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Sal Collaziano 03-17-2007 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by cashpath (Post 1197394)
Could someone tell me how to stop this from moderating RSS feeds? (The feeds are being posted by admin)

This is a legitmate complaint.. Most of my RSS posts (by my admin account) are being moderated.. This is a bug that needs to be fixed... I run this on several busy message boards and it really would be nice to have a fix for this...

Thank you...

Sal Collaziano 03-23-2007 02:09 PM

Bump! Any hope for a fix for this bug? Please?

adwade 03-25-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by tweakmonkey (Post 1105959)
Ideally I'll mod it to give the same message given when a user posts a message that is flagged as moderated, but I don't know where to do this yet...

Any luck with discovering this yet? LOVE the MOD, only wish it gave some sort of indication to a moderated user when they REPLY to a post.

Adrian Schneider 03-25-2007 11:00 PM

Check out my hack here,

It does essentially the same thing, but uses a different hook so it will only catch new threads/posts that are done through the new post/thread editor rather than RSS feeds too. Also, if the post is set as awaiting moderation, they will get the expected redirection message instead of the error.

adwade 03-26-2007 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian (Post 1212235)
Check out my hack here,

It does essentially the same thing, but uses a different hook so it will only catch new threads/posts that are done through the new post/thread editor rather than RSS feeds too. Also, if the post is set as awaiting moderation, they will get the expected redirection message instead of the error.

Will do, Thanxx for the HeadsUp! :D

adwade 04-11-2007 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by tweakmonkey (Post 1099701)
If you allow keyword auto-moderation, your users will receive an "Invalid Thread" message when they use a flagged word on new threads because it's a moderated thread. However this error can be customized here:
Admin Panel / Phrase Manager / phrase type: Error Messages / invalidid

This works just as described, but the redirection is so rapid a user can't read it. Is there any way to have it pause (i.e. like click to continue) so the user would have time to read the error message and then be able to Click on the explanation post as to what's going on & why?

koolasia 04-11-2007 05:55 AM

can we have a feature so that after posting the spammer can see his/her thread but others cant

adwade 04-14-2007 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by adwade (Post 1224635)
...the redirection is so rapid a user can't read it. Is there any way...so the user would have time to read the error message...

Short of having this, I rememberd I had installed Cyb - Prevent Newbies from Posting to Wrong Forum at one time and I just happened to remember it has a feature wherein the new user MUST click on a CONTINUE button before their new post is processed.

Since Cybernetec allows one to customize the phrases used for that MOD I was able to put a NOTICE in there to New Users that they are not able to have LINKS in their posts right off the bat. Not perfect, but it serves my needs for now.

Cyburbia 05-08-2007 12:56 PM

This is a great mod, but I'm finding that some spam posts with URLs slipping through. If it doensn't have the http:// prefix, it bypasses moderation and is posted immediately.

Suggestion: use a custom phrase, instead of the standard vbulletin invalidid phrase.

DiverTree 06-07-2007 12:02 AM

I have the post count set to 3, the url set to 3, and a whole slew of keywords seperated by a comma without a space. When a new user registers ... ninty percent of the time it places them into the moderation queue even if there are no flagged keywords or url's in the post. i just upped the url option to 10 in hopes that it fixes the problem im having ... if not then ill have to uninstall it. its really discouraging to a vetran poster joining a new forum to have there non offencive posts placed into a moderation queue. any suggestions? i really like the concept of this hack and appreaciate the work you put into it ... thank you. :)

tweakmonkey 06-28-2007 09:49 AM

Hey guys,
Thanks for the great feedback on this mod. I'm glad it's worked for some of you. I use it every day still without any changes since I uploaded it here and it prevents almost all of my spam. The reason I created this mod was to make my life easier on a small-medium size (200 active member) forum. I haven't touched the code since October because I have other projects I'm more interested in and it works for my needs, but I will read all the replies and address issues when I get a chance.

The biggest thing it seems people want is a better way for them to notify the users that their posts have been moderated. I agree, this is one feature I should probably add to this plugin and I would like to add this. If anyone knows an effective way this could be done I'd give their suggestion a try.

tweakmonkey 06-28-2007 09:59 AM

A quick search turned up this link. I will take a look at it tomorrow because I'm about to get some sleep:

It may have the answer to your questions.

BTW, I accidentally voted "Terrible, 1-star" for my mod, which dropped the rating significantly. :)

tweakmonkey 06-28-2007 10:25 PM

This last link will fix the problem for *all* new replies, but I don't know where I'd select it for moderated threads specifically.

Since most of my problems occur on new threads, my solution was to change:
Vbulletin CP -> Languages & Phrases -> Search in Phrases -> invalidid as a search term with Phrase Variable Name Only.

This is the message a user will see when a thread is dead or moderated. I simply added a bit about the possible moderation of new threads.

Another good idea might be to make a thread stickied in your forum such as "New to the forum? Read this" and explain the various rules (including spam moderation, URL posting, etc.) and include a link to it on that error page mentioned above.

Unless VB has a way to inform users their posts were moderated when using Quick Reply (for example) I don't know an easy way to remedy the issue for replies made by newbies.

