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LBmtb 12-17-2006 01:17 AM

Site Name: SocalTrailRiders.org (STR)
URL: Home & Forum Home
Description: Regional forum for Southern California mountain bikers.
Reason for Nomination: True family/community atmosphere and a dedicated owner who regards the site as his 'baby' and the forum members as his friends.

Adrian Schneider 12-17-2006 02:26 AM

I'll second SocialTrailRiders.org - looks good

Shana 12-17-2006 04:27 AM

Site Name: The Knightes of Maple
URL: http://www.knightsofmaple.com/forum
Description: A guild for the game Maple Story, we're the oldest / biggest guild in the game. We pride ourselves in helping newbies / anyone get started in the game and a no-hacker policy.
Reason for Nomination: This is just a small forum, but I'd like to see us get an award for recognition. The members are outstanding, and we've come a long way! Just hoping for some knowledge that we exist, haha.

GrendelKhan{TSU 12-17-2006 08:44 AM

I third mudbog.net

Logikos 12-17-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by SmashinYoungMan (Post 1138297)
Site Name: Age of Antiquity
URL: http://www.ageofantiquity.com/forum/
Description: A forum for ancient and medieval era enthusiasts.
Reason for Nomination: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Thankee. :)

I second AOA - The sites deisgn is amazing. Great job SYM!


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1138393)
WOW! Not much going on AND can't really tell if you have many custom modifications - but the skin is just gorgeous!

I'll 2nd your site for the skin alone ;)


I would have to agree. :cool:

peterska2 12-17-2006 12:32 PM

Please make sure it is clear what you are seconding by quoting the original nomination, or stating the name or URL in your second.

If we cannot tell just by looking at your post who you are seconding, then the second will not be counted.

Ziki 12-17-2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by SmashinYoungMan (Post 1138297)
Site Name: Age of Antiquity
URL: http://www.ageofantiquity.com/forum/
Description: A forum for ancient and medieval era enthusiasts.
Reason for Nomination: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Thankee. :)

This is the best looking style I ever saw.I second.

iahead 12-18-2006 08:13 AM

Site Name: Error Forum
URL: http://www.errorforum.com
Description: Error or Bug get it Fixed
Reason for Nomination: Its Very Unqiue

CustomizeVB 12-18-2006 10:23 PM

Site Name: Talk Developers
URL: http://www.talkdevelopers.com/community/
Description: Interviews, articles, templates and more!

Reason for nomination:
This is one of the most, if not the most promising community of 2006 for developers in the web development field. It'll have alot of interviews, articles, free resources, and more within the next while, but already offers 4 interviews, 4 articles and 3 free templates for registered members only and it's going on it's first month online.

Talk Developers makes a great community for all developers

Kryative 12-18-2006 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1130458)
Site Name: vBulletin
URL: www.vbshazz.com
Description: Encourges people that don't have vBulletin to get vBulletin! And for the people that have vB its another vB community ;)
Reason for Nomination: Every other vB forum/board has won at least once, thought Id give it a try :)

i second that:cool:

Adrian Schneider 12-18-2006 11:25 PM

I'll also second http://www.ageofantiquity.com/forum/

yingzhou 12-21-2006 08:02 AM

Here is my site

Site Name:
URL: www.pdaviet.net
Description: The best site for PDA Software.
Reason for Nomination: You can download all the software needed for your PDA. :D

Guest0321 12-21-2006 02:21 PM

Site Name: Todd and Tyler Unauthorized!
URL: http://tntu.net/homeindex-home.html
Description: The official unofficial site of the syndicated Todd and Tyler show.
Reason for Nomination: Customized style with matching zoints profile style. Custom "Yet Another Great Band Name" mod that manages "great band names" mentioned on the t&t show, and randomly displays them. Custom podcast player on the vBadvanced CMPS page that displays which podcast is available that day.

