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Hunne 08-26-2006 08:58 PM

Because there is a bug in the template file. One condition is too much. Just compare it with the other (member-edition) template and remove it.

JimLink 08-27-2006 04:34 AM

I am somewhat new to this, could you explain by what condition should be removed and possilby why so I can learn... Sorry for being such a newbie.

Hunne 09-01-2006 06:01 PM

ATTENTION: It is possible to run dangerous mysql queries with this mod.
In the main file change:
PHP Code:

$getinfo_hse_list $db->query_first("SELECT mapid,cat_id,title_map,text_map,username,url_location,text_description_map,date_map,lat_map,lng_map,url_thread,img_location,approve,userid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "googlemaphse where mapid = $mapid"); 

PHP Code:

$getinfo_hse_list $db->query_first("SELECT mapid,cat_id,title_map,text_map,username,url_location,text_description_map,date_map,lat_map,lng_map,url_thread,img_location,approve,userid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "googlemaphse where mapid = '".mysql_escape_string($mapid)."'"); 

stonyarc 09-01-2006 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hunne
ATTENTION: It is possible to run dangerous mysql queries with this mod.
In the main file change:
PHP Code:

$getinfo_hse_list $db->query_first("SELECT mapid,cat_id,title_map,text_map,username,url_location,text_description_map,date_map,lat_map,lng_map,url_thread,img_location,approve,userid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "googlemaphse where mapid = $mapid"); 

PHP Code:

$getinfo_hse_list $db->query_first("SELECT mapid,cat_id,title_map,text_map,username,url_location,text_description_map,date_map,lat_map,lng_map,url_thread,img_location,approve,userid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "googlemaphse where mapid = '".mysql_escape_string($mapid)."'"); 

I'll include a number of these fixes in the next version

stonyarc 09-01-2006 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by DarkRoot
Is there any possibility to add a function, that users can edit their own Markers on the Map, like in the Member Edition?

Would be nice ;)

That is planned for the next version.

I'm a bit busy now (upgrading xboxusersgroup.com and "normal" work.

Martin-TMGRS 09-02-2006 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Hunne
Ah I just figured out what to do. I had to install the member-edition first.
Great work!

I did this, then reinstalled VBG Hotspot Edition but still getting the same problem after I uploaded the XML files. Its messes up all 'check box' option in vBulletin Options, such as in the 'Image Seting' Image Verification Options. In User Listing & Profile Viewing option all the Member List Field Options.

kenanulas 09-02-2006 10:08 PM

What Must we Have to do
After take the api keys
for example i have requested key
than i had
what must i do with api keys:cross-eyed:
where it will put into

Martin-TMGRS 09-03-2006 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by kenanulas
what must i do with api keys:cross-eyed:
where it will put into

Goto the VBGooglemapHE settings in there you will see "Googlemap Key for your URL" with 12345 in it already. You place your key in there.

Mr Morningstarr 09-03-2006 05:51 PM

I'm being told my key doesn't work. Is this common?

Mr Morningstarr 09-03-2006 06:07 PM

Right, the key's working now. But the map just isn't showing up.


GrendelKhan{TSU 09-04-2006 11:50 AM

google announced its going to start charging $0.25 per 1000 quota units for use of its API.

doin't know if that will affect anyone with Google api plugins (like this or member edition)...but just letting yall know. be aware.

Hunne 09-07-2006 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
google announced its going to start charging $0.25 per 1000 quota units for use of its API.

doin't know if that will affect anyone with Google api plugins (like this or member edition)...but just letting yall know. be aware.

where can I find more information about that?

GrendelKhan{TSU 09-07-2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Hunne
where can I find more information about that?


but I also received an email and announcement via my accounts.

Hunne 09-07-2006 01:18 PM

Looks like this is only for the Adwords API. Hopefully this helps to block MFA sites :)

stonyarc 09-16-2006 05:01 PM

I've updated the version now online to compensate for the bitfield conflict some users are experiencing.

vivamexico55 09-16-2006 05:02 PM

Does this work in 3.6.1 or is it untested yet

stonyarc 09-16-2006 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by vivamexico55
Does this work in 3.6.1 or is it untested yet

It's working on my devserver on 3.6.0 and 3.6.1

Manny.Munich 09-21-2006 08:20 AM

*installed* two times on two boards :)

but one forum isn't working, could not see it in acp...

|oR|Greg 09-21-2006 01:06 PM

For the hot-spots can you use the Get Directions option?

r5e 10-01-2006 10:19 AM

Stonyarc, well done on a great mod. It installed easily and seems to work perfectly. However, now that I'm using it, there are a few features which it could do with. I'm not sure if you are planning on adding any features to this mod, or where you would take feature suggestions, but I figured this would be as good a place as any.

