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dcpaq2xx 02-14-2007 04:57 AM

Anything new on this deleting of attachments issue?


thincom2000 02-14-2007 05:07 AM

I personally never experienced the attachment references being removed from posts with this hack, but I guess I'll look into this tomorrow and post my findings here if the author doesn't get to it before then.

dcpaq2xx 02-14-2007 05:29 AM

In the admin cp there is a feature called 'List Users with Override'. What does it actually do? and in what cases would it show something?



dizzy100 02-14-2007 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by thincom2000 (Post 1182093)
I personally never experienced the attachment references being removed from posts with this hack, but I guess I'll look into this tomorrow and post my findings here if the author doesn't get to it before then.

I don't think it actually deletes the attachments persay, just looses their focus with the posting.

I posted several tests with attachments added under a different author, using AEO, and when submitting, the attachments are gone (although i have no doubt they are likely still in the system). Disabling the mod and posting the very same way, under a different username, and the attachments stay so its a reference issue with the new post using AEO i would imagine.

Until such time as this is addressed i have disabled the mod, but i'm missing it already :)

I also noticed that if you post with a different date (say a new thread) the forum home page and indeed new posts will still report it as new with the actual date you submitted it.

So say i posted a post that was too months ago (i had need to move some posts manually from my old board that failed to come in through Impex) then forumhome will show it as posted today and new, even though the date stamp is now two months ago, set through AEO. That caused my users some confusion for sure. Minor bug, but obviously again needs addressing.

dizzy100 02-14-2007 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by dcpaq2 (Post 1182102)
In the admin cp there is a feature called 'List Users with Override'. What does it actually do? and in what cases would it show something?



Instead of allowing just a usergroup to use the feature, you can actually allow individual users to use the AEO interface too. Then that panel would show the users you have allowed override use and access to AEO (i assume, haven't tested).

dcpaq2xx 02-14-2007 01:25 PM

oh ok thanks dizzy100.


akanevsky 02-14-2007 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Tulsa (Post 1182071)
Your directions call for this in the "edit post" template.

<form name="vbform" action="editpost.php" method="post"<if condition="!is_browser('webtv')"> onsubmit="return vB_Editor['$editorid'].prepare_submit(0, $vboptions[postminchars])"</if>>

The actual code is:

<form name="vbform" action="editpost.php?do=updatepost&amp;p=$postid" method="post"<if condition="!is_browser('webtv')"> onsubmit="return vB_Editor['$editorid'].prepare_submit(0, $vboptions[postminchars])"</if>>
It's missing the blue text in a stock 3.6.4 template

Everyone can just look for

<form name=
and they find it just fine. It's the only instance of this in the "edit post" template.

Just like

<form action=
is the only instance of this in the "new post" template.

Excellent mod though! :up:

Incorrect. In editpost, using your instructions, the code will end up being added into "Delete This Post" form, not the "Edit This Post" form. And that'll create a lot of problems.


Originally Posted by dcpaq2 (Post 1182088)
Anything new on this deleting of attachments issue?


When there are news, youi'll be notified as long as you are subscribed to this thread. Please do not ask that question again.

dcpaq2xx 02-15-2007 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1182595)
When there are news, youi'll be notified as long as you are subscribed to this thread. Please do not ask that question again.

Geesh, ask one time and I get my hand slapped. I'm sorry I even asked.


Tulsa 02-15-2007 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1182595)
Incorrect. In editpost, using your instructions, the code will end up being added into "Delete This Post" form, not the "Edit This Post" form. And that'll create a lot of problems.

It's not my instructions bud. It's simply what was there when I went and edited the template. I didn't write it, just put the edit where you instructed or as close as I could find to put it based on your instructions. It was a totally stock, unmodified "editpost" template in 3.6.4.

Actually upon checking it in the compare versions, it's a 3.6.2 version by freddie, that wasn't changed in upgrades to 3.6.4. I'm sure you're familiar with the compare versions in the template editor and how it shows changes from the original in different colors. Well here's a pic of that file in the compare versions, I kept a piece on the left of the unedited file to give reference and the only color change you see is the edit your instructions say to make.

I've also included your instructions, as you can plainly see they are different and your instruction set is wrong from at least 3.6.2 and forward.

akanevsky 02-15-2007 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tulsa (Post 1182951)
It's not my instructions bud. It's simply what was there when I went and edited the template. I didn't write it, just put the edit where you instructed or as close as I could find to put it based on your instructions. It was a totally stock, unmodified "editpost" template in 3.6.4.

