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Paul M 08-11-2006 07:07 PM

It's certainly planned as part of the 3.6 upgrade, but no, it doesn't work yet.

I'd like to get it in before then (ASAP really). We need to add a new field to hacks for it, as you need the productid for it to work.

Kirk Y 08-12-2006 12:29 AM

Cool, that'll be great.

abosaleh 08-12-2006 10:31 AM


yesfans 08-13-2006 12:42 PM

I have all my STAT stuff showing at the top of my forum. Is there a way to put this hacks info at the bottom of my main forum sep from the other STAT info?

Joker Pro 08-13-2006 09:34 PM

Great stuff, just wondering if i can change the days of post, from 24 hrs to in past week?
Thanks Newbie

Aislinn 08-14-2006 05:54 PM

Awesome work, love it.

upsetter 08-15-2006 07:21 AM

haha, your the man, I was looking for something like this every where, they had it for the old version and here it is the new 3.6.0 installed sir, and working perfectley on there... one question, how would I change the image of it tho?... because it's the same as the Currently Active Users one, and I want to change the image on your hack to something else... thank you kindley...


Paul M 08-15-2006 07:27 AM

Edit the Display_Visitors template with the image of your choice.

Peter_Rosado 08-15-2006 08:46 PM

Getting error on 3.6 :(

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
INSERT INTO poesia17_plugin
        (`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
        ('1', '5', 'Members who have visited (1)', 'cache_templates', 'if ($vbulletin->options[\'wvt\'])\r\n{\r\n        $groups = explode(\',\',$vbulletin->options[\'wvtgrps\']); \r\n        if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo,$groups) OR $groups[0] == 0) \r\n        {\r\n                $show[\'wvt\'] = true;\r\n                $globaltemplates[] = \'Display_Visitors\' ;\r\n        }\r\n        else \r\n        {\r\n                $show[\'wvt\']= false;\r\n        }\r\n}\r\nelse\r\n{\r\n        $show[\'wvt\']= false;\r\n}', 'paulm_20050610');

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date        : Tuesday, August 15th 2006 @ 05:45:18 PM
Script      : http://www.mundopoesia.com/foros/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer    : http://www.mundopoesia.com/foros/adm...?do=productadd
IP Address  :
Username    : Peter A. Rosado
Classname    : vb_database

jw00dy 08-15-2006 09:29 PM

I got a ton of those when I was upgrading, and if you notice the top says 3.5.4, so it's not from your 3.6.0 version. run through those and I doubt you'll get any more of them.

OR you could just be running the wrong version.

Paul M 08-15-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Rosado
Getting error on 3.6 :(

You're not running 3.6 .......

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Peter_Rosado 08-15-2006 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
You're not running 3.6 .......

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

ahhh, mixed up the hacks, I tought I was installing it on another site of mine :rolleyes: thanks :)

Riboflavin 08-18-2006 01:10 AM

I installed this on my board but it only works on the VB default theme, not the one my board uses :confused:

jgommel 08-18-2006 01:27 AM

I'm having a weird issue with this Plugin - I've uninstalled and installed it a few times now, and for some reason it's duplicating. I have the same problem with the Flash Chat mod (tells who's in chat) too.

Anyone have an idea on how I can fix this?

I'm running vBulletin 3.6.0 with vBAdvanced CMPS 2.2.0

Here's a direct link to the problem: http://www.neosmut.com/vb/ Just scroll to the bottom.


Paul M 08-18-2006 03:25 AM

Somehow the code is being run twice. Have you edited your index.php ?

Ins 08-18-2006 10:24 AM

Nice mod; nice coding ^_^


Marsupilami 08-18-2006 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Riboflavin
I installed this on my board but it only works on the VB default theme, not the one my board uses :confused:

You will have to edit the templates manually if they are not parented by the default theme. Or if the actual used template is modified from the default theme.

Template management tip: Don't edit the default template. Create a child template and edit that instead. Then, when everything works as it should, set this child template as forum default.

Regards, Johan

jgommel 08-18-2006 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Somehow the code is being run twice. Have you edited your index.php ?

Paul, Thanks for replying -- I have not edited the Index.php file. All I did was was upgrade my board to v3.6.0 and CMPS to 2.2.0. I did have the plugin (Members who have visited Today (or in the last 24 hours)) installed while I was running 3.5.5 and did not uninstall it before upgrading my VB - then I installed the latest version for 3.6.0. Could that having something to do with it?

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin a few times now and still have the same issue. Does this plugin install anything into the Database?

