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Canis Firebrand 10-21-2006 01:02 AM

I had this hack installed, it is currently disabled right now.

When I had an event, and I went in to try and delete it, it just refreshed the screen and didn't delete the event.

Bojangles 10-21-2006 04:42 PM

Great improvement to the old Event 2.0 mod.

One request though, can you add an option so you can sort the RSVP's by name OR by sign-up date? This is a feature that the original 2.0 had.


Farcaster 10-21-2006 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Canis Firebrand
I had this hack installed, it is currently disabled right now.

When I had an event, and I went in to try and delete it, it just refreshed the screen and didn't delete the event.

Canis, I tried to reproduce the problem you are describing and the event deleted just fine on both a 3.5.4 and 3.6.2 board. What version of vBulletin are you running? If you PM me with some test account information I can take a look and see if I can figure out what is happening. Also, do you still have Arpy's Event Attendance installed, because it may interfere with the operation of this hack.

Farcaster 10-21-2006 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bojangles
One request though, can you add an option so you can sort the RSVP's by name OR by sign-up date? This is a feature that the original 2.0 had.

I'll add that to the list for the next revision.

xnt 10-22-2006 03:42 AM

Thank you, I can't wait to see this hack integrated with the Event Forums ...

It would be wonderful if the following enhancements could be considered for future releases ..

Maximum RSVP: 0 or blank means No limit. Put this RSVP on a wait list when the total RSVP reached this number .
RSVP Expired: RSVP will be closed after this date and time
Allow guests checkbox: If the box is checked, allow each member to register more than 1 person.
Cancelation options: Not needed, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 1 week
RSVP type: eg: Not needed, Recommended, Required


todd222222 10-27-2006 11:18 AM

Excellent hack!

Maybe in the next release you could parse smilies in the comments.

|oR|Greg 10-27-2006 12:26 PM

Instead of doing smilies, at that point you might as well make it like the Event Forums hack. Ya know, with all the hacks out there, you could combine them to what we want with some phrase changes I think. You could change the Groan/Thank You hack to Attending/Not Attending combined with the Event Forums, and with the Global Threads... hrm... I think I have a project ahead of me.

XeroSolution 10-27-2006 03:41 PM

Just what I was looking for, Thanks.

Lionel 10-31-2006 08:59 AM

I wonder if this can be made to bypass vb calendar system, by allowing those private calendars owners (can view others events = no) to set a list of usernames that can see the event. Example, I am a private calendar owner and I am planning an event. Since only me can see the event, I'd like to be able to put a list of users that can bypass that so they could RSVP.

|oR|Greg 11-01-2006 07:36 PM

Am I missing something or is this not a feature? I was looking to see WHEN a person RSVP'd for an event, like something next to there name with a date/time perhaps?

How is the integration with the Event Forums coming?

blacklancer 11-01-2006 11:18 PM

great hack! thanks.

i would second the requests for guests being an option. my users liked having this with the event attendance 2.0 even though it wouldn't add up right :D

Mithan 11-07-2006 01:56 AM

Farcast, this is a great Mod and you may of saved my WoW Guild for Raid Signups.

Some suggestions:
  • Time Stamp option
  • Sort Option (name, order responded too, time)
  • "Close" option that closes the event Manually or at the start time of the event (so people can not sign up after it starts)

Thanks for making this mod, I look further to future additions. I know the MMORPG Community will end up falling in love with this one once it has been further refined.

Mithan 11-07-2006 02:14 AM

One bug I found:
When I install this, it goes through all my events currently on the calendar and turns this Attendance listing ON.

(Yes, I have the code modified so the Allow users to RSVP Box is unchecked).

Is there a way to make it not do this for existing events?

Bojangles 11-12-2006 09:57 PM

Hey Farcaster, any update on this yet? *begs* :)

Farcaster 11-13-2006 04:21 AM

Hey, all. I haven't fallen off the face of the planet or anything. I've been pretty busy with work, family and school lately, so I just haven't had a chance to work on the next update. Currently, these are the elements I am planning to add in the next revision, which I hopefully will have a chance to do this month (during the holiday if nothing else):
  • +Guest Option
  • Timestamp and Sorting Options
  • Ability to auto close RSVP after event expiration.
  • Event Highlighting on the Calendar if the member is RSVP'd (perhaps with their response listed next to the name)
And time permitting, I will also be integrating it with the Event Forums hack.

