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-   -   Whats the Top 10 worst hacks 4 server load? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=113591)

bashy 04-27-2006 03:05 PM

Hi Kurt

Its the hack Custom Links (if ya want to search for it)
Basically it adds a custom menu (can name it what you like) to the navbar (mine is the Extras Menu)
It then allows you to add custom links A: either to the cutom menu as a drop link or B: as a stand alone link on the navbar...

Its a pretty good hack and i have used it from there start or there abouts

So what i am looking for now is to get rid of the custom links and mack a
manual drop link menu, but i need to know if even creating a manual droplink
menu will cause lots of queries (there will be about 17 items in it), the menu
will be the same as the Quick Links menu As this is really all the Custom Links
are, its just another quick links menu that allows you to add the links in the admin cp

Trana 04-27-2006 03:38 PM

How do you determine what the queries are?

phill2003 04-27-2006 04:41 PM

Well this is a bit of a joke, people on here shout about piracy and rightly so, but here you are helping someone whose site is only around so he can spread pirated material, he even steals nzb's from newzbin and puts them on his own site for people to download how low is that.

Nice going bashy..........

KMxRetro 04-27-2006 09:07 PM

That kinda made me attitude in my post take a turn for the worse phill, to be honest.

And now his site shows this...

"Bashys-Place.com is undergoing its server move
and will be back Sometime late Friday or early Saturday
This has happened due to some feeble minded idiots
reporting us to our host for Pay TV Hacks and the like
We know who it was and it will not be taken lying down!
We will always bounce back....."

Apparently, if someone robs my house, I can't report it to the cops because I'd be a feeble minded idiot. Oh, and bashy - I'm not your "m8".

bashy 04-27-2006 09:43 PM

Im sorry and this all has exactly what to do with the thread title?

i dont need to justify myself but i will say one thing, NZB's are not illegal
they do not contain copyrighted material and there not stolen, there free for all to use and can be created by a number of programs, again there nothing to do with this thread...!


Well this is a bit of a joke, people on here shout about piracy and rightly so, but here you are helping someone whose site is only around so he can spread pirated material, he even steals nzb's from newzbin and puts them on his own site for people to download how low is that.

Nice going bashy..........

Now aint we the pot calling the kettle black, whats this about ripping films?

rcull 05-01-2006 12:22 AM

All this talk about queries is interesting to me...., you're right I don't grasp it all.

I don't know where I find this information. I have been looking around Vb and my database, but miss it!

Could someone tell me where I find it?:confused:

yinyang 05-01-2006 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Only install hacks you can directly make use of or will directly benifit your site.

I've got 3 whole plugins.

would you kindly reveal which ones you use?

Zachery 05-01-2006 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by bashy
Im sorry and this all has exactly what to do with the thread title?

i dont need to justify myself but i will say one thing, NZB's are not illegal
they do not contain copyrighted material and there not stolen, there free for all to use and can be created by a number of programs, again there nothing to do with this thread...!


Now aint we the pot calling the kettle black, whats this about ripping films?

Ripping DVD's for personal use is a totally diffenrt story from spreading access to programs you do not own.

bashy 05-01-2006 07:14 AM

HI Zachery...

This has gone well off topic, although, how ever you want to look at it, its piracy, My members posted nzb files, so what would be the diffence to downloading backup for personal use or ripping a dvd for personal use?

Its not illegal to post the info, its illegal if you use it!!
I have done nothing wrong!!

As this has gone well off topic, I will just forget this thread, I did get the
info from you peeps and i am resolving my issues...

Thanks again your input!!

SCORPION1 05-01-2006 01:01 PM

bashy as whats known as an addiction the the more hacks he see's the more he needs and wants to put in lol :banana: am i right there and bet you spend 90% of your free time in front of the computer like me with the misses saying you give your computer more attention them me or is that just me pmsl

Zachery 05-01-2006 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
HI Zachery...

This has gone well off topic, although, how ever you want to look at it, its piracy, My members posted nzb files, so what would be the diffence to downloading backup for personal use or ripping a dvd for personal use?

Its not illegal to post the info, its illegal if you use it!!
I have done nothing wrong!!

As this has gone well off topic, I will just forget this thread, I did get the
info from you peeps and i am resolving my issues...

Thanks again your input!!

Ripping your DVD's that you own for your own personal backup is a largely differnt thing than downloading riped dvd's for your own personal backup.

Its like downloading a rom from a rom site, you legally need to rip them yourself to be covered.

phill2003 05-01-2006 05:28 PM

Hmm so robbing NZBs from newzbin.com to distribute on your site when they expressly forbid it is ok as well is it.

