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Boofo 04-21-2006 10:25 AM

I ran into another quirk, it seems. The line in the navbar says "View 0 New Hidden Posts" even though I have a hidden post. Is there something we need to add for that?

theArchitect 04-21-2006 12:34 PM

Actually, I have a nav bar quirk too.

On most pages it says "View 0 New Hidden Posts" (with the 0 changing to the number of unread hidden posts)

But on the search.php?do=getnew page it displays as "View New Hidden Posts".

This is irritating as I mostly on use the get new posts link, and then have to click on the hidden posts button to see if there are any hidden posts.

Also, I am not wild about the notification that a post is hidden. It might just be my custom style, but all there is is a little pending moderation button. I am guessing that the old BIG red text of This Post Is Hidden can be done, but I will have to code the change myself?

Thoughts and especially assistance with these issues would be appreciated.

Xenon 04-21-2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by theArchitect
Actually, I have a nav bar quirk too.

On most pages it says "View 0 New Hidden Posts" (with the 0 changing to the number of unread hidden posts)

But on the search.php?do=getnew page it displays as "View New Hidden Posts".

cannot confirm this, it's working perfectly here

Also, I am not wild about the notification that a post is hidden. It might just be my custom style, but all there is is a little pending moderation button. I am guessing that the old BIG red text of This Post Is Hidden can be done, but I will have to code the change myself?
Yep, i just released a working version, i am not responsible for the design, you can add a big red text easily by adding a conditional to postbit template

as for the moderation queue, yeh i work on that, that's why it's still in beta :p

theArchitect 04-21-2006 12:41 PM

Thanks for your reply.

I wil just learn to live with the quirk and will add the conditional to the post bit. :)

theArchitect 04-21-2006 12:47 PM

Sorry, one other question. What does the Open thread tick box do?

From the code it should display as close thread (if the thread is open) and then open thread if the thread is closed. But on mine it is jammed on open thread and the bottom does nothing.

Once again, am I unique in having this quirk?

Zachery 04-21-2006 01:20 PM

can_moderate() is more useful, however it generates a query for all non adminitrators and smods.

Stefan, it looks like the part to remove it from validation is not working 100%.

Xenon 04-21-2006 04:16 PM

@Zak: hence why it's in beta ;)

Boofo 04-21-2006 04:26 PM

Any hope to get it for the newreply and editpost, too? ;)

Brad, any and all ideas are most welcome on this, sir. ;)

Xenon 04-21-2006 05:24 PM

@Bob: well on newreply, you can just add the same checkbox and it will work :)

on editpost is currently not planned, but maybe ;)

Boofo 04-21-2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Xenon
@Bob: well on newreply, you can just add the same checkbox and it will work :)

on editpost is currently not planned, but maybe ;)

Ok, great, thanks! ;)

Don't you have it on editpost here? Or if we edit a post it stays hidden, so we really don't need it, with the inline moderation? Am I close? ;)

Boofo 04-21-2006 10:17 PM

I had a really freaky thing just happen. I added the following code in the newreply template right after $threadmanagement (near the bottom)

HTML Code:

    <if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 5,6,7)">
    <fieldset class="fieldset" style="margin:$stylevar[formspacer]px 0px 0px 0px">
      <legend>Moderating Options&nbsp;</legend>
      <div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px">
      <label for="cb_hidepost" style="float:$stylevar[left]"><input type="checkbox" name="hidepost" value="1" id="cb_hidepost" />Hide Post?</label>

It seemed to want to make every post hidden after a hidden post no matter if the hide post box was checked or not. I removed the code and it still did the same thing. I tried deleting the hidden posts with the inline moderation and still every post was hidden (even after deleting the code from the template). I had to delete the test thread and make a new one and now it seems to be working right. What would cause something like that to happen even without the code in the template?

theArchitect 04-22-2006 12:37 AM

For those who are seeking the postbit tweak which gives "This post is hidden" text here it is.

HTML Code:

<if condition="$show['moderated']">
          <span class="highlight">
              <strong>This post is hidden - really not visible to normal users!!!</strong>

The colour of the text is controlled by the Highlight Font css attribute in your style manager.

