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E.Blackadder 09-05-2006 11:26 AM

would someone help a dude who knows jack about all this...

I love the player but don't have the confidence to install it without some more help.

I have some spare webspace and hardly use any of my bandwidth so would like to store the mp3's there. Here is my folder directory, www being the root. Would someone explain to me where to create this new folder (if I actually need one) to upload my mp3's to?


I don't have any clue about the contents of the playlist.xml file and need some help there too. Soundbuffers? Stream?

if my url is www.teadrinker.net and I have uploaded three tunes to the suggested folder called earlgrey.mp3, darjeeling.mp3 and englishbreakfast.mp3 would someone create an example playlist for me?

cheers folks

KevNJ 09-05-2006 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by E.Blackadder
would someone help a dude who knows jack about all this...

I love the player but don't have the confidence to install it without some more help.

I have some spare webspace and hardly use any of my bandwidth so would like to store the mp3's there. Here is my folder directory, www being the root. Would someone explain to me where to create this new folder (if I actually need one) to upload my mp3's to?

I don't have any clue about the contents of the playlist.xml file and need some help there too. Soundbuffers? Stream?

if my url is www.teadrinker.net and I have uploaded three tunes to the suggested folder called earlgrey.mp3, darjeeling.mp3 and englishbreakfast.mp3 would someone create an example playlist for me?

cheers folks

Upload the files yto your forum root.

so it would be teadrinker.net/forum teaddrinker.net/forums etc .... where forum/forums is put the folder the vbulletin forumhome index file is located.

open the xml file and link to the mp3 files as you would do a normal link, picture etc.

lanc3lot 09-05-2006 12:20 PM

Place no more than 50 tracks in playlist

This can be changed? I plan to post more than 500 songs :)

Ty again


Also a feature : Download it for a specific usergroup, it will be awesome:D

basilrath 09-05-2006 12:26 PM

ive added the mod and ye pretty nifty works good ..............little answer if you can help .............

the coding to add it to navbar etc .i opted to make a little ipod as a pic in the forum so you click it and obviously opens the pod window.........however its "vbplayer" phrase thats linked (or whatever you put in there) and i want the image to open the pod window ............without the phrase ,,,,,,,

this is the code........

<center><!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><img class=""src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/pod.gif"></br><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">I Pod</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

obviously the image shows.........but the phrase "IPod" is lnked , how can i link the image without the phrase , just looks better

you can see it here


syrus.xl 09-05-2006 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by lanc3lot
Place no more than 50 tracks in playlist

This can be changed? I plan to post more than 500 songs :)

Ty again

It's a bug I have in my ActionScript of the player itself, nothing major really just annoying. What happens is if the swf flash file tries to import the XML file with more than 50 tracks, is it causes a scripting error, which then can crash the browser. I haven't yet tried it on any other browser apart from Internet Explorer 6.0.

Hopefully, I have a fix for this problem soon. And update the package.

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by basilrath
ive added the mod and ye pretty nifty works good ..............little answer if you can help .............

the coding to add it to navbar etc .i opted to make a little ipod as a pic in the forum so you click it and obviously opens the pod window.........however its "vbplayer" phrase thats linked (or whatever you put in there) and i want the image to open the pod window ............without the phrase ,,,,,,,

this is the code........

<center><!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><img class=""src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/pod.gif"></br><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">I Pod</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

obviously the image shows.........but the phrase "IPod" is lnked , how can i link the image without the phrase , just looks better

you can see it here


Try this code, you had tried to place the image in the onclick statement. Should work fine with this code.


<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,height=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/pod.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

midirtrider 09-05-2006 01:27 PM

thank you syrus for the new code so only members can view.. works like a charm..

fuzionpoker 09-05-2006 01:29 PM

This looks awesome!

Is it possible to have this put into like a sidebar as you have done in digitalport?!


midirtrider 09-05-2006 01:33 PM

one more idea..

would it be possible to have this as a imported product.. where as you can add songs direct from the admin cp instead of having to go in and alter the xml. file for each song?

not that its to difficult just takes some time :D

soletrader 09-05-2006 02:26 PM

Slight problem... working fine in Firefox but not in IE. Any suggestions? Thank you

KevNJ 09-05-2006 02:56 PM

soletrader i had the same problem. i changed the coding to read the full path of the ipod.htm file

www.mysite.com/forums/ipod.htm and it works fine now

lanc3lot 09-05-2006 04:12 PM


Anyway to support also .midi files the player?

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by fuzionpoker
This looks awesome!

Is it possible to have this put into like a sidebar as you have done in digitalport?!


The way that is coded on digitalport is just normal HTML block used in MkPortal, which is the portal I'm changing my site to use. Obviously, there are a few issues I need to sort out first.

