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-   -   Why so little attention towards CMS integration? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=105640)

pcoskat 12-08-2006 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by ryans (Post 1130632)
I bought a copy of Subdreamer. I'll glady sell my license for cheap. Also same goes for vbportal too. As an online magazine they're just not powerful enough for me.

I agree. I'm using Subdreamer for a smaller community site that is more 'community-driven' than content.

But for my larger Content-driven site, I need something more powerful like Expression Engine. I'd pay GOOD money for EE/vB integration. (I have no interest in EE's bulletin board.)

COBRAws 12-12-2006 05:19 AM

You should take a look at Vivvo http://vivvo.net/

pcoskat 12-12-2006 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by COBRAws (Post 1136861)
You should take a look at Vivvo http://vivvo.net/

Hmm, that's really interesting.

I'm looking around their site now, and I see that they're using vB, but does their CMS actually integrate?

Big-K 12-13-2006 02:05 AM

Hi Your site is lovely.

Just to let you knopw I have Joomla and VB integrated on my site

I use bbpixel to integrate users and vbridge to integrate comments to articles

Originally Posted by familyhistory (Post 1130908)
Hi folks,

What a great thread Cyburbia!

I have been using firstly Mambo and more recently Joomla. Great piece of work with thousands of addons - components, modules and mambots. The support is great, the community is great and supportive. You can easliy modify how you present your site. There is a lot of integration with many other Opensource products.

I originally had SMF bridged with Mambo/Joomla, which worked well having users and members logged in through the site, with comments linked from editorial (joomla) to the forums via a mambot. Users could log in/out easily. Members could be administered easily within SMF backend.

Then I saw VBulletin and after asking about integration bridging with Joomla and getting confirmation in the forums, I went ahead with the purchase. I love VBulletin but I am really stuck with no integration with Joomla. I have tried VBadavanced, but it is no where what I require.

Have a look at the site - It looks and feels integrated - yet I have had to knock off the joomla login/out to all just to log into VBulletin. Cannot have them logging in twice!!
I am not any good at PHP so have not the ability to integrate these two great products.:up:

And like Cyburbia, VBulletin needs and requires a good CMS to go with!
Lets hope it happens soon,

All the best,

imported_infitech 12-18-2006 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by familyhistory (Post 1130908)
Hi folks,

What a great thread Cyburbia!

I have been using firstly Mambo and more recently Joomla. Great piece of work with thousands of addons - components, modules and mambots. The support is great, the community is great and supportive. You can easliy modify how you present your site. There is a lot of integration with many other Opensource products.

I originally had SMF bridged with Mambo/Joomla, which worked well having users and members logged in through the site, with comments linked from editorial (joomla) to the forums via a mambot. Users could log in/out easily. Members could be administered easily within SMF backend.

Then I saw VBulletin and after asking about integration bridging with Joomla and getting confirmation in the forums, I went ahead with the purchase. I love VBulletin but I am really stuck with no integration with Joomla. I have tried VBadavanced, but it is no where what I require.

Have a look at the site - It looks and feels integrated - yet I have had to knock off the joomla login/out to all just to log into VBulletin. Cannot have them logging in twice!!
I am not any good at PHP so have not the ability to integrate these two great products.:up:

And like Cyburbia, VBulletin needs and requires a good CMS to go with!
Lets hope it happens soon,

All the best,

Any luck with the integration?

Tigratrus 12-19-2006 12:25 AM

We've spent a LOT of time digging into the options and finally settled on a system combining vBulletin, GARS, GAL, vBlogetin and vBGallery. We may use vBa CMPS as well, but it's not the mainstay of the system, vBulletin + GARS is. GARS is incredibly powerful once you get into it and figure out how it works. Check it out at http://www.thevbgeek.com/... It's amazing what you can do with it.

CSS59 12-21-2006 04:28 AM

vb advanced is the only thing i can tolerate, but still need a lot of work to give a page a more professional feel

msimonds 12-27-2006 01:43 PM

I am willing to share my custom CMS if anyone is interested


acitrano 01-25-2007 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tigratrus (Post 1128896)
I have to agree. My partner and I were just talking about this, we too have been searching for a CMS system to integrate with vB, and would be willing to pay a reasonable sum to get something flexible and **reliable**.

vBulletin should be aware that more and more people are jumping on social networking and lightweight forum systems integrated in CMS' like Joomla/Drupal. vBulletin is the reigning king of forum software, but they are (IMO) in some danger of getting caught in a smaller and smaller market segment as the CMS forum system become more and more capable.