I have put it just above:

HTML Code:

<div>$post[icqicon] $post[aimicon] $post[msnicon] $post[yahooicon] $post[skypeicon]</div>
Same spot for either postbit or postbit_legacy.

If you don't know which template your forum is using, the answer is simple. If your member info is on the left (like here on vB.org) then you are running postbit_legacy. If your user data is above your posts then you are running the postbit template. ;)

Hope this helps. :)

Boofo 04-22-2006 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by theArchitect
For those who are seeking the postbit tweak which gives "This post is hidden" text here it is.

HTML Code:

<if condition="$show['moderated']">
<span class="highlight">
<strong>This post is hidden - really not visible to normal users!!!</strong>

The colour of the text is controlled by the Highlight Font css attribute in your style manager.

I have put it just above:

HTML Code:

<div>$post[icqicon] $post[aimicon] $post[msnicon] $post[yahooicon] $post[skypeicon]</div>
Same spot for either postbit or postbit_legacy.

If you don't know which template your forum is using, the answer is simple. If your member info is on the left (like here on vB.org) then you are running postbit_legacy. If your user data is above your posts then you are running the postbit template. ;)

Hope this helps. :)

How about a pic so they can see what it looks like where you have it? ;)

theArchitect 04-22-2006 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
How about a pic so they can see what it looks like where you have it? ;)

Sorry, I knew I forgot something. ;)

COBRAws 04-22-2006 07:56 AM

Any way of not showing up as a not-moderated post? It freaks me out when I go to the admincp or my portal page and see the number of unmoderated posts.

Btw, this hack is great

lordi 04-22-2006 11:30 AM

thanks for this effective hack..it's really amazin'

My question is:::: Does it work with the AJAX ??????????? bcoz when the user replies on the post using the Ajax reply option...It may not work coz the page is not going to be refreshed......!!!

Can u tell us if it does work with it??????????

Xenon 04-22-2006 12:07 PM

@Cobra: i am working on this, as it annoys me myself :)

@lordi: there is no problem with ajax, the mod takes affect on the new posting function itself, not the newreply.php

lordi 04-22-2006 12:59 PM

i mean when i post a hiddent one..and the user replies with the direct reply =ajax...the page then will not be refreshed though the subject to be shown...

I tried it yesterday in the Can't see attachments Hack....and i got this result

What do u say about this one?

Xenon 04-22-2006 01:57 PM

hmm, that did never appear here on vb.org, and as the hiddenposts are using the moderation posts system, that error would occur on normal boards with moderation enabled as well, so i gues, it's another mod on your board which makes problems...

@all: i have uploaded a new version, only thing changed is the moderation que plugin is now changed and active, and should work

I hate ajax with not showing error messages....

Zachery 04-22-2006 09:49 PM

Stefan would it not be better to store the post in another state?

0 is active 1 is moderated why not use 2? active but hidden or something? Unless I'm not understanding how this works.

theArchitect 04-22-2006 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Stefan would it not be better to store the post in another state?

0 is active 1 is moderated why not use 2? active but hidden or something? Unless I'm not understanding how this works.

Yeah, that would rock. :D

Xenon 04-23-2006 03:59 PM

@Zak: nope, as 2 would show a post as deleted

the way it is now is the easiest way to achieve the goal, and it was like this since the vb2 version by chen. If i would change that, it would ned to update all other hidden posts, also would include a lot more security checks, and therefore would make installing a lot harder...

Zachery 04-23-2006 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Xenon
@Zak: nope, as 2 would show a post as deleted

the way it is now is the easiest way to achieve the goal, and it was like this since the vb2 version by chen. If i would change that, it would ned to update all other hidden posts, also would include a lot more security checks, and therefore would make installing a lot harder...

What states are there now? Why not update to 4? 8? 16? ;-p

theArchitect 04-23-2006 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Xenon
@Zak: nope, as 2 would show a post as deleted

the way it is now is the easiest way to achieve the goal, and it was like this since the vb2 version by chen. If i would change that, it would ned to update all other hidden posts, also would include a lot more security checks, and therefore would make installing a lot harder...

