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bashy 09-20-2006 05:11 PM

Just checked a backup and my custom avatars part is like this


/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `customavatar` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `customavatar` VALUES ('1','GIF89a\\\0^\0??\0 \0\Z- -\r/0,\r-)&%&4?#\r6#3:/20Lc0N\r2n-8L(;i\ZEK7ll6\"E.O46f;PMNniN\Zhf+PQ.Op2iS3mlK\rQ\"J&N0-ld!`%l4/N<Ht>BOJ5Il7{ApF7rlzs.PPPKXmMqSMpmoQNf[cpkTmrn\r5‹:?\'9ŒG?G?i„,NŽ7R?0sŽ4b?6e?D[ŽDY?Nl?Ki?hy?gx?Na?3€\\;ˆhn‹7P…ZQŒoQ?|e‡[l?qr?x9„‘N?ŽU‘?X?ˆm‘Žo?+p?’t??xŸ?|??|??|??„%“3\0‡.7?>!…9E”K”T7“q4?R ?N0?g?l.?RN?oSŒwn?ZQ?^h?mS+rl?R?P+?k?p0?W+?o\Z?s3?XC?mK?vh?[E?uGŒ{??x€š‹.??8??=—‹P?Œsœ?J„?|?’Q??o??O??p?‡
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All the custom avatar bit is like that, what does this mean?
I dont get that if i use phpmyadmin to backup!

Paul M 09-20-2006 07:29 PM

It doesn't mean anything.

Open a GIF file in notepad and then ask again ;).

bashy 09-20-2006 07:53 PM

lol, I know but this aint a gif file, and if i download from phpmyadmin the database dont show any of that....

Just wanting to make sure is all before i rely on it if ya know what i mean.
I just didnt want to find out when i really need it and it was corrupt or sommat :(

TheoMessinis 09-21-2006 08:22 AM


/me clicks install

dimeola 09-22-2006 07:53 AM

i have some problem. it works very good but when it tries to take post table`s backup, it stops. i changed timeout period but nothing changed. it doesn`t continue. so it doesn't take backups of tables after post table.

last taken table is Live-2006-09-21-post.sql

steadicamop 09-22-2006 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by dimeola
i have some problem. it works very good but when it tries to take post table`s backup, it stops. i changed timeout period but nothing changed. it doesn`t continue. so it doesn't take backups of tables after post table.

last taken table is Live-2006-09-21-post.sql

I have the same issue.....

Paul M 09-23-2006 03:47 AM

There is nothing I can really tell you. Our post table is fractionally under 500MB and it backs up in just over 4 minutes. I can't see any reason you could not backup much larger tables. I can think your problem is server related, maybe your host can help you.

Edit: Are you running in safe mode, or on windows (IIS), they both can affect the timeout.

Also, manually run the backup from the cron manager and see if you get a timeout error.

dimeola 09-23-2006 07:06 AM

safe_mode Off Off

and my hosting plan is linux. i started backup from cron manager, but i don`t get any message :(

steadicamop 09-23-2006 07:21 AM

Ditto same, no safe and linux - the only one thing I could suspect is the hosting - they may have set a short execution time for PHP (?)

The manual backup also causes the same issue - it's something other than the software, but damn frustrating.



realgoldtalk 09-23-2006 07:30 AM

Hi Paul M,
Thanks for the modification How can i run it manually to test it?
Thanks and Regards,

Paul M 09-23-2006 07:32 AM

Go to your Scheduled Task Manager in the ACP and run the cron job.

realgoldtalk 09-23-2006 07:38 AM

It is giving me this error
Database Backup
An error occured during the MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)

dimeola 09-23-2006 08:00 AM

you must give full path for backup folder in mysqlbackupconfig.php.
like this /home/user/public_html/forum/databasebackup. after you give a permission mode 777 to this folder. After you can take backup.

realgoldtalk 09-23-2006 08:32 AM

I did that :(

Paul M 09-23-2006 08:42 AM

Well you haven't got it right - that is a simple permissions error, your web server does not have write permissions to the folder you have pointed the backups at.

dimeola 09-23-2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by dimeola
safe_mode Off Off

and my hosting plan is linux. i started backup from cron manager, but i don`t get any message :(

Paul any different idea?

Catsgot9 09-23-2006 02:49 PM

An error occured during the MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)

any idea why I am getting this?

Paul M 09-23-2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Catsgot9
An error occured during the MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)

any idea why I am getting this?

Folder Permissions - Look back a few posts (to post #55).


Originally Posted by dimeola
Paul any different idea?

Not really, it works fine if the server allows it to run. About the only thing I can change is to reset the timeout at the start of each table - but tbh, that's unlikely to make any difference as it seems as though your host has somehow set php to ignore the directive.

Catsgot9 09-23-2006 08:59 PM

[QUOTE=Paul M]Folder Permissions - Look back a few posts (to post #55).

I chmodded my folder

/httpsdocs/backup (no trailing backslash) to CHMOD 777

Any other ideas?