Cyburbia 07-16-2007 12:58 PM

LLet me repost this:

This is a great mod, but I'm finding that some spam posts with URLs slipping through. If it doensn't have the http:// prefix, it bypasses moderation and is posted immediately.

Spammers posting URLs without http:// are still bypassing moderation.

tweakmonkey 07-25-2007 07:04 PM

If a link is missing http or www, it won't work at least, right? The only other thing I can suggest is expand the spam protection keyword list as much as possible. I thankfully haven't had the problem you're mentioning yet.

ZombieAndy 07-26-2007 01:47 PM

I Am interested in this hack as we do have some porn spammers attacking my forums at the moment, but i have the AE detector installed aswell, very useful for members with more than one account.

However, i used to have this hack installed, but it stopped the AE detector from working and dispite being asked many times, the creator did nothing about this.

So i want to know before i download or install anything and get my members hopes up, your hack isnt going to mess with the AE detector is it?

bplinson 07-27-2007 06:19 AM

For some reason I do not have the Admin Panel / Phrase Manager / phrase type: Error Messages / invalidid in my control panel. Was this supposed to be created when the plugin is installed?

Also what are some good keywords to use? I put in nokia and xbox since that is what a lot of spam contains. What other keywords are others using?

tweakmonkey 08-01-2007 06:19 AM

I just put nokia,viagra,qtek,sidekick,.com,www,free

Notice I put www and .com, just to double-protect against spammers.

I also added a couple required fields for all new users to enter, such as "Are you a robot (enter no)?" and "Do you want to register? (enter yes)" to make it less likely for a script to register automatically. Between these filters and the plugin mentioned here, I probably haven't had spam on my forum for over 6 months. We still ban a couple users each day for signing up and attempting to spam though. :)

xuddcd 08-06-2007 09:47 PM

It's really nice, just one feature I think would be very good to add is instead of being able to just block a word, I think being able to block an entire phrase would be good. Sometimes after banning a user they will make another account and make numerous posts saying like "the admin sucks!" or something.

Fox2k 08-12-2007 08:06 PM

Very nice..thank you!

Sal Collaziano 10-09-2007 03:40 PM

The message below seems to come and go too quickly. Is there any way to add in a delay or the ability to FORCE a user to click in order to proceed?

!!! Warning !!!
If you allow keyword auto-moderation, your users will receive an "Invalid Thread" message when they use a flagged word on new threads because it's a moderated thread. However this error can be customized here:
Admin Panel / Phrase Manager / phrase type: Error Messages / invalidid (page 15 or so of the errors)

adwade 10-22-2007 03:44 PM

Yes there is, just see post #48

induslady 12-13-2007 04:10 AM


Does this mod count the URL added in a member's signature while auto-moderating?

Or will it count only the URL in the body of the post?

I see lot of spammers including URLs in their signature and posting. I want to take care of it.


sheryjutt 03-31-2008 07:50 PM

:( Please For 3-7-0

tweakmonkey 03-31-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by sheryjutt (Post 1479368)
:( Please For 3-7-0

I don't run 3.7 on my forums, but when I upgrade after the beta is completed, I'll make sure to update the plugin.


Originally Posted by induslady (Post 1400297)

Does this mod count the URL added in a member's signature while auto-moderating?

Or will it count only the URL in the body of the post?

I see lot of spammers including URLs in their signature and posting. I want to take care of it.


It does not work for signatures. I've seen other forums disable URLs in signatures using other tricks (maybe combine with user rank permissions), but i have never done this.

diettalk 04-01-2008 10:24 AM

Only problem is that it stops my RSS from posting.

induslady 04-09-2008 01:27 PM


I have installed this mod and it is working great with most of the spammers posts with URLs getting moderated. It has reduced our manual moderation works so much and all admins/mods in my site just love this mod.

The auto-moderation keywords that I have included are "www, .com"
I see an issue with 2 cases:

1) Replies with quotes are getting moderated, if the quoted post had an external or internal link in it.
For example - refer the below posts. The quoted post 'Hello Ladies' had an internal link in it. The reply post 'hi everyone' though did not have a link, got moderated because the quote had one.



Hello Ladies!

One hallmark of a good community is how well members know and connect with each other.

Our community is far flung. We have members not only from India, US, UK, Sinagpore etc, we also have members from Republic of Congo, Cyprus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Botswana etc. Even though we are all geographically distant, we can use this forum to know each other well and build a personal connection. The internet can truly make distance disappear!

In an effort to build a tight-knit community, we are starting this thread named "Who am I?" where members can write their profile for others to read.

Let's know each other beyond login IDs!

Moderators of Indusladies!

Please note: This is part II of the "Who am I?" thread. Please go here for "Who am I? - Part I".
hi everyone
am not new to this site but long back i was using this site...hopefully i recalled my id..!!!.thx to indus admin..for .sending a reminder .... hi ladies...who are online
2. The 2nd post by the same member (who posted the above reference post) also got moderated. Though it did not have any link in it, it just had a smilie included from my forum.
I am guessing it got moderated because her 1st post still remains moderated, so the subsequent posts are also treated the same as spam and getting moderated.

