont try to put a <br> after a snippet

stack the different snippets this way and all will be well...

good luck.. im going to bed!!

TheBlackPoet 12-12-2006 08:26 PM

my members are having a problem with the arcade.. when it tries to record scores, it goes to the index (portal)... i tried to look for the line in arcade.php where i could change it to forum.php.. no good... i looked at the xml... for the arcade.... struck out...

any ideas on how i can get the arcade back on track???

davidw 12-12-2006 08:28 PM

There should be something in the arcade installation instructions that for adding to the portal. Offhand I'm not sure what it is.

davidw 12-12-2006 08:32 PM

According to the instructions, this code needs to be put in the index.php page right after the <?php

// ibProArcade modification
if($_POST['module'] == "pnFlashGames"){
        $_GET[act] = "Arcade";
        $_GET['module'] = "arcade";
if($_POST['func'] == "storeScore"){
        $_GET['do'] = "pnFStoreScore";
if($_POST['func'] == "saveGame"){
        $_GET['do'] = "pnFSaveGame";
if($_POST['func'] == "loadGame"){
        $_GET['do'] = "pnFLoadGame";
$act = $_GET[act];
$showuser= $_GET[showuser];
if($act == "Arcade") {
include "arcade.php";
if(!empty($showuser) && $showuser >= 1) {
$u = $showuser;
$_GET[u] = $showuser;
include "member.php";
// end of ibProArcade modification

TheBlackPoet 12-12-2006 08:49 PM

yeah... that did it bro! thanks a lot...

asj 12-12-2006 09:12 PM

Invalid forum path specified! Please edit this file and be sure to include the correct path for your $forumpath variable.?

peterska2 12-12-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by iran.gs (Post 1137027)
Installed just few minutes ago humm real nice but don't think this can handle
big news and big post forums news, and thats is our biggest viewed and this does not handle that :(

Yes, change the character setting in the options from 250 to what ever you want. I have mine set to 25000 and it displays the full post. You may need to experiement with this setting until you find one that works best for you.


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1137107)
Can this be installed in /root or does it need to go in the root/forum directory?

Yes, it can be installed in root or in the forum directory. Instructions for both are in the instructions.txt file included in the zip.


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet (Post 1137112)
man!! thank you very much!!! for whatever reason, i could not install the other cmps.. but this one came through like a champ!! now i dont have to install a seperate portal system..
your hack has helped me tremendously...

Thanks a lot :) Glad it works for you :)


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1137119)
1. Really need the possibility to enter different Boxes (more then in your Addon for 2 custom Contents) with own HTML Content from the AdminCP like it is possible at vBa.

2. Sure a RSS Feedsystem for external Feeds is a must have. Look here for a Example : Customizable RSS feed module

3. And can i move the Boxes from AdminCp wherever i like (left, center, right)?

1. How many boxes are we talking about? I can do some additional boxes in another plugin if required.

2. This is currently in an early development stage.

3. All movement is done via the style manager. This may change in future editions, but at the moment the style manager is the most efficient way of doing it hence that method.


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet (Post 1137316)
my members are having a problem with the arcade.. when it tries to record scores, it goes to the index (portal)... i tried to look for the line in arcade.php where i could change it to forum.php.. no good... i looked at the xml... for the arcade.... struck out...

any ideas on how i can get the arcade back on track???

Is this IBProArcade? If so, I'll rumble up a fix for it shortly.

peterska2 12-12-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by asj (Post 1137353)
Invalid forum path specified! Please edit this file and be sure to include the correct path for your $forumpath variable.?

Check the instructions and edit the portal.php file accordingly. There are comments in the php file for where to edit (you aren't running in the same place as my test board so it won't find it ;)) and instructions in the txt file on an easy way to get your forum path from the ACP

davidw 12-12-2006 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet (Post 1137316)
my members are having a problem with the arcade.. when it tries to record scores, it goes to the index (portal)... i tried to look for the line in arcade.php where i could change it to forum.php.. no good... i looked at the xml... for the arcade.... struck out...

any ideas on how i can get the arcade back on track???


