4x4 Mecca |
08-13-2007 09:06 PM |
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO phrase (languageid, phrasetypeid, varname, text, product) VALUES
(-1, 1, 'GARS_add_a_poll_to_this_thread', 'Add a Poll to this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_already_rated_this_thread', 'You have already rated this release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_approve_posts', 'Approve Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_approve_threads', 'Approve Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_clear_thread_list', 'Deselect All Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_close_this_thread', 'Close this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_close_thread', 'Close Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_close_threads', 'Close Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_closed_thread', 'Closed Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_delete_posts', 'Delete Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_delete_thread', 'Delete Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_delete_threads', 'Delete Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_edit_post', 'Edit Post', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_edit_thread', 'Edit Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_forum', 'Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_forum_tools', 'Category Tools', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_hot_thread_with_new_posts', 'Hot release with new posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_hot_thread_with_no_new_posts', 'Hot release with no new posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_last_post_time', 'Last Post Time', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_mark_this_forum_read', 'Mark This Category Read', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_merge_posts', 'Merge Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_merge_threads', 'Merge Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_move_posts', 'Move Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_move_threads', 'Move Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_next_thread', 'Next Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_no_posts_in_this_forum', 'There are no posts in this category.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_no_posts_last_x_days_forum', 'There have been no posts in the last {1} days in this category.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_number_of_replies', 'Number of Comments', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_open_thread', 'Open Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_open_threads', 'Open Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_post_new_thread', 'Post New Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_prev_thread', 'Previous Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_rate_thread', 'Rate Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_reopen_this_thread', 'Re-open this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_replies', 'Comments', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_reply', 'Comment', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_search_this_forum', 'Search this Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_search_this_thread', 'Search this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_show_threads', 'Show Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_showing_threads_x_to_y_of_z', 'Showing releases {1} to {2} of {3}', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_stick_this_thread', 'Stick this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_stick_thread', 'Stick Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_stick_threads', 'Stick Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_subforums', 'Sub-Categorys', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_submit_new_thread', 'Submit New Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_subscribe_to_this_forum', 'Subscribe to This Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_subscribe_to_this_thread', 'Subscribe to this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread', 'Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_management', 'Release Management', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_rating', 'Release Rating', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_rating_x_votes_y_average', 'Release Rating: {1} votes, {2} average.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_starter', 'Release Starter', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_subscription', 'Release Subscription', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_title', 'Release Title', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_tools', 'Release Tools', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_threads_in_forum', 'Releases in Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_try_controls_below_for_older_posts', 'Try using the controls below to search for any older posts that may exist.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unapprove_posts', 'Unapprove Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unapprove_threads', 'Unapprove Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_undelete_posts', 'Undelete Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_undelete_threads', 'Undelete Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unstick_this_thread', 'Un-stick this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unstick_thread', 'Unstick Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unstick_threads', 'Unstick Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unsubscribe_from_this_thread', 'Unsubscribe from this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_users_viewing_this_thread_x_y_z', 'Currently Active Users Viewing This Release: {1} <span class=\"normal\">({2} members and {3} guests)</span>', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_view_parent_forum', 'View Parent Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_yes_post_a_poll_thread', 'Yes, post a poll with this release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_you_may_x_post_new_threads', 'You <strong>may {1}</strong> post new releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_you_may_x_post_replies', 'You <strong>may {1}</strong> post comment', 'geek_gars');
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasetypeid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, August 13th 2007 @ 03:03:32 PM
Script : admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : *
Username : *
Classname : vb_database
My error, any idea what caused it?