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akanevsky 01-06-2006 08:48 PM

:banana: UPDATE 1.2.8 :banana:

Fixed a couple of bugs, see the first post.
1. Re-upload psistats.php
2. Erase and re-upload the contents of ./includes/psistats folder
3. Re-upload product XML - and revert any of this hack's templates, if modified.

bashy 01-06-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
:banana: UPDATE 1.2.8 :banana:

Fixed a couple of bugs, see the first post.
1. Re-upload psistats.php
2. Erase and re-upload the contents of ./includes/psistats folder
3. Re-upload product XML - and revert any of this hack's templates, if modified.

Cheers Psionic

Will monitor it and see how it is :)

Thanks again for the update



klaush 01-06-2006 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
:banana: UPDATE 1.2.8 :banana:

Fixed a couple of bugs, see the first post.
1. Re-upload psistats.php
2. Erase and re-upload the contents of ./includes/psistats folder
3. Re-upload product XML - and revert any of this hack's templates, if modified.


Found: (3 admins, 4 s-mods, 46 mods)

The number of the s-mods is the number of the mods, so 46 is still not correct.

Still one country flag missing and one region.

akanevsky 01-06-2006 09:26 PM


The number of the s-mods is the number of the mods, so 46 is still not correct.
It can't be incorrect. The script chooses the number of unique userids in your moderator table. Maybe your moderator setup is incorrect, but the script gives a valid output.


Still one country flag missing and one region.
Feel free to submit the flag. There are about 50 more flags missing, and they will be missing until people add them in. Or until someone gives me a zip file with all flags in it. As for the missing continent, please post the contents of your psistats_country table. Thanks.

DementedMindz 01-06-2006 09:28 PM

do you plan on grouping the templates together?

akanevsky 01-06-2006 09:29 PM


do you plan on grouping the templates together?
Why would I want to do that?

DementedMindz 01-06-2006 09:32 PM

this way its easier to edit things and it dont have all the templates showing kinda like every other coder does on vbuletin... this way when you click on the template it will show the drop down off all the templates under that hack

msimplay 01-06-2006 09:33 PM

nice work but was just thinking as a suggestion maybe the stats should be ordered highest first because at the moment most of the stats are in any old order

akanevsky 01-06-2006 09:33 PM

Any experienced coders here? I have a question.
What would be better:

- To leave the data organization as-is, with detection on session start, and with simple display on stats.
- To change the data organization, with psistats saving raw IPs and Browser Ident String to the database, with detection on stats?
- To make a combination of both - with saving raw data into database and with parsing it all together into "cooked" tables, and deleting the raw data?


maybe the stats should be ordered highest first because at the moment most of the stats are in any old order
What do you mean?

DementedMindz 01-06-2006 09:34 PM

just kinda sucks seeing 18 templates not grouped together

bashy 01-06-2006 09:36 PM

I aint no coder as im sure your already aware, but doesnt sorting in any sort of order cause more server load?



Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Any experienced coders here? I have a question.
What would be better:

- To leave the data organization as-is, with detection on session start, and with simple display on stats.
- To change the data organization, with psistats saving raw IPs and Browser Ident String to the database, with detection on stats?
- To make a combination of both - with saving raw data into database and with parsing it all together into "cooked" tables, and deleting the raw data?

What do you mean?

akanevsky 01-06-2006 09:36 PM

How would I go about grouping them?

DementedMindz 01-06-2006 09:38 PM

basiclly like they do for the arcade templates so when you click on a main template all the templates under it would show its like that with any mod i have used so far that has alot of templates.. im not a coder but ill look and see what code they use for it...

Replicators 01-06-2006 09:44 PM

Seem to be missing a country here, don't know what country though...

bashy 01-06-2006 09:51 PM

Make a thread asking peeps where there all from and then you will be able to narrow it down some what ;)

akanevsky 01-06-2006 09:58 PM


im not a coder but ill look and see what code they use for it...
Or you could just give me a link to that hack.
EDIT: Nevermind, already found it. And added.


Make a thread asking peeps where there all from and then you will be able to narrow it down some what
No need to do that. Missing country means that I removed it from the database - probably because it was a sub-division of another country. In next version, the script will take care of removing invalid countries.

MPDev 01-06-2006 09:59 PM

Thanks, updated and looks great.

Given the number of templates, I'd also like to see them grouped together into one category.

