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Boofo 05-15-2006 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala
Well that moderator's sleepin' on the job. This hack thread had its attachment removed long ago, yet the thread remains. I'm sure there are plenty more.

JumpD's got attention because of the current climate. This is not "business as usual" and anyone following along can see that clearly.

You're telling me it's the mod's job to delete attachment-less hack threads and all the hundreds of posts of valuable information and support, and it's okay for them to do so a mere 12 hours after the attachment has been taken down?

If that's the case, the "job" needs to be reviewed.

This harms the users and the community too. I contributed to those threads too, still have those hacks installed, and would like to review the information there. If JumpD never came back, then I'm denied that information forever?

That's stupid.

Some of his threads had thousands of posts! Lock the threads if you want, but don't DELETE them.

It's an absurd move. You embarrass yourself by defending it.

We're human, we make mistakes. We don't always see every thread that needs to be deleted. That is what the report button is for. ;)

But when members complain to us that hack threads are bing abandoned or having the hacks removed, we have to follow the rules, no matter who it is. That's what the rules are there for. ;)

Lady Divus 05-15-2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by hambil
If asked for support on an existing hack by a user, I will give the canned reply:

Wow, hambil, i guess since you are inferring that you wont give support, or release anymore work because you are trying to make a point, then when/if you do decide to 'start supporting/releasing' your hacks again, myself as well as others may remember the canned reply and not even bother to download your work. You are telling me that you are going to behave the very same way you are accusing the staff of behaving. Does two wrongs make a right?

I personally feel that LiveWire is an awesome coder, and i certainly hate to see him leave. I absolutely adore TheGeek and feel that PaulM is somewhat blunt but always makes sense to me, and i dont always like the atmosphere here from the Mods, BUT, i have seen more coders treating members bad than i have staff. You seem to forget that w/o users, there would be no need for coders. The same as you say w/o coders, there would be no site.

I am very much dissapointed in your comments as this is not what i expected as a user to see from you since you are requesting respect.


Originally Posted by hambil
My reaction was specifically to being called replaceable, and having had numerous suggestions go unanswered. But mostly to being called replaceable.

Have you looked lately to see how many requests for support goes unanswered? Numerous requests from what i can see, from various coders! (Not pointing at anyone in particular) As far as your reaction to being called replaceable, guess what, YOU ARE replaceable! We all are. If a user bulks and leaves, do you think we wouldnt be replaced by 100 more in no time? Of course we would! If a company loses an employee, does he shut the doors and close up shop and go home? Of course not, he finds someone else to 'replace' that employee.

What i am trying to say is this. You cant develope the attitude that someone stole your lollipop so you are going hold your breath until you turn blue until they give it back. You have to be better than that, you have to say, ok, im more mature than that and i am not going to retaliate by taking your lollipop tomorrow, in fact, tomorrow i will have another one and bring you one too.

If it seems a bit rediculous to give such a childish analogy then please be aware that is how your starting post seems to me, childish. If you dont like how others play the game, then dont play in their yard. It is that simple IMO...Take care all -

Lady Divus

Guest190829 05-15-2006 02:22 AM

I can only say this so many times that this has nothing to do with ego or who is higher on the this so called pedestal. I feel like this is being made into some sort of contest, which it isn't. He removed the zip files, which means the hack thread is no longer a hack thread. If he wants to put the zip files back, we will restore the thread.

If I announced publically that I was removing my hacks and leaving, of course the threads would be deleted quicker than the example you just posted.

Tralala 05-15-2006 02:22 AM

I submit then that the rules need to be changed. A thread with valuable information in it, one that has the capacity to help the members here, shouldn't be removed even if the attachment is removed (unless the hack author requests it be removed too, of course.)

Worst case scenario: lock the thread.

Deleting it only denies the users the valuable information in the thread. No, new members won't get confused; the thread is locked and soon forgotten.


Boofo 05-15-2006 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Lady Divus
Wow, hambil, i guess since you are inferring that you wont give support, or release anymore work because you are trying to make a point, then when/if you do decide to 'start supporting/releasing' your hacks again, myself as well as others may remember the canned reply and not even bother to download your work. You are telling me that you are going to behave the very same way you are accusing the staff of behaving. Does two wrongs make a right?

