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gauravseth 08-28-2006 02:52 PM

Anyway, where permission can be given to use these custom selected smiles only for certain usergroups rather than everyone.

Installed the hack by the way. Nice one.

ArabSQuad 08-28-2006 04:38 PM

Thanks a lot Dude :)

Gnappy 08-28-2006 09:23 PM

great hack, thank you

dknelson 08-29-2006 08:34 PM

I have this installed and working but one problem. In the box to the right of the text area...I have the user selected smilies and the "More" button...in the dropdown smilie box in the tool bar....there is no "more".

Darwinist 08-31-2006 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by gauravseth
Anyway, where permission can be given to use these custom selected smiles only for certain usergroups rather than everyone.


Originally Posted by dknelson
I have this installed and working but one problem. In the box to the right of the text area...I have the user selected smilies and the "More" button...in the dropdown smilie box in the tool bar....there is no "more".

Both of these have been addressed in the lastest version, 1.0.2. Please read the 'Upgrade.htm' file to upgrade your version.

dknelson 08-31-2006 05:39 AM

Very good. Appreciate the fast response. Upgrade done and everything works perfectly.


gauravseth 09-01-2006 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Darwinist
Both of these have been addressed in the lastest version, 1.0.2. Please read the 'Upgrade.htm' file to upgrade your version.

Thanks for the upgarde. :D

jw00dy 09-01-2006 09:10 PM

Yes, thank you!

Boots 09-01-2006 09:16 PM

I'd LOVE this if it didn't require file edits.

nevetS 09-01-2006 10:16 PM

Excellent work!

I have noticed in firefox that the popup window for the additional smilies is too thin, but I think that's a vb out of the box thing. I'm sure it won't be too difficult to track down when I get around to it.

This really makes having several different smilie sets up on your board a LOT more feasible from an end user perspective.

Gnappy 09-03-2006 02:46 PM

thx for the update

dknelson 09-14-2006 02:48 AM

OK...I don't know what the heck I did but I just upgraded to VBulletin 3.6.1 Everything is working fine but now when I click on the Smilie dropdown box in the editor...It says "Favorite Smiles" followed by one smilie...then there is a bar that says "Show ALL Smilies" and then the rest of my favorites. How would the Show All have gotten moved to the second line from the top instead of the bottom?

Darwinist 09-15-2006 02:42 AM

There is a minor change with 3.6.1 that affects this add-on. One of the things to 'find' in functions_editor.php has changed slightly. I've added a second set of installation instructions for 3.6.1 to the zip file.

PHP Code:

$vBeditJs['smilie_options_array']["$smilie[category]"][] = "\t\t'more' : '" addslashes_js($vbphrase['show_all_smilies']) . "'\n";

PHP Code:

$vBeditJs['smilie_options_array']["$prevcategory"][] = "\t\t'more' : '" addslashes_js($vbphrase['show_all_smilies']) . "'\n";
$prevcategory $smilie['category'];

dknelson, it sounds like you placed the add-on's code either before or immediately after:
PHP Code:

$prevcategory $smilie['category']; 

It should be after the closing bracket after that line.

If you're unsure, get an unaltered copy of the 'functions_editor.php' file and make the modifications as shown in the 'Install_3.6.1' file I uploaded in the new zip.

dknelson 09-15-2006 08:07 AM

That did it. Thank you very much.


kylek 09-15-2006 08:27 PM

just installed, works great, thanks for this!!!!

interceptor 09-16-2006 08:04 PM

I get mesege Uncached templates favoritesmilies_category

Darwinist 09-16-2006 08:30 PM

Confirm that you completed step #2 in the install instructions.

Gripemaster 09-17-2006 03:56 PM

I'd LOVE to install this hack, but before I do, I have a modification installed which displays "random smilies" next to the post window. (I have over 500 smilies on my forum)

That mod required editing functions_editor.php with new code for "order by random"... will this hack null out the random smilies, and if so, is there a fix for that?