Actually upon checking it in the compare versions, it's a 3.6.2 version by freddie, that wasn't changed in upgrades to 3.6.4. I'm sure you're familiar with the compare versions in the template editor and how it shows changes from the original in different colors. Well here's a pic of that file in the compare versions, I kept a piece on the left of the unedited file to give reference and the only color change you see is the edit your instructions say to make.

I've also included your instructions, as you can plainly see they are different and your instruction set is wrong from at least 3.6.2 and forward.

The problem is that prior to 3.6.2 the action was just editpost.php. Now it's editpost.php?do=blablabla. But I'll address that in the next release of the instructions.

Tulsa 02-15-2007 04:30 PM

I noticed this wasn't being associated with a new reply so I added it to the newreply template as follows.


<form action="newreply.php?do=postreply&amp;t=$threadid" name="vbform" method="post"<if condition="!is_browser('webtv')"> onsubmit="return vB_Editor['$editorid'].prepare_submit(0, $vboptions[postminchars])"</if>>


Do you see an issue with this code in this template? It's working nicely located here and gives the advanced edit options now every time you invoke the editor.

yingzhou 02-16-2007 06:16 AM

When I turn this hack on. The admin cant Reply for the post anymore. Why is it?

da420 02-16-2007 03:20 PM

You have to do the template edits.

BOLT 02-17-2007 05:03 PM

PV, I am having a problem with your hack:


read the first post in that thread

PoetJA-1975 02-26-2007 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1182595)
...When there are news, youi'll be notified as long as you are subscribed to this thread. Please do not ask that question again.

1st off... How friggin rude is that!?!?????? Dude asking a question about YOUR modification that has potentially HORRIBLE repercussions for the users' board... My opinion is that this needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY. And having said that one question: are you always such an @ss?

2nd question... (and I really hate to be chastised so rudely for asking - but I'm gonna ask anyway :) )

(available to administrators only) is there anyway to allow the modification to function for SuperMods? It'd be nice to have such a setting ;)


akanevsky 02-27-2007 05:36 PM


My opinion is that this needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY.
Now that I think about it, perhaps I'll go with not fixing it at all. :)

rjmjr69 02-27-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1192048)
Now that I think about it, perhaps I'll go with not fixing it at all. :)

WOW thats not very professional of you. If you wrote the code and its causing security problems it would be your obligation to fix them or let us all know you dont plan on supporting the mod and anymore. But no reason to be so mean about it to a member. Granted it wasnt what you wanted to hear but...................

akanevsky 02-27-2007 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by rjmjr69 (Post 1192186)

"but..................." that's not a security problem. Sorry, but I am not obligated to do anything, and neither are you obligated to use this or any other of my hacks. You are forgetting that it's all done for free, and I can withdraw support any time I want, esspecially when important things get in the way (which is what happened). But, meh, that was already said many times, so I'm not going to go into it. I'm only going to say that unless it's a real security issue, or an issue with one of my commercial modifications, it's not of high priority to me at this time. Period.

rjmjr69 02-27-2007 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1192215)
"but..................." that's not a security problem. Sorry, but I not obligated to do anything, and neither are you obligated to use this or any other of my hacks. You are forgetting that it's all done for free, and I can withdraw support any time I want, esspecially when important things get in the way (which is what happened). But, meh, that was already said many times, so I'm not going to go into it. I'm only going to say that unless it's a real security issue, or an issue with one of my commercial modifications, it's not of high priority to me at this time. Period.

Sorry I miss read the issue. I was just awe struck with your reply. I completely understand and agree with you. Again Sorry

Keep up the good work we all love your mods.

PoetJA-1975 02-28-2007 03:39 AM

1. THE ISSUE (quote, unquote)

Originally Posted by dizzy100 (Post 1181708)
Think i've found quite a serious bug here.

Any posts with attachments in them will get their attachments deleted.

I had mine all deleted over the last day, couldn't place why and then realised it was because of using this hack (which i found handy instead of logging in and out). But looking at the posts with no attachments (where there should have been) proves it was whilst using this hack the attachments went astray.

Anyone have the same findings ?

For you to have blown Dude off with a smartass little comment is NOT acceptible in my opinion. It's a SERIOUS concern that should have been addressed PERIOD! He's talking about posts that can potentially be ERASED from the Forum = SERIOUS, possibly not "security issue" (blablablablablablablablabla), but serious!

2. Your modification is checked as supported! I know you'll want to correct me anyway - but I will go ahead and say - Correct me if I'm wrong, but when a modification is checked as "supported" on vBulletin.org it is IMPERATIVE that the author of such a hack understands OBLIGATION of the term supported and blablablablablablabla....