I will make a Template hack, for use with CMPS later hopefully.

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by lanc3lot

Anyway to support also .midi files the player?

.midi is a file format which is not recognized by Flash. I wish it was, maybe Adobe will change this with Flash 9.0, but I wouldn't have thought so.

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by KevNJ
soletrader i had the same problem. i changed the coding to read the full path of the ipod.htm file

www.mysite.com/forums/ipod.htm and it works fine now

This was a problem I had, flash can be 'fussy' on where it will work in a domain, sometimes it has to be forced to work in sub-directories.

At least using absolute rather than relative paths does have its advantages in this case.

bashy 09-05-2006 05:00 PM

Hi peeps...been reading this with interest...

if your uploading MP3 to a server this is 95% of the time against the ToS of the, I would advise checking yout ToS as i am sure you would not want to be suspended for something trivial as failing to read lol...

I know for 1 that my host will not condone any form of this, therefore i cannot install for this reason alone....

Great hack thoguh, i do like the look of the player, Well done and good luck :)

lanc3lot 09-05-2006 05:05 PM

Damn Macromedia, midi files are very small indeed:(

dholt 09-05-2006 05:44 PM

Powered by vBadvanced CMPS v2.2.0 Home Page.
Not sure what to add into the Navbar Replacements were it says to (Here you may enter a list of filenames that should be prefixed with your Forum's URL.)

From my home page i get 404
and from my forums page works great

Love it

Any help thanks in advance

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by dholt
Powered by vBadvanced CMPS v2.2.0 Home Page.
Not sure what to add into the Navbar Replacements were it says to (Here you may enter a list of filenames that should be prefixed with your Forum's URL.)

From my home page i get 404
and from my forums page works great

Love it

Any help thanks in advance

In the navbar code you should see this line:

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,height=430,width=190,loca tion=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar= no')

The part ipod.htm, make it an absolute url not relative, so it would become www.yourdomain.com/forum/ipod.htm

Make sure the address is pointing directly to the ipod.htm

That should fix your problem.

Kaleem 09-05-2006 06:10 PM

worked fine bandwidth is not a problem for me

wht abt the playlist is there any way it takes a whole folder automatically ?

dholt 09-05-2006 06:17 PM

Perfect worked great Thanks for your fast reply ;)

fuzionpoker 09-05-2006 07:29 PM

This may sound like a daft question but what the hell! lol...

I was wondering is it possible for me to have this as link in my sidebar like my other links. i dont actually want the ipod in the sidebar, just the link.
i have a few in there, the usual '<a href=>' etc... but im not too good with the javascrpit thing and its throwing me a little...

Is it possible to have this?!


oberheimhaven 09-05-2006 07:34 PM

How could I add this to there members profile see when My members sign on t he go to t here member profile page why its like myspace has there friends mail and other stuff I want this however I would like to add there any suggestions thanks in advance also I have other stuff to add any suggestions on how to do this??

thank youVB3.6.0

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by fuzionpoker
This may sound like a daft question but what the hell! lol...

I was wondering is it possible for me to have this as link in my sidebar like my other links. i dont actually want the ipod in the sidebar, just the link.
i have a few in there, the usual '<a href=>' etc... but im not too good with the javascrpit thing and its throwing me a little...

Is it possible to have this?!


Just took a look at your site, do you need it to show to members only, or guests as well? Nice site by the way!:)

soletrader 09-05-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by KevNJ
soletrader i had the same problem. i changed the coding to read the full path of the ipod.htm file

www.mysite.com/forums/ipod.htm and it works fine now

Hello, can you tell me what you edited? Thank you

fuzionpoker 09-05-2006 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Just took a look at your site, do you need it to show to members only, or guests as well? Nice site by the way!:)

Thanks :D means a lot to the fellow forum master!

erm yeah it can go to guests aswell for me... i think its a great hack... and it may just swing a few people to register, so yeah make it open to guests for me...

Surely this must be up there for hack of the month of some sort?! i think its great... its not really poker specific but its going up and staying there! lol


KevNJ 09-05-2006 07:51 PM

whats great is people were looking for an mp3 player, and someone in the mod discussion wanted 200 yes votes before he started the mod, and said it could take a month or two ( his version was going to support other media files ) but you come along and blind side him. lol i love it. and was hoping this would happen.

works perfectly.

Jericho2004 09-05-2006 08:18 PM

Any chance of getting a block that will work with vbadvanced?

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jericho2004
Any chance of getting a block that will work with vbadvanced?

