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-   -   GARS: vb.org installer/release add on (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=108515)

Account4All4Fan 02-24-2006 04:12 AM

I have problem are public_html/forum/geek/gars/includes/gars_class_admin.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/plugin.php(1232) : eval()'d code on line 12

The Geek 02-24-2006 06:13 AM

Account4alfan - you needto have GARS PRO or GARS LITE installed BEFORE you install this.

Allan, do you have the latest templates? I know you installed earlier versions that could have contributed to this. You may need to revert your templates.

A passing thought? Why dont people click install on these threads when they clearly installed? I just dumbfouds me.

Allan 02-24-2006 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Allan, do you have the latest templates? I know you installed earlier versions that could have contributed to this. You may need to revert your templates.

Same error, now, when login in admin, i have this error, i cannot see the forumdisplay, but i can see the showthread.

The prob is only on forumdisplay, no showthread for all usergroup

The Geek 02-24-2006 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Allan, do you have the latest templates? I know you installed earlier versions that could have contributed to this. You may need to revert your templates.

Did you catch that?

Allan 02-24-2006 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Did you catch that?

Yes, to this hack

Allan 02-24-2006 09:45 AM

Looking, it's normal ? (in "..../admincp/gars_admin.php?do=editmodset&id=4&page=1"


The Geek 02-24-2006 09:59 AM

That can occur from multiple uninstall/reinstalls. I would recommend using the latest PRO version or switch to the LITE.

Allan 02-24-2006 10:04 AM

It's not possible to remove it the more ?

The Geek 02-24-2006 06:51 PM

Yes, from the registred mods menu, however you should be using the latest legit PRO version

Allan 02-24-2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Yes, from the registred mods menu, however you should be using the latest legit PRO version

Ok, it's possible that the errors come from ?

shiva 02-25-2006 06:45 AM

Okay, I installed this, and it buggered up. I think because I don't have GD library (Host problem) so I use screenshots in the thread itself.

Using the standard install set, it put the text in a table cell directly to the left of the attachment, so I ended up with a table spacing of 10% for all the post text, and then the image next to it, which didn't look very nice to say the least.

After playing with it, I got it to work sort of, but I can't edit or add the actual install code, it's now blank and the forum listing reverted back to VBStandard.

Term Sets = Install Set
Template Sets = Install Set
Modules = Default Module Set

In other words, this won't work if you have large images attached to the post instead of the thumbnail feature, unless someone knows what settings are needed.

Best I can do... http://www.shivasite.roxr.com/forums...ead.php?t=1215


The install info is blank, and it's not editable other than if Install set is under Modules, but various combinations cause something to break in the system, either the post displays the text problem, the install text portion doesn't show, or it isn't editable, or there are no text for the boxes (I tried the guest account, it has other problems as well)

shiva 02-25-2006 07:03 AM

Sorry, forgot to mention, as a a admin, only I can see the actual image, members will see just a link. You once had access to my admincp a while back to look at a problem with the old system, so if you want better access, just pm, I have a second admin membership account, that way, you can play around with it. The site is really a test forum for me, very few members so it won't matter.

The Geek 02-25-2006 07:27 AM

Hey Shiva,


Originally Posted by shiva
Using the standard install set, it put the text in a table cell directly to the left of the attachment, so I ended up with a table spacing of 10% for all the post text, and then the image next to it, which didn't look very nice to say the least.

Not toally sure what you mean by this, is it just style/preference thing or do you thing somethings squiffy?


Originally Posted by shiva
In other words, this won't work if you have large images attached to the post instead of the thumbnail feature, unless someone knows what settings are needed.

That wont make any difference at all. I suspect something else is squiffy.

Can you make sure that your installs module set contains the installs module (on the showthread page)?

If you want to pm me and admincp url and account ill check it our for you.


Originally Posted by Allan
Ok, it's possible that the errors come from ?


shiva 02-25-2006 07:46 AM

I think something is "squiffy" if you have the full image displayed directly in the post as opposed to a thumbnail. I have set it to Install set for terms, modules, and templates, but get the checkboxes, no text. If I set the template to default, no install code appears at all.