One suggestion on the referrer sites page:

. A top 10 referrers by total referrals.

msimplay 01-06-2006 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by klaush

Found: (3 admins, 4 s-mods, 46 mods)

The number of the s-mods is the number of the mods, so 46 is still not correct.

Still one country flag missing and one region.

It seems to be counting the number of moderators for the whole forum for example each of my forums are assigned two moderators and i have assigned them to seven of them so its showing 14 moderators for me although the super moderator and admins seems correct the moderator bit does not

akanevsky 01-06-2006 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by msimplay
It seems to be counting the number of moderators for the whole forum for example each of my forums are assigned two moderators and i have assigned them to seven of them so its showing 14 moderators for me although the super moderator and admins seems correct the moderator bit does not

If there are 7 forums, and each has 2 moderators, then there are 14 moderators. What's incorrect about it?

msimplay 01-06-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Any experienced coders here? I have a question.
What would be better:

- To leave the data organization as-is, with detection on session start, and with simple display on stats.
- To change the data organization, with psistats saving raw IPs and Browser Ident String to the database, with detection on stats?
- To make a combination of both - with saving raw data into database and with parsing it all together into "cooked" tables, and deleting the raw data?

What do you mean?

I mean that top forums etc are shown highest first by post count
but other stats like number of browsers using firefox nomatter what the number the highest isn't place first

check the attachment it shows browsers with the highest first and compare it to your own they are placed anywhere

msimplay 01-06-2006 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
If there are 7 forums, and each has 2 moderators, then there are 14 moderators. What's incorrect about it?

I thought it was a count of how many moderators u have as in
I have 1 admin 2 super moderators and 2 moderators as in

only two in the membergroup moderators i just thought that would be the way the stats would be shown. However if the way you said it is right then i suppose thats right :P

akanevsky 01-06-2006 10:28 PM


check the attachment it shows browsers with the highest first and compare it to your own they are placed anywhere
Not anywhere. I sorted them by browser name/version. Duh... Though it would be easier to see which is which. I don't like it Bane's way, with browser unordered.


only two in the membergroup moderators
Membergroup "moderators" is just a dummy group, in which you can (OPTIONALLY) put your moderators if you want to give them some extra abilities / or take some abilities away from them. The real moderating power (and database data) comes from actually adding moderators to forums, not from the usergroup in which they are in (unless that is a supermoderator-enabled group, of course).

klaush 01-06-2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by msimplay
It seems to be counting the number of moderators for the whole forum for example each of my forums are assigned two moderators and i have assigned them to seven of them so its showing 14 moderators for me although the super moderator and admins seems correct the moderator bit does not

Yep, that?s it. I took a look at my SQL table and found the same like you!

klaush 01-06-2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
If there are 7 forums, and each has 2 moderators, then there are 14 moderators. What's incorrect about it?

Nothing to complain, but named moderators are only 4 with a unique user/member-id.

msimplay 01-06-2006 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Not anywhere. I sorted them by browser name/version. Duh... Though it would be easier to see which is which. I don't like it Bane's way, with browser unordered.

But don't stats usually display highest first ?


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Membergroup "moderators" is just a dummy group, in which you can (OPTIONALLY) put your moderators if you want to give them some extra abilities / or take some abilities away from them. The real moderating power (and database data) comes from actually adding moderators to forums, not from the usergroup in which they are in (unless that is a supermoderator-enabled group, of course).

But the point is to users the stats will seem inacurate especially when it counts staff it says there are 17 staff when i only have 2 mods 2 s mods and 1 admin hence i have 5 staff. Power might be in the database data but the membergroups is what makes sense. This is what the other users are refering to when they say the stats for that are wrong

akanevsky 01-06-2006 10:44 PM


But don't stats usually display highest first ?
Not my stats :)


But the point is to users the stats will seem inacurate especially when it counts staff it says there are 17 staff when i only have 2 mods 2 s mods and 1 admin hence i have 5 staff. Power might be in the database data but the membergroups is what makes sense. This is what the other users are refering to when they say the stats for that are wrong
I know. Ok, if you all want it to be that way (e.g. use usergroup/membergroup as the reference), that's how it will be...

msimplay 01-06-2006 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Not my stats :)

I know. Ok, if you all want it to be that way (e.g. use usergroup/membergroup as the reference), that's how it will be...

Thank you very much :D

klaush 01-06-2006 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Not my stats :)

I know. Ok, if you all want it to be that way (e.g. use usergroup/membergroup as the reference), that's how it will be...


