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-   -   Major Additions - The XEON Mp3 Player for vBulletin 3.6.X Integrated (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129641)

MissKalunji 10-22-2006 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
At the moment, the player is not coded to stream a radio station. This might be an addition we may implement in the Commercial Premium version, which also supports video as well as mp3 streaming. ;)

wow you're amazing! thanks!

Stifmeister2 10-22-2006 11:55 AM

What does this "mass populating the player" mean?

Gripemaster 10-22-2006 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Stifmeister2
What does this "mass populating the player" mean?

The ability to add more than one URL for the MP3's at a time. I have over 300 songs, and adding them is somewhat tedious when it has to be done one at a time. Copy, paste, add name, lather, rinse, repeat. LOL

But this hack is well worth it, in my humble opinion. :rambo:

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Stifmeister2
What does this "mass populating the player" mean?

Basically, if you had the previous version installed which used XML files to populate the player. then this is an option to convert them to use the vbulletin database. All the urls and track data needs to be inserted into this version manually, one at a time.

So, 'mass populating' can be done by using a SQL query, by entering all the tracks into a notepad document, and then copy and paste this data into either the AdminCP - SQL Query or directly into your database using phpMyAdmin.

For SQL queries to be done in vBulletin you need to enable this feature in the includes/config.php file.

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gripemaster
The ability to add more than one URL for the MP3's at a time. I have over 300 songs, and adding them is somewhat tedious when it has to be done one at a time. Copy, paste, add name, lather, rinse, repeat. LOL

But this hack is well worth it, in my humble opinion. :rambo:

Okay, you beat me to it! lol:D Thought you'd still be adding tracks...;)

Gripemaster 10-22-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Okay, you beat me to it! lol:D Thought you'd still be adding tracks...;)

I got 3 of the 5 playlists done before my eyes just would not stay open last night (or I should say this morning LOL)

I wondered about doing it through the database, but I barely feel comfortable with code... I don't mess with the database unless I absolutely have to. I am the only admin and yes I can run queries, I just don't so I don't break something. :up:

patsalko 10-22-2006 01:46 PM

Great Hack!

Any way to change 'PlayList 1' to something more meaningfull like 'JAZZ'??


syrus.xl 10-22-2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by patsalko
Great Hack!

Any way to change 'PlayList 1' to something more meaningfull like 'JAZZ'??


We can incorporate playlist naming, but this will probably be released in an update. As it would require code and internal player code modifications.

Or are you refering to the names it shows in vBulletin? If this is the case, it's not that hard to change, but the player buttons would also require changes.

patsalko 10-22-2006 02:24 PM

For those interested, I have created a little PERL shell script to create the playlist SQL insert statement automatically.

Here u go. You do need to know PERL to run it :)


1. Create the file list

LIST.txt needs to be in this format

you can do a dir or ls (in unix) and save the list to LIST.txt (or whatever)

2. Create a Perl script . Name it what you like i.e. list.pl

------------ cut here ------------------
#!D:/xampp/perl/bin/perl.exe  #update this to the location of your perl executable #!/usr/bin/perl or whatever

# Open file

my $url = "http://yourmp3_files_URL/";

open(FILE, $data_file) || die("Could not open file!");


close (FILE);

# Data stored in VB this way
#Playlist 1 = 'vb_mp3playlist'
#Playlist 2 = 'vb_mp3playlist1'
#Playlist 3 = 'vb_mp3playlist2'
#Playlist 4 = 'vb_mp3playlist3'
#Playlist 5 = 'vb_mp3playlist4'