Talking about ripping a dvd for home use when you own the original is as far as i am aware not against the law does not infringe anyones copyright and to be honest is more about knowledge and gaining it than anything else.

You however activly sell your site using the fact that you let people use nzbs (yes i have been using usenet for years and do not need them so i do know what a NZB is) you also have a ftp server holding files that shall we say are not exactly legit not to mention the bittorrent hash files that have resulted in other high profile sites being shut down.

No it is not I that should be worried and if your too stupid or too lazy to at least take all traces of newzbin out of the nzb when you give it out then thats your hard luck.....

Warlock40 05-08-2006 03:31 PM

I was very interested in this thread until it went to morales.

Can we get back to the query issue.

I would like to know how to see the displayed in *** seconds? I do not see that in my vb. Also how do you find the debug where is it located?

I'm not having any problems but its always good to stay on top of things.

bashy 05-08-2006 06:04 PM

I m8 i know what ya mean :o
Anyway try this hack https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82900 and i aint sure but aint the debug mode in the admincp options as standard, if not i will get that hack for you as well!!

EDIT: here ya go, this is the VBDebug https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...hlight=vbdebug

Warlock40 05-12-2006 12:59 AM

this is for 3.5.1
I'm running 3.5.4
Is it in the admin cp?

bashy 05-12-2006 08:40 AM


It works on 3.5.4, its in the vBulletin Options

GrendelKhan{TSU 05-15-2006 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by bashy

It works on 3.5.4, its in the vBulletin Options

where? couldn't find it. :(

mano1.com 06-04-2006 03:41 PM

the "see new reputation comments in welcome message" hack (cant remember exact name) KILLED my perf... I mean the whole thing FROZE 10 seconds per page.

it was on a pretty slow server, but still..

bashy 06-04-2006 03:45 PM

You mean the one thats in the navbar....
If so i dont appear to have any such issues with it...

I have recently spoken to my host with regards to resource issues
and the only things that came to mind from them was VBShout.php
and wolvbshout.php the latter is the whos online php for the vbshout.

I have removed the latter as well but kept VBShout :)

mano1.com 06-04-2006 07:41 PM

that's the one... It was on my previous server which was slow so maybe that was just it.

BTW off-topic but how do you enable censorship on vBshout 2.0??? People can post any word they want right now and I am a bit puzzled...


bashy 06-04-2006 07:48 PM

Yeah i think most have this issue...i also would love to know how to enable a censor option :confused:


Originally Posted by mano1.com
that's the one... It was on my previous server which was slow so maybe that was just it.

BTW off-topic but how do you enable censorship on vBshout 2.0??? People can post any word they want right now and I am a bit puzzled...


Boofo 06-04-2006 07:58 PM

vBShout is also very server intensive, but then I think that was already mentioned in here.

sambah 06-05-2006 01:36 AM

vBPager seems to hit my quad cpu machine a little

bairy 06-11-2006 11:21 AM

I've just skimmed the entire thread and there's one thing I didn't see anyone mention though I may simply have missed it:

As well as cpu load, hundreds of plugins will also increase memory load a LOT.
1. The datastore caches all the plugins and the datastore is loaded per pageload.
2. The templates cached will take more memory.

Bashy I don't know if you're still reading this thread but if you are may I give you some fresh advice based on how it looks right now...

The portal is cute. I do like the icons. But:
- Live help? Help for what?
- There's a clock. I have a clock in the bottom right on the taskbar so I'm not sure why that's there. Just unnecessary bandwidth and clutter IMHO
- You might want to get rid of the TAZ review off the front page, it's months old and not really relevant.
- The description of the site is good. Not sure about the need for italics though tbh.
- For some reason it's telling me what my browser is. Is that in case I've forgotten?

Going into the forum itself:
Lets start with the time and size:
vB says: Page generated in 0.61149 seconds with 31 queries
MKPortal says: Page generated in 0.03834 seconds with 6 queries
So that's 0.64 secs on 37 queries.

Including images the index is 168kb big. That's 40 secs on 56k. I hope you have gzip on.

I don't know how many are online. If it's a low number and takes 0.64, lets hope you never get a high number!

Also, it took 18 seconds to actually download and render the index page on the browser, not including graphics.
I don't know if that's down to page complexity or a slow upload pipe. I can download the data for the page in about half a second.
18 seconds on any website is a lifetime. And that's on a 2800+ processor and firefox. Anyone still on a 1.*ghz processor could be waiting up to a minute.
Even Opera (which is uber fast at rendering) takes 14 secs.

Again you have live help and a clock on the left. Screen clutter.