Originally Posted by christianb (Post 1137322)
According to the instructions, this code needs to be put in the index.php page right after the <?php

// ibProArcade modification
if($_POST['module'] == "pnFlashGames"){
    $_GET[act] = "Arcade";
    $_GET['module'] = "arcade";
if($_POST['func'] == "storeScore"){
    $_GET['do'] = "pnFStoreScore";
if($_POST['func'] == "saveGame"){
    $_GET['do'] = "pnFSaveGame";
if($_POST['func'] == "loadGame"){
    $_GET['do'] = "pnFLoadGame";
$act = $_GET[act];
$showuser= $_GET[showuser];
if($act == "Arcade") {
include "arcade.php";
if(!empty($showuser) && $showuser >= 1) {
$u = $showuser;
$_GET[u] = $showuser;
include "member.php";
// end of ibProArcade modification


Originally Posted by peterska2 (Post 1137357)
Is this IBProArcade? If so, I'll rumble up a fix for it shortly.

Fixed (above) :)

peterska2 12-12-2006 11:43 PM

I know, but I've also done a proper fix using the plugin system. :)

davidw 12-12-2006 11:47 PM

I just now saw that. :P - A plugin works better. :)

HMBeaty 12-13-2006 12:51 AM

/me installed. Going to uninstall vBadvanced before I upgrade to 3.6.4 and try this out.


ManagerJosh 12-13-2006 04:18 AM


Does this support multiple domain installations?

For example, I'm trying to install vBadvanced CMPS over at http://beta.simgames.net but there's an indirect installation of vBulletin which is tied in over at http://forums.worldsims.org :)

peterska2 12-13-2006 11:57 AM

Not the faintest idea to be honest as I don't have any complex setups to test on.

PM me full details of exactly how your setup works and I'll see if I can figure anything out for it.

Allan 12-13-2006 04:28 PM

Kerry-Anne, it's no possible to create one product with all addon ? (not more simple ?) :p

peterska2 12-13-2006 05:30 PM

It would lose the main feature of flexability if it was done that way Allan. The original alpha version was all in one file and making any changes to it was a complete nightmare. Using Add Ons makes it a lot easier to manage and for each site to setup easily to their requirements.

CoreIssue 12-14-2006 07:25 PM

I am intrigued. But, as not a coder, let me as a dumb question or two.

For my site they like the Top 10 stats and ShoutBox together.

Can I do that? And not squeezed left or right column, but middle or whole page?

peterska2 12-14-2006 08:36 PM

Yes, you can display anything where ever you want. Adding things to the center column is a little tricky at the moment, but the next release will have some changes to make this easier.

CoreIssue 12-14-2006 08:52 PM


I will set up a test board and check this out.

wes_517 12-14-2006 09:17 PM

this is sounding really interesting...

can you tell me more about the permission settings? is it as granular as vbadvanced?

more specifically do you have the option to pick a group, and then say what pages that group can see, in addition to picking a page and seeing what groups have permission to it?

also any idea when the rss feeds will come into play? that's something i've really been looking to add to my site...

peterska2 12-14-2006 09:22 PM

At the moment, it is a case of apart from the guest message and member message (for obvious reasons included in their titles) everything is visible to everyone. There is also only one page involved at the moment.

The first of the RSS Add Ons has just been released, and more are in development. Once this week is out of the way then development will be back to being full steam ahead and more Add Ons will become available as quickly as I can get them coded.

CoreIssue 12-14-2006 10:29 PM

I was able to install the shout on the forum fully and get the it partially installed, 100% width, on the Portal.

But, it would require recoding to get the smilies, Archive and font color and face showing and working correctly.

Great idea, but I will wait until this gets a bit more advanced, or has some more blocks developed for it.

Just too much work for the return on needs for my site.

