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C_P 12-20-2005 02:54 PM

ibProArcade - professional Arcade System

---MAD--- 12-20-2005 03:28 PM

v3 Arcade - Games Arcade System for 3.5.1 Definately!!

Paul M 12-20-2005 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
You are welcome to give ibProArcade its chance :)

I don't appreciate PM's trying to get my vote either.

Daniel 12-20-2005 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
I don't appreciate PM's trying to get my vote either.

That would just make me not want to vote for it.

Jenta 12-20-2005 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel
That would just make me not want to vote for it.

At least he doesnt charge for real support ;)

LEAD_WEIGHT 12-21-2005 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys
this is not a thread for giving support and comment about your own work MrZero, please ...


Originally Posted by Paul M
I don't appreciate PM's trying to get my vote either.


Originally Posted by Daniel
That would just make me not want to vote for it.

A Christmas Theme ' The Three Whiny Men ' :mad:

You would not know to vote if Mr.Zeropage had not pm you!

IBPROARCADE all the way!!

TyleR 12-21-2005 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
I don't appreciate PM's trying to get my vote either.

That should be against the rules..should be a penalty for that kind of things..you dont PM people to vote for you on vB.com for BotM..why should this be any different?

LEAD_WEIGHT 12-21-2005 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by TyleR
That should be against the rules..should be a penalty for that kind of things..you dont PM people to vote for you on vB.com for BotM..why should this be any different?

Yes, but Mr.Zeropage did not ask to vote for his hack, only asking if you have voted.

If you received a pm, then pm back about it and not post it out in the open if you have so much of a problem with it. :rolleyes:

Paul M 12-21-2005 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by LEAD_WEIGHT
A Christmas Theme ' The Three Whiny Men ' :mad:

You would not know to vote if Mr.Zeropage had not pm you!

IBPROARCADE all the way!!

Get a grip you muppet.

First of all I voted days ago, I don't need PM's to remind me.

Secondly, of course it was an attempt to get me (and others) to vote for his hack (which suddenly went from being about 20 votes behind, to being in the lead, coincidence, I don't think so.)

If you have nothing sensible to say then perhaps you should say nothing at all.

LEAD_WEIGHT 12-21-2005 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M

If you have nothing sensible to say then perhaps you should say nothing at all.

Read what you just posted, learn to keep it in your mind instead of whiny about it. If you want to post like this, then go over to v3arcade as they have so many post of whiny members crying about everything. :rolleyes:

Paul M 12-21-2005 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by LEAD_WEIGHT
Read what you just posted, learn to keep it in your mind instead whiny about it. If you want to post like this, then go over to v3arcade as they have so many post of whiny members crying about everything. :rolleyes:

ROFL - teenagers are so sooooo funny sometimes. :)

Rickie3 12-21-2005 04:26 AM

ibProArcade for sure here,nice and simple love it and so do my members AAA+,sad to see this thread getting ugly

nitro 12-21-2005 07:17 AM

Well as this is my first ever time i've voted on a HotM poll, I spent about 15 Minutes looking round the various forums to find the thread, I ended up going to the home page instead and jumping in from there. This was a few hours before a PM from MrZ. Nothing wrong with someone sending you a link in a PM for a HoTM poll, in fcat if it had of come earlier it would have saved me some time.

Its not like you were marched to the polls to vote his way, in fact it has as much chance of being counter productive by those who decided to go v3arcade and those who are going to take offence to such a PM.

All thats going to happen now is more talk about ibproarcade in the thread than voting, with those who moan about someone giving good info out while promoting themselves.
When MrZ appears on your doorstep and holds your mouse @ gunpoint for your vote then theres something to complain about.

MrZeropage 12-21-2005 07:28 AM

Just to clear things out:

I sent a reminder-PM with simple "did you vote already?" to exactly 17 Users
I picked them from my List of Beta-Testers, Developers and few from the ibPro-Thread itself.