I will pm you the access, maybe its something real stupid on my part.

hostaddicts 02-25-2006 08:42 AM

Very nicely done! :)

shiva 03-01-2006 05:59 AM

Just a couple more here. ;)

I'm trying to get the GARs Light system showing in the forumdisplay, if I use the default template set, it kills the install code within the threads.

If I add GARS_forumdisplay to the Install forumdisplay template field, I get the standard vb default listing of the threads. GARS_forumdisplay2 makes it fluid. Is there a template or a setting that will give me the Articles type look for the forum display, without messing up the thread display one way or another?

Also, clicking the installs link gives me this error message. "install module not assigned to a forum that I can see." I did install GAR Lite first.

The avatar shows instead of the header image, and there's no drop down, it will take you to the profile page instead.

I also have a postbit hacks that is broken, the Thank You hack. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ghlight=navbar

You know off hand how to get it back in? You still have access to my board etc, so you can see it present in the other boards.

Sinistra 03-04-2006 11:19 AM

Hey ^_^ is tehre any way we can add a list of stuff uploaded via the install system in the User Profile like it is here, and have it where it lists my installed stuff. that way it is easy to find

GrendelKhan{TSU 03-17-2006 04:22 AM

hot dang!

I don't even have need for this (currently) and WANT to install it and somehow make my forum be able to use it. lol. serious.

great stuff. all your stuff rules actually.

Brandon Sheley 03-17-2006 05:03 AM

^^ just what i was thinking.. I need to think about this some,, so how I could use it on my site..

I'll click install, because I'm positive, that I'll use it somehow..

thx Geek :)

blacklancer 04-21-2006 08:57 PM

I get the following error when i want to see who has it installed.

install module not assigned to a forum that I can see.
any ideas??

FleaBag 05-22-2006 06:22 PM

Did you ever manage to impliment the email update function Sam? :D

BioVader 06-04-2006 12:16 PM

how do you change the size of the zip attachments.. I've looked all over and can't seem to change the zip size from 976.6 KB. Would like to up it... Thx

peterska2 06-04-2006 12:20 PM

ion the ACP under Attachments there is an option called extensions and sizes. Change the size for zips here as required. (Note it is counted in bytes, so big nunbers are what you are looking for here)

BioVader 06-04-2006 06:57 PM

Thats the problem.. I've changed it there and it's still limited to 976.6 KB in this mod when trying to add an attachment. (zip) right now it's set to 1000000 even though my PHP Maximum Upload Size is limited to 2.00 MB

Thats why I was asking if there was something else I needed to change... I'll look around some more too..

vau7 06-07-2006 08:45 PM

Will this work with the new Version 2.0 in Beta?

The max possible Filesize of an attachment = max possible php Upload limit?

Greg-J 07-28-2006 08:00 PM

How do I change/remove the phrases for the checkboxes? I do not need them for my purpose.

anubis 07-02-2007 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Greg-J (Post 1039614)
How do I change/remove the phrases for the checkboxes? I do not need them for my purpose.

This Mod Can Install In To vBulletin 3.6.x...........??

Carlos2 07-08-2007 11:34 PM

Hi friends, how can i enable to see avatar and signatures in subforums where is enable de Gars plugin??

I mean when people replies:

Carlos2 07-15-2007 07:03 AM

Nobody knows??

Serenity 08-06-2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by anubis (Post 1281263)
This Mod Can Install In To vBulletin 3.6.x...........??

I would also like to know.
I want to upgrade, but I can't until I know what functionality of my site I will loose.

Carlos2 08-06-2007 05:58 PM

Sure, is working with 3.6.6, but i dont know how can i do to see users avatars in the reply posts. If anybody knows please tell me.