3. I'm actually concerned about the deletion of attachments issue...

4. When "important things get in the way" do you feel any need to at least tell people that? It would have been nice just to have seen: "I'm busy right now - other shyt is in the way - ...Get back to you ASAP, thanx for using my modification..."

5. I will respectfully suggest that any modification that Psionic Vision puts on vBulletin.org IS of high priority... You actually have an audience Dude. I don't think you respect that. You should!

Anyway.... Such scathing comments = blablablablablablablablalba - If I were you - I'd appreciate my gift of vB Wiz and act like it, 'les I hang myself by my bootstrings :)


ps.... I realize the above post is such a turmoil for you to read AND such time consuming, but if you can dare take a bit of time to even answer my 1st question - It'd be appreciated:

(available to administrators only) is there anyway to allow the modification to function for SuperMods? It'd be nice to have such a setting ;)

akanevsky 02-28-2007 07:07 PM


Please go back to post #58 and re-read it carefully. The arguments in that post are sufficient if you take time to understand them. The only thing I can add is that I strongly discourage you from posting anything further in this or any other of my threads, because I am on the verge of requesting the staff to have ALL of my modifications removed from this site.

In case you are wondering, the last part is underlined because:

a) I am 100% serious;
b) There is absolutely nothing preventing me from doing so;
c) I want to make sure that you notice that part of the post and actually read it - for your own benefit.

Paul M 02-28-2007 10:06 PM

It's about about time everyone in this thread (Author included) started acting like adults. It's like a bunch of fighting school children atm.

JFYI, it's not your job to go around telling other members when they can or cannot post either, that would the the job of the site moderators.

PoetJA-1975 02-28-2007 10:22 PM

My apologies PAUL .


dcpaq2xx 03-01-2007 02:42 PM


I have been using this hack for a few days now, and what I am finding happening with the file attachements is this.

When creating a new post or reply I enter in all my content, and then i go to the file attachment manager and upload any files i want in the post, then I click preview and they are shown 'attached'.

Now when I click on the submit button, the post gets created but the attachments dont stay with the post.

The only way I have found a way around this for now, until hopfully this can be fixed is post your text first without attaching any files, then click the edit button and then upload your files. This is the only way so far that I have been able to use this hack attaching files.

Also another thing I am finding is that the attachments are not being uploaded to the appropriate users files folder. They are being placed in the admin folder within a sub folder like this. Path = domain.com/file_attachments/1/list of various user numbers folders

Is there a way that this program could let us select or have it automatically put the files in their proper folders? I have a feeling letting it put the files into the admin folder is going to cause some issues down the road.

I wonder if using the database for storage until all the messages are moved over is what I should do?


Tom_S 03-01-2007 03:44 PM

Wow! Well I was going to use this hack but after reading all this childishness and the huge surprise is the authors actions. I won't be using any mod this coder makes.

da420 03-01-2007 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tom_S (Post 1193441)
Wow! Well I was going to use this hack but after reading all this childishness and the huge surprise is the authors actions. I won't be using any mod this coder makes.

I don't see it that way. Poet kept nagging about it, and PV kept responding to the nags so she had to come back and nag some more. PV made it VERY clear on his stance on this. I don't understand where there could have been some confusion.

When a vulnerability in someones hack is found, it should be reported. From there it's completely up to the author of the hack to do what they wish with the information provided. You can't make anyone do anything. If you don't like it, it's as simple as uninstalling.

What most people fail to take into consideration is PV and the rest of the coders here are here on their own free time, for FREE. This means they are not getting paid. You can't always expect them to give top quality support for this reason. Sometimes things get in the way, and the little least important things get left behind.

What I saw here, as Paul said, was very high schoolish, and quite ridiculous on both sides, and my explanation is not to clear anyone from any wrongdoings. Just an explanation from a different point of view.

I use this, and many mods provided by PV, and am grateful for the work he has done. I would hate to see them all pulled because of a little spat between another member.

dizzy100 03-01-2007 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1193526)
Concerning the attachment issue... Someone please provide the following details:

a) Your version of vBulletin.
b) Attachment storage method (database or files).
c) The specific steps required to reproduce the error.

Thanks, and I'll take a look at it whenever I can.

I already did this back in post #44 on the 14th of feb.

I'm running 3.6.4 and if you post attachments under a different username using this mod and then save the post the attachements seem to loose focus with the post. Edit the post again and you'll see no attachments linked with the post.

This can be reproduced every single time and i'm using the file method to store.

In honesty i wish i hadn't reported it now after all the fuss and i'm going to mark this as uninstalled.

Thanks anyways.


akanevsky 03-01-2007 06:25 PM


I already did this back in post #44 on the 14th of feb
Sadly, that post does not contain any of the three information bits I asked for. Thanks for providing the information now though.