Be looking for those modifications to be coming sometime this month.

HellRazor 11-17-2006 07:35 AM

Looking forward to it, thanks for taking over the development on this mod!!

AWJunkies 11-25-2006 05:23 PM

Really looking forward to it with conjunction with forum events. I know on phpbb forum they have a reg mod. Worked out perfect. Wish there was same thing for vbulletin. This is similar to the mod but will work perfect for my needs. Let me know if you need any help I am a programer as well.

Farcaster 11-30-2006 04:31 AM

Hello, all. I have put out a minor revision for "Farcaster's Event Attendance," that now includes +guest functionality and uses time stamps so that you can track when users RSVP'd. I have more revisions planed, but I wanted to get this functionality out there, since I know several of you have been waiting for it. See the revision log for version 1.1.0 for more details.

Thanks for your patience. Enjoy! :cool:

Lionel 11-30-2006 04:45 AM

The private calendar has this option Can View Others' Events set to no which makes it private. The event attendance would be great if it could bypass that setting for user input username or email address.

In other words, I would setup an event in my private calendar and then send out invitations. All those email addresses then would be able to see that specific private event, then respond to it.

AWJunkies 11-30-2006 05:41 AM

AWESOME mod and addon. Keep up the good work. Still haven't used it cause I need it to work with forum events mod. I loved and so did my members on my phpbb board the register mod. This is turning out to be very similar to it just need to add integration to events mod and perfect.

Lionel 11-30-2006 06:25 AM

Cool, I managed to allow people to 'unlock' private calendar and whoever knows the link can attend.

Bojangles 11-30-2006 11:04 AM

Nice! Thanks for the update Farcaster, works perfect :)

Canis Firebrand 11-30-2006 11:54 AM

I had an interesting thought that I'm not sure can be done with this mod.

I have it all working perfectly. I'm not sure what the issue I posted about before was. But when I installed the previous version, everything worked great and my users have been loving the ability to RSVP on events.

Back to my thought.

Is there a way to show in the What's Going On area where it shows the upcoming events to have it display a brief rsvp count?

I'm thinking something like this.

Upcoming Events:

12/01/06: Party(2 Yes, 1 No, 4 Maybe)

That way you could have a quick glance at the rsvp list without having to go into the event. You would still have to go into the event to see the actual people that rsvp'ed.

GrandAmGuru 11-30-2006 12:50 PM

Working nicely.

Anyway we can add the following options to your next release:

- Set a maximum number of "Yes" RSVP's?
- Set a close date for the RSVP (ex. RSVP by 1/5/07) and then no longer accept "Yes" entries?

ricker 11-30-2006 03:23 PM

Great hack! Thanks for all of your time and efforts.

Mithan 11-30-2006 04:01 PM

Farcaster, thanks a LOT for the upgrade.

I was playing with it though and I found a possible bug (not sure if its with the program or my forums)

When I try to uninstall it, it wont uninstall properly and gives me "Table doesn not exist" type errors.

Is this just me or a problem with the uninstaller?
I needed to go in and manually remove tables.

ninjamaster 12-01-2006 09:24 PM

thanks for this ;)

popowich 12-03-2006 05:33 AM


I must be missing something easy. I've had the Event Forums product for some time and it works with no problems. I installed this product, but do not see how to RSVP for an event. I did both steps of the install. For good measure I've also reinstalled the current version of the event forums product. I have not previously installed any of the other event attendance systems mentioned. When I create a new event there is an "Allow users to RSVP" check box at the bottom that is checked. I have all 3 of my calendars specified in the allow list with the exclude empty and guest set to -1. Maybe it is working and I don't see the link. I thought maybe you can't RSVP for your own event so I checked with a test account and can't see the link with it either. How do you RSVP for an event? :)

Thank you,

popowich 12-03-2006 06:48 AM

On another note, does anyone know about an RSVP system that would work by private invite only? Invite your friends to an event, and only they can RSVP yes/no/maybe.


joergh 12-03-2006 02:02 PM

Great hack! Thank you very much for releasing this! :-)

I have an suggestion for another feature: When you add a new event, you should be able to choose from the usergroups, which groups are allowed to join this event.