But great idea and coming along very nicely.

For info, to get the ShoutBox Templates at 100% I copied them all over onto the Portal Template, not the left or right.

I will be watching this one!

peterska2 12-14-2006 10:31 PM

I'm going to be doing some research into some items such as the shoutbox to see how they would integrate into vBonjour over the next week or so, so keep watching out, because as soon as I crack it, something will be released.

Murty 12-15-2006 03:48 AM


Ok, so where are the screen shots?
Why have screen shots when you can have a live demo?
The demo is available at www.peterska2.co.uk
Cos some people done have uberly fast internet ;)

Lionel 12-15-2006 10:42 AM

I had never been able to open that demo page, and I have been trying for days now.

calorie 12-15-2006 03:10 PM

IMO all the add-ons should be in the same product. They can easily be turned on/off by going to the Plugin Manager. Also the main portal.php file has some issues:
  • define('NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS', 1); // this is no longer used
  • there is no portal_articlelist template
  • if (forumid1) { // this is missing the $ on the variable
  • if (forumid2) { // this is missing the $ on the variable
  • $news['pagetext'] = $parser->do_parse($news['pagetext'], 1, 1, 1, 1); // this is set to parse HTML
  • these should be initialized: $currentsection, $portal_articlebit, $portal_left_column, $portal_right_column
  • $getnews1 and $getnews2 are basically the same query so try WHERE t.forumid IN ($forumid1,$forumid2)
  • vB doesn't store slashes so stripslashes is not needed
  • look into strip_tags, htmlspecialchars_uni, or use title_clean if available instead of the preg_replace regexp
  • is there a need to GLOBAL $parser; for something
  • what setting is this: $vbulletin->options['vbcms_totalrows']
  • $rownum serves no point as the query already has a limit
  • use $navbits[''] = 'Portal'; not with $parent and phrase the word Portal
  • eval('$portal_articlelist .= "' . fetch_template('PORTAL') . '";'); // this serves no purpose
The attached is an untested revision of the portal.php file, though it may need tweaks or fixes as well because it's untested, so it's up to you to test. Hope it helps. :)

peterska2 12-15-2006 03:19 PM

Cheers for that Calorie. :)

It needs some issues fixing, and is not recommended for use at the moment.

[high]* peterska2 adds it to the top of the to-do list[/high]

YeşiLMeN 12-15-2006 04:15 PM

Nice, Peter ;)

flyingmongoose 12-16-2006 05:37 PM

Is there a way to make it so that the news functions can pull from more than just 2 forums? (I have a category with 4 forums but I want to display all 4 of them as news posts, don't ask me why)

And is there anyway to get the combination to alternate back and forth? Not just, first forum news posts then second forums news posts, I'm talking first forum news post, then second, then first, or if more are involved (up to for, first forum news post, second forum news post, third forum news post, fourth forum news post, first forum news posts, etc.)

Any info or help on this would be great :).

peterska2 12-16-2006 10:02 PM

This is something I am looking into for the next build.

goga123 12-17-2006 06:05 PM

Can Anyone Help Me To Install Tht

Plz And Thanxs

peterska2 12-17-2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by goga123 (Post 1140463)
Can Anyone Help Me To Install Tht

Plz And Thanxs

Contact me via PM please

Quantnet 12-18-2006 12:45 AM

I'm looking forward to installing this on my live site in a week or so. I've been looking at VB CMPS for a while but never installed it or know what VBadvanced offers that you do not.

1) I assume your mod will use the default skin of the forum ? Will the header banner from the forum be on the front page ? I'm looking for something like we have here on Vb.org

2)Do you have mini calendar modules ? Current poll ? Today birthday ?

3) I mostly need latest 10 thread modules, mini-calendar, news, events, etc


TheBlackPoet 12-18-2006 01:09 AM

this portal is working great for me... i would like to know if a poll and small calendar could be developed... peterska2., you did a damn good job with this hack!

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