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Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-04-2006 03:33 AM

peterska, buddy, you're kinda late. I could already access Admin CP log-in via URL. But the thing is, when i log in, it re-directs to the page. Everyone, try for yourself and see. Just make up any bogus screen name and password.


SuperFly 09-04-2006 03:35 AM

try replacing your login.php file

DementedMindz 09-04-2006 03:36 AM

cant you get in to your mysql? if so and you know mysql you can delete the post they made.

I guess they fixed it huh?

Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-04-2006 03:52 AM

well i'm gettin alotta help in here an PM and i appriciate everyone's input btw. Right now, we're trying to get access thru CPanel.... if anyone has any other suggestions, I'm all ears

DementedMindz 09-04-2006 03:54 AM

you should be able to get in cpanel no problem. I think even if you disable the hooks in your config like paul or whoever said you could check alot easier

SuperFly 09-04-2006 04:01 AM

honestly did you replace you login.php with a vbulletin default.

Im 70% sure thats it.

calorie 09-04-2006 04:05 AM

Use phpMyAdmin and run the following query to see if it's in a template:

# replace vb3_ with your vB table prefix

SELECT title FROM vb3_template WHERE template LIKE '%slumz%';

Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-04-2006 04:29 AM

well i'm getting help thru CPanel like stated so if this doesn't work, i will most def. like you guys know and i will try your ways. He promises it will work cuz i guess the same happened to him. So hopefully, in 20 minutes, i will be able to come back in here with good news

DementedMindz 09-04-2006 04:37 AM

20 mins? shouldnt take that long. why dont you download your database via phpmyadmin open it in a notepad and search for that site name that its being refreshed to and see where it is in the sql. this way you can point it out quickly and fix it quickly

Butters 09-04-2006 04:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
These are the templates that have been replaced .....

(yes ... 20 mins ish ... I need sleep !)

Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-04-2006 04:42 AM

he said they replaced my whole FORUMHOME template.. but ill try

DementedMindz 09-04-2006 04:42 AM


Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-04-2006 08:52 AM

Ok thanks everyone, Butters helped me everything and he had to do everything in CPanel, but its restored now. Thanks for all your replies

SuperFly 09-04-2006 02:52 PM

BTW now that i can see your site, not bad.

cbr929rrerion 09-04-2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by acidburn0520
They may have added a Meta Redirect, check your headinclude template I believe.

This was done to my forum also but the redirect was just a thread they started, I deleted the thread and it stopped.


How can I not let that happen again?

DementedMindz 09-04-2006 04:29 PM

upgrade to the newest topXstats or flashchat which ever one you use.

iran.gs 09-04-2006 09:06 PM

its so wierd ur id chicago and i am chicago and same shit happen on saturday to me looooooooooool it was redirected to a turkish site saying we hacked it ok let me tell what to do it this happens again which lets hope not to.

first of all this was the turkish delight who did my site
IP: Country: Turkey City: oh well half of turkey will never be able to come my site i did a ip range..

now when ever anyone gets this problem this post is always been done on the first page of ur forum right ? so u try to get in like members area or admin area since this code is only code for main page than press new members or new posts and than from c panel of the forum just delete the main post they used 4 posts on me :( this is the code they used so All Admins see this and fix make a patch for it i lost 140 good posts bicuz of this

i will change some settings in this code so no one can learn this code


"">>>><meta http-equiv="??????" ?????="0;url=http://ts.somee.com"> """" > <showthread.php?t=2699>
this is what they used on my site 4 of them :( all day my site was done and it was so embaresing:( so i forword my domian to another folder meanwhile till i fixed this i hope VB make a patch for this they used this on my forum nuke site also few yrs ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-04-2006 09:36 PM

i see my last reply didnt go thru. Well my site was better, ecspecially the MEMBERINFO template. We had the myspace profiles and i personally edited them and added more features so alotta time and dedication was put into this site, then these b*tches come in, hack it and delete sh*t with no warning. Thats why i was wondering if i could get it back running to the way it was 2 days ago instead restoring it to the backup point, which is 3 weeks or more old? I believe butters backed up in CPanel so thats why i'm wondering? what are you guy's input cuz my site is running again, but like i said, its runnin to what it was running exactly 3 weeks ago sence i last backed up

DementedMindz 09-05-2006 02:43 AM

hmm you should of just dropped them 3 sql tables back in the database this way you didnt lose everything.