Tommy12345 12-22-2006 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian (Post 1141283)

This is the best looking site
Site Name: Age of Anitquity
URL: http://www.ageofantiquity.com/forum/
Description: Templates and more!
Reason for nomination: This is professionally done.

psychotica 12-23-2006 05:28 AM

Site Name: Poetry in Color Forum
URL: http://JPiCForum.infoDescription: Poetry, Essays, Shortstories, Creative Non-fiction, Book Reviews & more. JPiC Forum For Writers: We celebrate diversity with the typed word...
Reason for Nomination: Very nice community with very friendly and talented members. Very colorful and nice to look at.

smacklan 12-24-2006 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by FLMom (Post 1138456)
Site Name: My Parent Connection

URL: http://www.MyParentConnection.com

Description: MPC is a community of parents and parents-to-be that offer tons of resources, articles, recipes, games & contests, blogs, messages boards and so much more!

Reason for Nomination: This is a small community with a big heart! I think we stand out above the rest because we make it our personal goal to help anyone involved with kids to be a better parent or guardian to a child. We offer support, advice and a daily escape to refresh and regroup so that they can go back to their families and be the best parent they can be!

very nice site...seconded :)

peterska2 12-24-2006 09:02 PM

Please send a PM to me if there are any concerns about nominations.

All posts which are not nominations or seconds have been removed.

TrumpetMaster 12-25-2006 03:10 AM

Site Name:
URL: http://www.trumpetmaster.com
Description: The premier trumpet site on the web!
Reason for Nomination: About 6 months ago we made the switch from phpbb to VB and we will never look back. We have put alot of effort into customizing our vbulletin the best we can with a custom skin and other additions including vbadvanced CMPS, photopost classifieds, and vbadvanced Links. We are constantly trying to improve the site to be the best on the web for trumpet players! Thanks alot!

Ohiosweetheart 12-25-2006 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by TrumpetMaster (Post 1144763)
Site Name: TrumpetMaster.com
URL: http://www.trumpetmaster.com
Description: The premier trumpet site on the web!
Reason for Nomination: About 6 months ago we made the switch from phpbb to VB and we will never look back. We have put alot of effort into customizing our vbulletin the best we can with a custom skin and other additions including vbadvanced CMPS, photopost classifieds, and vbadvanced Links. We are constantly trying to improve the site to be the best on the web for trumpet players! Thanks alot!

EXCELLENT site! Love the skin, good content, nicely laid out.
I'll second!

ZeroX Prodigy 12-26-2006 03:38 PM

Site Name: TalkHTTP
URL: http://www.talkhttp.net
Description: TalkHttp is a webmaster discussion forum where you can gather with fellow webmasters and meet all types of site owners. Sell, Buy, Trade your wares, and more!
Reason for Nomination: It's been open since July, and has made me proud to be an administrator there. Also, I think it can do well in it's first contest. :)

packetattack 12-26-2006 04:19 PM

I nominate the following two vBulletin sites:

http://forums.nycmaximas.org - Very busy site for a local auto community of Nissan Maxima Enthusiasts in the NYC/Tri-State area.

http://forums.guyanapride.org - Newly launched site, going official in January 1st, 2007. A common meeting place for all Guyanese in the United States.

rolandogomez 12-27-2006 05:24 PM

I just built this site, took me about three days, had some help here and there, but most of it was done by me. I'm no coder or programmer, but I've been learning as I go thanks to great resources like this site and others. This is my third site, and I think I just keep getting better every day.

As Requested:

Originally Posted by rolandogomez
Site Name: CameraZoo.com
URL: http://www.camerazoo.com
Description: Photography Site for Pros to Hobbyist focusing on life and our world around us.
Reason for Nomination: Not built by a coder, programmer, etc., but buy a photographer who's learned from many coders, programmers, etc., and by helpful people here on Vbulletin.org, Vbulletin.com, Vblogetin.com, TheVBGeek.com, VBGreece.com, VBhacks.com, VBskinworks.com, VBmodder.com, VBadvanced.com, PhotoPost.com, Photoplog.com, Vbseo.com and every VB site out there...thanks for all the help. Without any of of the sites mentioned and others, along with the community of folks at each site, I'd have no ability to have accomplished what I've done so far in three days. Site publically launched Christmas Eve 2006, late.

While the site is not totally completed, it's not "underconstruction" either as it's totally fully functional right now. Check it out, vote for it I hope! Thanks again to everyone for their help, advice and more. Happy Holidays, rg sends!