I just found out that it's also dooing the same thing with the "Whos in Chat" plugin too. I was going to post in that thread, but since your name was there too, I figured I'd mention here.

bolly.beats 08-18-2006 12:46 PM

thank youuu

Marsupilami 08-18-2006 01:32 PM

Jgommel, i did this:
  • Running vb 3.5.4 OK
  • Copied to test site
  • Installed:
    • vBPicGallery 10.0.0 RC 2
    • LDM 2.2.1
    • vbadvanced 2.1.0
    • Timeslip 1.1.4
    • Who has visited 4.2.1
  • Patched to vb 3.5.5
  • Everything is running OK
  • Upgraded to:
    • vb 3.6.0 gold
    • LDM 2.2.5 (overwrite)
    • vbadvanced 2.2.0 (overwrite)
    • Who has visited 4.3.1 (overwrite)
  • Propagated hoards of template changes
Everything is running OK except Timeslip which was broken in vb 3.6.0 due to changes in database structure.
When Timeslip works with vb3.6.0 i will go 3.6.0 on the target site.

Remember to overwrite when upgrading the pruducts.
Can it be that you have two instances of "Who has visited" installed?

warnmar10 08-18-2006 03:34 PM

I would like to remove the underlines from the list of usernames. I'm assuming something like change rel="nofollow" to rel="nofollow" style="text-decoration:none;"

Which template does this use?

Riboflavin 08-18-2006 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Marsupilami
You will have to edit the templates manually if they are not parented by the default theme. Or if the actual used template is modified from the default theme.

Template management tip: Don't edit the default template. Create a child template and edit that instead. Then, when everything works as it should, set this child template as forum default.

Regards, Johan

I tried it as a child forum but it still didnt work. How do I do it manually?

Marsupilami 08-18-2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Riboflavin
I tried it as a child forum but it still didnt work. How do I do it manually?

Child template you mean? Not forum.

Riboflavin 08-18-2006 06:54 PM

Yes, template sorry. My mind was wondering.

Marsupilami 08-18-2006 07:45 PM

First go to maintenance / update counters:

Click the button "rebulid styles" with the options set to:
  • "Check For Styles With No Parent" set to "yes"
  • "Renumber all templates from 1" set to "no".

Did this help? If not, then proceed.

In the admincp, under vbulletin options / style & language settings:

Set "default style" to what you want it to be.

Then go into styles & templates /style manager:

Check the checkbox to the left of the style you want the users to have.
Then, (at least until you solved this problem), uncheck the checkboxes to the left of all the other checkboxes, so that the users cannot select those styles.

Did this help? If not, then proceed.

Then go into forums & moderators / forum manager:

Edit each of the forums and set "custom style for this forum" to "use default style".
Or, you can set "Override Users' Style Choice" to "no" for each forum.
Freferrably you do both.

Now your users can only see the forum with the default style you selected above.

Did this help? Really hope so.

Two question:
  • Can your users see the information field "Currently Active Users:"?
  • Have your users selected to "browse invisible"?
Good luck!

jgommel 08-18-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Marsupilami
Jgommel, i did this:
  • Running vb 3.5.4 OK
  • Copied to test site
  • Installed:
    • vBPicGallery 10.0.0 RC 2
    • LDM 2.2.1
    • vbadvanced 2.1.0
    • Timeslip 1.1.4
    • Who has visited 4.2.1
  • Patched to vb 3.5.5
  • Everything is running OK
  • Upgraded to:
    • vb 3.6.0 gold
    • LDM 2.2.5 (overwrite)
    • vbadvanced 2.2.0 (overwrite)
    • Who has visited 4.3.1 (overwrite)
  • Propagated hoards of template changes
Everything is running OK except Timeslip which was broken in vb 3.6.0 due to changes in database structure.
When Timeslip works with vb3.6.0 i will go 3.6.0 on the target site.

Remember to overwrite when upgrading the pruducts.
Can it be that you have two instances of "Who has visited" installed?

I can only assume that the plugin is installed twice, but when I use the uninstaller to remove the plugin -- all is well. If I re-install using the Overwrite, I still have double.

I'd like to uninstall the plugin and then locate the floaters and delete them manually. Then reinstall the plugin again... any suggestions on where to find these floaters (whether it's in the DB or not?).


Riboflavin 08-18-2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Marsupilami
First go to maintenance / update counters:

Click the button "rebulid styles" with the options set to:
  • "Check For Styles With No Parent" set to "yes"
  • "Renumber all templates from 1" set to "no".

Did this help? If not, then proceed.

In the admincp, under vbulletin options / style & language settings:

Set "default style" to what you want it to be.

Then go into styles & templates /style manager:

Check the checkbox to the left of the style you want the users to have.
Then, (at least until you solved this problem), uncheck the checkboxes to the left of all the other checkboxes, so that the users cannot select those styles.

Did this help? If not, then proceed.