*Reserving a spot for install* :)

Darwinist 09-17-2006 04:10 PM

In the very first part of step 1 of the installation instructions, look at the 'replace with' code. In this part:
PHP Code:

            else {
$smilies $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("
                    SELECT smilieid, smilietext, smiliepath, smilie.title,
                        imagecategory.title AS category
                    FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "smilie AS smilie
                    LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "imagecategory AS imagecategory USING(imagecategoryid)
                    ORDER BY imagecategory.displayorder, imagecategory.title, smilie.displayorder
$totalsmilies $vbulletin->db->num_rows($smilies);

You would replace the...
PHP Code:

ORDER BY imagecategory.displayorderimagecategory.titlesmilie.displayorder 

line with...
PHP Code:

ORDER BY rand() 

The result would be random smilies in the smilie box when the user has not selected a favorite smilies list.

Gripemaster 09-17-2006 04:30 PM

AWESOME. I'll give it a whirl later this evening. Thanks for the quick response. ;)

radarhunter 09-17-2006 05:03 PM

sorry posted by mistake editing the post

Gripemaster 09-17-2006 05:35 PM

Seems to have installed fine. Tested it on a regular member account, and it allowed me to select favorite smilies. However, after submitting my favorites, when I hit the reply button it returns the VB database error. Went back in and cleared the list of favorites, and no database error. Did everything by the book and had no errors on install. Where did I go wrong?

EDIT: OK either I did something wrong (which is more likely), or it doesn't like the Order By rand line, that is what returned the DB error. Used your original code and it works fine. Where might I have gone wrong?

Gripemaster 09-17-2006 07:34 PM

I figured our where I went wrong...typing on one computer while reading from the other...LOL I had a space between rand and ()... I had:

rand ()

Instead of:


One little space...LMAO.

*Gripemaster clicks Install and says Thank You*

SCRIPT3R 09-17-2006 07:39 PM

anyone else getting an ncwoodworker.net login prompt when the 1st page of this thread loads?

jw00dy 10-13-2006 06:46 AM

Thanks for the update. I like the added smilie on the new post/reply... very nice.

goodguy 10-14-2006 11:37 AM

I'm being dumb here, I can see the smilies when replying to a post but cant work out how to select them in the control panel, any ideas?


Darwinist 10-14-2006 11:44 AM

Just click on 'edit favorite smilies' and then click the check boxes next to the smilies you want added to your favorites list and click 'save'.

goodguy 10-14-2006 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Darwinist
Just click on 'edit favorite smilies' and then click the check boxes next to the smilies you want added to your favorites list and click 'save'.

I dont seem to have that in the control panel, as I said I've done something dumb, first time of trying hack though so I thought I'd do two at once :confused:

Darwinist 10-14-2006 01:17 PM

Confirm you completed step #2 in the install instructions (editing the 'USERCP_SHELL' template). Also confirm that your usergroup permissions have the favorite smilies option set to 'on' (it's on by default, but may have been changed).

goodguy 10-14-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Darwinist
Confirm you completed step #2 in the install instructions (editing the 'USERCP_SHELL' template). Also confirm that your usergroup permissions have the favorite smilies option set to 'on' (it's on by default, but may have been changed).

All seems to be done but it still isnt there, cant see an option in the user group manager either though?

goodguy 10-14-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Darwinist
Confirm you completed step #2 in the install instructions (editing the 'USERCP_SHELL' template). Also confirm that your usergroup permissions have the favorite smilies option set to 'on' (it's on by default, but may have been changed).

All seems to be done but it still isnt there, cant see an option in the user group manager either though?

Darwinist 10-14-2006 09:08 PM

At the very bottom of the usergroup permissions page, in the 'Usergroup Options' section, there should be the option 'Allow Users to Select Favorite Smilies'. If it's not there, then you'll have to make sure the 'bitfield_favoritesmilies.xml' file has been uploaded to the includes/xml directory.