I personally feel that LiveWire is an awesome coder, and i certainly hate to see him leave. I absolutely adore TheGeek and feel that PaulM is somewhat blunt but always makes sense to me, and i dont always like the atmosphere here from the Mods, BUT, i have seen more coders treating members bad than i have staff. You seem to forget that w/o users, there would be no need for coders. The same as you say w/o coders, there would be no site.

I am very much dissapointed in your comments as this is not what i expected as a user to see from you since you are requesting respect.

Have you looked lately to see how many requests for support goes unanswered? Numerous requests from what i can see, from various coders! (Not pointing at anyone in particular) As far as your reaction to being called replaceable, guess what, YOU ARE replaceable! We all are. If a user bulks and leaves, do you think we wouldnt be replaced by 100 more in no time? Of course we would! If a company loses an employee, does he shut the doors and close up shop and go home? Of course not, he finds someone else to 'replace' that employee.

What i am trying to say is this. You cant develope the attitude that someone stole your lollipop so you are going hold your breath until you turn blue until they give it back. You have to be better than that, you have to say, ok, im more mature than that and i am not going to retaliate by taking your lollipop tomorrow, in fact, tomorrow i will have another one and bring you one too.

If it seems a bit rediculous to give such a childish analogy then please be aware that is how your starting post seems to me, childish. If you dont like how others play the game, then dont play in their yard. It is that simple IMO...Take care all -

Lady Divus

I'd do a marriage proposal right now, but you would only be disaapointed anyway. ;)

Excellent post! No one here has stated this any better than you just did. You are to be commended and admired. ;)

Mr Chad 05-15-2006 02:26 AM

well i have a few hacks that i have not relased because of the atmosphere here.

Once things get worked out I would be happy to start putting out my hacks.

Boofo 05-15-2006 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala
I submit then that the rules need to be changed. A thread with valuable information in it, one that has the capacity to help the members here, shouldn't be removed even if the attachment is removed (unless the hack author requests it be removed too, of course.)

Worst case scenario: lock the thread.

Deleting it only denies the users the valuable information in the thread. No, new members won't get confused; the thread is locked and soon forgotten.


And then you get threads wondering where the hack is and why there is no support. It's easier to remove it than get everyone all upset because someone is having a "day". ;)

Guest190829 05-15-2006 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala
I submit then that the rules need to be changed. A thread with valuable information in it, one that has the capacity to help the members here, shouldn't be removed even if the attachment is removed (unless the hack author requests it be removed too, of course.)

Worst case scenario: lock the thread.

Deleting it only denies the users the valuable information in the thread. No, new members won't get confused; the thread is locked and soon forgotten.


Your suggestion will certainly be discussed amongst the staff. :)

Boofo 05-15-2006 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by chatbum
well i have a few hacks that i have not relased because of the atmosphere here.

Once things get worked out I would be happy to start putting out my hacks.

Don't threaten us with your hacks, Chatburn, that isn't fair. :cross-eyed:

Paul M 05-15-2006 02:29 AM

It seems to me that it would be more sensible to close them and move them out of the hacks area into the general support area, so people can at least refer to them. I understand why they were removed (policy), but IMO, the policy needs a small tweak :)

I also think the reaction of some to this has been somewhat OTT - chill out people. :)

Boofo 05-15-2006 02:33 AM

And this commoin sense statement comes form a code here with, what, 12 installs, Paul? So you might want to listen to him people. ;)

Paul M 05-15-2006 02:36 AM

LOL, I think you missed a few zero's there. :p

Boofo 05-15-2006 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
LOL, I think you missed a few zero's there. :p

Before the 12 or after it? :cross-eyed:

Adrian Schneider 05-15-2006 02:38 AM

If you guys want respect, be the bigger person and let it go, or at least try to solve things in a civil manner. It's not a big deal. I understand that many of you want to see some changes, hell... I do too, but this isn't the way to go about it.

If you don't feel motivated to do something, don't do it. It's simple. Move on, sell your modifications if you want to, and good luck to you. I don't bother releasing modifications here (never have, really). Why? Exactly. Why. As selfish as that sounds, I have no reason to, so I don't. I don't complain either, though.

