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proxus 08-07-2006 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by utw-Mephisto
Looks great also with vba


Thats almost exactly what i'm trying to achieve. Any chance of posting the module code for that centre block? I've got everything else how i want it in vba except the center. Thanks

cherylferraro 08-07-2006 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by proxus
Thats almost exactly what i'm trying to achieve. Any chance of posting the module code for that centre block? I've got everything else how i want it in vba except the center. Thanks

I use this method and it works very well:

proxus 08-07-2006 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by cherylferraro
I use this method and it works very well:

Damn, fast response. Thanks. Works great !

cavyspirit 08-11-2006 08:29 AM

I'm still not sure I have this config'd right.

When I logout, it goes back to the flashchat login screen and I can't 'X' out of it! I have to click on the forum home page to get out.

Also, I'm still confused on how to set the admin user. I only seem to be able to get to from calling up /admin, not from just logging in as an admin.

Paul M 08-11-2006 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by cavyspirit
When I logout, it goes back to the flashchat login screen and I can't 'X' out of it! I have to click on the forum home page to get out.

That's correct.


Originally Posted by cavyspirit
Also, I'm still confused on how to set the admin user. I only seem to be able to get to from calling up /admin, not from just logging in as an admin.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "able to get to from calling up /admin".

cavyspirit 08-11-2006 03:17 PM

Sorry, I was up late last night.

I meant that the FlashChat documentation implies that if you are an administrator, which seems to be set somewhere in the config, that when you logon to FlashChat you will get access to the FlashChat admin area.

cavyspirit 08-11-2006 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
That's correct.

Hmmmm. That seems pretty weird. So, I have to explain to members that that's the way it's supposed to work. So, basically, once they open a flashchat session, using the upper-right hand corner "X" to exit out of the application doesn't work. They have to reselect the forum on the top left of the screen. Do I have that right?

cavyspirit 08-11-2006 03:25 PM


* Permanant, Private Rooms are loaded by Admins and Moderators (allows for Staff Rooms).
How do I do this? Are there any configuration setting in the vB admin CP? I can't find any. I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.

cavyspirit 08-11-2006 03:32 PM

Figured out the staff rooms.

cavyspirit 08-13-2006 07:43 PM

btw, I figured out how to have the logout process take you straight back to the home page of the forum. In the config file, I made these changes:

'showLogoutWindow' => false, // if false, then use only the ....src=logout.php method, but do not use the popup method at all


//Logout behavior
'logout' => array(
'close' => true, // if true, then FlashChat window is closed upon logout
'redirect' => true, // redirectURL must be a valid URL
'url' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/forum', // 'redirect' must be set to true for this to work
'window' => '_parent', // the window to open into. possible values: _blank, _self, _parent, or a named window

Paul M 08-13-2006 07:46 PM

Yes, but if you are using this mod as it was intended (i.e. not fullscreen flashchat, but flashchat within a vb page) then that will give you a page within a page.

cavyspirit 08-13-2006 07:50 PM

That is exactly how I am using it, as if you were and are in vB. That's why you need the _parent option. That's what did the trick. It automatically shuts down the login window and takes you to the forum home page. It works for me.

Paul M 08-13-2006 08:08 PM

I see, in that case, a nice little trick. Thanks.

For anyone wondering, this is a setting in the Flashchat config file, not vbulletin, and therefore not something I can add, you will need to manually edit the file.

cavyspirit 08-13-2006 08:16 PM

No problem. Thank YOU!

Now I'm struggling figuring out to get my custom themes to work. Not so easy. It's very, very fussy. And factor in the flash cookie equivalents.

And my 1024x768 graphics seemed to get chopped off rather than resized in the vB smaller area.

Can't figure out why my one custom graphic doesn't work initially unless you click in the hot background area like below the room list. And that is AFTER you click "Press Space bar or enter to activate control."

cavyspirit 08-14-2006 12:27 AM

Lessons learned the hard way:

Definitely install the ACTIVATE FLASH script on this page: http://www.tufat.com/resources2.htm

It works perfectly with 4.5.7 AND vB integration. This WILL remove the annoying Press Space Bar or Enter to Activate message in IE.

Secondly, on creating your own themes, in config do NOT put your version of:
require_once(INC_DIR . 'themes/mytheme.php');
at the top of the others. Put it at the bottom. Mine and yours is not to wonder why.

Also, if you do like I did and pick a theme to copy and change, be sure this setting is true
'showBackgroundImagesOnLogin' => true,
in the php file of your theme.

Now it's on to try to figure out the whacky world of bots!

cavyspirit 08-14-2006 04:05 AM

I would really prefer to have my WOL at the top of my forum. I went to take a look at it and realized you must have set it with a hook or something because it's not in the FORUMHOME template.

How can I move it?


Simms 08-14-2006 03:10 PM

Looking for some clarification on something...

Is the Who's in Chat included in this package or not? (Or am I confusing "WOL Display" with something else?)

I was thinking that it was included here, but couldn't get it to show up. So I installed the 3.5.5 version of it, and now I see the display, as well as all the options in the vB Admin options. So technically, it's working...except the box appears twice, and I'm not sure why.

On a related note, is it possible to have a direct link to the pop-up login version? Anybody know what URL string I'd use for that? I've dug through the code and can't figure it out.

Paul M 08-14-2006 03:18 PM

Who's in the Chat is not part of this - it's a seperate modification (there is a 3.6 version).