Either fish or cut bait. Build an effective CMS to go with vBulletin, or commit to providing reliable integration systems for the big dogs in the CMS arena. That way folks would feel comfortable using vBulletin WITH Joomla and havng the best of both worlds. We've bought one of the bridges for vB Joomla ($50) but I'm NOT feeling comfortable with the fact that it doesn't work under 3.6.4 atm. Thinking about getting stranded with an inability to upgrade my vBulletin because the Bridge vendor dropped support for newer versions of vB makes me queasy...

At this point I think we've decided to drop joomla, and go back to using vbGeek's GARS system and some customized image handling to build the article system we need. vbGeek's stuff is very cool...


Fully agree with the sentiments herein (and the whole thread.) A full year later and cyburbia's list of options and his take on each is still very accurate.

vBulletin is the best; they need to seize a commercial opportunity and offer a CMS add-on. I have been struggling with this - for the moment have settled on vbPortal as a way forward - but it's inelegant and not easy (and the template edits are just the beginning...)

Would love to see JelSoft offer something more tightly integrated. As many have said, my money is ready.

ryans 01-25-2007 09:31 PM

My CMS system will be done in a few weeks. It will let you select a usergroup from VB and make them authors for you main site. When it is done i'll post up the url. :)

vbpenguin 02-14-2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by -=Sniper=- (Post 879705)
amykhar; I don't mind of the cms is made by a third party or by jelsoft, so along as its a quality product. invision's power dynamic looks good, I'm sure I saw a quicktime movie showing you could have articles etc

IPS (Invision Power Services) is not really a company that you would want to go with. I am fine with companies charging a fee for product upgrades, but they go a little overboard. They charge 6 month update fees, which is just not fair. You end up paying a lot in maintenance a year compared to Vbulletin. I am sure they have a new licensing scam for IPDynamic will be just as bad, if not worse.

jasbell 02-25-2007 01:11 AM

Thank you Cyburbia, and ALL of you for discussing this angle. Its funny because I am really looking for a "group centered" online community platform. It just happens that ANY social network has got to include a forum, and VB is the leader. There are other alternatives, but when you look at whats in the admin console alone, its obvious that the VB people have been paying close attention to users for the last 4 years.

I started by looking for a CMS (CMS Matrix), soon decided on Drupal and began looking for forum plugins etc. Problem was developers had to know Drupal in an out to do the careful surgery thats required in really doing what you want with it. EX: The equivilant of "User CP" in Drupal sits in a menu that to move into another menu would require careful surgery. I know because I ran into this with a major Drupal developer. I figured, "screw this", there has got to be something better that is farther along.

I then considered online offerings, many of which were free and had forums: These were limited because I couldn't control the "branding", couldn't track users, couldn't customize the profile info, and most were "individual centric" as opposed to "group centric". All of them put a ceiling on how well you were able to reach and expand on your constituency.

Then I ran into this posting (see Gideon Marken comment) a month ago and went on a new tangent. After further searching I cam up with this list for "do-it yourself" social networking software:

Many of these were 10-15k per yr. Some were $300 + a yearly upgrade fee. Some were either free or $300/month but they put advertising on your site and shared advertising revenue. Some were reportedly buggy and working on developing a brand new system. 97% OF THEM DID NOT EVEN RETURN MY REQUEST FOR INFORMATION AFTER SUBMITTING A REQUEST TO THE SALES SEPT. (Imagine what their support would be like).

In the end I decided to try PhpFox, which was economical ($300), no questions money-back within 30 days, and seemed to have all that I needed. After doing some searching I started to read a lot of complaints about them. Within days I realized that a tree was more responsive, and that their user profile was not really customizable by any reasonable expectation. After 10 days of futzing around I got my money back only after having to call my credit card company to file a dispute.