So discussion should stop here, Paul_M is the only one complaining about it and thought it would be some kind of "vote for me please" but that is not what I did and do.

Be sure that this was just a notification to 17 people, not a single more. And I even received alot of "already placed my vote", so there is really nothing to worry about. I sent a statement and a List of Recipients to Erwin, he now has those 17 Names to see that they are not randomly picked but somehow involved in ibPro itself.
I just did an error and thought "Paul_M" was Beta-Tester, but in fact it was "Paul_Hollibone" - sorry for that! Most Testers and Developers are named in the ibPro-Thread and can be checked there.

Now this senseless discussion should end here, everybody can decide which way he votes and if he participates or not.

emtee 12-21-2005 08:24 AM

ibPro for me.

Paul M 12-21-2005 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
So discussion should stop here, Paul_M is the only one complaining about it and thought it would be some kind of "vote for me please" but that is not what I did and do.

As is my right, but I accept your explanation/apology that it was an error on your part. :)

MrZeropage 12-21-2005 08:30 AM

Ok, thanks - surely it is your right to complain, for you as not being involved in ibPro-Development it was Spam, no doubt. I am sorry - and glad you accept my apology for my error :)

Rickie3 12-21-2005 08:38 AM

in true christmas spirit guys well done a peaceful resolusion,no wonder i love this place

kewl1uk 12-21-2005 04:56 PM

ibProArcade most definitely because it's versatile and it works and all my members love it.

GoTTi 12-21-2005 05:53 PM

look @ ibpro pullin ahead.

i think i wanna change my vote, and i havent even installed the 3.5.x version...

im not happy with the content that has happend with the arcade. the support, the timely matter, some of the things going on there...its a big mess.

Rickie3 12-21-2005 11:35 PM

explanation please, why is ibProArcade not showing on the poll????

Jenta 12-21-2005 11:53 PM

well this sucks
wasted vote out of my own free will with no one even asking me to vote

sitka 12-22-2005 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Rickie3
explanation please, why is ibProArcade not showing on the poll????

yes i agreewhere ibproarcade go?

GoTTi 12-22-2005 01:45 AM

where is ibproarcade??????????

AshokForums.com 12-22-2005 02:33 AM

All votes of ibproarcade transferred to v3arcade and then ibproarcade was removed from the list! I feel this is what they have done.. Go through this thread you will know the reasons for the same :)

tamarian 12-22-2005 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by TyleR
That should be against the rules..should be a penalty for that kind of things..you dont PM people to vote for you on vB.com for BotM..why should this be any different?

BotM on vb.com has published rules, posted each time on the nomination thread.

Would be nice to have the same thing here, otherwise it's really subjective as to what's appropriate or not, and leaving it to the eyes of the beholder. It also gives an unfair advantage to commercial hacks, or hacks that have their own support site, and can campaign without using vb.org.

MrZeropage 12-22-2005 04:51 AM

I still did not find any rule for this "HotM"-Thing, either something saying that reminding the own people involved in Project-Development could not be reminded to vote.

There was just my fault I send one PM to Paul_M instead of Paul_Hollibone but that was not my intention. There where just 17 PMs, nothing more.

I am waiting for somebody to give me a Link where on vb.org I can find those Rules concerning HotM and PMs.

pspcrazy 12-22-2005 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by tamarian
BotM on vb.com has published rules, posted each time on the nomination thread.

Would be nice to have the same thing here, otherwise it's really subjective as to what's appropriate or not, and leaving it to the eyes of the beholder. It also gives an unfair advantage to commercial hacks, or hacks that have their own support site, and can campaign without using vb.org.

This is total bull, ibproarcade is what i voted for transferring them is dumb. You should have delted them so we could vote again. Vbseo sent us emails to vote for their hack, why cant zero do it for his. Vb arcade is not i voted for, please find a way to fix this ridiculous error. Seriously you cnat expect this to be a fair vote if yuo transfer it to vbarcade. Thats my comments

MrZeropage 12-22-2005 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy
Vbseo sent us emails to vote for their hack, why cant zero do it for his.

