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drex 03-03-2006 02:05 PM

should i also reload the product (just in case)?

Eikinskjaldi 03-03-2006 02:27 PM

Yes, I've updated the printthread plugin in the product.

bondjetta 03-03-2006 07:08 PM

am i doing something wrong? when i click New Posts i can see the threads that are supposed to be hidden (from my test account)...however when I click them it says i don't have permission. The problem is when I hover over the link it gives me the preview of the thread...sort of defeating the purpose of the hack?

Eikinskjaldi 03-03-2006 08:25 PM

This is an error I am working on currently, I am sorry for the current inconvience, it should be patched and fixed within the near future hopefully :D

EDIT: Wait, is this on forumdisplay or forumhome? When you view a forum you see the thread? Because that means you must have missed an edit somewhere. The only place a none viewable person can find out if a private thread exists is through forumhome's lastpost bit. I am currently working on making it so they cant see that either.

drex 03-04-2006 12:13 AM

mine can be seen from the vbcmps screen... that's the only problem with this hack. it doesn't display in forumdisplay, and follows its permissions accordingly...

is there any way i can help?



drex 03-04-2006 01:29 AM

the problem lays with the file latesttopics.php from VB advanced CMPS. i have been looking at the template file, adv_portal_latesttopicbits .....

the first is the query and the second is the display thread.

Eikinskjaldi 03-04-2006 02:39 AM

That's one of the things I'm still trying to work on. The original version also did not prevent threads in private threads from showing in the lastpost column or on a vbacmps page. What needs to happen is that the permissions check needs to occur, but if the user does not have the permission, the next latest thread needs to be found (and the process must repeat until there is a viable thread).

drex 03-04-2006 12:35 PM

using the search.php for today's posts, it still shows up for the unauthorized users...... :ermm:

Eikinskjaldi 03-04-2006 04:35 PM

Have you performed the file edits in search.php? Can you copy for me the code you've placed for the two file edits (and the surrounding code)?

drex 03-04-2006 05:06 PM

missed one file edit in search.... now if it wouldn't display in forumhome....

here are the edits in forum (the search is fixed)..

PHP Code:

    $threadbits '';
$threadbits_sticky '';

$counter 0;
$toread 0;

        while (
$thread $db->fetch_array($threads))
// AND $counter++ < $perpage)

                    if (

            // build thread data
$thread process_thread_array($thread$lastread$foruminfo['allowicons']);
$realthreadid $thread['realthreadid'];

            if (

is it just me, or is everyone having the same problem with forumdisplay.php (forumhome)?

rnmcd 03-04-2006 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by drex

is it just me, or is everyone having the same problem with forumdisplay.php (forumhome)?

It looks like a great hack but I'm still to afraid to install it.

drex 03-04-2006 08:19 PM

it is a great hack.

just a few more tweaks, and its a winner!

rnmcd 03-04-2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by drex
it is a great hack.

just a few more tweaks, and its a winner!

I wholeheartedly agree!!!!

And Eikinskjaldi is really sticking with making it work! Thanks.

Eikinskjaldi 03-05-2006 12:06 AM


now if it wouldn't display in forumhome....
I've already said that it will display in the "last post" column in the forumbit on both forumhome and forumdisplay because hiding those was not something even the original did.

However, as far as placing all the threadbits into forumdisplay, private threads that one doesn't have access to will not display. I'm working on this, so that the hack can really be complete and surpass the original, but I also have other stuff going :)

drex 03-05-2006 01:55 AM

that's cool. i don't mind that it displays. the problem is the preview. is there a way to just shut the preview off, so that the message preview does not display; i wouldn't care that the thread title displays, just kill the preview on the private messages?


Eikinskjaldi 03-05-2006 03:33 AM

Can you possibly PM me a link so I can see this because I can't seem to get the same erro you are recieving. On my forum home it shows the forums last post stuff, but doesnt give any data, in forumdisplay when you view that forum a user who cant see a private thread shouldnt be able to know it exists, let alone hover there mouse over for a preview. This might be an error with the hiding code if this is going on.

drex 03-05-2006 11:10 AM

ok, my bad. it only says 'go to first unread post in [thread name]' when you hover over it.

so, the security permissions are working well. the only way people know a thread exists (and who is posting in it), is via the known VBcpms and forumdisplay routes, as described above.

will be using this, but can't wait for it to be complete when the above is tweaked!



drex 03-05-2006 06:50 PM

how about this... in forumdisplay, suppose one could modify the code to display the author as private instead of the authorname. that would solve the problem temporarily.

Eikinskjaldi 03-05-2006 11:06 PM

Well that was an idea I had, to Automatically change thread name and posted to 'Private' but I just don't think it would look good on the forum in general and so I am working on a work around.

rnmcd 03-06-2006 12:15 AM

not workarounds!!! :nervous:

workarounds always seem to bite you in the long run.

Eikinskjaldi 03-06-2006 02:14 AM

Well it isnt a work around, its a fix to a problem :P

rnmcd 03-06-2006 02:16 AM

This is gonna be one awesome hack!
Your first one, right?

Eikinskjaldi 03-06-2006 03:33 AM

My first at least for 3.5, and my first released, yes.

bondjetta 03-06-2006 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi
This is an error I am working on currently, I am sorry for the current inconvience, it should be patched and fixed within the near future hopefully :D

EDIT: Wait, is this on forumdisplay or forumhome? When you view a forum you see the thread? Because that means you must have missed an edit somewhere. The only place a none viewable person can find out if a private thread exists is through forumhome's lastpost bit. I am currently working on making it so they cant see that either.

nope it's on New Posts...search.php...but according to what i read above i missed an edit in Search.php?! I'll go double check, but i don't believe that's the case...one sec.