I had thought of VBulletin in the past however, but wanted more than a Forum. I had knew that they were the leader and had a powerful platform. I was looking for the capability of customizable profiles and a forum. It turned out that VB had even more, and actually 90% of what I needed. I just want to brand and customize it.

This leaves me where you all are now, and where I am as well. How do I extend VB, use its powerful control features, authentication, authorization, and build the rest of my community around it? I now need an invitation mechanism as well, and I am having a hard time with that decision.

I am willing and interested to share my experiences with ANY of you, and I would like to be able to speak with any of you regarding your specific experiences with VB add-ons, products, hacks, integrations, and ESPECIALLY APPROACHES..

If interested in any of this please send me a PM with your contact info...I prefer Skype.


RedGTiVR6 03-01-2007 03:10 PM

I'm desperately looking for a solution to integrate vBulletin, Joomla, and......COMMUNITY BUILDER!

Why is this so hard? Of the 4 pages or so I've done in the past few years, this has been the holy grail of ideas for sites for me...yet nothing seems to be out there....:(

mclark2112 03-01-2007 03:13 PM

I am about to go with Joomla! for the front end, and I think I will have to go with bbPixel for the integration, but what does community builder give you? I never really understood that module. It seemed to do things we can already do with vB.

RedGTiVR6 03-01-2007 03:22 PM

community builder allows your users to create a more indepth profile.

for instance, a user specific gallery, blogs, more detailed user information. I suppose you can do much of it with plug-ins in Joomla....

mclark2112 03-01-2007 03:27 PM

OK, I use vB, Photopost Gallery, and the vBDrupal for the blogs. I use vB as the heart of my site, Everything else must plug into it. I think there are some hacks to have a more user controlled profile in VB, so community builder may not be for me, but a good simple integration would be the best.

RedGTiVR6 03-01-2007 03:36 PM

I'd be interested in some hacks for user profiles in vbulletin...guess I'll start looking!

mclark2112 03-01-2007 03:42 PM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=109094&highlight=ajax+profile" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...t=ajax+profile</a>

this is the one I wanted to try. And it should work with 3.6

Invalid ID 03-01-2007 03:58 PM

I really wonder why too :(

Keyz 03-09-2007 07:53 AM

There is currently a very promising project called Drupaltin, to integrate Drupal and vBulletin in a fully modular way (e.g. no hacks to the core of either Drupal or vBulletin). It's currently an alpha release, but already working terrifically in my tests. I've been following it closely myself and trying to help as much as I can. It's for Drupal 5 (probably not 4.7), supports seamless bi-directional account management, and has a great feature roadmap.

If any of you have tried out Drupal in the past and didn't like it, I suggest you give it another look now - version 5 is exponentially better than all of the previous versions. If you need a good kick-start on learning a bit about Drupal, here's a thread I wrote the other day that lists a number of helpful resources (including articles, lessons, screencasts, etc). I also wrote a thread comparing the current 3 Drupal+vBulletin integration options. Drupal's recently been used to make a number of high profile sites such as MTV.co.uk so it's really stabilizing as a great platform for community-centric and social networking sites.

Anyhow, I will be building a pretty large site around this solution (converting my current forum of 18,000 members), have spent months researching and planning it, and it looks like it's going to be "the one" I've been searching for. If anyone would like to head over to the Drupaltin site and offer their feedback and help then that would be excellent (I'm not the developer by the way - just a member interested in seeing the project completed). If you can, check out the plans for upcoming features, and if you have knowledge in those areas, lend a hand :)

Smoothie 03-09-2007 11:54 AM

One of the bigger issues for me is skinning the front page to resemble the rest of the site. I think that's why many people chose vBadvanced. While I tried Drupal some time ago and was slightly impressed with it, the thought of having to re-skin the front page did not thrill me in the slightest.

Does Drupaltin allow for skins used on the forums to integrate with it?