Then go into forums & moderators / forum manager:

Edit each of the forums and set "custom style for this forum" to "use default style".
Or, you can set "Override Users' Style Choice" to "no" for each forum.
Freferrably you do both.

Now your users can only see the forum with the default style you selected above.

Did this help? Really hope so.

Two question:
  • Can your users see the information field "Currently Active Users:"?
  • Have your users selected to "browse invisible"?
Good luck!

Unfortunatly that didn't work :( The style shows up just fine, it just doesn't appear to be adding the code into the style, its only adding it to the old style.

I can see Currently Active Users:, and no, no one is invisible.

warnmar10 08-21-2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by warnmar10
I would like to remove the underlines from the list of usernames. I'm assuming something like change rel="nofollow" to rel="nofollow" style="text-decoration:none;"

Which template does this use?


Shazz 08-21-2006 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by warnmar10

Admin CP> styles and templates. > pick your skin> all styles options Its in the the middle of the page
Honda Cub F history

Paul M 08-21-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by jgommel
I can only assume that the plugin is installed twice, but when I use the uninstaller to remove the plugin -- all is well. If I re-install using the Overwrite, I still have double.

Sorry, without admin/ftp access to your forum I cannot see what is going on, you seem to have some internal problem causing a hook to be run twice.


Originally Posted by Riboflavin
Unfortunatly that didn't work :( The style shows up just fine, it just doesn't appear to be adding the code into the style, its only adding it to the old style.

At a guess, your custom style is probably missing the required html comment that this looks for.


Originally Posted by warnmar10

You're not showing as having this installed, please click in install if you require support.

warnmar10 08-22-2006 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
...You're not showing as having this installed, please click in install if you require support.

Most humble appologies, now corrected. FWIW I still showed 4.21 installed on 3.5.5, so I uninstalled it there.


Originally Posted by Shazz
Admin CP> styles and templates. > pick your skin> all styles options Its in the the middle of the page

That seems to be kind of global or I'm missing the point entirely. I was hoping there might be a template edit or possibly a file edit to get rid of the underlined links in the Who Visited box only.

Paul M 08-22-2006 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by warnmar10
I would like to remove the underlines from the list of usernames. I'm assuming something like change rel="nofollow" to rel="nofollow" style="text-decoration:none;"

Which template does this use?

It doesn't use a template to build that, it's coded in the plugin itself.

PHP Code:

$whotoday .= "<a rel=\"nofollow\" "

Edit the above line.

Ascor 08-22-2006 11:58 PM

installed, all work fine, thank you :)

bigsbydapicka 08-23-2006 01:04 AM

Installed and works great...Thanks!

warnmar10 08-23-2006 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
It doesn't use a template to build that, it's coded in the plugin itself.

PHP Code:

$whotoday .= "<a rel=\"nofollow\" "

Edit the above line.

Thank you very much.

I'm not sure what I've done but...

Most users ever online was 1, 12-31-1969 at 06:00 PM.
The most members online in one day was 1, 12-31-1969.

This happened after I upgraded the product from 4.21 to 4.31 this evening. Any ideas where to look?

Paul M 08-23-2006 03:44 AM

Those are not part of this mod, I think you have the most visitors/posters/chatters add-on installed.

warnmar10 08-23-2006 09:39 AM

Thanks and you are correct.

So, I uninstalled who is in flashchat, updated both 'Members who have visited Today' and 'Visitors/Posters/Chatters'. The counters are still stuck at 12/31/69 and 1.

Any suggestions?

TygerTyger 08-23-2006 01:09 PM

I suspect I know the answer already, but would it be possible for the permissions settings to be able to override the Global WOL switch-off for Guests? It seems to me that this mod would be a great activity advert. Unfortunately you can't turn on WVT and leave WOL off.

Paul M 08-23-2006 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by warnmar10
Thanks and you are correct.

So, I uninstalled who is in flashchat, updated both 'Members who have visited Today' and 'Visitors/Posters/Chatters'. The counters are still stuck at 12/31/69 and 1.

Any suggestions?

Make sure you have the 3.6 version of the add-on installed, then run this query.


update datastore set unserialize = 1 where title = 'maxloggedin'
See if that fixes the stats, if not then run this to reset them completely.


update datastore set unserialize = 1,data = ' ' where title = 'maxloggedin'

Paul M 08-23-2006 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by TygerTyger
I suspect I know the answer already, but would it be possible for the permissions settings to be able to override the Global WOL switch-off for Guests? It seems to me that this mod would be a great activity advert. Unfortunately you can't turn on WVT and leave WOL off.

Not sure I entirely follow you - but this mods display relies on the "What's going on" (Display Logged in Users) being active, not the Who's Online page. If you disable that then this will not be shown. There is no way round that without a template edit.

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