Removing your work from here is your own decision, and though a tad childish in my opinion, it is your choice. The staff removing the threads right after seemed a bit of a rash move, but everyone seems to be a little pissed off lately, so that is understandable. Both parties are (or at least appear to be) acting out of spite. This is not good.

One thing I do disagree with is the slow production of the mods system. I'm sure a few people working together could whip something together in a matter of days. Another thing I would like to see is a wiki-style articles system here. The tutorials section seems to be the least organized area (and most useful to me). Maybe it is time to get some more staff members, and though I'm not sure what the deal is with the hacks db, having it up ASAP would really be appreciated by 90% of the users on this site.

Anyway, everyone should lighten up. Nobody is replacable; but, if you do leave, others will come. I'm glad to see many of you are keeping things civil, but to the rest of you: try it. It works. It helps. It makes everyones' lives much more pleasant. :)

Freesteyelz 05-15-2006 02:39 AM

@Tralala: What I'm going to say is not an attack but more of an observation. There's a lot of anger in your voice and frankly I don't see it helping the current situation. I'm a bit confused with your intentions. Are you speaking on the behalf of displeased members or for yourself?

I'd rather see a more diplomatic resolve but if members want to fight the fight, allow them to fight their own fight.

Roms 05-15-2006 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
There's a lot of anger in your voice and frankly I don't see it helping the current situation.

I thought this was text. :laugh:

Boofo 05-15-2006 02:48 AM

This Is Text! ;)

Freesteyelz 05-15-2006 02:51 AM

I've been quoted therefore I am. :D

Tralala 05-15-2006 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
There's a lot of anger in your voice and frankly I don't see it helping the current situation. I'm a bit confused with your intentions. Are you speaking on the behalf of displeased members or for yourself?

I'm speaking on behalf of myself. No anger in my "voice," just a lot of frustration. My intentions are pretty straightforward; I want to see JumpD's support threads undeleted.

Adrian Schneider 05-15-2006 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala
I'm speaking on behalf of myself. No anger in my "voice," just a lot of frustration. My intentions are pretty straightforward; I want to see JumpD's support threads undeleted.

Same. Have we tried asking?


Originally Posted by Tralala

Tell me who to ask, and how, please. Apparently I'm just a dumb newbie.

I'm not trying to be rude, and if you felt that way I apologize.

Freesteyelz 05-15-2006 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala
I'm speaking on behalf of myself. No anger in my "voice," just a lot of frustration. My intentions are pretty straightforward; I want to see JumpD's support threads undeleted.

Fair enough.

*The progression of any argument is largely dependent on the approach.

Mr Chad 05-15-2006 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Don't threaten us with your hacks, Chatburn, that isn't fair. :cross-eyed:

I'm not trying to threaten anyone, I just dont like all this fighting...

Tralala 05-15-2006 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian
I'm not trying to be rude, and if you felt that way I apologize.

You caught that post before I deleted it; I deleted it because it didn't communicate my feelings properly.

Again, I am not offended, nor am I angry. I am frustrated and disappointed by the fact that a large amount of very helpful threads, a resource I came to depend on, was deleted quickly and without proper warning or notification. It certainly feels retaliatory, in the 5 short months here I haven't seen such swift action from the moderators.

Yes, it has been asked: Whats with JumpDs mods!

It was answered with the line that "it is vb.org policy."

In this thread I submitted that this policy is lame and hurts the overall community. To this, I received these responses:


Originally Posted by Boofo
And then you get threads wondering where the hack is and why there is no support. It's easier to remove it than get everyone all upset because someone is having a "day". ;)


Originally Posted by Danny.VBT
Your suggestion will certainly be discussed amongst the staff. :)

The first is dismissive, the second, well, I guess it's something. And so I wait.

I just want the threads back, and feel like the users have gotten caught in the cross-fire of an childish game.

Boofo 05-15-2006 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by chatbum
I'm not trying to threaten anyone, I just dont like all this fighting...

I meant threaten us that you would release hacks here, sir. It was a joke. Sorry you missed it. ;)

Tralala 05-15-2006 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Danny.VBT
If he wants to put the zip files back, we will restore the thread.

How can he put the zip files back if the thread is deleted?

Freesteyelz 05-15-2006 03:59 AM

The threads were moved in a "Recycle Bin" (hidden) forum or an equivalent of.