DementedMindz 01-07-2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Or you could just give me a link to that hack.
EDIT: Nevermind, already found it. And added.

so the templates being grouped is now in it or will be in next release?

akanevsky 01-07-2006 01:14 AM


so the templates being grouped is now in it or will be in next release?
In next release, of course. I cannot alter released releases, as that obviously wouldn't make any sense.

DementedMindz 01-07-2006 01:47 AM

ok ty i just wasnt sure if you uploaded it to that zip or not but thanks for grouping them :)

Rickie3 01-07-2006 02:21 AM

I must say thankyou for all your time and dedication you have spent on this hack,it is now working great for me,ive just sat back and waited for this update and just done it,cheers

Rickie3 01-07-2006 02:34 AM

just a quick question i have this hack installed on my board, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=97830
when i installed psiStats 2006 last week,my time online has stopped for all members eg: my time online last week was, Time spent on board:
2 week 4 day 23 hour,and it is still the same today,is it possible your hack could upset the count???????

bashy 01-07-2006 08:56 AM

Hi Psionic..

I have just installed the New Spiders hack, this shows the correct spiders that are/have visited and does show the msn 1, please see it working HERE

Yours still does not show the MSN bot see below, the unkonw 1 i think is the MSN 1 as this count seems to be about right for the msn bot

Bot (Google Adsense) (9.27%) - 224
Bot (Unknown) (5.01%) - 121
Bot (Yahoo! Slurp) (2.52%) - 61

Im not badgering, just like it sorted when ya get a mo :)



firstrebel 01-07-2006 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by klaush
Nothing to complain, but named moderators are only 4 with a unique user/member-id.

I have just 1.2.6 > 1.2.8 and mod count was correct in 1.2.6 now it is higher as has been discussed here. I agree with klaush, you can't count one moderator x number of times for each forum he/she mods.

The missing entries in countries are probably both linked to the old entry for Ireland and still need to be removed.

Doing a great job, with you all the way.


akanevsky 01-07-2006 11:21 AM

Just run the following query:
DELETE FROM PFXpsistats_country WHERE code = "IE"
(don't forget to remove PFX and replace it with your table prefix).
In next release, that'll be done automatically.

akanevsky 01-07-2006 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Rickie3
just a quick question i have this hack installed on my board, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=97830
when i installed psiStats 2006 last week,my time online has stopped for all members eg: my time online last week was, Time spent on board:
2 week 4 day 23 hour,and it is still the same today,is it possible your hack could upset the count???????

Nope, not possible. The two hacks don't even intersect...


Yours still does not show the MSN bot see below, the unkonw 1 i think is the MSN 1 as this count seems to be about right for the msn bot
I just looked at the spiders hack, it's very messy, hard to understand anything. What my hack is doing, it's trying to identify msn by "msnbot" in id string.

akanevsky 01-07-2006 02:30 PM

Heh-heh... Next release will be codehackless.

akanevsky 01-07-2006 06:30 PM

:banana: UPDATE 1.3.0 :banana:

Complete re-do of data organization.

WARNING: After installing this update, your hack-generated statistics will be reset.

- psistats.php
- psistats_update.php (see instructions)
- ./includes/psistats (after you delete original contents)

RE-INSTALL product XML with rewrite option.
REVERT modified hack templates - if any.
RE-DO headinclude template modification.
UNDO file changes from previous release.
MOVE this thread to appropriate section, since there are no file edits any more (vbulletin.org moderators only)

bashy 01-07-2006 07:02 PM

Cheers for the updates Psionic...

Loks like ya got the staff side of it bang on m8,
Dont know about the bots yet untill it wakes up ;)

There is only 1 minor annoyance that i have forogtten to mention
before, this is when you click the human Referrers (if installed)
and you go to the referrers there is no quick link back or to
the other areas of the stats,

Something is telling me that this is not possible though as really they are 2 seperate hacks and therefore if there was any links then it would look silly to the people that have installed your referrer 1 but not the stats 1, would i be right?

Whoopsy just found this when using FF only (dont do it using IE)

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM psistats_country WHERE code = 'UK' LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : Table 'web18_4rum.psistats_country' doesn't exist Error Number : 1146
Date : Saturday, January 7th 2006 @ 09:00:46 PM
Script : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/c...p?&rand=136229
Referrer : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/

I cannot access my site using Firefox atm, only IE
What have i forgot to do please?

Regards bashy

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