4x4 Mecca 08-13-2007 09:06 PM


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO phrase (languageid, phrasetypeid, varname, text, product) VALUES
(-1, 1, 'GARS_add_a_poll_to_this_thread', 'Add a Poll to this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_already_rated_this_thread', 'You have already rated this release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_approve_posts', 'Approve Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_approve_threads', 'Approve Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_clear_thread_list', 'Deselect All Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_close_this_thread', 'Close this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_close_thread', 'Close Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_close_threads', 'Close Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_closed_thread', 'Closed Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_delete_posts', 'Delete Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_delete_thread', 'Delete Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_delete_threads', 'Delete Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_edit_post', 'Edit Post', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_edit_thread', 'Edit Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_forum', 'Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_forum_tools', 'Category Tools', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_hot_thread_with_new_posts', 'Hot release with new posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_hot_thread_with_no_new_posts', 'Hot release with no new posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_last_post_time', 'Last Post Time', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_mark_this_forum_read', 'Mark This Category Read', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_merge_posts', 'Merge Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_merge_threads', 'Merge Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_move_posts', 'Move Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_move_threads', 'Move Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_next_thread', 'Next Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_no_posts_in_this_forum', 'There are no posts in this category.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_no_posts_last_x_days_forum', 'There have been no posts in the last {1} days in this category.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_number_of_replies', 'Number of Comments', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_open_thread', 'Open Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_open_threads', 'Open Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_post_new_thread', 'Post New Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_prev_thread', 'Previous Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_rate_thread', 'Rate Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_reopen_this_thread', 'Re-open this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_replies', 'Comments', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_reply', 'Comment', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_search_this_forum', 'Search this Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_search_this_thread', 'Search this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_show_threads', 'Show Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_showing_threads_x_to_y_of_z', 'Showing releases {1} to {2} of {3}', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_stick_this_thread', 'Stick this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_stick_thread', 'Stick Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_stick_threads', 'Stick Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_subforums', 'Sub-Categorys', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_submit_new_thread', 'Submit New Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_subscribe_to_this_forum', 'Subscribe to This Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_subscribe_to_this_thread', 'Subscribe to this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread', 'Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_management', 'Release Management', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_rating', 'Release Rating', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_rating_x_votes_y_average', 'Release Rating: {1} votes, {2} average.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_starter', 'Release Starter', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_subscription', 'Release Subscription', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_title', 'Release Title', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_thread_tools', 'Release Tools', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_threads_in_forum', 'Releases in Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_try_controls_below_for_older_posts', 'Try using the controls below to search for any older posts that may exist.', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unapprove_posts', 'Unapprove Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unapprove_threads', 'Unapprove Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_undelete_posts', 'Undelete Posts', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_undelete_threads', 'Undelete Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unstick_this_thread', 'Un-stick this release after you submit your message', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unstick_thread', 'Unstick Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unstick_threads', 'Unstick Releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_unsubscribe_from_this_thread', 'Unsubscribe from this Release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_users_viewing_this_thread_x_y_z', 'Currently Active Users Viewing This Release: {1} <span class=\"normal\">({2} members and {3} guests)</span>', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_view_parent_forum', 'View Parent Category', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_yes_post_a_poll_thread', 'Yes, post a poll with this release', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_you_may_x_post_new_threads', 'You <strong>may {1}</strong> post new releases', 'geek_gars'),(-1, 1, 'GARS_you_may_x_post_replies', 'You <strong>may {1}</strong> post comment', 'geek_gars');

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasetypeid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, August 13th 2007 @ 03:03:32 PM
Script : admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : *
Username : *
Classname : vb_database
My error, any idea what caused it?

Paul M 08-13-2007 09:15 PM

This is a vb 3.5 modification - vb 3.6 does not have phrasetypeid in the phrase table.

4x4 Mecca 08-13-2007 10:12 PM

Thanks Paul! I saw it was for 3.5, but some of the comments above mine made me think it might work. Your reply is appreciated.

Paul M 08-13-2007 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by 4x4 Mecca (Post 1316904)
but some of the comments above mine made me think it might work.

If they installed it when they were still running 3.5 then I think it would survive the upgrade to 3.6 - but you cannot install it on 3.6 as is.

Carlos2 08-14-2007 11:01 PM

This works for me in 3.6.6

yankidank 10-16-2007 09:55 PM

Could someone advise me on how to get this updated to work with 3.6.8?

DDIG 01-08-2008 08:35 AM


I am looking for something exactly like this. Are there any alternatives? Is this mod still maintained? Does it work with 3.6.8?

powerful_rogue 01-09-2008 12:04 PM

Have a look at www.TheVbgeek.com

shadowevil 02-21-2008 04:59 AM

this mod add on for GARS PRO version 2.1.8c and work on vb 3.7.x ??

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