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bgray 02-07-2006 09:03 AM

Wow! Although I'm not totally surprised this is a bit of a shock. Didn't he do the first Karma hack?

nitro 02-07-2006 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by tgillespie
The discussion of marijuana is not illegal and was not the reason the site was shut down. The fact that the message boards were being used as a means for drug traffic was in fact the reason. Marijuana usage is illegal world wide which makes distrobution illegal regardless of ones location. If searching through the forum's PMs and logs will help hinder drug traffic then I would consider myself a supporter of the governments decision. As far as I am concerned when someone engages in illegal activity (movement of an illegal substance), their personal privacy is all but law enforcement's right.

You can find the discussion of marijuana just about anywhere you want to look (schools, movies, music) so its pretty plain that something other than "marijuana discussion" was going on.

Pretty bold statement for someone who has no idea what hes talking about. There was obviously something illegal at hand or else there would have been no intervention.

This is not nessecarily the case, the site maywell have had no involvement in any final product trafficking at all, I really fail to see how a website can be used for someone who would want a 10 buck deal now on an international website which means the trafficking going on must have been huge (again unlikley as most people would not have the land available to grow enough), if it was down to that. What should be noted is 1000s of members there and this was soemtime ago when I visited it once to look at the old karma hack in action, (I did not even know what the websites orientation was till I saw it), but hordes of those members were posting on an open website there little mini gardens, a few plants in a warddrobe etc, its inevitable at some point that a server which is gathering information from people about there illegal activities wether for personal use or not is going to get pulled by the authorities at some point and the evidence obtained will get forwarded to the relevant enforcing agencies around the world.

tgillespie 02-07-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by nitro
This is not nessecarily the case, the site maywell have had no involvement in any final product trafficking at all, I really fail to see how a website can be used for someone who would want a 10 buck deal now on an international website which means the trafficking going on must have been huge (again unlikley as most people would not have the land available to grow enough), if it was down to that. What should be noted is 1000s of members there and this was soemtime ago when I visited it once to look at the old karma hack in action, (I did not even know what the websites orientation was till I saw it), but hordes of those members were posting on an open website there little mini gardens, a few plants in a warddrobe etc, its inevitable at some point that a server which is gathering information from people about there illegal activities wether for personal use or not is going to get pulled by the authorities at some point and the evidence obtained will get forwarded to the relevant enforcing agencies around the world.

The law is the law. Buying $10 worth of pot is nothing different than buying $10,000.

nitro 02-07-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by tgillespie
The law is the law. Buying $10 worth of pot is nothing different than buying $10,000.

Lol, and a 99.9% recurring chance not to happen on a open public website when a 10$ bag is on lots of local street corners and local houses. I am not saying the law is not the law,
I am saying its just more likley to get pulled if a couple hundred thousand members are openly posting pictures and stuff of their activities as any other which is exactly what it was when I saw it a few years back, I doubt it changed much except overgrew, the agaencies will just have waited till they were in a bored moment to go an pick up the server, the longer the better for them because the more evidence on there.

KW802 02-07-2006 07:13 PM


While I agree with you in regards to the view you have with this thread it is still comments like this...

Originally Posted by filburt1
.... and I'd appreciate some respect. The moderator status alone should convey respect, whether I'm 21 or 12.

... that show you are indeed still a "kid" when viewed by others. Respect of a position is one thing but respect of an individual is something that is to be earned, it's not an entitlement, regardless of what position or titles that person may have.

EricaJoy 02-07-2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by tgillespie
Marijuana usage is illegal world wide which makes distrobution illegal regardless of ones location.

Untrue. Alaska's constitution gives its residents the right to possess marijuana for personal use. They are allowed to have a small amount of marijuana in their homes as long as there is no intent to distribute.

(cached version linked because the newspaper has started to require registration...ugh)

tgillespie 02-07-2006 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by princessfrozen
Untrue. Alaska's constitution gives its residents the right to possess marijuana for personal use. They are allowed to have a small amount of marijuana in their homes as long as there is no intent to distribute.