Mutt 03-05-2007 12:37 AM

I figured out how to have this just appear on the edit page. it was really easy to to and everything appears to be working correctly

turn off the following plugins

then remove $adv_editform from the newthread & newreply templates

that's it.

now the edit box does not appear in when posting a new thread to replying. both work as normal. when editing however, you'll have access to this great hack

I have no idea if I left something on that's no longer needed

dcpaq2xx 03-06-2007 03:11 PM


I dont know if this is happening to anyone else, but i have a couple of questions.

When I go to make a new post with this mod installed, I enter in the text and then submit the post as a different user other than the admin.

Then I go back and edit the post and upload the file attachments to it.

What I am noticing is that when using the file attachment system the folders that are created for each user id, are being placed within the admin's id folder instead of being placed into their own folder.

Why arent they being placed in their own folder since I am telling it to make the post by another user than the admin?


Tom_S 03-06-2007 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by da420 (Post 1193475)
I don't see it that way. Poet kept nagging about it, and PV kept responding to the nags so she had to come back and nag some more. PV made it VERY clear on his stance on this. I don't understand where there could have been some confusion.

When a vulnerability in someones hack is found, it should be reported. From there it's completely up to the author of the hack to do what they wish with the information provided. You can't make anyone do anything. If you don't like it, it's as simple as uninstalling.

What most people fail to take into consideration is PV and the rest of the coders here are here on their own free time, for FREE. This means they are not getting paid. You can't always expect them to give top quality support for this reason. Sometimes things get in the way, and the little least important things get left behind.

What I saw here, as Paul said, was very high schoolish, and quite ridiculous on both sides, and my explanation is not to clear anyone from any wrongdoings. Just an explanation from a different point of view.

I use this, and many mods provided by PV, and am grateful for the work he has done. I would hate to see them all pulled because of a little spat between another member.

You are absolutely right. I do apologize.

SportsZone 03-10-2007 12:09 PM

I'm also having problems with some (but not all) administrators not being able to post. For the time being, i've disabled it and am hoping this wonderful hack gets fixed asap!

BTW when I go to 'list users with override,' I get this fatal error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_editlevels() in /home/temp/public_html/admincp/advedit_users.php on line 77
Thanks for the great hack :)

dcpaq2xx 03-10-2007 01:51 PM

Ive also noticed when using this that when creating a new post, it doesnt show the "show signature" box with the defualt check mark if they have a signature enabled.


dcpaq2xx 03-15-2007 01:08 AM

One more thing I have noticed is that when creating a new post and making replys and if you edit the post date and time to something say a year before the current date, the last reply date and time STILL shows up. Now why wouldnt the last reply date and time be the same as the post date and time?

This hack is really messed up for VB 3.6.5. I do not reccomend.


MJM 03-16-2007 03:26 AM

Can someone confirm this for me please? (vB3.6.5):

1. Make your subscription setting - Do not subscribe - I have it set this way as I, as admin, receive all new posts anyway.

2. Create a New Thread and change to a users name

3. Edit the users post and check subscription type
- It will show as Do not subscribe

4. Try and change to Instant email notification > Save > Now edit and check users subscription
- It does not change to Instant - stays as Do not subscribe

I had a similar problem with the vB Copy Post function and posted it as a bug, which a fix was provided.
See details Here:
vB fix: Copy Post/ edit Thread subscription problem


The following is in regards to making the users subscription follow their default subscription.
Hopefully something similar could be applied to this mod, when creating a new thread for a user:
vB fix: Copy>move post changes users' subscription of post


MJM 03-18-2007 07:51 AM

A follow up.
To be able to change the users thread subscription type on edit, after creating a new thread or post in a users name, use the vB fix provided here:

Copy>move post changes users' subscription of post

I had inadvertantly forgotten to reapply this fix when upgrading from 3.5.4 to 3.6.5 as it is still awaiting the next version for vB bug fixes.


alluidh 05-14-2007 06:35 PM



Are you able to tell what doesn't work, please?
I'd used this hack a very long time in 3.6.0 and I don't want miss him in 3.6.6.

akanevsky 05-15-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by alluidh (Post 1247551)

Are you able to tell what doesn't work, please?
I'd used this hack a very long time in 3.6.0 and I don't want miss him in 3.6.6.

You'll find out if you read the thread.

yingzhou 05-15-2007 10:32 PM

Yeah. Im installed in my 3.6.4 forum then the admin cant use quick reply. But admin can use the Reply. :D Dont know how it is.

Deska 05-16-2007 10:49 AM

So, any chance to get work with latest vbulletin? ;)

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