RedGTiVR6 03-09-2007 12:38 PM

I've tried drupal - twice now...I don't think dislike is a good word for it...;)

acitrano 03-09-2007 07:18 PM

but the problem, keyz, is that Drupal is so fugly. ;)

Keyz 03-09-2007 10:24 PM

Again I should reiterate - if you found previous versions of Drupal to be low on usability, or to look bad, then try Drupal 5. I disliked the previous versions too, but changed my mind when I saw Drupal 5. In version 5 they made a major point of focusing on usability, and on improving the look of the default theme (as well as made many improvements to the theming engine so that it would be simple to theme). A variety of contributed modules have reached new levels of functionality and integration with the core, that bring Drupal up to a new level of possibilities. I'd be happy to share a more detailed list if anyone's interested, but just to name a few must-haves... CCK, Views, Workflow, Actions, Panels, Pathauto (instant SEO'ed URLs), Modr8... and many more. Version 6, which is already well on the way, has goals of full support for interoperability and open standards.

Here's an online demo of Drupal 5 for you to take for a spin:
Be sure to check out the built-in color changer, that lets you re-color the whole theme dynamically and save your own color themes for the site (including the graphics)... just go to this link once you're logged in. Since it's open source, the new theme has already been ported to Wordpress and other CMSs, and is very popular (though I don't think the color changer is ported). It's possible to set up the color changer to be reused for any theme in Drupal, not just the default one.

It's true there aren't as many great looking "free" themes for Drupal as some others, such as Wordpress and Joomla, but it is just as easy (or easier in my opinion) to make it look any way you want it to. Not all, but a good number of great themes have been ported - have a look at the Themes section (e.g. Amadoue, GlossyBlue, Plain 2, SEO Position, SpreadFirefox, TerraFirma). Don't mean to convert this into a Drupal thread haha - but just to help illustrate how Drupal can be themed, here are a few good examples of well-designed and/or famous Drupal-powered sites to start, and you can view my full list here:

... again, see my extensive full list.

Right now Drupaltin does not yet support integrated theming (e.g. your vBulletin theme carrying over to the Drupal site, or vice-versa), though that is on the list of upcoming features. The ability to skin Drupal with vBulletin styles is already available in the vbDrupal project (which as I mentioned, is powerful but not my #1 choice since it requires hacking Drupal core and is not available for Drupal 5 yet). The Drupaltin developer is studying their implementation of that feature and plans to release his own version. In the mean time, my personal quick-fix is to place my "static" portions of my site design into header.php and footer.php files, and include those around both Drupal and vB - works pretty well for now.

Anyhow, I hope this info helps some people. Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll be happy to try to help.

InfoNirvana 04-09-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat (Post 1137150)
Hmm, that's really interesting.

I'm looking around their site [added: Vivvo CMS - www.vivvo.net ]now, and I see that they're using vB, but does their CMS actually integrate?

No unfortunately.

tuslic 04-23-2007 03:27 AM

nobody has tryed to use coranto with vbulletin?

Ohiosweetheart 04-25-2007 03:04 PM

vBAdvanced has so far met all of my needs.
  1. It's free
  2. It takes on the appearance (i.e. skin and graphics) of the forum.
  3. It's highly customizable, with templates, modules, webpages, etc.

RedGTiVR6 05-23-2007 08:49 PM

vBAdvanced doesn't work for many types of sites. For instance, on our site it doesn't give the impression we want of our business.

Joomla allows us to do this.

I thought I would note that bbPixel seems to have dissapeared. Anyone have any ideas?

InfoNirvana 05-24-2007 03:30 AM

The best CMS (Joomla!) is now going to be integratable with vBulletin


Very Awesome !

jhei21 06-27-2007 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by InfoNirvana (Post 1223532)
No unfortunately.

Vivvo does integrate with Vbulletin now and has a shared login. I am seriously looking at purchasing. If anyone has any good or bad experiences with it i would love to know.

vcruiser 06-27-2007 01:01 AM

Call it a blog, call it a CMS, call it a portal, call it what ever you want. Millions of users, WordPress! You can make that thing do just about anything and its so easy to use. It has a static front page so it's a portal. Visitors and members can post to it, it's a blog by definition and you can manage that information so it can be used as a CMS. Thousands of themes, many are FREE! Why re-invent the wheel? Someone with the right skill set can get this and vb integrated perfectly I am sure.

Check this out: click here ...

It doesn't get better than that. I wonder how they integrated their forum?

Food for thought.