1. Have the ability to customise fields used. For example, I would like to have a few more fields available than “marker title, marker text, special date, URLs and full text”. I would like to add 2 or 3 custom fields which are relevant to the purpose for which they are used for (user submitted biodiesel retailers – blend strength sold, consumer confidence rating, price per L, supplied by, etc). I can currently ask that people put these in the “full text” field, but then they are not prompted for specifics and the data can get hard to manage that way.
2. When editing a marker placed by another user, the name of the person editing the marker replaces the original username who set it. It would be good if the name of the original submitter stayed on it and if a forum moderator (who has permission to edit) changes anything, then their name would not replace the original submitter.
3. When displaying a username on a marker, it would be nice if it linked to the member profile.
4. The ability to change the default names that are currently hardcoded: Example, the name of the link that displays on the navbar is "google map HSE" and the name on the main page says "Googlemap Hotspot Edition - Welcome to the vbgooglemap Hotspot Edition.". I’ve changed some of mine manually through template edits, but it would be more elegant to simply allow a field for a variable in the Admin CP.

I'll probably have loads more suggestions, but I won't place any more unless there is a want for them. Stonyarc, if you do want to develop/improve this mod further, please say so and I'll maybe come back with a few more. If not, then I'll just hack a bit myself as I need. I'm grateful for the mod as it is 90% exactly what I needed already.

FleaBag 10-01-2006 06:37 PM

I had a conflict with vBJournal, when installing the product. Something about updating the usergroup bitfields. I can't uninstall vBJ sadly, as I'd love to use this.

Betablocker 10-21-2006 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Manny.Munich
*installed* two times on two boards :)

but one forum isn't working, could not see it in acp...

Same thing here which is odd :confused:
i have it running on 3.6.2 site which was 3.6.0 but now it wont work on another of my 3.6.0 sites will not show in the admincp

I have installed a few times and reloaded all the files one at a time...still no show

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance.

Manny.Munich 10-23-2006 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Betablocker
Same thing here which is odd :confused:
i have it running on 3.6.2 site which was 3.6.0 but now it wont work on another of my 3.6.0 sites will not show in the admincp

I have installed a few times and reloaded all the files one at a time...still no show

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance.

Now it works on my sites... :D

I've done following:
Normally i log in with my Username Manny which it's also an admin but the UserID is 2.
Then i tried to log in to the ACP as Admin (UserID 1) and it works. Back as Manny and it also works.
That solved my problem with missing in ACP. Try login as the adminuser with the id1. Hope this helps. :)

Manny.Munich 10-24-2006 05:22 AM

Another question. :)

Is it allowed to translate it to german?

Betablocker 10-24-2006 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Manny.Munich
Now it works on my sites... :D

I've done following:
Normally i log in with my Username Manny which it's also an admin but the UserID is 2.
Then i tried to log in to the ACP as Admin (UserID 1) and it works. Back as Manny and it also works.
That solved my problem with missing in ACP. Try login as the adminuser with the id1. Hope this helps. :)

Good man that has worked for me also.

Thank you very much :up:

JimLink 10-26-2006 04:56 PM

Well it works for me as UserID 1 which is admin, but still not as my other admin account... very odd.

Stonyarc, do you know when you'll get a chance to finish up and possibly release the next version with the updates you said you were wanting to include?

Betablocker 10-26-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by JimLink
Well it works for me as UserID 1 which is admin, but still not as my other admin account... very odd.

Stonyarc, do you know when you'll get a chance to finish up and possibly release the next version with the updates you said you were wanting to include?

Did you edit your forums/includes/config.php
and add your id to the SUPER ADMINISTRATORS bit ?

I added myself to all of them and it worked for me....good luck

stonyarc 11-09-2006 07:07 PM

Ok people,

Next versions are in the making.

I'm aiming for a before Xmas release so please pm me features you want to see added.

currently already on the list:

- Improved permission
- optional geocoding (maybe in special version)
- load speed
- tuning
- beter css control
- beter edit functions
- ...

r5e 11-11-2006 12:08 PM

Hey Stonyarc, good to see you are still working on this one. I will make a donation on your next revision.