Simms 08-14-2006 03:21 PM

Yeah, just noticed that. :) (It was farther down the list of search results, and I didn't bother looking past the 3.5.5 one.)

cavyspirit 08-14-2006 07:09 PM

Sorry, my mistake. And actually the 3.5 extension to the WIC worked great for me. So, I have everything I need!! I'm soooo happy!

Reeftanksonline 08-15-2006 09:08 PM

How do I change the intergraded page hight so that the chat window is shorter so it fits better to the look of my site? http://www.photochimper.com/forum/misc.php?do=flashchat

Paul M 08-15-2006 10:06 PM

vBulletin Options > General Settings > FlashChat Height

BETIServices 08-15-2006 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by cavyspirit
btw, I figured out how to have the logout process take you straight back to the home page of the forum. In the config file, I made these changes:

'showLogoutWindow' => false, // if false, then use only the ....src=logout.php method, but do not use the popup method at all


//Logout behavior
'logout' => array(
'close' => true, // if true, then FlashChat window is closed upon logout
'redirect' => true, // redirectURL must be a valid URL
'url' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/forum', // 'redirect' must be set to true for this to work
'window' => '_parent', // the window to open into. possible values: _blank, _self, _parent, or a named window

Wow, Really a life saver.... Thanks you!

It worked and I love it, thanks for the info.

Reeftanksonline 08-16-2006 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
vBulletin Options > General Settings > FlashChat Height

thank you!

jw00dy 08-17-2006 02:36 AM

Thank you!


dt-pain 08-17-2006 11:36 PM

i have no vbchat in my admin...What am i looking for? Thanks

mdvaldosta 08-21-2006 09:49 PM

The flashchat link didn't show up in my quicklinks. What should I do?

Paul M 08-21-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by dt-pain
i have no vbchat in my admin...What am i looking for? Thanks

This isn't vbchat, it does not add anything to the ACP.


Originally Posted by mdvaldosta
The flashchat link didn't show up in my quicklinks. What should I do?

Add yourself a link manually.

Jaxel 08-26-2006 05:07 PM

config.php AVATAR settings dont work in VB36

                //Avatar settings
                'avatars' => array(
                        'mod_only' => 'smi_admin,smi_moderator',

                        // for standard users (& customers, if using support mode)
                        'user' => array(
                                'male' => array(
                                        'mainchat' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_male', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => false, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                        'room' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_male', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                'female' => array(
                                        'mainchat' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_female', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => false, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                        'room' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_female', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                        // for administrators
                        'admin' => array(
                                'male' => array(
                                        'mainchat' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_admin', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                        'room' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_admin', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                'female' => array(
                                        'mainchat' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_admin', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                        'room' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_admin', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                        // for moderators
                        'moderator' => array(
                                'male' => array(
                                        'mainchat' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_moderator', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                        'room' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_moderator', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                'female' => array(
                                        'mainchat' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_moderator', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)
                                        'room' => array(
                                                'default_value' => 'smi_moderator', // a smilie code
                                                'default_state' => true, // true = checked/on by default
                                                'allow_override' => false, // if false, cannot be changed (combo box is disabled)

According to these settings... all users should be forced to specific avatars and be unable to change them. Including admins. As an admin, it works, I am forced to a specific avatar and unable to change it. However, normal users still have the ability to change their avatars. Its just not working; I had these settings up for a few days now and users are still able to change their chat avatars.

NeitherSparky 08-27-2006 03:55 AM

I've installed this and will assume its working unless I find it isn't, lol. Thanks!

Dilldogs 08-27-2006 04:21 AM

Where can I get flashchat from? I have never used it.

NeitherSparky 08-27-2006 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dilldogs
Where can I get flashchat from? I have never used it.


I've only just installed it and am still playing with it.

Adramelech 08-30-2006 09:18 AM

Installed.. works.. Thanks!

PS. When I get home from work I will then add the Who's in Chat.. can't wait.. :)

Basit 08-31-2006 05:32 PM

I installed it and installed it over a dozen times but for some reasons it is not working with me (the integration part with VB 3.6 only).

I installed it on http://www.hallagulla.com/vb3/chat folder.

Installed the add-on as well but it doesn't login to chat for some reason. I sent a PM to you @ Paul with details and hope to get it resolved as I gave up. :(


Jaxel 08-31-2006 07:37 PM

No one has answered my question about avatar settings yet...

Paul M 08-31-2006 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel
No one has answered my question about avatar settings yet...

That's because it's a question about flashchat functionality, not this mod.

As it says in the first post ;


Finally, I am not Tufat.com nor anything to do with the Flashchat product - if you have questions about Flashchat in general, their forums are here.

Jaxel 09-01-2006 03:23 PM

Hmm... I asked this previously on the Tufat forums and they had no answer for me... So I assumed it had something to do with the way the CMS file integrates users into the 'user' category.

PamelaE 09-02-2006 08:29 AM

I would hold out on using this and it should raised on this thread that there is a massive security hole with this version. I am using the latest version which resulted in a hack on my forums. VB.com have it as an annoucement now.

I would wait until the next version with a fix is announced.

Paul M 09-02-2006 08:45 AM

Excuse me ? - you might want to word that a little better - There are no holes in this modification, the recent hole in Flashchat itself is due to a CMS file for another system, and the offending file can simply be deleted.

PamelaE 09-02-2006 11:34 PM

Ok apologies. Im only going by the discussion on Tufat where they claim not to know whats causing the hole and looking for access logs to fix it.

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