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MajorFm.com 08-15-2006 05:03 PM

^^^ ok there seems to be a small bug...

I have noticed, what ever you set the rep to be added for every thanks, it simply makes the total rep that...

So if you make it 10 reps for every thank you and someone says thank you, it simply gives them 10 reps total, even if they had 80 reps, it moves it to 10, it seems to be changing the total instead of giving them the specified amount...

I have tested this time and time again and im getting the same results...

All i want to do is give the user 1 rep for every thank you... can't be asking to much can it!

SimplyBen 08-15-2006 08:00 PM

Psionic Vision, I do not know what to tell you. It's been 24 hours and I still have not got my license activated. I cannot download your product despite that you said my license is active. I have provided a screen shot showing you that my license is still pending. I've been waiting all night and all day to get this mod installed on my site. My site used to be on IPB and heavily used the hide-reply modification. So I am unable to open my new board up until this mod is installed. I have an offer from others to install a bug free mod similar to yours. If you cannot activate my license for me in the next 6 hours, i'd rather just have a full refund and you can cancel my order.

The screenshot is located at:

I hope you understand my concerns.

Thank you.

SimplyBen 08-15-2006 08:55 PM

my license has been activated. thank you. ill let you know if i have any problems.

bklynjava 08-15-2006 10:17 PM

I am interested in purchasing this but I need a few questions answered.

1- Does this work automatically or does a user have to select the post to be hidden?

2- I see alot of problems with the install - If the install service is purchased with the hack how long does it take for you to get it done?

3- I have had hacks in the past that slowed down my site and I see a few complaints about it for yours. - Can you confirm this is not an issue?


akanevsky 08-15-2006 11:31 PM


I have set it to 1 rep for every thanks... it doesn't give one rep... any idea...?
Make sure you have enabled reputation for your forum.


i posted at 3.15am and you replied 12 hours later... as it was effecting the forum, i posted again today...
Posting more than one post won't cause me to see it faster. Posting it at www.visionscripts.com would though. In any case, posting multiples of the same problem won't speed the process up. Ever.

Your order has been activated as soon as we received it. If you didn't see that it has activated, then you were looking at an old page generated by your browser cache.


Does this work automatically or does a user have to select the post to be hidden?
You have to select the posts.


I see alot of problems with the install - If the install service is purchased with the hack how long does it take for you to get it done?
Up to 48 hours, as yours is not the only order we receive.


I have had hacks in the past that slowed down my site and I see a few complaints about it for yours. - Can you confirm this is not an issue?
Yes, I can confirm that it is not an issue, unless you have a very large and very active board, in which case the thank you module may sometimes cause a bit of slowdown.

Selene 08-15-2006 11:33 PM

Hi bklynjava, i have purchased this hack and its a great one!

to answer ur questions

1) the user can select the post to be hidden. U can set the permissions for a usergroup to use HIDE, and set permissions on the forums where u want to use it! This way u can let the administrators to use it only in a specific X forum. Cant be better.

2) If u purchase it ,then u get fully 1 year support. Trust me the support rocks! I purchased it, got my order activated within 2 hours, and i installed it on 3.6.0. I had few problems, and i posted in support forum, i got instant replies, and the admins there helped me out and everything solved.

3)My forum has over 65,000 users. Speed is fine. I dont think it shud be a problem. But the coder can come and tell about it himself.

Selene 08-15-2006 11:34 PM

ups it already got replied :)

bklynjava 08-15-2006 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Make sure you have enabled reputation for your forum.

Posting more than one post won't cause me to see it faster. Posting it at www.visionscripts.com would though. In any case, posting multiples of the same problem won't speed the process up. Ever.

Your order has been activated as soon as we received it. If you didn't see that it has activated, then you were looking at an old page generated by your browser cache.

You have to select the posts.

Up to 48 hours, as yours is not the only order we receive.

Yes, I can confirm that it is not an issue, unless you have a very large and very active board, in which case the thank you module may cause a bit of slowdown.

Thank you for the quick answers I will be posting on your site when I am done.

bklynjava 08-15-2006 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Selene
Hi bklynjava, i have purchased this hack and its a great one!

to answer ur questions

1) the user can select the post to be hidden. U can set the permissions for a usergroup to use HIDE, and set permissions on the forums where u want to use it! This way u can let the administrators to use it only in a specific X forum. Cant be better.