Next on the agenda! :)

vBadvanced will just be a simple template module. Not sure if I should make it a side or centre block though. A centre block may look out of place... decision time! lol

Ulkesh 09-05-2006 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
Next on the agenda! :)

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2006/09/6.gif Woot! :D


vBadvanced will just be a simple template module. Not sure if I should make it a side or centre block though. A centre block may look out of place... decision time! lol
Side! Side! Side! ;)

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by KevNJ
whats great is people were looking for an mp3 player, and someone in the mod discussion wanted 200 yes votes before he started the mod, and said it could take a month or two ( his version was going to support other media files ) but you come along and blind side him. lol i love it. and was hoping this would happen.

works perfectly.

Oh well, it was something I intended to release quite awhile ago! Just never got around to it... 200 votes?? for what?

This mod is only small, and just a piece of javascript for the popup window. It wasn't my initial idea to use a popup, it was just going to be a CMPS block, which many are asking for now...ironically! lol I go and design a different version! Oh well, the CMPS will be next, just a simple template block XML import and a file upload. The additional file will be a flashObject embed via javascript to get around the problem with Flash files and Internet Explorer.

Mod of the Month! lol... I think it would require a lot more work than this small modification.;)

soletrader 09-05-2006 09:02 PM

I like the pop up better. Once again great hack. Thanks!

Stifmeister2 09-05-2006 09:24 PM

Sweet!! :)

ubblite 09-05-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ulkesh

I personally vote to have it use the center block with CMPS, just because I don't use left or right sides. I do agree it would look better on the side, but perhaps syrus.xl could make it for either left, center or right as you can already display many cmps modules where you want them. Maybe Syrus.xl could adjust the dimensions on the player so it wouldn't look like it takes up a ton of space using it in the center of CMPS.

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by oberheimhaven
How could I add this to there members profile see when My members sign on t he go to t here member profile page why its like myspace has there friends mail and other stuff I want this however I would like to add there any suggestions thanks in advance also I have other stuff to add any suggestions on how to do this??

thank youVB3.6.0

Do you mean you wish to add the vbMp3 Player to all Members Profiles? If that is the case it's just a simple Template edit and a flashObject javascript file upload to fix a problem with Internet Explorer and embed tags.

syrus.xl 09-05-2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by ubblite
I personally vote to have it use the center block with CMPS, just because I don't use left or right sides. I do agree it would look better on the side, but perhaps syrus.xl could make it for either left, center or right as you can already display many cmps modules where you want them. Maybe Syrus.xl could adjust the dimensions on the player so it wouldn't look like it takes up a ton of space using it in the center of CMPS.

One problem with trying to fill the center block - if I adjust the size of the vbMp3 Player, it will look messy. I designed it and used pixel font 'snapping' which gives the best clarity in a compiled flash movie.

I suppose I could code it so an image was around the player, which could be changed by the webmaster to suit the site. I would need to mask the current player in order to achieve this effect, so an alpha channel could be used, then the player would look okay on a light or dark background...

ubblite 09-06-2006 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl
One problem with trying to fill the center block - if I adjust the size of the vbMp3 Player, it will look messy. I designed it and used pixel font 'snapping' which gives the best clarity in a compiled flash movie.

I suppose I could code it so an image was around the player, which could be changed by the webmaster to suit the site. I would need to mask the current player in order to achieve this effect, so an alpha channel could be used, then the player would look okay on a light or dark background...

Maybe you could just release a cmps module which can be used on the left/right side for now - like you have done with your example page (I know it's not cmps but would be similar) instead of working to get both out as that might take more time. Since it's a simple CMPS addition, I'll re-enable my left column just for this mod as I enjoy it very much. People tend to pay more attention to things if it's in front of them as it would be in cmps compared to clicking on a link. I'll try to be patient and wait for your cmps addition as I manually refresh this thread every 2 minutes. ;)

Jericho2004 09-06-2006 02:43 AM

Well, I'm not sure what happened, but when I open the player it does nothing when I play a song. It does not start the caching and playing. Wierd. Thanks for any help.

KevNJ 09-06-2006 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jericho2004
Well, I'm not sure what happened, but when I open the player it does nothing when I play a song. It does not start the caching and playing. Wierd. Thanks for any help.

See this post it should help solve your problem.


wizardan 09-06-2006 11:12 AM

Great hack, syrus.
We run a music and musicians related site, and they ate this thing up as soon as I uploaded the first playlist I made:p

How could I make it possible to have two or three different playlists to choose from? I imagine that would require changes to the master flash file, eh? And some coding change to the javascript to have the player call different playlists?

I'm not a coder by any means, so if that question sounds stupid, that's why!
But if this is inside the realm of the possible, I'd love to hear what you have to say. I'm fearless when it comes to editing code, and will try anything once!

Thanks again for a superb hack.
It's utter simplicity alone merits a mod of the month nomination.

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