Best regards


Farcaster 12-04-2006 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by popowich (Post 1130541)

I must be missing something easy. I've had the Event Forums product for some time and it works with no problems. I installed this product, but do not see how to RSVP for an event. I did both steps of the install. For good measure I've also reinstalled the current version of the event forums product. I have not previously installed any of the other event attendance systems mentioned. When I create a new event there is an "Allow users to RSVP" check box at the bottom that is checked. I have all 3 of my calendars specified in the allow list with the exclude empty and guest set to -1. Maybe it is working and I don't see the link. I thought maybe you can't RSVP for your own event so I checked with a test account and can't see the link with it either. How do you RSVP for an event? :)

Thank you,

Raymond, once you have "Farcaster's Event Attendance" installed over the old Event Attendance 2.0, you will need to disable or uninstall the old event attendance product, as they do seem to conflict a bit. You also need to verify that you have completed the template edits. For older events, you may need to edit the old event and put a check mark on Allow Members to RSVP, if it is not selected already.

popowich 12-04-2006 07:29 PM


I did not have any previous attendance system installed.

I did the $rsvp_form line per the instructions.

I do see the RSVP checkbox when creating new events

Are there additional edits that I need to make?

This one is done:


Use the Style Manager to find and edit your calendar_showeventsbit:
It seems like most get this working OK on the first try, and I usually don't have an issue installing products, so I'm wondering what I may have missed or if there is something else causing a conflict. If there is more information that you need to make an educated guess I'll be happy to provide it.


Farcaster 12-04-2006 07:35 PM

Sounds like you've got everything modified correctly. If you'd like to PM me with your site URL and a test account, I can take a look and see if there is anything obvious that might be causing a problem.

Farcaster 12-04-2006 08:01 PM

The problem in popowich's case is the Event Forums. I have not yet created a bridge between Evercraft's hack and my own, so this hack will not work with Event Forums.

popowich 12-04-2006 08:25 PM

OK, I got thrown off track by this on the Event Forums changelog:


Version: 3.3
* Added Farcasters Event Attendance patch to the mod. I've added a self check so it will only run when the Event attendance mod is installed and active.
Is there a correct combination for me to be using, or does this simply mean he updated his code and it will also need to update on the RSVP end, and I need to be patient in the meantime?


Farcaster 12-04-2006 08:31 PM

Ahhh.. I see where the confusion comes in. Before I created a new RSVP hack, I wrote a bridge for the Event Forums so that it could work with Arpy's Event Attendance 2.0. Since then, I created a new RSVP hack of my own to replace his. My RSVP hack does not yet work with Event Forums, so you will have to use Event Attendance 2.0 or wait until I update this hack to work with Event Forums.

bluesteel 12-09-2006 12:24 AM

Excellent mod Farcaster. Thanks.

Now I'm waiting patiently for this to work with Event Forums.
Please, take your time. Hurry up! :)

smoknz28 12-09-2006 02:43 PM

Installed on vB 3.6.3....thanks for sharing! :D

Question for ya though.... In the downloadable archive there are .jpg images...I don't see anything in the instructions as to where I'm to upload them to. Where shall I upload these images to?

Also, it sure would be great to see this hack work with the Event Forums hack! ;)


xnt 12-09-2006 04:32 PM

I was testing the Uninstall and I think it may not work properly with some DROP sql error (even I had disable the other Arpy's Event Attendance).

I glanced through the xml file and found the "DROP TABLE eventattendance" was issued first followed by other "ALTER TABLE eventattendance" to DROP some columns. The later statement will not work as the eventattendance table has already been dropped ...??

Farcaster 12-11-2006 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by smoknz28 (Post 1135165)
Question for ya though.... In the downloadable archive there are .jpg images...I don't see anything in the instructions as to where I'm to upload them to. Where shall I upload these images to?

The JPGs included are just the same screenshots that are included in the modification description. You do not need to upload them anywhere. I'm glad you're enjoying the hack!

Event Forum integration is next on my list.

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