2) If u purchase it ,then u get fully 1 year support. Trust me the support rocks! I purchased it, got my order activated within 2 hours, and i installed it on 3.6.0. I had few problems, and i posted in support forum, i got instant replies, and the admins there helped me out and everything solved.

3)My forum has over 65,000 users. Speed is fine. I dont think it shud be a problem. But the coder can come and tell about it himself.

It is always good to see user feedback - thank you for the info. ;)

MajorFm.com 08-16-2006 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Make sure you have enabled reputation for your forum.

Reputation is enabled, the user can click the scales image and give rep directly but when giving thank you, it doesn't give the 1 rep it should be...

Please advise...

maidos 08-16-2006 11:01 AM

can anyone please confirm if tis workig, cuz i installed the hide hack 5 times and still not working

akanevsky 08-16-2006 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Selene
Hi bklynjava, i have purchased this hack and its a great one!

to answer ur questions

1) the user can select the post to be hidden. U can set the permissions for a usergroup to use HIDE, and set permissions on the forums where u want to use it! This way u can let the administrators to use it only in a specific X forum. Cant be better.

2) If u purchase it ,then u get fully 1 year support. Trust me the support rocks! I purchased it, got my order activated within 2 hours, and i installed it on 3.6.0. I had few problems, and i posted in support forum, i got instant replies, and the admins there helped me out and everything solved.

3)My forum has over 65,000 users. Speed is fine. I dont think it shud be a problem. But the coder can come and tell about it himself.

Thank you for the positive feedback :)


Reputation is enabled, the user can click the scales image and give rep directly but when giving thank you, it doesn't give the 1 rep it should be...
It could be a bug that appeared due to different hooks in 3.6 than in 3.5. Please post it as a bug in the visionscripts bugtracker. Thanks.


can anyone please confirm if tis workig, cuz i installed the hide hack 5 times and still not working
Yes, it is working. There are more than 100 that are running this hack... You can also check out the thread for the 3.5.X version (see my profile).

bolly.beats 08-16-2006 02:30 PM

thank youuuuuuuuu

DPSR 08-16-2006 05:41 PM

I am using microstat plugin to show sql server usuage. After installing your hack, its showing-

Page generated in 0.27412 seconds with 12 queries (1 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 4.48 4.26 : 5.06]
Uncached templates: hidetag_toolbar_buttons (1)
Any sol.?

akanevsky 08-16-2006 09:54 PM


Uncached templates: hidetag_toolbar_buttons (1)
Hmm, thanks for pointing it out. Create a new hook in cache_template with the following code:

$globaltemplates[] = 'hidetag_toolbar_buttons';

And I'll implement a nicer fix in the next release.

angelo 08-17-2006 02:55 AM

Anyway to make this hack a very simple free hack of just [reply] and someone has to say thanks or they can't see the content?

that's what most people really want from this hack, not all this other stuff and having to pay 25 dollars for unwanted extras.

maidos 08-17-2006 08:51 AM

ehh i know that u have released a older version but what i want to know is if this hack works for 3.6.0 now... i wanna know if any members can get it work ...

X-Jerry 08-17-2006 10:36 AM

Wow, Im waiting for this update. But i just want to use [HIDE] only for [HIDE], [HIDE-THANKS] and [HIDE-REPLY], how can i replace or edit something to make it work?
Thanks for your help!

louis_chypher 08-17-2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by maidos
ehh i know that u have released a older version but what i want to know is if this hack works for 3.6.0 now... i wanna know if any members can get it work ...

Working fine for me running 3.6.

akanevsky 08-17-2006 02:36 PM


that's what most people really want from this hack, not all this other stuff and having to pay 25 dollars for unwanted extras.
25 dollars is really not a lot for the hack... Sorry, but there's no limit to the variations of what people want, all I can do is allow for customization, but not drop / rename features...


ehh i know that u have released a older version but what i want to know is if this hack works for 3.6.0 now... i wanna know if any members can get it work ...
This hack IS for 3.6.0.