# Insert rows like this
#INSERT INTO `vb_mp3playlist` VALUES (1, 'mp3 1 url goes here', 'true', 1, 'artist and song number 1 goes here', 1);
#INSERT INTO `vb_mp3playlist` VALUES (2, 'mp3 2 url goes here', 'true', 1, 'artist and song number 2 goes here', 1);
#INSERT INTO `vb_mp3playlist` VALUES (3, 'mp3 3 url goes here', 'true', 1, 'artist and song number 3 goes here', 1);

my $i = 0;  # or whatever you want the list to start at
foreach $line (@raw_data)
        #Split name and extension
        #build full url
        my $mp3url= $url . $line;
        #build songname
        my $songname = $w_name;
        #insert statement
        print "INSERT INTO vb_mp3playlist VALUES ($i, '$mp3url', 'true', 1, '$songname', 1);\n";

exit (0);
--------------------- cut here ---------------

3. Run scrit and pipe the results

list.pl > list.txt

4. Run the the SQL

5. Voila!

bandare 10-22-2006 03:11 PM

sorry, I may be ignorant but can this work as a popup?

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by bandare
sorry, I may be ignorant but can this work as a popup?

The popup code is in the first post. Just a piece of javascript calling a custom template. This will be changing over the next few days to use a dropdown menu, all is explained in the first post.


bandare 10-22-2006 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
The popup code is in the first post. Just a piece of javascript calling a custom template. This will be changing over the next few days to use a dropdown menu, all is explained in the first post.


aaaah, its in the code for the navbar u mean.......

I am wanting to add a link within a post as for me, its for a special feature on the site so people can access it from the link I give in a post...... :)

So I would put CLICK HERE to play mp3 player. that will then open the popup player :)

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by bandare
aaaah, its in the code for the navbar u mean.......

I am wanting to add a link within a post as for me, its for a special feature on the site so people can access it from the link I give in a post...... :)

So I would put CLICK HERE to play mp3 player. that will then open the popup player :)

Hi Bandare,

Yeah, that was the code I was referring too.

Placing a link in a post, would require HTML to be enabled in the forum, since it requires the navbar code to be changed.

If you need to know the code let me know.


Spermy 10-22-2006 05:14 PM

Another Admin installed this and didn't Update first, I tried to uninstall it(after telling him to read the instructions first or don't do it) and reinstalled it. It still won't update now, still gives the redirect error.

Any way to fix this?

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Spermy
Another Admin installed this and didn't Update first, I tried to uninstall it(after telling him to read the instructions first or don't do it) and reinstalled it. It still won't update now, still gives the redirect error.

Any way to fix this?

Uninstall the product from Products & Plugins first, then you will need to edit the database using phpMyAdmin and 'Drop' the mp3player settings table. This is the only table left after doing the Product uninstall, so all previous settings will be deleted.

This will clear all the modfication from the system. So, by doing a fresh install you will need to first 'Update' the settings in Mp3 Player Management. If you don't update first then then error cache is not cleared, which causes the error.

Hope that helps!

Spermy 10-22-2006 05:55 PM

I uninstalled it, dropped the table mp3player settings.
logged out
logged back in
reinstalled the product
update the settings after refresh
still get the redirect error.

any ideas?

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 06:03 PM

Do you mean the 'mp3player_cp_redirect' once settings are saved? This is not an error, its listed under 'Known Issues' and refers to a missing phrase. I will be updating the package in a few days and this missing phrase will be added.

It will still function correctly, its just vbulletin stating that a phrase is missing, not defined.

If that's what you are referring too?

teedizz 10-22-2006 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by teedizz
any plans on releasing a smaller version like you initially had with the ipod nano looking one? This one is a bit " bulky ".

Can you answer when u get a chance syrius. thanks.

Spermy 10-22-2006 06:06 PM

Yes, but it isn't saving any of the mp3 urls I add.

I open the player and there isn't any songs
I will try again, step by step, maybe I missed something.

Spermy 10-22-2006 06:09 PM

I needed to approve it. Damn I'm dumb.

Thx for the help

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by teedizz
Can you answer when u get a chance syrius. thanks.

Sorry, I forgot about this post!:o

Right, I will modifying the code and the vbMp3 Player (ipod 'lookalike') very soon. Due to the way the vbMp3 functions, it requires changes to the main files of this new version.

I do have another mini-player (The 'Pico' Player) which will function the same as the XEON with multiple playlists, yet everything is very small, but this is in early development stages.