TorGa3iGhT 09-05-2006 05:12 PM

did u find hte problem? i had this happen to my site FOUR times now...once while I was sitting right there removing one...

it was a post in a thread that redirected....the 4th attempt was a line that was trying to execute a script. basically, i just deleted the thread. Also, i had the cyb forumhome installed, and i disabled it, and the redirect went away.

PM me if ur still having this problem...a lot of people have been getting hacked this weekend.

da420 09-05-2006 06:26 PM

Sounds like all these hackers are from Turkey lately. Glad it hasnt happened to me yet. *knocks on wood*

SuperFly 09-06-2006 01:57 AM

it happened to me, but the failed miserably, only thing was, mine were arabs.

Paul M 09-06-2006 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Chicago_VLNU_4s
i see my last reply didnt go thru. Well my site was better, ecspecially the MEMBERINFO template. We had the myspace profiles and i personally edited them and added more features so alotta time and dedication was put into this site, then these b*tches come in, hack it and delete sh*t with no warning. Thats why i was wondering if i could get it back running to the way it was 2 days ago instead restoring it to the backup point, which is 3 weeks or more old? I believe butters backed up in CPanel so thats why i'm wondering? what are you guy's input cuz my site is running again, but like i said, its runnin to what it was running exactly 3 weeks ago sence i last backed up

Restore your backup from 3 weeks ago to another database, and then extract the three templates you want and update the current database with them.

Phaedrus 09-06-2006 02:45 AM

Has anybody checked to see if he has HTML on and somebody put a redirect on a Thread Title?

stan111 09-06-2006 04:36 AM

happened the same to my site
but some of my supermod accidentally delete the thread and it back to normal now

i have the top x on my site on 3.0.7
please tell us how to fix this

Paul M 09-06-2006 05:24 AM

If you have the topXstats mod installed then remove it, afaik there is no fixed version for vb 3.0.x boards.

popowich 09-06-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
If you have the topXstats mod installed then remove it, afaik there is no fixed version for vb 3.0.x boards.

I upgraded over the weekend to the c version for 3.6.

Is that one actually OK or should I remove it in case there are additional problems?

I also saw a reference to flashchat in another forum having a problem.

Should flashchat be removed too?

Any others?


HabboHall 09-06-2006 06:58 PM

Hey! Sorry if this was posted in the few pages, I didnt look through.
I had the same problem as you, I got hacked.

Now, this is how I got rid of the redirect:

As your forum loads, click 'stop' in the browser toolbar, before it redirects. Scroll down the page, until you find a post with some code as its title. Delete it. Thats it.

Kirk Y 09-07-2006 10:51 PM

I wish people would stop saying they got hacked. Your board was exploited through a modification that had a hole in it.
It was never infiltrated by some unknown assailant, quit being so dramatic.

rolandogomez 09-14-2006 11:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I understand about whether you were "hacked" or not. We where, via FlashChat, they inserted a file called 17-2.

Do a Google on "suidsafe exploit" and you'll see they are all over the Internet today with this thing. They were caught as they were going to root level, we pulled the server off line, deleted all the compromised files, then upgraded all our systems with new hard drives. The reason they were caught so fast, they tried running a "cron" that failed, so I got an email with the cron error--happened to be on line when they had done it.

A friend of mine with another popular photo forum was hacked with the same exploit on shared server the week prior, also running FC and VB 3.5. I'm not a programmer, but I can tell you my server provider, Rackspace.com did a fanatical job, we had to replace hard drives to be sure too.

