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JJR512 04-23-2001 07:39 PM

I ran the query as above, and it said 1. I tried it withouth the final AND open!='10' as I tried in the member.php as I said above, and it said 2.

BTW, I've requested an authorization from your ICQ number, but it looks like you're not connected. If you think that would be easier and faster, we could work on this by ICQ. My # is 52675695

JJR512 04-23-2001 09:05 PM

bira...check your database. Check the thread table, and look specifically at the postuserid fields. Most of mine were set to 0. (The postusername fields are fine, which is why I think I didn't notice any problems where it is supposed to say who started the thread.)

I think the problem seems to come from updating counters, specifically update forums info. I did this while I was looking at the table, and afterwards, most of the postuserid that wasn't already 0 now was.

tubedogg, I'm back on ICQ.

JJR512 04-23-2001 09:28 PM

tubedogg, I finally got my db backed up, so I tried that script you sent. I got this error message:

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/jjr512/jjr512-www/forums/admin/updatepostuserid.php on line 3
Done updating users

bira 04-24-2001 03:52 AM


Originally posted by JJR512
bira...check your database. Check the thread table, and look specifically at the postuserid fields. Most of mine were set to 0. (The postusername fields are fine, which is why I think I didn't notice any problems where it is supposed to say who started the thread.)

I think the problem seems to come from updating counters, specifically update forums info. I did this while I was looking at the table, and afterwards, most of the postuserid that wasn't already 0 now was.

tubedogg, I'm back on ICQ.

Yep, you're right.

OK, so I changed the query in members.php to


SELECT COUNT(title) AS starts FROM thread WHERE postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'
And it works fine.

I'm curious to know why the update counters change the postuserid column to 0 though... :confused:

tubedogg 04-24-2001 04:12 AM

I'm looking at the update thread thing. I can see where it would edit the postuserid, but why it changes them all to 0 is another story. I have posted a note in the bug reports forum.

For all you that can't get this to work, change the query to what bira has posted. I also posted the correct code in the first post in this thread.

zarkov 05-20-2001 05:18 AM

Cool script Tubedog Thanks :)

By the way ive just installed it in RC2 and works great.

Those of you who use this may be interested in a script i just wrote using the info i learned from installing this hack.
Its similar but shows when the user was last online.

see thread

tubedogg 06-03-2001 12:57 AM

I've updated the files to reflect the fact that it works in v2.0.0 and made a cosmetic change so the words "Threads Started" are capitalized and have a colon after them to match the other fields in getinfo. No need to change or upgrade if you have this successfully working.

DEMOLiTiON 06-04-2001 08:31 PM

Heya! I installed this hack, but can I request an modification? It would be cool if the threads started are placed below the "posts:" in the postbit template.

kdog316 06-08-2001 09:49 PM

how do i fix the line thats between threads posted and threads started its to thick heres a link to an example http://tmbps.photographiclee.com/mem...tinfo&userid=1

kdog316 06-09-2001 03:43 AM

ok on the user has started x threads. where it says

x of the currently available threads
where x=the number of threads started. i want to make it say

x of the currently "and then i want to add the varable $totalthreads" available threads
but i cant get that varible to show up even when i enter it in. how do i go about makeing it show up.:confused:

kdog316 06-19-2001 07:27 PM

I got it to work its pretty cool heres the link to it http://tmbps.allaroundsite.com/membe...ter&forumid=28 this shows you how many threads they have started and then it tells you the toatal threads there are in on the board.:)

TripleH 07-29-2001 08:15 AM

can you please help me witht something?
I am trying to get this to show in the postbit template so it shows undernaeath the eprsonal views, and total post,
but i cna't get it to work,,. can you instruct me how to do this>?



almighty one 08-04-2001 11:54 AM

hey i ahd this installed before and it worked fine but now on 2.03 it shows the threads started in profile but doesnt sahow a # it is just bl;ak i did an update counters etc can soemone tell me the prob here

JJR512 08-04-2001 02:37 PM

You need to put the code for this hack into the new member.php file. Part of this hack is some code that you insert into that file. When you upgraded to 2.0.3, that file was overwritten with a clean, unhacked version. You still see the "Threads started" in a person's profile because that bit of the hack is in a template, which does not get overwritten in an upgrade. But as you noticed, it says "Threads started", but there is no number, because the code that generates the number is gone.

TripleH 08-04-2001 05:22 PM

Anbyone know a solution to my problem???


almighty one 08-04-2001 07:55 PM


Originally posted by JJR512
You need to put the code for this hack into the new member.php file. Part of this hack is some code that you insert into that file. When you upgraded to 2.0.3, that file was overwritten with a clean, unhacked version. You still see the "Threads started" in a person's profile because that bit of the hack is in a template, which does not get overwritten in an upgrade. But as you noticed, it says "Threads started", but there is no number, because the code that generates the number is gone.
man i know hacks get overwriten im not stupid but it still wont work if i use the 2.03 memebrphp but if i run the old memebr php from 2.02 it works fine i insstalled the hack 3 times in memebr php for 2.03 but c not get it to work

JJR512 08-05-2001 03:53 AM

I never said you were stupid. So please don't expect an apology. I've seen enough instances where people didn't realize that hacks get overwritten that it comes to be my first thought in this type of situation. You know, similar to the old cliche of "My computer doesn't work!"..."Well, is it plugged in?" OK?