BrandiDup 10-19-2006 09:11 PM

I installed this and it was working perfectly fine until several members who upgraded to Internet Explorer 7 started complaining that their smilie box was cut off. I didn't have problems with mine because I was using the previous version of IE but now that I just upgraded, the box is being cut off on mine also. It doesn't matter what I set the number of rows to, it still cuts them off. If I set it to 5 rows, it only shows 4 of them. If I set it to 4 rows, it only shows 3 of them. But it only does this for a new reply and new thread. When PMing, it seems to be okay :ermm:

Here are the two screen shots so you can see what I'm talking about. One is of the smilies being cut off and the other is with them showing fine when I'm PMing someone. This seems to only be an error with IE 7 because it works fine on the other browsers. Any idea how to correct this?

BrandiDup 10-20-2006 03:25 PM

no ideas? :/

Ricardo 10-20-2006 06:21 PM

First: I love the mod ! I am using it ! Second: Is there a way to go one step further and add the Favorites to a Quick-Reply post form ? That would be great !!! There is a mod already for Quick-Reply smilies, but I would like to use the favorite ones there ! Thanks ...

Darwinist 10-21-2006 04:02 AM

This add-on simply alters the list of smilies that is shown (the data). It does not change the way the data is displayed. Apparently the problem is browser-related and is a result of vBulletin's template not being displayed properly. I tried looking up information on this problem, but seem to come up empty handed. I'll keep my eye out and when I upgrade to IE7 myself, I'll see if I encounter the same problem. Sorry I can't be more of a help.

Ricardo: I'll certainly look into that option when I get a chance.

BrandiDup 10-21-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Darwinist
This add-on simply alters the list of smilies that is shown (the data). It does not change the way the data is displayed. Apparently the problem is browser-related and is a result of vBulletin's template not being displayed properly. I tried looking up information on this problem, but seem to come up empty handed. I'll keep my eye out and when I upgrade to IE7 myself, I'll see if I encounter the same problem. Sorry I can't be more of a help.

Ricardo: I'll certainly look into that option when I get a chance.

OK, thanks for checking into it for me. I figured it was just browser specific since I didn't have any problems on the old version of IE and I'm getting no complaints from anyone except those on the new version. Its not a huge deal, but please do let me know if you find a fix for it! I've tried just about everything I can as far as changing the number of smilies and rows to turning off the tabbed browsing in IE and nothing seems to be working. So, any info you can find would be wonderful! Thank you. :classic:

BrandiDup 10-21-2006 07:59 PM

Oh, I did want to let you know... when I clear my list of fav smilies and just use the default ones I have set for the board, there are no problems with displaying them, even with the same number of smilies and rows. So, it seems to be only when you select your fav smilies that the error happens.

Viper007Bond 10-22-2006 01:14 AM

Uh, guests can visit the smilies page. Is this intended? Does it save it to a cookie or something?

Ricardo 10-22-2006 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Darwinist
This add-on simply alters the list of smilies that is shown (the data). It does not change the way the data is displayed. Apparently the problem is browser-related and is a result of vBulletin's template not being displayed properly. I tried looking up information on this problem, but seem to come up empty handed. I'll keep my eye out and when I upgrade to IE7 myself, I'll see if I encounter the same problem. Sorry I can't be more of a help.

Ricardo: I'll certainly look into that option when I get a chance.

Hey i did it ! It works for me and in no way I am saying it will work for anybody else. Here what I did:

On functions_editor.php I commented this lines:

// if ($editor_type == 'qr')
// {
// // no smilies
// }
// else

On the Templates at showthread_quickreply I found:

<td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_quote"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/quote.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="$vbphrase[wrap_quote_tags]" /></div></td>

And added after it:

<!-- wysiwyg smilies -->
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
<td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_popup_smilie" title="$vbphrase[smilies]">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/smilie.gif" alt="" width="21" height="20" /></td>
<td class="alt_pickbutton"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/menupop.gif" width="11" height="16" alt="" /></td>
<!-- / wysiwyg smilies -->

Please check it out ! The website is:


Thanks again for your awesome add-on !!!!

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