Interesting ...

TyleR 12-22-2005 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by pspcrazy
This is total bull, ibproarcade is what i voted for transferring them is dumb. You should have delted them so we could vote again. Vbseo sent us emails to vote for their hack, why cant zero do it for his. Vb arcade is not i voted for, please find a way to fix this ridiculous error. Seriously you cnat expect this to be a fair vote if yuo transfer it to vbarcade. Thats my comments

not one vote was "transferred"..if votes were all given to v3Arcade, then it'd have well over 400 votes for them, which they don't.

Please do show proof of such an e-mail, as that would be something new, as I have all their products installed, have clicked install on the two free ones, and never recieved such an e-mail.

gothicuser 12-22-2005 05:59 AM

I voted for ibProArcade and see no logical reason in the previous posts for this to have been removed.
As it has been removed I am making a protest by vowing NEVER to vote for any hack-of-the-month again.
Purile, pathetic and definitely childish!

Rickie3 12-22-2005 06:40 AM

well this is just sick,the original poll had ibproarcade in it,i voted for it along with many other members here,then it is removed without any explanation at all,why have a voting poll in the first place?????this is not good for one's credibility is it????I speak for myself,the arcade war is not needed,i made my desicion as to what i wanted,i personally couldnt give a toss which is the better,each to their own view i say,hmmm signed dissapointed

Regs 12-22-2005 06:51 AM

Jeez, this is such a great "community" site, isn't it? Coders work hard and for their efforts, the staff here kicks them in the nuts and doesn't say anything to anyone for the reasons.

Great stuff.

If you're 12.


LEAD_WEIGHT 12-22-2005 07:00 AM

Why not delete this post since it has nothing to do with support other than spamming for votes?

Originally Posted by rjordan
What's good for the goose...

Make sure to vote for this fully free arcade release (or other modification) for Hack of the Month.


* edit *
Plus I do not see any rules on HOTM on pm's? If you have rules then use a sticky incase of confusion.

pspcrazy 12-22-2005 08:18 AM

Woops, sorry vbseo, it wasnt you lol

Heres my email:


stonyarc has updated their hack:

VBStatExtended: advanced statistics for your board

This is the update that the user gave:

Just to let you know that I'm closing the new features list soon, so if you want new features added to the vbstatextended make sure you post them as soon as possible.

Good news about my other modification too: VBGooglemap has been nominated as hack of the month. Feel free to vote, if you like it (or if you like the other nominated hacks vote for them).

MrZeropage 12-22-2005 08:33 AM

so this got spread via eMail to (I guess) at least all the 90 people who clicked INSTALL on this Hack.

I just informed 17 people from my Test- and Development-Team and just gave the Link to the vote, saying nothing about what to vote for ect.

I would be ok to look for the votes and reduce those of the 17 votes which were done after my PM (most of them already voted before), but I still see no rule here about this HotM-Votes and also see others are doing much more promotion.
Just think of other ways like Messengers to spread the Link to a HotM-Voting ...

I ask to put back ibProArcade in the voting and I am sure there if you ask those who voted for ibPro they will agree and confirm that they got no single notice, PM or anything like that from me

LEAD_WEIGHT 12-22-2005 08:34 AM

This should have a thank-you, instead of posting in HOTM. As it seems to cause some bad feelings from some ppl.

Paul M 12-22-2005 08:42 AM

Removing it altogether seems a little harsh. Still, you may qualify again next month.

Rickie3 12-22-2005 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
you may qualify again next month.

what do you mean???it qualified this month it was in the original poll,it should not have been removed,no explanation nothing,this whole thread should be deleted, :speechless:

Scooterpig 12-22-2005 09:12 AM

I think the sad part about all of this so far is that there has been no explantion, comment or otherwise form any admin or mods from here about this, very disappointing..:(

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