So I will say I'm sorry I can't help you. It works fine for me on 2.0.3.

jasmith 08-07-2001 02:12 PM

im using 2.0.1 and I have the same problem... where it should tell howmany posts... its just blank.

Generics 09-04-2001 08:00 AM

hi i am new in vbb and tried to add the hack ... i have done like the txt said but i only see in teh profil thread started but no number how many threads that are someone knowing where the error is ?? i use vbb 2.0.3

Gutspiller 09-05-2001 03:57 PM

This hack has a problem with users names that have a ' in the name. Take a look at the help FireFly gave to fix the problem in this thread: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...072#post167266

Generics 09-06-2001 06:15 AM

thx for the help

[VbbFr]Elie 10-06-2001 01:29 AM

Hy want to used this in specifie forum ...

I Try this :


// Find out how many threads this user has started
  $startcount = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts from thread where forumid='3' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  $startcount = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts2 from thread where forumid='16' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  $startcount = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts3 from thread where forumid='14' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  // end Find threads

It's writting 1 everytime :(

Some one can show me ?

Justice 10-06-2001 07:59 PM

wow, I just installed this in less than two minutes and it works perfectly.

what's the catch??

MApI 10-07-2001 01:02 PM

Hi, great hack, but there's a way to put this info into the left column (where the name, avatar, date of registration) instead the user CP ?

thx. in adv. bye.

afterlab 10-08-2001 10:29 PM

Hey tube.. Anyway you can make this appear in the postbit template as well?

Nice hack, worked without a problem.

MApI 10-09-2001 05:45 AM


instead the user CP ?
or in add obv. thx again, MAp|

MApI 10-21-2001 08:20 AM

Ehm ... no answers= no ways to do it ? :p :p :p


DarkManX_19 10-24-2001 12:33 AM


Originally posted by afterlab
Hey tube.. Anyway you can make this appear in the postbit template as well?

Nice hack, worked without a problem.

i agree, i installed it flawlessly, but would like to know how to get it to show up in the postbit template too :D

Narkan 10-24-2001 03:51 PM

Here I am, thanx for this little/great hack, but I would like to see the Started Threads: entry in the postbits template under the Posts: one too...
I tried to do it by myself but got no success :(
Can someone explain me how to do that?

(P.S. I just can't code PhP/MySQL but I tried to add an entry in the postbits template saying "Threads Started: $starts" and "Threads Started: $startcount[starts]" but it didn't work either way :()

Cruz 10-25-2001 03:15 PM


// Find out how many threads this user has started
  $startcount1 = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts from thread where forumid='3' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  $startcount2 = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts2 from thread where forumid='16' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  $startcount3 = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts3 from thread where forumid='14' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  // end Find threads

that will work :)
you were resetting the variable $startcount with every different select query.

Neo 10-25-2001 05:14 PM

how would you exculde surton forums?

DarkManX_19 10-25-2001 09:04 PM


Originally posted by Cruz

// Find out how many threads this user has started
  $startcount1 = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts from thread where forumid='3' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  $startcount2 = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts2 from thread where forumid='16' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  $startcount3 = $DB_site->query_first("Select COUNT(postuserid) AS starts3 from thread where forumid='14' AND postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND open!='10'");
  // end Find threads

that will work :)
you were resetting the variable $startcount with every different select query.

Do i put this code in the postbit template then???


Cruz 10-25-2001 10:55 PM

no...the way I did it was to place it in the members.php -> because i had it add a few fields to the display stuff...
then you can put the $startcount1 wherever.
here is code i am using:

  // Find out how many game  reviews this user has made
  $gstartcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(title) AS starts FROM thread WHERE postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND forumid='16'");
  $gamestarts = $gstartcount[starts];
  // end Find threads
 // Find out how many media clips this user has posted
  $mstartcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(title) AS starts FROM thread WHERE postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND forumid='25'");
  $mediastarts = $mstartcount[starts];
  // end Find threads

  // Find out how many missions this user has made
  $mistartcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(title) AS starts FROM thread WHERE postusername='$userinfo[username]' AND forumid='26'");
  $mixedstarts = $mistartcount[starts];
  // end Find threads

DarkManX_19 10-26-2001 12:09 AM

thanks :D

yuppie 10-28-2001 12:55 PM

Nice work

But how can i display the threads in Members?

Admin 10-28-2001 12:57 PM

First you need to enter your username here, yuppie.

Lesane 11-19-2001 08:03 AM


Originally posted by Gutspiller
This hack has a problem with users names that have a ' in the name. Take a look at the help FireFly gave to fix the problem in this thread: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...072#post167266
That thread is gone, no permission :(

Can you post the fix here? or firefly?

LanciaStratos 11-19-2001 09:52 PM

This doesn't work with 2.2.0, does it?

MApI 11-25-2001 06:29 PM

My work very well with 2.21. I'm just lookin' for the variable that shows started threads in postbit template too.


Gutspiller 01-28-2002 04:47 PM


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