Tralala 05-15-2006 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Freesteyelz
The threads were moved in a "Recycle Bin" (hidden) forum or an equivalent of.

Of course they were, I recognize that. If they were permanently deleted then my "voice" would come off a bit angrier.

I'm not concerned whether or not they "technically" can be undeleted. I'm aware that they were soft-deleted (or moved) are are easy to bring back.

I want them undeleted so the userbase can benefit from the thousands of helpful posts inside, and so this conflict doesn't continue to snowball out of control. If the mods acknowledge they made a knee-jerk mistake in deleting these threads so abruptly, I have a hunch that would go a long way towards ameliorating the problem we're facing here.

Mr Chad 05-15-2006 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
I meant threaten us that you would release hacks here, sir. It was a joke. Sorry you missed it. ;)

lol aww. :P

pranism 05-15-2006 04:15 AM

I have read a bit of what is going on, and while I have yet to contribute code to the community. I would like to try to understand why pulling code is going to help?

All that reminds me of is a little kid who does not get their way and picks up all their toys and goes home. I would expect such actions from my 5 year old yes but from adults or those who wish to have respect given to them?

There should have been a better way to get the ‘attention’ craved or needed, perhaps stop all support of your current hacks or offer support only for $ which seems to be the bottom line or unlined motive.

If it was about being noticed, I am sure this post I am making will get no attention due to I am nothing but a person who uses the scripts and have yet to release any making me as one coder so nicely called a ‘user’.

I think its time people grow up and try a more civil and mature way of resolving a conflict when they arise.

So far the only ones who will be hurt in this is the every day member such as myself and even if all the coders do leave that will leave room for those who have yet to release to release and get all popular till they crave the money over the community and have it all happen again in 2 years.

hambil 05-15-2006 04:45 AM


All that reminds me of is a little kid who does not get their way and picks up all their toys and goes home. I would expect such actions from my 5 year old yes but from adults or those who wish to have respect given to them?
Our code, contributed freely, is the only power we have. When negotiations break down, and nothing changes over a considerable amount of time, and coders are treated with disrespect by staff, what else is there to do?


There should have been a better way to get the ?attention? craved or needed, perhaps stop all support of your current hacks
That was my proposal. And yes, there should be a better way.


If it was about being noticed, I am sure this post I am making will get no attention due to I am nothing but a person who uses the scripts and have yet to release any making me as one coder so nicely called a ?user?.
It's not a question of whether we need users - of course we do. But this is a hack site. Without hacks it's just a site. The users will go where the free hacks are.


I think its time people grow up and try a more civil and mature way of resolving a conflict when they arise.
I agree.


So far the only ones who will be hurt in this is the every day member such as myself and even if all the coders do leave that will leave room for those who have yet to release to release and get all popular till they crave the money over the community and have it all happen again in 2 years.
Maybe. That's what many of the staff sure seems to think. vb.org is eternal! vb.org will live forever! We don't need you, we'll grow more.

A little arrogant if you ask me.

Boofo 05-15-2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by chatbum
lol aww. :P

Sorry about that. ;)

Freesteyelz 05-15-2006 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by hambil
Our code, contributed freely, is the only power we have. When negotiations break down, and nothing changes over a considerable amount of time, and coders are treated with disrespect by staff, what else is there to do?

What I saw in the opening of several threads relating to this subject isn't what I call "negotiating".

Oblivion Knight 05-15-2006 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala
Well that moderator's sleepin' on the job. This hack thread had its attachment removed long ago, yet the thread remains. I'm sure there are plenty more.

If a file-less release isn't reported, then chances are we won't notice it.

At present, we simply don't have the time or resources to regularly check up on every modification that is released.


Originally Posted by Tralala
You're telling me it's the mod's job to delete attachment-less hack threads and all the hundreds of posts of valuable information and support, and it's okay for them to do so a mere 12 hours after the attachment has been taken down?

If that's the case, the "job" needs to be reviewed.

This harms the users and the community too. I contributed to those threads too, still have those hacks installed, and would like to review the information there. If JumpD never came back, then I'm denied that information forever?

That's stupid.

Some of his threads had thousands of posts! LOCK the threads if you want, but don't DELETE them.

It's an absurd move. You embarrass yourself by defending it.