AKapadia 12-28-2006 11:20 PM

Site Name: Desi-Forumz.com
URL: www.desi-forumz.com
Description: Indian TvShows, Music, Movies, Chit Chat, Sports
Reason for Nomination: I have Made whole forum Creative with Different hacks and own code..

soletrader 12-29-2006 01:58 PM

Site Name: Traders Laboratory
URL: http://www.traderslaboratory.com/
Description: Financial forum for traders and active investors. We focus on futures, stocks, option, and forex.
Reason: We have taken a different approach in starting a forum. Our initial goal was to make our site more than a forum and interactive as possible. We feature articles sections, charts, videos, and chat rooms. We also host live chat seminars on trading. We have recently partnered up with a financial news firm and interviews can be streamed via our site through our audio player.

This is my first forum and website ever. I managed to make it without any coding knowledge so still shocked how I came up this far. We have managed to reach the 1,000 member mark this month within 5 months of launch. We are a revenue sharing board with adsense and also through amazon for those who write book reviews.

rolandogomez 12-31-2006 01:04 AM

As Requested:

Originally Posted by rolandogomez
Site Name: Glamour1.com
URL: http://www.glamour1.com
Description: Photography Site for Pros to Hobbyist focusing on glamour photography and other genres.
Reason for Nomination: I built this site, took me about eight years, yep, been at it since 1999 and still at it. First had Matt's old CGI forum script then as we grew Ubb, then said I was going to something much better and made the switch to VBulletin--best decision I ever made and I'm not sure why I waited so long. I've had some help here and there, but most of it was done by me--all blood, sweat and tears. In 1999 I didn't even know what HTML was, though I've learned the hard way, self-taught while raising five kids and working full time.

The hardest part was six years ago, Dec. 28th, while my wife had her feet in stirrups delivering our first child between us after losing what would have been our first son, in utero the year before, I as on the with the FBI (pre-9/11) and at the time Interland security teams as we were seriously hit by a hacker and a DOS attack. While I was on a four-way phone call with them, after about a week the individual that caused all the problems was arrested, in all places, Lousianna. So I can honestly say blood, sweat and tears have been put in this website.

In March 2006 I took a chance and changed the name to what it is today, originally it was called GarageGlamour and dedicated to those who work full-time to pay their bills while persuing their passion in the photographic arts, much like Paul Allen the co-founder of Microsoft who plays in a "garage band" called Grown Men. The name change didn't hurt us, but it hasn't been easy. We were able to maintain our #1 rank with Google.com under "glamour photography" that we've enjoyed for almost six years now, among other key search terms.

While I'm no coder or programmer, I've been learning as I go thanks to great resources like this site and others. This was my first site and I'm up to three, but I'm happy to be away from that 2400 baud modem and using broadband now, makes one heck of a difference and we all just keep getting better every day. I dedicate this nomination to my wife and children that have "missed" their dad when I bury myself in my "puter" room.

Not built by a coder, programmer, etc., but buy a photographer who's learned from many coders, programmers, etc., and by helpful people here on Vbulletin.org, Vbulletin.com, Vblogetin.com, TheVBGeek.com, VBGreece.com, VBhacks.com, VBskinworks.com, VBmodder.com, VBadvanced.com, PhotoPost.com, Photoplog.com, Vbseo.com and every VB site out there...thanks for all the help.

Without any of of the sites mentioned and others, along with the community of folks at each site and here, I'd have no ability to have accomplished what I've done so far in almost nine years. Site publically launched March 7, 1999 as www.garageglamour.com then the name changed on March 2006.

Check it out, vote for it I hope! Thanks again to everyone for their help, advice and more. Happy Holidays, rg sends!

peterska2 12-31-2006 01:32 PM

Last few hours now for nominations for January's Poll. Please make sure that you have checked out the sites nominated and seconded the ones that you like the best.

Good luck everybody.

SaN-DeeP 12-31-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by BamaStangGuy (Post 1130425)
Site Name: Mustangevolution.com
URL: http://www.mustangevolution.com/forum/
Description: Ford Mustang discussion forum
Reason for Nomination: Excellent resource for Ford Mustang enthusiasts with a clean style and friendly staff.

seconded guy has put in lot of efforts and this new version is remarkable

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