Today a few hours ago with another attempt, via a "registered users only" forum, they tried to insert this: ">""********<**** **********=********* content="0;url=http://hastabeyinler.com/a"> **** > which I have part of in the "censored words" section as this, >>>> {http-equiv} "Refresh" """" By adding " >>>> {http-equiv} "Refresh" """" " (w/o the quote marks) it will add another layer of defense. The attemped hacker today went by the name of "dreamer" and the email is lll_dreampool_lll@hotmail.com and for his city he put "Ankara" and his IP was resolves near there in a place called Kocaeli.

Oh well, we get attacked daily, and yes, we've been through hackers before, but we keep putting up layer after layer, someday perhaps they will all go away? (yea right).

For those worried about Turkish IP's, I've attached a list in the format you'd put in the banned IP list. Becareful, not sure if they block other IP's that are legit. For an even more precise list, go here, http://www.dnsstuff.com/pages/testbed.htm
and enter "Turkey" or whatever country you want--be careful in banning an entire country from your site--they can still use other methods and other IP's from other countries. This is just a "layer" of protection but will not stop them.

Oh, on the Cyb Topstats, we made it where the "form" where you can change the amount of results is only visible by "paid" members. Here is the code (crossing my fingers I can post this right)

<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, X, X, X, X, X,)">
                        <form method="post">
                        <input type="hidden" name="resultsnr" value="$resultsnr" />               
                        <div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[cyb_results_more]<br /><input type="text" class="bginput" style="font-size:11px" name="resultsnr" value="$resultsnr" size="2" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[cyb_results_more_show]" accesskey="s" /></div>
                        <else />
                                                        <b><font size="2" color="red" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> You must be a paid member for more stats options, up to 150 top results.</font></b></if></form>
                <else />
                        <td width="100%" class="alt1" align="center">

Note: Replace "X" with your forum field ID's as appropriate. In the end, you can prevent, it just gets harder everyday. Wishing everyone the best, rg sends!

Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-22-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by acidburn0520
I wish people would stop saying they got hacked. Your board was exploited through a modification that had a hole in it.
It was never infiltrated by some unknown assailant, quit being so dramatic.

who cares what termology you consider "hacking", point is, it's back up and running

Kirk Y 09-22-2006 10:50 PM

I care. :)

MRGTB 09-22-2006 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chicago_VLNU_4s
who cares what termology you consider "hacking", point is, it's back up and running

Don't think so mate, check your site link. It says your site is suspended! :rolleyes:

DementedMindz 09-22-2006 11:51 PM

:banana: lol yeah that it is

Chicago_VLNU_4s 09-23-2006 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Gary Bolton
Don't think so mate, check your site link. It says your site is suspended! :rolleyes:

hahha good eye, it's cuz i'm switching host due to my current one shutting down shop

Paul M 09-23-2006 03:22 AM

The suidsafe exploit appears to be a linux kernel exploit ;


The suid_dumpable support in Linux kernel 2.6.13 up to versions before, and 2.6.16 before, allows a local user to cause a denial of service (disk consumption).

elitemerlin 05-26-2007 09:03 AM

hey guys my site got exploited 2 days ago, and after 2 days of trying to fix it, i seem i cant do it, i have done everything like changing things from _STR to _NOHTML, SQL Querys in CPanel, and looking for wierd named threads to delete but nothing, also the site redirects to a turkish hacker site, and when i log into AdminCP everything is ok, untill i go to look @ the forum things, then those pages redirect as well, If anyone could take a hands on look, (Like butters or Paul) I would pay via PayPal for your help, thank you all in advance.

bitdefuser 05-26-2007 12:03 PM

This thread was from September...
Just go to your domain configuration and change it there or check the .htaccess file.

elitemerlin 05-26-2007 07:17 PM

nothing is wrong in the .htaccess files, and the domain config im not sure what your referring to, is it inside the admincp?

bitdefuser 05-26-2007 07:37 PM

I'm talking about the people who host your domain. Such as Godaddy, etc.
Check the forward option in their panel. Chances are, he has set a forward onto it or changed the DNS records.

Edit: If that doesn't work either, try searching in the Styles for the site you get redirected to. Same with the PHP files.

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