Upon loading the page the very first thing I see is blue bolded comic sans scrolling text.
Yes. I don't see the navbar, the lastest threads info box or anything else. I see scrolling text, and on a scale of 1-10 annoying, it's an 8. And I'm not even sure what's scrolling across. It looks like a list of all the threads...

There's also a second scroller which is telling me something about referring people. Two things:
1. Scrollers are hard to read because they move several pixels in every frame. Buggered if I know why the browsers didn't smooth that out.
2. Why would I refer someone to the site before I'd even seen it myself. If it has to be there, make it a members only fad.

I don't know why people put latest threads and stats at the top. If you really must have it at the top, have it there for members only. Guests don't generally care what the latest threads are before they've seen the forum list.

It's nearly an entire pagedrop to the actual forums and it's 3-4 more to view them all. That's a lot. I appreciate that you have the moderators on and you have vertical subforums and they're making the cell heights taller, but 4 is still a long way down.

The red "warning text" looks horrible on the blue, it's hard to read.

The style's quite pleasant and things are laid out okay. Though I'm really not sure why the page has been mounted inside the MKPortal wrapper, the left bar only goes a third of the way down and is a bit pointless really. I know the intro says there are more side blocks on registration - I hope they're useful.

The lounge looks relatively busy, lets open that:
MKP: Page generated in 0.03706 seconds with 6 queries
Page generated in 0.43833 seconds with 24 queries
Render time: 10 secs.

Loading the countdown thread:
0.7 secs generation
13 secs download + render, and 491k downloaded, including images. I'm glad I'm not bandwidth restricted!

The postbits are HUGE, I mean really really big. And because you have 6 pets too you're post takes up nearly two browser pages. Holy crap!

To give you an accurate idea, even the error page takes 5 secs to render, and there's hardly anything to it! I think it's the MKPortal wrapper TBH.

I haven't gone into the content of the forums or threads any of that, I'm just commenting on the way it looks. If I was visiting your forum, the scrolly text, the enormous scroll on the index page and the relatively slow pageload and very slow render times would make me say "ouch, my eyes hurt and my browser is crying. I'm not visiting here again".

Sorry dude, I applaud your stamina but daaaamn your site is slow :(

lazytown 08-15-2006 02:00 AM

The "thankyou" mod killed my server. He updated it to improve perfomance, but it's still very intensive.


Mudvayne 08-17-2006 07:05 AM

I like this thread.. Have some thing to learned.. Newayz here is my portal n forumhome.. I wud like to request Zachery to comments on it :)

vBA Porta: http://www.golpo.net

Page generated in 0.43495 seconds with 19 queries [Server Loads: 1.16 0.88 : 0.93]
[Output: 58.94 Kb. compressed to 57.97 Kb. by saving 0.97 Kb. (1.64%)]
Forum: http://www.golpo.net/forum

Page generated in 1.25667 seconds with 22 queries [Server Loads: 0.62 0.89 : 1.06]
[Output: 96.75 Kb. compressed to 92.91 Kb. by saving 3.84 Kb. (3.97%)]
I have installed near abt 100 hackes on my site before.. Then the query was 23.. Now may b I'm using 75+ hacks in my site.. I have disable signature view for guests.. I have TopXStats installed but disabled for guest.. I have made every change in my site myself.. Please make ur comments.. Any suggestion 'll gladly accepted :).. I never installed vB pager or vB shoutbox.. Even not for admin.. Thats why we hav Staff Lounge ;).. N I beleive in forum shoutbox can decrease user's activities.. I don't like the post thank you hack.. Thats why we have default reputation comments system.. Just removed vBGooglemap few dayz ago as I found none of my members r inrterested on it.. I have vBPlaza installed on my site.. But I removed gifts n ribbons from postbit as user can view these from their profile :).. Also have installed ibProArcade n again removed games n tournament chap news from postbit as user can view it in arcade home :p..

Edit: I just use 301 redirect my root to my forum root ;).. So no cmps available right now..

syrus.xl 09-03-2006 12:16 PM

Just noticed on bashy's website an animated advert - nice advert if it the effect was done in flash, the file size would be much smaller.

But as it stands its nearly a 500k GIF file!!:confused: :speechless:

Zachery 09-03-2006 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Icy
I like this thread.. Have some thing to learned.. Newayz here is my portal n forumhome.. I wud like to request Zachery to comments on it :)

vBA Porta: http://www.golpo.net

Forum: http://www.golpo.net/forum

I have installed near abt 100 hackes on my site before.. Then the query was 23.. Now may b I'm using 75+ hacks in my site.. I have disable signature view for guests.. I have TopXStats installed but disabled for guest.. I have made every change in my site myself.. Please make ur comments.. Any suggestion 'll gladly accepted :).. I never installed vB pager or vB shoutbox.. Even not for admin.. Thats why we hav Staff Lounge ;).. N I beleive in forum shoutbox can decrease user's activities.. I don't like the post thank you hack.. Thats why we have default reputation comments system.. Just removed vBGooglemap few dayz ago as I found none of my members r inrterested on it.. I have vBPlaza installed on my site.. But I removed gifts n ribbons from postbit as user can view these from their profile :).. Also have installed ibProArcade n again removed games n tournament chap news from postbit as user can view it in arcade home :p..