Wow, Im waiting for this update. But i just want to use [HIDE] only for [HIDE], [HIDE-THANKS] and [HIDE-REPLY], how can i replace or edit something to make it work?
You can disable whatever you don't want to use via vBulletin Options :)

To_Da_X_Treme 08-18-2006 02:29 AM


X-Jerry 08-18-2006 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
You can disable whatever you don't want to use via vBulletin Options

Thanks'bout ur reply. Sorry but maybe u dont understand me, I just want to use 1 code like [ABC] to replace all of these order "hide code" ([HIDE], [Hide-Thanks] and [Hide-reply])
For ex: People just reply or click thanks button to view the hide terms

akanevsky 08-18-2006 04:32 PM


People just reply or click thanks button to view the hide terms
Will be a feature in the next release.

akanevsky 08-18-2006 11:00 PM

Also, in the next release, there will be a couple of optimizations that will keep the thank you system from becoming slow on large sites. :)

X-Jerry 08-19-2006 12:25 AM

Great! So Im waiting for that version. Thanks god, i hope u can publish it soon as soon you can ^_^

akanevsky 08-19-2006 12:30 AM

Yes, it'll be soon. Probably, within a week or so. :) There'll be some new stuff, too.

akanevsky 08-22-2006 02:31 PM


[+] Completely rewritten internal parsing engine.
[+] Should run equally quick on both large and small sites.
[+] Added progress indicator for AJAX "Thank You" button. (Expanded Edition Only)
[+] The thank you button now looks more like the other buttons (Edit, Quote, etc). (Expanded Edition Only)
[+] New code, HIDE-REPLY-THANKS, hides information from users until they either reply or click the thank you button. (Expanded Edition Only)
[+] More Locked and Unlocked Images. (Huge thanks go to Miko from vBStyles.com for providing the PSD files!) (Expanded Edition Only)
[+] Corrected a bug with Reputation on "Thank You". (Expanded Edition Only)
[+] Improved handling of the "Missing Files" error.
[+] The HIDE tag can now be mapped to any of the five tags added by the system (hot!). (Expanded Edition Only)



[+] - New Feature
[–] - Removed
[F] - Bugfix / Correction

Files Changed Since 2.6.3:

Everything, please re-upload the contents of the upload folder, overwriting the existing files.



[A] - File Added, Must Upload
[R] - File Removed, Must Delete
[C] - File Modified, Must Re-Upload

Product Overwrite Required:


File Modifications Changed Since 2.6.3:

Everything, please re-do file modifications, cancelling the 2.6.2 modifications at the same time.

Template Modifications Changed Since 2.6.2:

Everything, please re-do file modifications, cancelling the 2.6.2 modifications at the same time.

Templates Changed Since 2.6.2:

Everything, please revert all templates that were created by the hack.


The above upgrade procedure only applies if you are upgrading from vesrion 2.6.2.
If you are installing a fresh copy, you must perform a complete installation according to the manual.
If you are upgrading from a version older than 2.6.2, you must follow through each update post in sequence.

The new version is available for download from the first post (or from the client area for expanded edition clients). In addition, screenshots have been updated to reflect the features of the new release.

Brandon Sheley 08-23-2006 01:34 AM

a client wanted this, so I installed it

and got this error on showthread


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/***/public_html/forum/includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 194
I've triple checked the edits, and according to the read me, I've installed it correctly..
but I still get this error..

any ideas ?

[high]* Brandon Sheley un installs for now[/high]

akanevsky 08-23-2006 01:36 AM

You need to make sure that you have Product XML version 2.7.0, and that the files are version 2.7.0 (from the latest package), too.

MajorFm.com 08-23-2006 01:43 AM

Just did a 2.7.0 install and all is working well people... well worth the 25 bucks... ;)

louis_chypher 08-23-2006 03:32 AM

ref post #68.

I to just installed, had previous version loaded, this new version. I now receive the error:

Fatal error: Call to a member

function on a non-object in /



class_postbit.php(296) : eval

()'d code on line 44

Looking into class_postbit I find:

// execute hook
                ($hook =&


'postbit_display_complete')) ?

eval($hook) : false;

that leads to:

$post['message'] = $hhr-


], $forum['forumid'], $thread

['threadid'], $post['postid'],


I'm going to wait a few hours to recheck the installation, already did three rechecks without finding an issue.