(cached version linked because the newspaper has started to require registration...ugh)

While your right, your also very wrong. Marijuana is legal in very small amounts in multiple places around the United States. For example, the last vote in Denver Colorado passed a law that legalized small amounts of marijuana for possesion in the county of Denver. Does this make it legal? No. Why you might ask. Just as in Alaska, it is illegal to exchange marijuana as well as it is illegal to grow marijuana. With those two things deemed illegal, how is one suppose to obtain marijuana? The Alaskan Constitution states that it is legal for personal use, but if its illegal to grow or buy, how is one suppose to obtain the marijuana? The only legal method is through a medical facility. Therefor anyone who uses marijuana outside of the medical scope is performing an illegal act.

Secondly, we all know that federal law trumpts state law. Even if the Alaskan Constitution states that marijuana is legal, the federal judicial system still over rules making marijuana illegal throughout the entire 50 states. If you really believe that marijuana is legal in Alaska, I would encourage you to try it out sometime. Walk into the state court house with a baggie of pot. Let me know how it goes :classic:

Corriewf 02-07-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by princessfrozen
Untrue. Alaska's constitution gives its residents the right to possess marijuana for personal use. They are allowed to have a small amount of marijuana in their homes as long as there is no intent to distribute.

(cached version linked because the newspaper has started to require registration...ugh)

Thats because you have to be stoned to live there...... ;)

EricaJoy 02-07-2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by tgillespie
While your right, your also very wrong. Marijuana is legal in very small amounts in multiple places around the United States. For example, the last vote in Denver Colorado passed a law that legalized small amounts of marijuana for possesion in the county of Denver. Does this make it legal? No. Why you might ask. Just as in Alaska, it is illegal to exchange marijuana as well as it is illegal to grow marijuana. With those two things deemed illegal, how is one suppose to obtain marijuana? The Alaskan Constitution states that it is legal for personal use, but if its illegal to grow or buy, how is one suppose to obtain the marijuana? The only legal method is through a medical facility. Therefor anyone who uses marijuana outside of the medical scope is performing an illegal act.

Secondly, we all know that federal law trumpts state law. Even if the Alaskan Constitution states that marijuana is legal, the federal judicial system still over rules making marijuana illegal throughout the entire 50 states. If you really believe that marijuana is legal in Alaska, I would encourage you to try it out sometime. Walk into the state court house with a baggie of pot. Let me know how it goes :classic:

As an Alaska resident (yes I live in Atlanta but my residency is still Fairbanks, Alaska) I can tell you that I don't have to try it out. Nobody gets busted for pot unless there is something else to go along with it in Alaska (DUI, domestic violence, etc). Also, you can grow it on your property or in your residence there as well, AS LONG AS there is no intent to distribute. As far as federal trumping state law, as far as I know, Scott Thomas is still a free man. Where's the DEA, FBI, CIA trumping the Alaska constitution?

And booooo corriewf, you don't have to be stoned to live there. I lived there for 13 years. :-P

Corriewf 02-07-2006 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by princessfrozen
And booooo corriewf, you don't have to be stoned to live there. I lived there for 13 years. :-P

Which further proves my theory.... :p

Reeve of shinra 02-07-2006 11:49 PM

I do not support speech of any kind on illegal topics including this discussion of the legalities and merits of pot so if the vbulletin.org servers get siezed, I am just going to say its about damn time the law cracked down on this.

Sorry Filburt, but the opportunity just couldn't be resisted to better articulate my point :)

amykhar 02-07-2006 11:51 PM

I haven't been able to find any legitimate news reports on this. Thus far, everything I've read has been rumors on pot-sites. Are there any links to legitimate news sites - not blogs?

tgillespie 02-08-2006 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by princessfrozen
As an Alaska resident (yes I live in Atlanta but my residency is still Fairbanks, Alaska) I can tell you that I don't have to try it out. Nobody gets busted for pot unless there is something else to go along with it in Alaska (DUI, domestic violence, etc). Also, you can grow it on your property or in your residence there as well, AS LONG AS there is no intent to distribute. As far as federal trumping state law, as far as I know, Scott Thomas is still a free man. Where's the DEA, FBI, CIA trumping the Alaska constitution?

And booooo corriewf, you don't have to be stoned to live there. I lived there for 13 years. :-P

Federal law does trumpt state law which means marijuana is illegal regardless of where you live. I do remember the ONE and I repeat ONE court case in Alaska where charges were dropped when a man was arrested for growing pot in his house. If the state of Alaska had wanted, they could have appealed and went to federal court. Drug enforcement is not a matter of the FBI or CIA, it is however the DEA's job. They seized over 3.2 kgs of marijuana in Alaska for the year of 2004.


