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-   -   vbSEO -- is it worth the price ? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=102148)

Boofo 12-04-2005 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson
Good grief...

ok change "that word" to ignorant? Or can I not say ignorant?

Tell her to stop saying its a "insert word" scam when it is obviously not. That is no better than "that word"

Calling names of any kind will NOT be tolerated from anyone, whether you think the word fits or not. They are just as entitled to their opinion as you are to yours.

If you believe the program is worth it and it serves your purpose, then does it really matter what anyone else thinks in the long run? ;)

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Okie
if u pay for it .. then good luck .. i called it scam because of the vBSEO BETA ADS coming here trying to ads VBSEO and saying they pay when they dont so what that mean ? LIE and SCAM so you are the one who need to shut when u dont no nathing because i can list all their name here if it needed .. why i need to bother my self here .. just wait and find your self how many people here dont like the price of vBSEO/And closed source code this thread still not hot just give it time and u will see .. :nervous:

No I don't know what you mean cause I can't understand a thing you just said. I don't think you quite understand:

I paid, I got product, product works, me happy, you wrong. Simple


Calling names of any kind will NOT be tolerated from anyone, whether you think the word fits or not. They are just as entitled to their opinion as you are to yours.
I didn't call Okie a name. I said * Edited for content, again, give me a break.


If you believe the program is worth it and it serves your purpose, then does it really matter what anyone else thinks in the long run?
Because it's not a scam and Okie saying so pisses me off. Ok?

Adrian Schneider 12-04-2005 11:32 PM

Dare I assume that most of the "No"s are from people who havn't used it?

Anyway, are you guys specifically asking about SEO in general, or this particular product? I see both in your arguments.

Me? I havn't used it, but it looks great, and everyone I've talked to who has used it, is glad they did. If my board wasn't more of a hobby site with low traffic, I would definitely try it out. For now, it's not worth it.

Boofo 12-04-2005 11:37 PM

A few of the no's are from those that HAVE used it. ;)

And if I recall correctly, Dean C. released a version of this for free that supposedly will do the same thing or close to it. ;)

Boofo 12-04-2005 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson
No I don't know what you mean cause I can't understand a thing you just said. I don't think you quite understand:

I paid, I got product, product works, me happy, you wrong. Simple

I didn't call Okie a name. I said bullshit, give me a break.

Because it's not a scam and Okie saying so pisses me off. Ok?

Can you read? I said the cursing will NOT be tolerated. Why are you pushing this? Please, do NOT curse again in this thread! That's it!

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Can you read? I said the cursing will NOT be tolerated. Why are you pushing this? Please, do NOT curse again in this thread! That's it!

Oh. My. God.

I can read fine by the way, thanks for asking smart.... well you know!


And if I recall correctly, Dean C. released a version of this for free that supposedly will do the same thing or close to it.
Doesn't even touch it.

Andreas 12-04-2005 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson
Doesn't even touch it.

IMHO it is pretty similar.
If I am right, vBSEO basically does URL rewriting - which is what other Hacks (like DC SEO or vBRanking) do as well.

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Andreas
IMHO it is pretty similar.
If I am right, vBSEO basically does URL rewriting - which is what other Hacks (like DC SEO or vBRanking) do as well.

It does do rewriting but it rewrites many things and gives you the options on the different types of formats to use in the url. You can also easily manage all your custom rewrites that are outside the forum directory within the vbseo control panel. You can 301 redirect your archive to the actual thread which I love, instead of having a user see a vanilla style. You can rewrite the keywords and desription meta tags to include words specific to that page.

The list goes on. It takes 5 minutes to install and requires no knowledge of modrewrite.

Call me lazy, whatever, but time = money and time is not on my side this semester. 150 dollars got me what I wanted and even more. I actually tried Deans hack before I bought vbseo and found it to be very limiting compared to the options vbseo gives me.

Andreas 12-04-2005 11:59 PM

Yeah, so it might be a bit simpler then DIY rewrites - but basically it's just that: URL rewriting (like you acknowledged yourself).
But you're right, time is money - so it might be worth it :)

Brandon Sheley 12-05-2005 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Andreas
Yeah, so it might be a bit simpler then DIY rewrites - but basically it's just that: URL rewriting (like you acknowledged yourself).
But you're right, time is money - so it might be worth it :)

deans mod took about 2 Min's to install
same with the google site-map :p
these are both free.
really the things i don't like about vbseo is one the price obviously, but really more that that is the hidden code.
maybe one of the beta testers or a paying member can answer this..
if vbseo goes down for some reason,
wont the links in google that point to your site like www.mysite.com/forums/vbseo-thread-a.html not work ?