So, yes there is a few new players that will be released, including the 'vbE-
Center' (a mp3 and video player combined!).;)

Snake 10-22-2006 08:19 PM

This is really strange. When I first installed this hack, everything seems to work just fine but then, a few minutes later while I was adding some more songs to the MP3 player, it seems that it doesn't wanna work no more! Don't ask me how or why 'cause I've no idea.

Here take a look for yourself:

Note that you must be a member inorder to view the player. As you can see, the song doesn't even stream or plays it. It says the URL address to that song but it doesn't load or at least, says the title of that song. Do you have any idea what's going on? Is it because I have the songs uploaded in a sub-folder (which would be: http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/ju...n/opening.mp3).

Also, in case you haven't noticed, I think I've managed to find a few bugs:

-While adding a quote or multi quotes (such as: ' "), it should give you a mySQL page error. (See below.)
-Accessing the "http://www.yourdomain.com/mp3playerindex.php" page gives you a blank, white page.
-After editting the settings for the player, it gives me this error "Could not find phrase 'mp3player_cp_redirect'.".
-And finally, after adding a song/mp3 via the ACP, each time when you edit that song you will notice that the "Approve MP3" option automatically checks to "No" when it's supposed to say "Yes". It's kinda a pain in the ass to edit every song and set it to "Yes" inorder to get the song working in the player.


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:

Invalid SQL:
update mp3playlist set


url_product='Opening' Advent Children',





where id='1';

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Advent Children',



' at line 5
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, October 23rd 2006 @ 01:12:48 AM
Script : http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/ad...edit_playlist1
Referrer : http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/ad...playlist1&id=1
Username : Darkblade
Classname : vb_database

bandare 10-22-2006 08:59 PM

how does the buffer number work?????

syrus.xl 10-22-2006 09:17 PM

@Snake: I will get my co-author to look into these issues. Strange, we've never had a problem like that during testing. The missing redirect phrase in the AdminCP is noted in Known Issues.


Originally Posted by bandare
how does the buffer number work?????

The buffer works like this:

The player has default settings, namely Stream set to 'True' and Buffer set to '5'. Note: If the Stream is set to 'False' on a track, the buffer will be useless.

This is how it works:
For the Buffer to function, Streaming must be set to true. If Stream is set to 'False' then the player will download the entire track before playing it.

With Stream set to 'True', a buffer value can be entered which overrides the default value held within the player.

The Buffer is measured in seconds, it is the delay required before a track starts to play. For example, if the Buffer is set to '5' then the player will only start playing once it has downloaded at least the first 5 seconds of the track.

Basically, you set it higher if your server is slow loading, or an external server is running slow. Normally, if you host the mp3's on your own server, then the buffer can be set quite low. Setting the Buffer to '1' will mean it will play a track, virtually instantly.

bandare 10-22-2006 09:19 PM

thats great... thanks for that...

Gripemaster 10-22-2006 10:01 PM

FINALLY!!! Up and running and rocking to the tunes.

(After adding a whole bunch of URL's) LOL

A mass population option is all this mod needs. Thanks for all your hard work, thanks for a great mod.

*Finally Clicks Installed*


Barakat 10-22-2006 11:57 PM

wow nice one >

Snake 10-23-2006 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
@Snake: I will get my co-author to look into these issues. Strange, we've never had a problem like that during testing. The missing redirect phrase in the AdminCP is noted in Known Issues.

Yeah thanks for getting back to me, though this makes me wonder when these people are installing the hack and that it would work just fine for them but not me? :surprised:

engager 10-23-2006 04:37 AM

Using v3.6.0

I, too, have this problem:


-After editting the settings for the player, it gives me this error "Could not find phrase 'mp3player_cp_redirect'.".
Can anyone give advice on how to gain MP3 URL's?


syrus.xl 10-23-2006 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by engager
Using v3.6.0

I, too, have this problem:

Can anyone give advice on how to gain MP3 URL's?