Originally Posted by amykhar
I haven't been able to find any legitimate news reports on this. Thus far, everything I've read has been rumors on pot-sites. Are there any links to legitimate news sites - not blogs?

This is about as creditable as it gets. Possibly just a rumor? :ermm:

BamaStangGuy 02-08-2006 04:51 AM

<a href="http://whois.sc/" target="_blank">http://whois.sc/</a>

This is his host

Chris M 02-08-2006 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by tgillespie
Marijuana usage is illegal world wide which makes distrobution illegal regardless of ones location.

The world extends beyond the US, I'm sure you are aware...

I can think of one place immediately where it's not illegal - The Netherlands :)

However, regardless of the legalities of smoking or growing it, talking about it showing people how to grow it or roll it, as far as I know, is not illegal :)

The only thing I can see anyone really taking issue with is the information on where to buy the seeds etc ;)


tgillespie 02-08-2006 11:14 PM

Excuse me, but I am very aware the world extends beyond America.

Originally Posted by Chris M
The world extends beyond the US, I'm sure you are aware...

I can think of one place immediately where it's not illegal - The Netherlands :)

However, regardless of the legalities of smoking or growing it, talking about it showing people how to grow it or roll it, as far as I know, is not illegal :)

The only thing I can see anyone really taking issue with is the information on where to buy the seeds etc ;)


Sorry, but thats a common misconception. Pot is however illegal world wide. Even in the Netherlands.

Cannabis remains a controlled substance in the Netherlands and both possession and production for personal use are still misdemeanors, punishable by fine.
The coffee shop canibus store is popular in the Netherlands and not often attacked by law enforcement which gives the impression that canibus is legal, but it still remains an illegal drug.

Brad 02-09-2006 08:34 AM

I don't think it is outlawed world wide. I'm sure you could get away with smoking in Antarctica for example. ;)

A better way of putting it would be it's illegal in most modern places in the world and allowed for medical uses in some places.

We can speculate about this all night, but we will never know what really happened unless the owner of the site comes forward. It's obvious that he had many sites dealing with the same subject, maybe something he was doing on one of them lead to overgrow getting taken offline as well. :)

I should also point out that 'overgrow' in the vBulletin admincp is not there to give credit to that site. It's there because that is the name the author of the karma hack for vB2 used, at the time he coded it he was the technical admin at overgrow.com. I think he left the overgrow.com community about two years ago.

AWS 02-09-2006 05:42 PM

You do know that Overgrow, the person in the vbulletin credits, didn't own the site any longer and that he is not the one that was busted. He sold the site a couple years ago.
Just thought I'd point out that out.
You can go back to the legality discussions.

PennylessZ28 02-09-2006 07:03 PM

LMAO, nothing illegal going on. HAHAHA, yup and nothing illegal goes on, at all those forums the terrorist visit either.

FleaBag 02-09-2006 08:45 PM

Maybe, technically pot is illegal in most modern places. But just because something is illegal doesn't mean it carries a jail sentance or any kind or disciplinary process. I know for a fact that where I live, if I got stopped by the police, prodivded I had less than an ounce in no more than 1 piece and they had no reason to believe I intended to traffic I'd simply have it confiscated and be sent on my way without even a caution.

The world is a very busy place and law enforcement agencies have better things to do than police a crime that has no recorded associated fatalities in the history of everywhere worldwide.

And to compare smoking marijuana users with terrorists is a little off the mark.

TheComputerGuy 02-11-2006 03:25 PM

New vBulletin Rule - If you use are software to discuss pot....your license will be revoked..
vBulletin.com might want to take the props off the frontpage for the random link.

Overgrow the user is a pretty nice guy, and genius IMO. Filaburts comments were rude and frowned upon as a moderator of vBulletin.

I don't smoke the stuff, and I have feelings against it...just think this could be any one of us should a thread go into the wrong direction of our larger sites.

Guest210212002 02-11-2006 10:54 PM

If someone puts up a website that in any way, shape or form helps kids do drugs, I'm with filburt and am happy to see it go. One kid, one hundred kids, it doesn't matter.