if I'm correct ( which i may be wrong ) don't u have to register your site with vbseo or something for the script to work ?
seems like there would have to be allot of trust to spend so much when knowing it could be for nothing if vbseo.com were to disappear :ermm:

Okie 12-05-2005 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Loco Macheen
if vbseo goes down for some reason,
wont the links in google that point to your site like www.mysite.com/forums/vbseo-thread-a.html not work ?

if I'm correct ( which i may be wrong ) don't u have to register your site with vbseo or something for the script to work ?
seems like there would have to be allot of trust to spend so much when knowing it could be for nothing if vbseo.com were to disappear :ermm:

loco i know that u have almost 7 Parked Domains to locoforum if u are use vBSEO then make sure all other Parked Domains you have will not work .. people who visit your site from your other domain name will get error page :mad:

Vtec44 12-05-2005 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Loco Macheen
deans mod took about 2 Min's to install
same with the google site-map :p

I've tried Dean's mod, and it works great. I think the Google Sitemap is a lot more affective, but since they're both free so I'm using both :D

BamaStangGuy 12-05-2005 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Loco Macheen
deans mod took about 2 Min's to install
same with the google site-map :p
these are both free.

It doesnt give me what I want, the control panel to easily change the settings to what I want, the support I need in a timely fashion, remove duplicate pages, among other things.


really the things i don't like about vbseo is one the price obviously, but really more that that is the hidden code.
maybe one of the beta testers or a paying member can answer this..
if vbseo goes down for some reason,
wont the links in google that point to your site like www.mysite.com/forums/vbseo-thread-a.html not work ?
Why do we keep saying beta testers? Am I missing something? This is not beta....

and no if their site goes down, my site will continue to rewrite urls ;)


if I'm correct ( which i may be wrong ) don't u have to register your site with vbseo or something for the script to work ?
You have to verify your license just like with vbulletin


seems like there would have to be allot of trust to spend so much when knowing it could be for nothing if vbseo.com were to disappear :ermm:
My script works whether or not their site is down.


Originally Posted by Okie
loco i know that u have almost 7 Parked Domains to locoforum if u are use vBSEO then make sure all other Parked Domains you have will not work .. people who visit your site from your other domain name will get error page :mad:

What the hell are you talking about?

If vbseo goes down, my site does not, my site continues to function and my site continues to rewrite urls.

joeychgo 12-05-2005 12:51 AM

Boofoo thanks for being tolerant. Your right, there is no reason for cursing.

Folks - buy it if you want. I dont think it will hurt you to have it (as far as SEO). I just do not believe it does what it promises.

Most people I have talked to believe that vBSEO wll make their pages 'Search Engine Friendly" and Get them indexed by search engines and get them ranked higher in the google search engine results.

vBSEO's own site says:


By installing vBSEO for your vBulletin forums you should expect to:
  • Get more of your forum pages indexed in the major search engines
  • Get your pages indexed faster
  • Improve your keyword relevancy for all pages
  • Prevent possible duplicate content penalties

Yet - in a PM to me at VBW jWard (vBseo) said:


Originally Posted by vBSEO
I have to say I agree with you %100 in the fact that mod_rewrite is not necessary to get pages indexed.

SO the question becomes... Why would he advertise one thing on his site, and then say something completely contridictory in private?

Look - I stand to gain nothing either way. Actually, thats not true. I could support and recommend this hack and be an affilliate and make a commission from the sales. vBseo would probably promote vBulletin Webmaster in return too.

I simply do not believe in this product. I think its overpriced and I think it plays on people's misunderstanding or lack of understanding of Search Engines. Basically, I think the product @ $149 is taking advantage of vBulletin owners who have only a desire for their forums to do better and grow larger, but dont understand search engines.

vBulletin, is just fine out of the box as far as SEO. There are some tweaks that can be made to improve things and further make your site unique, but overall its pretty good out of the box. This product wont enhance your ability to get indexed faster or indexed more. Nobody has provided any proof that it does. I on the other hand have provided alot of evidence to demonstrate that non-vbseo'd can be and are indexed and ranked just fine.

I ask again - someone give me PROOF. Is there anyone here who was poorly ranked on google who is now page 1?