As I don't have to put in the hard work to make such an idea work... Could you release an "advanced" version of this hack which does just this?

It would seriously rock. :D

dakuda 04-24-2006 01:20 AM

I installed the hack, but it slowed the system down quite a bit. On a forum with typically 400-600 members online at most times of the day. Since it is installed here, I wonder what the difference is? Looking at the #'s onine right now, both here and jeepforum.com are similiar.

I installed it, did the templte edits, and boom, slow down. Undid the edits and uninstalled and everything was back to normal.

It works great on the other forum though, with almost no traffic. I just thought I would share the experience.

theArchitect 04-24-2006 01:30 AM

Very strange. It would be interested to hear what might have caused this. But I am surprised it is this hack as it just uses the inbuilt vB moderation cue. Which I would not think would slow down a system.

dakuda 04-24-2006 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by theArchitect
Very strange. It would be interested to hear what might have caused this. But I am surprised it is this hack as it just uses the inbuilt vB moderation cue. Which I would not think would slow down a system.

i didn't get it either, but it is the only thing I can think of. Perhaps the can_moderate part was doing it? It's not like we arent' using that elsewhere though, so I reallyhave no clue.

lordi 04-24-2006 04:42 AM

Xenon , when i post a hidden a one, the user must reply to see the hidden right?

Zachery 04-24-2006 07:31 AM

can_moderate could cause some overhead, you might want to replace can_moderate with a is_member_of($bbuserinfo, x,y,z)

Boofo 04-24-2006 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
can_moderate could cause some overhead, you might want to replace can_moderate with a is_member_of($bbuserinfo, x,y,z)

Does it cause overhead in the php/xml files or just the templates?

Zachery 04-24-2006 08:49 AM

Every instance of can_moderate in a template causes an additional query per non smod/admin (why the modcp link was removed).

Not sure how it handles in php files.

Boofo 04-24-2006 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Every instance of can_moderate in a template causes an additional query per non smod/admin (why the modcp link was removed).

Not sure how it handles in php files.

I knew about it adding queries in template but I wasn't sure what it did in the php files.

Zachery 04-24-2006 10:59 AM

Hmm, add it to the global_start plugin and if you have debug mode or one of those things to show info to admins it should let you know a query difference.

Xenon 04-24-2006 11:04 AM

but the results are cached, so it's just one query at all additionally...

@lordi: nope, what you mean is the lock down hack or such a thing, this one, won't show hidden replys to any others, just becasue of new replys

@dakuda: hmm, could be an interfering hack, or a template problem itself, for example if you have made a nicer display of the "hidden" information, but missed something (like a bg image or so)

Zachery 04-25-2006 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Xenon
but the results are cached, so it's just one query at all additionally...

@lordi: nope, what you mean is the lock down hack or such a thing, this one, won't show hidden replys to any others, just becasue of new replys

@dakuda: hmm, could be an interfering hack, or a template problem itself, for example if you have made a nicer display of the "hidden" information, but missed something (like a bg image or so)

No, I don't believe the can_moderate query is cached at all.

Xenon 04-25-2006 07:23 PM

yes it is, if you call it for $vbulletin-userinfo it uses the imodcache and just runs a query if that cache is not built already

maybe in 3.0 that was different

rumor2 05-02-2006 12:40 AM

It looks like I have it working but registered users can see the check box for "hidden post" is there a way that they can't see that option.

It doesn't work if they check it but it does work if my staff does.


Xenon 05-02-2006 05:53 PM

did you add the correct template condition?

corn 05-04-2006 11:50 AM

Hmzz, after installing, It was almost impossible to open the forum, Everything was very, very slow......

after removing it, everything works fine again.
Is this a known problem ??

Xenon 05-05-2006 03:34 PM


the mod is installed here, and you can see it is working flawless and very fast

if your forum got slow, have you tried, to browse as a normal user?
was it slow for them as well?

because if it's just slow for users with permissions to hide posts, it may be a missing index on a table...

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