Tigga 02-12-2006 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by filburt1
I support free speech. I do not support speech of any kind on illegal topics. You could distort it to a view that discussing illegal activities is a form of conspiracy to commit the crimes in question.

Let's say I opened up a forum about homicide. That's a crime. Would your opinion change?

The last time I checked free speech included the right to discuss topics that you would find on their site, whether you personally find them offensive or not. Do you drink alcohol at all? Even if you don't... Say a site that contained info about making mixed drinks was in the same situation. Would you have the same attitude then?
And I'm sorry, but your comparison to homicide is just plain ridiculous. Try comparing it to something more like a DUI and you might have some ground to stand on.

Famous quote: It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.


Originally Posted by tgillespie
Excuse me, but I am very aware the world extends beyond America.
Sorry, but thats a common misconception. Pot is however illegal world wide. Even in the Netherlands. The coffee shop canibus store is popular in the Netherlands and not often attacked by law enforcement which gives the impression that canibus is legal, but it still remains an illegal drug.

World wide, eh? Want to put some money on that one? :D

tgillespie 02-12-2006 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Tigga
World wide, eh? Want to put some money on that one? :D

I don't bet, but I always like new information. Care to share?

Brad 02-12-2006 08:31 AM

I am sure it's legal to do in some places, although you might have to drive a boat out to international waters to get away with it. ;)

I think it's odd how the laws on pot vary so much from state to state (I can understand country to country). For example the state I live in (North Carolina) decriminalized the stuff awhile back, but that does not mean you can go around smoking it in public. The only thing it did was bump the felony charges up to 1 and 1/2 ounces (it used to be 1 ounce).


Possession of one half ounce or less is punishable by up to 30 days in jail, most likely suspended. Possession of greater than one half ounce is punishable by 1 - 120 days in jail, with a possibility of community service or probation in lieu of jail. Possession greater than 1.5 ounces increases the penalties to 8 - 13 months in jail.

Manufacture, sale or delivery of less than five grams, for no remuneration, is considered possession and not sale. For amounts of ten pounds or less, the penalty is 4 - 8 months in jail. Sale or delivery of any amount greater than 10 pounds is considered trafficking and includes a mandatory minimum sentence. An amount greater than 10 pounds, is punishable by 25 - 30 months in prison and a fine of at least $5,000. Sale or delivery of 50 pounds or more is punishable by 35 - 42 months in prison and a fine of at least $25,000. Amounts of 2,000 pounds or greater carry a penalty of 70 - 84 months in prison and a fine of at least $50,000. Sale or delivery of 10,000 pounds or more is punishable by 175 - 219 months in prison and a fine of at least $200,000.

Penalties for sale, delivery or manufacture are increased if the sale occurs within 300 feet of a school zone if the offender is over 21 and if the sale was made to a minor or to a pregnant woman.

Possession of paraphernalia is punishable by up to six months in jail.
To complicate matters, my state has a Tax Stamp law. Basically they expect you to pay taxes on these illegal goods...think about that and tell me it does not blow your mind. :)


Marijuana tax stamps: This state has a marijuana tax stamp law enacted. This law mandates that those who possess marijuana are legally required to purchase and affix state-issued stamps onto his or her contraband. Failure to do so may result in a fine and/or criminal sanction.
To me that just sounds like kicking someone when they are down. :p

Corriewf 02-12-2006 06:22 PM

WTH! So if you get busted then you must pay taxes on some transaction that is illegal. So are the dealers including sales tax now?

Reeve of shinra 02-12-2006 07:22 PM

If your required to pay taxes on illegal goods, and do so, wouldn't that make the goods legal?

S@NL - BlackBik 02-12-2006 08:29 PM

I think a couple of peeps here should roll a joint and smoke it.
It relaxes you, I heard :)

Logikos 02-13-2006 01:19 AM

It sucks to see someone lose something like that. All the hard work and engery put into the site that took many years just gone in seconds.

I don't personally agree with Filburts post either and to go as far as editing just overgrows name out of the vBulletin credits is really disrespectful. It seems your big on having respect, yet you don't seem to give respect in certain situations. I respect the fact that your agaist smoking pot, and in return; you should respect the fact that there are people out there who enjoy smoking pot.