Is this right?

Appreciate your clarifications on the above and some quick tips on handling it.


tweakmonkey 04-09-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by diettalk (Post 1479927)
Only problem is that it stops my RSS from posting.

Vbulletin may treat the RSS Poster Bot as a user with 0 posts. I don't know a way around this yet, but when I update the forums on my site I will try to fix it. I'm waiting for 3.7 though -- I use the poster bot feature myself, but moderate what it posts, so this issue does not bother me. Sorry.


Originally Posted by induslady (Post 1486689)

I have installed this mod and it is working great with most of the spammers posts with URLs getting moderated. It has reduced our manual moderation works so much and all admins/mods in my site just love this mod.

Great, I'm glad it's working!


The auto-moderation keywords that I have included are "www, .com"
I see an issue with 2 cases:

1) Replies with quotes are getting moderated, if the quoted post had an external or internal link in it.
For example - refer the below posts. The quoted post 'Hello Ladies' had an internal link in it. The reply post 'hi everyone' though did not have a link, got moderated because the quote had one.
All the mod does is search the entire body of text in the post for the string. If it's contained in a quote or regular post it will still moderate this.

The reason this mod is still so effective for me is because my forums are not extremely busy and I have 5 moderators. Unfortunately, there is no way around this short of loosening up security.


2. The 2nd post by the same member (who posted the above reference post) also got moderated. Though it did not have any link in it, it just had a smilie included from my forum.
I am guessing it got moderated because her 1st post still remains moderated, so the subsequent posts are also treated the same as spam and getting moderated.

Is this right?

Appreciate your clarifications on the above and some quick tips on handling it.

Each post is moderated independently. If a user's post is moderated, the next post should not automatically be moderated unless it contains strings as mentioned, too. What's the post count option set to on your mod? I set mine very low, like 1 or 2. I wish there was a better way to fix this, but I don't know of one yet. My VB just fills up with spam without this mod so I find that manual moderation is the only solution.

I suppose I could change it so there's an option where it simply strips out links and doesn't moderate the posts if the postcount is under 10, but that wouldn't stop users from posting up huge spammy posts selling ipods, prescription medications, and so-on. :(

Cyburbia 04-16-2008 03:28 PM

Just wanted to say again that this is a great hack. It's stopped a lot of manual spam from appearing on my site. Thanks!

Sal Collaziano 04-16-2008 05:05 PM

It would actually be perfect if it didn't moderate the administrators RSS posts..

Paul99999 07-25-2008 08:27 PM

Great hack!

I am finding that when a post get automodded emails are still being sent to people who have subcribed to the thread with the spam in it. Is there any way of preventing the email being sent when the post is automodded?


induslady 10-10-2008 04:24 AM


I would like to know if it is possible to exclude self-domains from this mod.

Have set in my domain ( indusladies.com) to exclude all the URL's for members with post count less than 10. Now I would like to allow the URL for my domain ( indusladies.com) alone i.e. internal links to appear in their posts.
Let me know if it is possible?

tweakmonkey 10-10-2008 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by induslady (Post 1641637)

I would like to know if it is possible to exclude self-domains from this mod.

Have set in my domain ( indusladies.com) to exclude all the URL's for members with post count less than 10. Now I would like to allow the URL for my domain ( indusladies.com) alone i.e. internal links to appear in their posts.
Let me know if it is possible?

Yes this would be quite easy. You could change the If statement in the plugin to check if your URL was included, and if so just ignore the rest of the plugin. I could edit this for you but I'm currently out of the country until the 19th, and probably can't get to it for a week or so after I return.

induslady 10-10-2008 04:33 PM

Looking forward to your reply at the earliest.

Lizama 10-14-2008 12:23 PM

Hi, is this mod compatible with vBulletin 3.7?

tweakmonkey 10-20-2008 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lizama (Post 1644840)
Hi, is this mod compatible with vBulletin 3.7?

Yes, I am using it with 3.7 and have no problems.

Lizama 10-21-2008 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by tweakmonkey (Post 1649031)
Yes, I am using it with 3.7 and have no problems.

Thanks, I will install it

induslady 10-24-2008 03:41 AM

Hello coder
Hope you are back.

I would like to have this mod to exclude self-domains.

Have set in my domain ( indusladies.com) to exclude all the URL's for members with post count less than 10. Now I would like to allow the URL for my domain ( indusladies.com) alone i.e. internal links to appear in their posts.
Let me know.

zooki 01-22-2009 05:32 PM

I cant believe how few people use this mod, it is truly awesome!!

AM I missing something? Howcome not so many people use this? lol

I just came here to give this mod a BUMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP and a Thanks to the creator

An Improvement would be for the threads that are moderated to be dumped into a Forum of my choice, like a Trash forum, for easy pruning

tweakmonkey 01-22-2009 05:41 PM

Thanks! I use it all the time still as well.

I will have to look into that request. I don't really have a lot of time to code but I'm sure it's doable. :P I tried setting up email notifications for it but my PHP skills were too weak at the time. :)

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