As has been mentioned already, JumpD appeared to be taking more than a "breather" by the messages that had been left, the actions taken and the line in his signature "I was never here". The deletion of his threads was not personal, nor meant to be offensive to the contributions that he has made.

The policy on deleting withdrawn releases will be reviewed after the feedback that you, and others have given us. However, nothing is likely to be changed until the "meeting" has taken place..

Corriewf 05-15-2006 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Stop it. You guys are scaring me with all this talk of death. :cross-eyed:


ahahha thats cause your old boobyfoo!

Logikos 05-15-2006 07:11 AM

I think the staff has recived quite enough criticism for one week. Like OK said, there is going to be a meeting on wensday about all of the issues here on vBOrg.

I think the best thing to do now is to wait for the outcome of the meeting. I'm confident enough to think that Jelsoft will handle these issues accordenly. I'm sure once things start to take a turn soon, that you will see these hacks restored in no time.

I personally understand whats going on with the hacks as I have had my hacks removed by choice also. I removed the attachments and stated that I wasn't going to support these hacks anymore. The staff did what should have been done and remove them. The reason why Jumps hacks were removed 'quicker' then others is because his decision was publicly addressed, there for more staff members had the opportunity to know about the situation.

See this post here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....7&postcount=10. There already looking for away to host these abandon hacks.

Marco van Herwaarden 05-15-2006 07:46 AM

Since i was the Staff member that did remove the threads by JumpD (it could have been any other Staff member), i would like to clarify somthing that seems to cause confusion:

It is normal policy, and has been as long as i remember, that the threads of modifications that are removed (ie. file deleted) are removed as immediate after Staff notice it, there is no waiting time if it is clear that the author withdrew it on purpose. Only exception to this is if Staff isn't sure if the attachments where deleted on purpose or accidentally ommited, in that case we ask the author to clarify the situation and give him some time (usually a week) to respond. In this special case we already waited until the next day, which is more time then we usually give.

This policy have been followed for years without any (major) protest. Since this policy is now challenged, we are discussing if it needs to be changed, but that don't change the fact that it was the normal policy at time of action.

To all that request the threads to be restored, this will not happen. They will only be restored if the original author request so because he want these modification to be released again (uness we change policy).


Originally Posted by LiveWire
I think the staff has recived quite enough criticism for one week.

Better get it all out now and get it over with.

Originally Posted by LiveWire
Like OK said, there is going to be a meeting on wensday about all of the issues here on vBOrg.

The meeting on wednesday is an internal Jelsoft meeting, and as far as i know one of the issues on the agenda is the situation on vbulltin.org. There will be no vbulletin.org members attending this meeting.

In this meeting they will (probably) discuss how and when they can arrange a meeting with all the parties involved in vbulletin.org to address the current situation and how to improve it.

PS Let me throw some more oil on this fire, recently the same happened with most of the hacks released by Nexialys, unless i missed some posts, nobody ever made an issue out of that.

Logikos 05-15-2006 08:01 AM

I've always remember this being the policy and I personally have no problem with what you have done with his post. It seems that it is now an issue and I'm happy to know that you guys are looking into the current policy and maybe changing it as you see fit.

Thanks for clearing up the whole meeting thing. I am happy to know that they will at least talk about whats going on over here. I belive a better relasionship between the two sites here is something that is needed, and hopefully that is soon to come. :)

Ziki 05-15-2006 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Sorry, but I would never do this anyway - I just don't think this is the right way to get change. :)

with so many installs I wouldn't even think about quitting :rolleyes:

Paul M 05-15-2006 07:47 PM

Until today I would have said it unlikely I would leave in the next year or two, sadly that's not the case anymore.

MPDev 05-15-2006 08:16 PM

Hey, Paul; I have a couple of your mods installed and would hope that you would just see this as a speed-bump in an otherwise unblemished history on this site.

I can understand how you might be upset that it went down like this, but maybe you can see it from their perspective that even the appearence of something malicious could in itself be cause for alarm. They tried to handle it privately while being expedious in trying to protect their members; I've never seen something like this before on the site, so they were figuring it out as they went. Lessons learned on both sides I am sure.

Try not to take it personal and, hopefully, get back to what it is about the site that brought you here and made you such a valuable contributor in the first place.


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