It's funny because most people who smoke pot around here are very cool induvials. The smoke there pot, don't bother anyone, easy to get along with, and also have enough respect to know that people don't smoke pot and wouldn't wish things bad to happen to people who didn't smoke.

I don't think you would find it very nice if you lost WDF and someone posted a comment like: "Good, I'm glad he lost it cause he doesn't smoke pot". Think about it for a few mins. Plus smoking pot isn't illeagal worldwide like homicide is. How often do you hear the news about someone dead because they smoked pot. I would be suprised if you found any cases of some sort. (being that pot killed someone). Though, you can find tons of cases about smoking ciggerates and drinking.


Originally Posted by filburt1
I'd appreciate some respect. The moderator status alone should convey respect, whether I'm 21 or 12.

You moderator status means nothing. In order to get respect, you have to give respect. Having that status means you make sure users follow the site rules, as long as I don't break them; I don't have to respect you as a person.

tgillespie 02-13-2006 01:27 AM

Filburt was not debating whether or not smoking pot was good or bad, but the fact that the site was promoting an illegal activity of exchanging marijuana.

Again, I would love for someone to give me an example of where marijuana is legal.

Logikos 02-13-2006 01:40 AM

Amsterdam, You can walk into certain coffee shops and toke away at some hash brownies. Personaly experiance.

tgillespie 02-13-2006 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by LiveWire
Amsterdam, You can walk into certain coffee shops and toke away at some hash brownies. Personaly experiance.

Again, it is not legal in the Netherlands to smoke marijuana. Secondly, how do you toke a hash brownie? Local law enforcement looks the other way at cannabis coffee shops in Amsterdam, but if you did a little bit of reading, you will find that it is a misdemeanor offence to obtain marijuana in the Netherlands.

Logikos 02-13-2006 03:08 AM

I'm not gonna sit here and argue with people where pot is or isn't legal. Technically, it's illegal to sell and consume pot, but years of tolerance have taught the Dutch to look the other way. At least that's what they print in the tourist books. In reality, use is permitted only in designated areas so Dutch officials can keep an eye on people.

My whole post before wasn't a debate whether or not pot is bad. It was the fact that people demand so much respect yet show so little of it.

ConKien 02-13-2006 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by tpearl5
I thought weed was legal in canada? I don't smoke, I dunno...

From what I heard, you can plant them in your house, but only one or two, u'll get in jail if they found out you have more than their limit.

tgillespie 02-13-2006 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by LiveWire
I'm not gonna sit here and argue with people where pot is or isn't legal. Technically, it's illegal to sell and consume pot, but years of tolerance have taught the Dutch to look the other way. At least that's what they print in the tourist books. In reality, use is permitted only in designated areas so Dutch officials can keep an eye on people.

My whole post before wasn't a debate whether or not pot is bad. It was the fact that people demand so much respect yet show so little of it.

Not trying to get in an argument at all. Nothing but information exchange here :) On a lighter note, how does one toke a hash brownie? :rolleyes:

Brad 02-13-2006 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by tgillespie
Not trying to get in an argument at all. Nothing but information exchange here :) On a lighter note, how does one toke a hash brownie? :rolleyes:

You don't, you eat them. ;)

tgillespie 02-13-2006 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Brad
You don't, you eat them. ;)

Hense why I questioned him :cross-eyed: Would love to see someone try to shove a brownie into a bowl.

Logikos 02-13-2006 05:23 AM

Or to just be a smartass... ;)

SouthernTn 02-16-2006 08:48 AM

you can get busted down here in TN with like An oz or something and police dont do anything.. But, if its with "intent" to sell, then, maybe they'll book you.

But personally.. Alcohol and Cigarettes should be banned before Weed.. IMO

Ghostsuit 02-27-2006 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chris-777
If someone puts up a website that in any way, shape or form helps kids do drugs, I'm with filburt and am happy to see it go. One kid, one hundred kids, it doesn't matter.

You'll be against all drinks advertising and drinks related sites as well then, oh and anyone discussing glue etc.

I don't take drugs never have but I do have the ability to realise that jsut because something is a Law doesn't make it right. It's legal to smoke and drink and they kill far more people than a joint ever did.

Still thats not the point if an illegal act was being carried out "distribution" then obviously the justise system had to take action, No smoke without fire and all that.

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