Believe me folks, there is no magic pill. There is not SEO HACK that you can simply plug in and - BAM - your at the top of the search engine results. It just doesnt work that way. SEO isnt an exact science and is ever changing. Now, vBSEO does do some things that are helpful, such as the Google Sitemap, (btw, that hack is why your being indexed more I believe, not the mod rewrite portion) but those are hacks that are free anyway. The mod_rewrite, if your insistant on having it, is available free (Dean C did a good job coding that one)

If you want to know what kinds of things you can do to improve SEO, im more then willing to help people, for free. (Although your welcome to toss $150 at me if you like :D)

However, I am only going to point you in the right direction, most of the things you need to do to be ranked well in Google and other search engines has more to do with what you do off site or things vBSEO cant do for you, like having good content on your site and an active membership. Brent als made another good point. SEO can only help bring people to your site. If you dont keep them thats on you.

ConqSoft 12-05-2005 12:55 AM

I bought it because I can afford it and the URLs look cool. 'nuff said.

noppid 12-05-2005 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
I bought it because I can afford it and the URLs look cool. 'nuff said.

But... "Can it core a apple oh chef of the future!?"

joeychgo 12-05-2005 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
I bought it because I can afford it and the URLs look cool. 'nuff said.

Thats the most rational argument ive heard yet!

Okie 12-05-2005 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson

What the hell are you talking about?

If vbseo goes down, my site does not, my site continues to function and my site continues to rewrite urls.


Originally Posted by Posted at VBSEO
ConqSoft 10-26-2005 10:40 PM


Site Down; Not Happy; Hopefully vbSEO Team can offer explanation.

I came back to my PC to find that my site wasn't responding, though my AdminCP was working fine. I then find that the vbSEO.com site is also down. I disabled the vbSEO plugin and everything was back to normal on my site.

Am I understanding that the vbSEO plugin is accessing vbSEO.com's site/database for every page load on my site? If so, I must say that this is unacceptable. I do not want the availability of my site to rely on the availability of your site.

kall 10-26-2005 11:06 PM


I am also rather concerned at this.. it happened to me too.

Michael 10-26-2005 11:22 PM


What has happened exactly?
I noticed that www.vbseo.com was down, handing me a database error.

kall 10-26-2005 11:27 PM


In IE, my site returned a 'Page cannot be displayed' error.

In firefox, it just kept on loading forever, never displaying a page.

Michael 10-26-2005 11:49 PM


I was checking my emails and recieved about 10 of these messages:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM forum WHERE forumid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Wednesday, October 26th 2005 @ 04:30:14 PM
Script : http://www.staff-lounge.com/forumdisplay.php
Referrer :
IP Address : **.**.***.**
Username : DarkWarriorXII
Classname : vb_database

Juan Muriente 10-27-2005 12:11 AM



We sent you your registration key for 2.1. However, we should have also sent you the 2.1.1 registration key. Once your key is in place, your forum will not contact our registration server.

PM Sent.

Sniper 10-27-2005 12:11 AM


I'll second that, if thats the case!



Originally Posted by ConqSoft
I must say that this is unacceptable. I do not want the availability of my site to rely on the availability of your site.

know you see this ?


About Parked Domains if u dont no what Parked Domains it is hard to explain to u .. but here is very short

You have www.yoursite500.com and you have www.yoursite600.com and if u have vBSeo regisiter to www.yoursite500.com then www.yoursite600.com will not work with vBSEO i dont no but that from what i understand from a few user that have vbseo. hope this explain to u good :nervous:

ConqSoft 12-05-2005 01:02 AM

Okie, that was resolved, and wasn't due to their site being down. It was because I didn't have my license number in my config file.

And yes parked domains work fine. Please don't speak about subjects with which you have no experience.

Boofo 12-05-2005 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
I bought it because I can afford it and the URLs look cool. 'nuff said.

LOL Finally, a voice of truth. ;)

BamaStangGuy 12-05-2005 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Okie
know you see this ?


Now you see that?

Why didn't you post the whole thread with the resolution in it?

I bet I know why.


Originally Posted by Okie
About Parked Domains if u dont no what Parked Domains it is hard to explain to u .. but here is very short

You have www.yoursite500.com and you have www.yoursite600.com and if u have vBSeo regisiter to www.yoursite500.com then www.yoursite600.com will not work with vBSEO i dont no but that from what i understand from a few user that have vbseo. hope this explain to u good :nervous:


Are you done yet?

Okie 12-05-2005 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft

And yes parked domains work fine. Please don't speak about subjects with which you have no experience.

from what i understand vBSEO User when they need to change a domian name they most contact vBSEO staff to change their domian name to the new url so that vbseo work .. and how the parked domians work fine ?

Boofo 12-05-2005 01:07 AM

VBSeo is encrypted?

joeychgo 12-05-2005 01:08 AM

Yes, its encrypted.

Anyone know if it still link bombs Google for the keywords "Search Engine Optimisation" to vbseo's site?