The problem with the phrase will not affect the performance of this modification, it is only a definition missing for the 'mp3player_cp_redirect' in the AdminCP, and is listed under Known Issues and will be fixed shortly.

BTW, I have PM'd you regarding Mp3 Urls. I do have quite a alot PM's a day on here, and always check them first. ;)

theodonnells 10-23-2006 08:27 AM

How would i stand legally by letting my forum members listen to Mp3 tracks without paying royalties? Surely its against the law to broadcast copyright songs.Unless you pay royalties every time a song is played. Wouldnt want a big invoice from some major music company...

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by theodonnells
How would i stand legally by letting my forum members listen to Mp3 tracks without paying royalties? Surely its against the law to broadcast copyright songs.Unless you pay royalties every time a song is played. Wouldnt want a big invoice from some major music company...

This was answered on a previous thread regarding the issue. It was referring to the XML driven version.

Here's the posting:

Snake 10-23-2006 12:21 PM

I never thought you could add up and stream MP3s that are hosted on other servers from mine...

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Snake
I never thought you could add up and stream MP3s that are hosted on other servers from mine...

Yes, the player is designed to accept internal or external urls. It's entirely upto ones preferences, how it's configured.:)

Snake 10-23-2006 04:20 PM

Oh that's really cool. So ayrus, have you found a way to fix up my issue? I could give you FTP and ACP access to my board. Please fix this for me! :( It seems that I'm the only person who's having this issue only.

And I've been waiting for a hack like this ages ago!

syrus.xl 10-23-2006 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Snake
Oh that's really cool. So ayrus, have you found a way to fix up my issue? I could give you FTP and ACP access to my board. Please fix this for me! :( It seems that I'm the only person who's having this issue only.

And I've been waiting for a hack like this ages ago!

If you PM me your details then I'll have a look for you, this evening (BST) London...lol Beings, I live in a country known for 'rain':banana: I have nothing else on today! :)

micheal332001 10-23-2006 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Snake
This is really strange. When I first installed this hack, everything seems to work just fine but then, a few minutes later while I was adding some more songs to the MP3 player, it seems that it doesn't wanna work no more! Don't ask me how or why 'cause I've no idea.

Here take a look for yourself:

Note that you must be a member inorder to view the player. As you can see, the song doesn't even stream or plays it. It says the URL address to that song but it doesn't load or at least, says the title of that song. Do you have any idea what's going on? Is it because I have the songs uploaded in a sub-folder (which would be: http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/ju...n/opening.mp3).

Also, in case you haven't noticed, I think I've managed to find a few bugs:

-While adding a quote or multi quotes (such as: ' "), it should give you a mySQL page error. (See below.)
-Accessing the "http://www.yourdomain.com/mp3playerindex.php" page gives you a blank, white page.
-After editting the settings for the player, it gives me this error "Could not find phrase 'mp3player_cp_redirect'.".
-And finally, after adding a song/mp3 via the ACP, each time when you edit that song you will notice that the "Approve MP3" option automatically checks to "No" when it's supposed to say "Yes". It's kinda a pain in the ass to edit every song and set it to "Yes" inorder to get the song working in the player.

Hi there

I will sort out the quotes problem very soon and send the update to sysrus

micheal332001 10-23-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Gripemaster
FINALLY!!! Up and running and rocking to the tunes.

(After adding a whole bunch of URL's) LOL

A mass population option is all this mod needs. Thanks for all your hard work, thanks for a great mod.

*Finally Clicks Installed*


This is being worked on

micheal332001 10-23-2006 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by engager
Using v3.6.0

I, too, have this problem:

Can anyone give advice on how to gain MP3 URL's?


This will be fix soon in the new updated files

Snake 10-23-2006 05:33 PM

Awesome! I can't wait for the next release. Also I am hoping if it would be possible to have something like categories?

Category #1
Category #2
Category #3

Let's say all hip-hop tracks will go into the #1 category, rock tracks will go into the #2, rap will go into the #3, etc. That would be cool. :)

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