Wordpress Competition Is Right Now

jhei21 06-27-2007 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by vcruiser (Post 1277371)
Why re-invent the wheel? Someone with the right skill set can get this and vb integrated perfectly I am sure.

There are a lot of people (like me:confused:) out there who dont have the skills and thats why there needs to be more integration.

Joe Blow 07-16-2007 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Cyburbia (Post 876307)
When I look at open source content management systems, many offer integration with phpBB and SMF, but vBulletin and Invision Power Board integration is almost nonexistent. Message boards on CMS portal sites are often filled with requests for vBulletin integration, with responses usually falling into three categories - "me too". "if you want it so bad, go code it yourself" and "out of principle, I won't code it, even though I could, because it's not open source"".

A common theme in many posts here and at vbulletin.com is content management system integration. There seems to be a huge demand for vBulletin/CMS integration, but there are so few projects out there; the excellent Drupal integration effort, a bridge for Joomla (which doesn't offer true integration), and that's about it.

"Check out vBportal/vBindex/vBadvanced." While I respect the effort that went into vBindex and vBadvanced, they aren't true content management systems. They serve mainly as portals or entrance pages to a forum-dominated site.

"Buy Subdreamer/Storyteller/Miraserver/Virtuanews/vgPortal/PhpCow/NePHP." Again, they're probably all good programs, but they have a limited userbase compared to the open source content management systems. Some of those programs are one-man projects, development is slow or stalled, and their future is uncertain. Except for vBulletin integration, they usually don't have the feature set or extensibility of most open source content management systems.

[nasal_voice]"Well, go code it yourself!"[/nasal_voice] The typical response from the Slashdot/ponytail-and-neckbeard types. Unfortunately, most of us aren't expert PHP programmers. The majority of us probably can't program, period. If we were, we probably would have coded our own message boards instead of paying for vBulletin.

"vBCMS is coming Real Soon Now."
So are flying cars, universal health care in the United States, the Second Street subway, discovery of the Oak Island treasure, Godot, the revitalization and gentrification of Detroit, and Duke Nukem Forever.

With the outcry of vBulletin users begging for a CMS, why are there so few CMS integration hack/mod projects? Is there even a demand for integration with open source content management systems?

Sadly, this post is just as relevant today, eighteen months later.

Any advances on the vbulletin/CMS front?

WEBclay 07-20-2007 11:12 AM

Good thread, exactly what I would have posted *g*. I am currently building our mainsite for a online graphical/digital painting community. I need vB to be integrated in the mainsite for displaying the news, articles and everything else like polls, authors, tutorials and more. I have done a big research on every cms that could handle vB as integration.

I think I give wordpress a go along with the bridge for vB. The main reason I choose this is that wp allows you to display a thread as a newspost on the frontend and all comments belong to this posting will be done in the forums as discussion :)

I didn't spent that much hours to have a look how drupal handles all this. But for me wordpress is way easier to modify my template than drupal does.

Bad thing about vbAdvanced is the lack of 3rd party programmers who could do a paid job to get my style working along with this :(

AntiThesis 09-04-2007 11:16 AM

I keep checking back here in the vain hope that something has been done/something new has come up. Every time nothing.

And vJoomla has been shut down due to some random exploit. Don't know when/if they'll be back.

Looks like I'll just be coding my own portal that will only work on my site. Lovely.

towermatt 09-04-2007 04:34 PM

I think vBadvanced works a treat!

RedGTiVR6 09-04-2007 04:38 PM

vBadvanced is not a viable solution for a lot of people. It doesn't present the professional apperance many of us are looking for. Joomla and many other CMSs do.

towermatt 09-04-2007 04:40 PM

Sure, that's a perspective. I believe the fact that it is so user friendly and customizeable makes it a perfect solution.

Since Joomla is MIA--might be something to think about is all.

My Comics News page looks as professional as any I have ever seen.


joshbond 09-05-2007 04:35 PM

I'm trying to integrate vb with joomla. What are the best ways of doing that that are currently out there?

Ascor 09-05-2007 11:44 PM

<a href="http://forum.bbpixel.com/index.php?act=home" target="_blank">http://forum.bbpixel.com/index.php?act=home</a>

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