I do wonder is there something from the previous install that I should have removed? I did a search for the word 'hide' in the php files that I modified in hopes of removing the traces of the old (older version) install.

Was wondering if someone could post the readme.html from the previous install so I can do a seek and eliminate to make sure the older version modifications has been completly removed?

X-Jerry 08-23-2006 04:03 AM

Wow, But I want you teach me how to change this:


===>> http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/89/untitledjw7.jpg

Need not "You do not have sufficient rights to see the hidden data contained here." ( "Hide Image" Only ^__^) and the "Unhide Image": http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/164/untitledry8.jpg
Can i put it out side of the "hide frame" like the pic i show?
Thanks for your help! :D

ctsolutions 08-23-2006 11:11 AM

@Psionic Vision

sorry to say this, we all now that you are a really master coder and I love your hacks and I use it about...long time, but.....

We missed this info in your Note:here on vb.org

you must say everybody befor they buy your Expanded Edition hack about the system requirements and that they need the ioncube_loaders_lin_x86 for linux systems.

Can you imagine that someone buy your hack on Windows Host and the webmaster refuse to install the ioncube_loaders ?

We missed the info that not only in the usergroups we need to activate the hack, but in each forums.


File Uploads: 1 (not Expanded Edition)
File Changes: 8
Template Changes: 2 (not Expanded Edition)
Products to Install: 1

Time required to install: ~2 minutes (not Expanded Edition) :laugh:
Difficulty: easy (yes,for experienced) (not Expanded Edition)

For me it was easy, but not everybody who use vbulletin and need your hack has such an experience as we have.

but....Keep Up The Good Work !


akanevsky 08-23-2006 12:31 PM


I'm going to wait a few hours to recheck the installation, already did three rechecks without finding an issue.

I do wonder is there something from the previous install that I should have removed? I did a search for the word 'hide' in the php files that I modified in hopes of removing the traces of the old (older version) install.

Was wondering if someone could post the readme.html from the previous install so I can do a seek and eliminate to make sure the older version modifications has been completly removed?
Make sure you've got the latest files uploaded. The object that is mentioned in the error is in the global_start.php, which you were supposed to update when you installed this version.


Can i put it out side of the "hide frame" like the pic i show?
Feel free to modify bbcode_XXX templates to fit your needs. :)


you must say everybody befor they buy your Expanded Edition hack about the system requirements and that they need the ioncube_loaders_lin_x86 for linux systems.
What does it say under "System Requirements"? I believe it says "Ioncube Loader", but perhaps my English is failing me. Or, perhaps I should move the section higher. :)

The statistics are correct. In the expanded edition, you need to upload one single folder. Therefore, it is counted as one File Uploads operation. :)

As for the time, well... I can install the expanded edition within two minutes, so I wrote that.

Settler 08-23-2006 04:40 PM

is there a way to hide the "hide-text" in vbadvanced?

akanevsky 08-23-2006 07:06 PM

Yes, there certainly is, but not without hacking vBAdvanced.

Settler 08-24-2006 06:07 PM

when i will to enable the hack for a forum, i get this text


Warnung: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /includes/class_core.php (Zeile 648)
where is the problem?

Settler 08-24-2006 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Yes, there certainly is, but not without hacking vBAdvanced.

i had a version for 3.5.4, there you have modified this for vbAdvanced? but i can't find this option... it's no possible to try this mod?

Brandon Sheley 08-24-2006 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
You need to make sure that you have Product XML version 2.7.0, and that the files are version 2.7.0 (from the latest package), too.

i had used the version in the thread when i posted..

i'll try agian later i guess

akanevsky 08-24-2006 07:31 PM


when i will to enable the hack for a forum, i get this text
Ensure that you have downloaded the right package for the right version of vBulletin...


i had a version for 3.5.4, there you have modified this for vbAdvanced? but i can't find this option... it's no possible to try this mod?
It is.


i had used the version in the thread when i posted..

i'll try agian later i guess
There is no reason to wait until later. Please download the latest package, open readme.html and follow the instructions. If done correctly, no problem will appear. This version of the hack has been tested on an unhacked vBulletin 3.6.0.

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