Boofo 12-05-2005 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
Yes, its encrypted

LOL Now I have 2 reasons not to think it is worth the asking price. ;)

Okie 12-05-2005 01:10 AM

@BrentWilson this is Redirect Domian name and not Parked Domains

good luck. :D

noppid 12-05-2005 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Okie
from what i understand vBSEO User when they need to change a domian name they most contact vBSEO staff to change their domian name to the new url so that vbseo work .. and how the parked domians work fine ?

The on site decoder for the encrypted code they povide depends on having the correct domain to work. This is not unusual. I'm pretty certain that the program would continue to work if vbseo.com ceased to exist. It's no biggie, it's just a man protecting his code.

Okie 12-05-2005 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by noppid
I'm pretty certain that the program would continue to work if vbseo.com ceased to exist.

You mean that if vBSEO dose not exit any more it will still work ..? YES i'm 100% i agree with what u say .. but how about later vB change the source code and release a new version ?

i think all this beta user will lose everything PR and $150 :nervous:

BamaStangGuy 12-05-2005 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Okie
You mean that if vBSEO dose not exit any more it will still work ..? YES i'm 100% i agree with what u say .. but how about later vB change the source code and release a new version ?

i think all this beta user will lose everything PR and $150 :nervous:

Why do you keep saying beta

It is not beta, stop calling it beta. Christ.

You take the chance with any product you buy.

joeychgo 12-05-2005 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson
Why do you keep saying beta

It is not beta, stop calling it beta. Christ.

You take the chance with any product you buy.

Hmmm -- Question -- when you move a thread and leave a redirect - does the redirect link still work?

Okie 12-05-2005 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson
Why do you keep saying beta

It is not beta, stop calling it beta. Christ.

You take the chance with any product you buy.

Sorry about this .. it is just because most of poeple here replying is vBSEO beta User .. anyway ignore this .. :ermm:

ConqSoft 12-05-2005 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
Hmmm -- Question -- when you move a thread and leave a redirect - does the redirect link still work?

Yes. Everything to do with URLs works fine.

Also, using the Thread Tools to merge threads by specifying the URL to another thread, etc.

joeychgo 12-05-2005 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
Yes. Everything to do with URLs works fine.

Also, using the Thread Tools to merge threads by specifying the URL to another thread, etc.

Then why when I go here: http://www.vbseo.com/f2/ and see the moved threads listed -- but when I click on them I get a PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED?

ConqSoft 12-05-2005 01:28 AM

Dunno. Must be a separate problem on their site, because it works on mine.

http://www.fireblades.org/forums/off-topic/ "New Car Help", for example.

joeychgo 12-05-2005 01:30 AM

Just something I noticed is all.

Brandon Sheley 12-05-2005 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson

Now you see that?

Why didn't you post the whole thread with the resolution in it?

I bet I know why.


Are you done yet?

this Addy's is not parked, if it were, these would be the same forums, at least the 2nd link works.. but these are redirected. not parked.



this is the thread being redirected to.


let me show you what parked is, apparently you are misunderstanding.

i do have a few extra URLs parked at my site, for no better reason then i don't have any projects for them right now..

this is what "parked" looks like..
yours are redirected.. :rolleyes:

Okie 12-05-2005 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Loco Macheen
let me show you what parked is, apparently you are misunderstanding.

i do have a few extra URLs parked at my site, for no better reason then i don't have any projects for them right now..

this is what "parked" looks like..
yours are redirected.. :rolleyes:

Good one Loco Macheen thanks for explain :nervous:

BiReL41r 12-05-2005 01:52 AM

Meh, not sure if I shall get it.

I don't really like how the thread links are displayed, the username links are pretty cool but the main reason is I don't really have $150 to spend on it as of yet. Maybe someone is willing to donate? Haha, jokes.

joeychgo 12-05-2005 02:04 AM

Being able to afford it is one thing. The bee in my bonnet is that people think that if they install this hack, they'll gain alot of ground in the search engines. Thats really just not true IMO. At least not because of the mod-rewrite portion of the hack.

vBSEO has already admitted that the mod_rewrite is not necessary to get pages indexed. Yet advertises differently on his website. I dont like the contridiction.


vBSEO 12-05-2005 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
Yet - in a PM to me at VBW jWard (vBseo) said:

Originally Posted by vBSEO
I have to say I agree with you %100 in the fact that mod_rewrite is not necessary to get pages indexed.

You should never publish content of a private message via public forums. That PM was sent by me, Juan Muriente and not Joe Ward.

Yet, I should add that the comment is taken out of context. However, I don't see anything wrong with saying that mod_rewrite is not necessary to get pages indexed.

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