I've already mentioned a few suggestions in my last post in here. But since then, geocoding is really the main feature that I desperately need. I notice that the current api (v2) supports geocoding, so I'd hope this makes it simple to implement here. So, here is a summary of the features that I think would be good (apart from my original suggestions):
  • Geocoding would have to be my #1 most useful feature, as my users are far less likely to submit locations on the map if they have to go to a 3rd party site to get the lat/log first. If they could simply use an address and look it up in my site directly, then they will actually start to use the map. With the geocoding, it would be nice to have the option to "add this as a location" from within the API. What I mean is, when a user has searched and found the location they want via geocoding, they can simply click on a link to add that location as a marker. They would then get the option to choose the category add extra fields, etc. This would save the user having to cut & paste the lat/long from the geocode when they wanted to enter a location. Lastly, geocoding would only be available to registered members (or possibly definable user groups).
  • Also, the ability to zoom in and out with the scroll wheel of the mouse would be cool, but again, I guess that's probably included with the current API?
  • The categories are currently available to be listed/filtered in text links. It would be nice if the categories could be filtered on the map as well. What I mean is that currently, there are coloured markers on the map for each category and the coloured flags are displayed along the top in the "HSE Dashboard". It would be great if clicking on one of these categories would highlight only the items matching that category on the map and hide the others. Perhaps you could add a "show" label to the front of these the also include another category for "show all", which would possibly be the default display.
  • The ability to rate a location, or for users to provide extra comments. In my case, I list biodiesel suppliers, so it would be good if members could rate (say from 1 to 5) how well they trusted the quality of the supplier at that location. If this is too hard, then at least the ability for the original submitter of that location to be able to have a field to provide that data (already in my original suggestion).

I look forward to the next release. :D

r5e 11-14-2006 07:44 AM

  • The ability to link directly to a marker. I'd like to be able to post a link in a forum thread to a marker on the map with a defined zoom. For example when a link gets put to the component, it will start at the default view, which is zoomed out. It would be nice if when a link was posted to the marker, it could zoom in as well as centering the marker on the map.
  • The ability for a user to edit their own entries. Currently, permissions are only set for add, edit delete etc. This means that generally registered users can add, moderators can edit and admins delete (or something like that). What happens when a user adds a marker and gets it wrong? They have to ask a mod or an admin to fix it for them.
  • Link to the calendar for events, This comes with my first point. But it would also allow the link to expire when the calendar listing does and better synch with the calendar system.

Gord 11-17-2006 10:34 PM

perfect! thanks!

Gord 11-18-2006 07:41 PM

by the way, I notice that the member edition, which i have also installed, has a cron, but the HSE doesn't. Is this correct? Does it need one?

saab340 11-21-2006 10:47 PM

I have imagetabs with dynamic images, and noticed that everytime page is loaded, all the images has to be loaded first, before they are displayed... any suggestions, how to reduce this load, and only load images when marker is clicked? Right now I have 200 markers, and loading 200 images is kind of waste of bandwith....

diretur 11-22-2006 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Betablocker (Post 1104937)
Did you edit your forums/includes/config.php
and add your id to the SUPER ADMINISTRATORS bit ?

I added myself to all of them and it worked for me....good luck

same :cool:

the2cv 11-22-2006 05:00 PM

Loaded it, and it worked first time out of the box! Very impressed, and very easy to use. Now is it possible to reduce the width of the map very slightly? You know what us designer types are we like it all to line up nicely. Its not desporate but it would be nice.


stonyarc 11-28-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by the2cv (Post 1123102)
Loaded it, and it worked first time out of the box! Very impressed, and very easy to use. Now is it possible to reduce the width of the map very slightly? You know what us designer types are we like it all to line up nicely. Its not desporate but it would be nice.


Normally you can set the width in the options

the2cv 11-28-2006 08:05 PM

I have set the site wide width to 790 px but the map appears wider, there isn't a width setting I can find for the map itself.

Link to the page I mean.



stonyarc 11-28-2006 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by the2cv (Post 1127540)
I have set the site wide width to 790 px but the map appears wider, there isn't a width setting I can find for the map itself.

Link to the page I mean.



It's shielded from guest view

the2cv 11-28-2006 09:10 PM


I've changed the permissions so you can see it now.


Bernd Glasstett 11-30-2006 01:52 PM

Would love to install it, but this came up during install:

A conflict was detected in the bitfields. You cannot continue with the installation of this product until this has been fixed. The conflicts found were:
  • Bitfield Collision: canadminvbgooglemaphse = canadminvbjournal
What do I have to do?

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