Edit: I just use 301 redirect my root to my forum root ;).. So no cmps available right now..

Get rid of that stupid page compression hack, thats what gzips for, let it do its job.

Code Monkey 09-03-2006 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Get rid of that stupid page compression hack, thats what gzips for, let it do its job.

Yeah, those are such a waste of resources to do something that is already done better.

People don't realize what gzip or mod_deflate do because the browser recodes it back to its original code. But trust me, they send the data without all the spaces and such.

Mudvayne 09-03-2006 05:15 PM

I do not use any page compression hack.. I just use Orban's plugin based template cache.. Also I've installed mod_gzip on my server.. The addons is just awesome.. Saving 77% minimum :D:D:D..

GrendelKhan{TSU 09-04-2006 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Code Monkey
Yeah, those are such a waste of resources to do something that is already done better.

People don't realize what gzip or mod_deflate do because the browser recodes it back to its original code. But trust me, they send the data without all the spaces and such.

I don't use gzip or mod_deflate cause I don't know how or what they are (unless you are saying those are used by vbulletin by default?). yah yah..I'm a noob. but what can I do but learn? soo..........

any tips/links/suggestions on implementing those (if it isn't default to vbull)?

Zachery 09-04-2006 09:22 PM

Theres an option in vBulletin to turn gzip on, and set its page compression level. Turn it on and set it to 1.

Mudvayne 09-04-2006 10:54 PM

Zachery.. I need a suggestion.. I've installed mod_gzip on my server.. Now when I did enable mod_gzip via AdminCP I got tramendous result.. The page size decrease to 25+ KB intotal.. But when do I disbale mod_gzip via admincp use only server's mod_gzip then the page properties increase to 100+ KB.. Now is it fair to keep enable mod_gzip in vB ACP? This is my microstats..

Page generated in 0.50762 seconds with 23 queries [Server Loads: 1.91 2.89 : 3.48]

Zachery 09-05-2006 01:42 AM

You probally do not directly have mod_gzip setup to compress php pages, if its enabled on the server enable it in the vB config.

Mudvayne 09-26-2006 07:45 AM

Hmm.. I'm on a shared hosting.. Thanx for the suggestion.. I've removed few useless or less usefull hack.. My microstats now..

Page generated in 0.66536 seconds with 19 queries [Server Loads: 1.63 1.68 : 1.85]
Just wondering with Moderation Auto PM hack most of time my server load was 3 or 5+.. Sometimes It was 10+.. I see one day 15 :confused:.. I did open a support ticket in vBSEO as I thought its for vbseo.. But no.. After disabling vBSEO the load was same.. Then I try to disable every single hack & check the stat.. I found that hack as a resource hunger..

Zachery 10-04-2006 09:19 PM

If you are on a shared server remember, its shared, the sever loads are for the entire server, not just you.

iLLoGIc 10-05-2006 10:06 PM

Spider Watcher
Spider Watcher global_start
Spider Watcher Template Group template_groups
Spiders Location (Part 1) online_location_process
Spiders Location (Part 2) online_location_unknown

ip resolution would bring the server load up.

Clayton 10-24-2006 10:14 AM

thanks for bringing this up, due to the questions and the answers provided, this thread has proven to be most resourceful


akanevsky 11-26-2006 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by bashy (Post 958815)
Surely there are some hacks worse for queries than others?
for examply people have promptly said about VB shout...

The thing is all the hacks i have installed are being used in 1 way or an other,
I have removed about 10 - 20 hacks over the last few days, ones that werent
really used or were installed to test it out....

I was always led to beleive that the PsiStats were server intensive, so i disabled
this only to find no difference lol

When debug mode is on what does the (3) mean next to the template, (3) is
just an example, There is one thst (74) i think it is?

psistats is not server intensive. at all. esspecially 1.4.1+.

agsguar 12-18-2006 09:20 PM

Hi to all!!

I have my forum in a semidedicate server, only 4 customer per server.



My server stast is around 10 ~ 20 , This is normal??

I Configure my NIX server to 35.

I delete all images and Postbit for the "unregister users"

Thank you for your comments.


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