// show results as posts
        if ($search['showposts'])
                foreach ($itemids AS $post)
                        // M/DD/YY PRIVATE THREADS PORT
            if (private_thread_not_allowed($post))


// threadbit_deleted conditionals
                $show['threadtitle'] = true;
                $show['viewthread'] = true;
                $show['managethread'] = true;

                foreach ($itemids AS $thread)
                        // M/DD/YY  PRIVATE THREADS PORT
                        if (private_thread_not_allowed($thread))

Eikinskjaldi 03-06-2006 03:43 PM

No, that's quite correct and matches what I have for private threads in my search.php file. And you say they're showing up when you do NOT have permission to view them on a "New Posts" search?

bondjetta 03-06-2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi
No, that's quite correct and matches what I have for private threads in my search.php file. And you say they're showing up when you do NOT have permission to view them on a "New Posts" search?



go there, click Today's Posts (or register and do New Posts) and you should be able to see a thread named Test w/ a preview of, "You can see this can't you?"

Eikinskjaldi 03-06-2006 07:26 PM

Hmmm.... The next best thing to try is to uninstall the entire hack, and try at installing it again. Ensure that all of the plugins are turned on, and that all the file edits have been made.

Might I ask when you downloaded the package? It has been changed quite a few times in the past few days. Sorry about that.

Also, if you need any help installing it or wish me to do it then just drop me a PM. I have some free time this week so it wouldn't be to much of a problem :D

bondjetta 03-07-2006 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi
Hmmm.... The next best thing to try is to uninstall the entire hack, and try at installing it again. Ensure that all of the plugins are turned on, and that all the file edits have been made.

Might I ask when you downloaded the package? It has been changed quite a few times in the past few days. Sorry about that.

Also, if you need any help installing it or wish me to do it then just drop me a PM. I have some free time this week so it wouldn't be to much of a problem :D

I had installed the version you posted just before you sent out the email that it had been updated (removed 2 plugins, added a file change or two...last week sometime)...then did the update when you sent the email about those new changes.

I'll uninstall/reinstall right now and tell you what I find. :)

nope, no luck. still showing up under New Posts.

Eikinskjaldi 03-07-2006 08:56 PM

Thats just bizarre, I can't replicate it and I don't see anything in the code you posted, is there by chance anything that could be blocking it?

Any other hack that might be getting in the way.

bondjetta 03-08-2006 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi
Thats just bizarre, I can't replicate it and I don't see anything in the code you posted, is there by chance anything that could be blocking it?

Any other hack that might be getting in the way.

the only other plugin that's registering on any of the search pages/functions is Thread Prefixes. I'm not sure if that could be it but i'll go disable it and test it.

EDIT: well..that was it. i turned off Thread Prefixes and the thread disappeared...*dang* :( i know you're busy but if "one day" you get a chance to work through that I'd appreciate it :) I have to use thread prefixes for a NWS section on my site that i want CLEARLY marked (so i require the prefix) so i can't keep that plugin disabled. :(

thank you for all the help so far though!

Eikinskjaldi 03-08-2006 10:21 PM

Try changing the order of the plugins, as I'm certain this is causing the problem. I, too, have thread prefixes running alongside Private Threads.

Ohiosweetheart 03-09-2006 12:52 AM

isn't this something that vBulletin already does? I know i have private password protected forums..

Eikinskjaldi 03-09-2006 04:32 AM

This is not password protected, this allows the poster of a thread, in this case a mod and up the ability to restrict who can post and read said thread.

bondjetta 03-10-2006 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi
Try changing the order of the plugins, as I'm certain this is causing the problem. I, too, have thread prefixes running alongside Private Threads.

pardon my ignorance but how do I change the order of the plugins? :confused: i don't see a place in here for reordering? :\

Eikinskjaldi 03-10-2006 04:03 AM

Well aside from removing it and putting it back the only other method is to find the file the edit is in and then add the code you want directly before it, saddly it lacks a plugins less code dits feature, but it is not a standard vB feature to change the order of plugins as far as I can recall.

Possibly a future vB update?

bondjetta 03-14-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Eikinskjaldi
Well aside from removing it and putting it back the only other method is to find the file the edit is in and then add the code you want directly before it, saddly it lacks a plugins less code dits feature, but it is not a standard vB feature to change the order of plugins as far as I can recall.

Possibly a future vB update?

i tried the delete it, reinstall it technique with no luck...so i disabled Thread Prefixes for now. Your hack is far more useful ;)

Also, will it ever be possible to change a thread that's already been created into a private thread? right now i make the changes under Edit Thread but they won't stick. Or is this a bug and I've screwed up again? ;)

Eikinskjaldi 03-14-2006 10:57 PM

hmm... I am not getting this error either. Is your system heavily hacked, because if it is you may have to end up moving the plugins into file edits to make it the most compatible. If you'd ever like help with that just drop me a PM and I can figure it into my sced.

Hornstar 03-15-2006 07:24 PM

this will come in handy, thanks.

???`S?LV?R???` 04-04-2006 05:20 PM

How is this currently working for 3.5.4?

Eikinskjaldi 04-05-2006 04:23 AM

It is working well, We have noticed few to no errors.

I have been busy with new endevors and have but this on the side burner a bit, anyone watching our forums will know we have been busy in many other places and facets. However I have not forgotten about this and I will be making updates in the near future. Really th only two cruxxes are,
  • It shows the thread in newest post on forumhome/display
  • They take up room on the forumdisplay even though the user can't see them.

The first issue is not so serious in my opinion and is a small change. The bigger issue is the second point which would involve making the query skip private threads a user can't see. This would mean an advanced query and I havn't had time to play with such. However I am shure it is possible by all means.

Once those two issues are solved it is prestine and ready to go as a full hack. However if those two things don't bother you much then it is a non-issue and your set to install!


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