Paul M 09-23-2006 09:15 PM

Nope, it's a permissions error, only you (or your host) can fix them.

dimeola 09-23-2006 10:17 PM

Processing poll : Total Rows = 24
Processing pollvote : Total Rows = 291
Processing post : Total Rows = 86239

it is cutting the process here.

I changed my time out period like this

max_execution_time 200

mysql.allow_persistent On On
mysql.connect_timeout 600 600
mysql.default_host no value no value
mysql.default_password no value no value
mysql.default_port no value no value
mysql.default_socket no value no value
mysql.default_user no value no value
mysql.max_links Unlimited Unlimited
mysql.max_persistent Unlimited Unlimited
mysql.trace_mode Off Off

I think i have a different problem.

Paul M 09-23-2006 10:49 PM

max_execution_time is set to 60 on our server, post has over 750,000 rows. Whatever your problem is, it's server related.

steadicamop 09-24-2006 07:25 PM

I've been testing with mine, it reaches around 13mb mark before stopping, I managed to trim some old tables from the database, but it still doesn't reach the end - max_exec time is set to 60 on my server too - this is just so damn frustrating, i realise this isn't your problem, I'm just so desperate to be able to make daily backups automatically!



steadicamop 09-26-2006 04:03 PM

Just did a short test on something; I used my phpMyAdmin to backup the database - it didn't complete it, cut off around the same place as it would with the VB Backup, then I used my host's version of phpMyAdmin which backed up it fully!!

Just for reference - my version backed up around 13mb, my hosts did a full 24mb.....

Antyrael 09-29-2006 12:55 PM


First I want to thank Paul M for this backup plugin, it's working very nice on my Windows server!

Now I got a request, or question, well actually 2:
I would like to compress (zip or rar) the folder containing the .sql files after the dumps have been completed.
Plus I would like to keep a history of atleast 6 previous backups on the server (I don't have the posibility to FTP/move the files to another location), and that the script automatically deletes the oldest backup.

Unfortunately I am unable to code this myself, is there anyone who can help me with this?

soletrader 09-29-2006 05:49 PM

I have a newbie question. I get the following error:

An error occured during the MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)

I have chommoded the folder to 777. Did I not input the config.php file correctly?

here is what I have: DIR.'/home/sole/backups/

Is this correct? Thank you

Paul M 09-29-2006 07:49 PM

No, DIR is the path to your forums, you are then appending that with another full path, change it to just '/home/sole/backups/'

Deimos 10-01-2006 06:36 PM

Good system to have, just lacks the Gzip option, which is a shame.

alraqee 10-07-2006 09:08 AM

Paul thanks for the mod

i have small problem, when i started to back up it reach up to Processing posthash : Total Rows = 0
Processing postindex : Total Rows = 585217

then stops !!!

any idea??

alraqee 10-07-2006 09:10 AM

paul ... the problem solved :)

MySQL Backup was completed successfully with no errors.

thanks again

Paul M 10-07-2006 09:12 AM

Glad you got it sorted, what did you do ?

Re timeouts in general (previous posts) - I'm pretty sure it's not a php timeout that is causing them to fail, I suspect some hosts have set timeouts on mysql queries and this is kicking in.

alraqee 10-07-2006 09:50 AM

with me every thing going fine now

you are right about some hosts to set timeouts

i needs only to try it more than once befor it success ... mmmm i used the forumpath.php which comes with vbadvance to get the full path ....

i got this error at the begining: MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)

then i made some modification on mysqlbackupconfig.php likr you said:

changing this:
PHP Code:

$backup['DUMP_PATH']    = DIR.'/../../backups/'

to this:
PHP Code:

$backup['DUMP_PATH']    = '/dir/to/backup/in/the/admincp/'

(full path wich comes in the forumpath.php

ofcourse I have chommoded the folder to 777....

when ever it stops you just need to refresh the frame only to start again

it works fine ... thank paul .... than you very much

paidtoshop 10-07-2006 12:36 PM

Thanks Paul.

I have installed this on a windows platform. No problems what so ever. Workes a treat.


mcyates 10-07-2006 02:41 PM

i'm getting this error;


Warning: include_once(/home/myfootba/public_html/./includes/cron/databack.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /weather/cronadmin.php on line 108

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/myfootba/public_html/./includes/cron/databack.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /weather/cronadmin.php on line 108


But i don't know why? Please help

Paul M 10-07-2006 06:07 PM

databack.php is not a file related to this modification, it belongs to something else.

mcyates 10-07-2006 11:12 PM

ok that must have been another one, but with yours i get this error:

An error occured during the MySQL backup. Details (Could not open Destination SQL file for writing.)

hal05 10-08-2006 02:26 AM

Works great! Is there an option to gzip the files?

Spikeman 10-08-2006 03:12 AM

Thanks nice mod

Paul M 10-08-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by hal05
Works great! Is there an option to gzip the files?

No, there are no compression options in this Lite version.

BS5 10-08-2006 02:01 PM

This hack is great and solves many things with some web hosting providers that gives you backup and restore by money.

Thanks :)

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