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Jacqueline 01-05-2006 04:58 PM

Great! I'm glad it is working for you. :) I find the conversion analysis reporting to be very interesting.

GamerJunk.net 01-06-2006 07:27 AM

Google Analytics isn't taking anymore new accounts at this time :(

Jacqueline 01-11-2006 08:34 AM

I recommend you go ahead and put your name on the waiting list. They'll notify you when they can add your account. Here's the URL.

BamaStangGuy 01-14-2006 12:48 AM

Going on three days now with this installed and not picked up any stats... I have went over it time and time again and can not see any differences between the working screen shows I have seen here.


Jacqueline 01-14-2006 01:06 AM

The code looks right at your ford mustang forums. Unfortunately, Google seems to take their time getting things going.
If you will post a screenshot of your Google setup, I'd be happy to take a look at it.

EricaJoy 01-14-2006 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by BamaStangGuy
Going on three days now with this installed and not picked up any stats... I have went over it time and time again and can not see any differences between the working screen shows I have seen here.


don't fret. mine did the same and i nearly ripped my hair out trying to figure out what was going on. it got working a few days later.

BamaStangGuy 01-16-2006 03:47 AM

still no stats.....

kall 01-16-2006 03:54 AM

Actually, nor have I. :(

Jacqueline 01-16-2006 11:29 AM

I don't know why neither of you are receiving them. Here's some steps to take troubleshooting:
1) Create screenshots of your google setup and I will take a look at them
2) Contact Google support
3) Verify plugin system is enabled (It should be since the ads are showing on your page)
4) Create a screenshot of your goal coversion report and post here for me to look at. It is under All Reports / Marketing Optimization / Unique Visitor Tracking / Goal Conversion Tracking

BamaStangGuy 01-16-2006 01:24 PM

Screenshot of setup:



The stats, or lack there of:


BamaStangGuy 01-16-2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by kall
Actually, nor have I. :(

We seem to be the only ones with VBSEO on here so I am putting some money on that causing a conflict.... I dont see why we are the only two that have not recieved stats

BamaStangGuy 01-21-2006 01:20 AM

It is not setup right obviously or VBSEO is conflicting. No stats have shown up.

the Sandman 01-21-2006 11:11 AM

Working fine for me. Thanks for this plugin!

Does anyone know how to get stats from the archive - I tried adding my tracking code to archive/index.php but nothing shows up in the site stats as coming from the archive...

Jacqueline 01-21-2006 12:56 PM

I do not use VB SEO, but it is possible there is a conflict.

BamaStangGuy, What I could see of your setup in Google looked correct. Your screenshot didn't show the end of the URL, so I couldn't tell that for sure.

I would be happy to check into this further for you. If either you or Kall wouldn't mind setting me up a temporary account on your board and/or in Google to take a look at things, just send me a PM here with login info. I'll be happy to take a look around and see if I can tell what may be causing the conflict. For Google, my account is f - a - e - w - e - n - a t - g . m . a . i . l . c . o . m. Drop all the dashes and dots except the dot before com.

Jacqueline 01-21-2006 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by the Sandman
Working fine for me. Thanks for this plugin!

Does anyone know how to get stats from the archive - I tried adding my tracking code to archive/index.php but nothing shows up in the site stats as coming from the archive...

I'm glad it is working for you! Did you put the code just above the < / head > code in archive?

I just checked at Google and they now say to put the code immediately before the closing body tag instead of the closing head tag. Not sure if that makes a difference, but whichever place you put it, try the other.

Olney 01-21-2006 04:31 PM

I'm using vbseo & it's not working for me I believe because vbseo changes the URLs...

Jacqueline 01-21-2006 10:55 PM

It seems that VB SEO is the key that is causing the problems. I don't know how it changes the URLs. If someone with VB SEO can give me access to look around, I'll see if I can find a way to make both work together.

JulianD 01-22-2006 03:18 AM

Installed! I'll have to wait till tomorrow and see how GA reports my new signups!

the Sandman 01-28-2006 11:49 AM

Question -

The instructions state:

*** Three Step Process (Use with no e-mail address verification) ***
Goal URL: http://www.example.com/funnel_register/member_added.html
Goal Name: Registration
Active Goal: On

*** Four Step Process (Use with e-mail address verification) ***
Goal URL: http://www.example.com/funnel_register/activate_account.html
Goal Name: Registration
Active Goal: On
Does it matter what the COPPA settings are? I'm using the "Deny registration for users aged under 13 years" option so the first screen a guest sees when they hit the Register link is the "Enter Date of Birth" dialogue. Likewise if the "Enable COPPA registration system" is selected. However, if "Disable COPPA registration system" is selected, the "Enter Date of Birth" page is skipped. So wouldn't there be an extra step involved If COPPA is enabled or if registration is denied for users under 13?

Jacqueline 01-28-2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by the Sandman
Question -

The instructions state:
Does it matter what the COPPA settings are? I'm using the "Deny registration for users aged under 13 years" option so the first screen a guest sees when they hit the Register link is the "Enter Date of Birth" dialogue. Likewise if the "Enable COPPA registration system" is selected. However, if "Disable COPPA registration system" is selected, the "Enter Date of Birth" page is skipped. So wouldn't there be an extra step involved If COPPA is enabled or if registration is denied for users under 13?

Hi, Sandman.
Yes, coppa can require an extra step. There is a hook for the coppa form in the registration system. I currently have that hook there but disabled. I need someone using Coppa to test it, but have not had anyone with coppa turned on to test it yet.

It sounds like yours is different, though, having the first registration page be the date of birth. I will go take a look at adding this in.

the Sandman 01-28-2006 12:06 PM

Good deal. :) I'll be happy to try it out for you and let you know how it works.

Thanks for the lightning quick reply!

Jacqueline 01-28-2006 01:33 PM

Thanks, Sandman. I believe the updated version will work fine for your settings. Check the install.txt and look for the line you'll need to add at Google. I believe you can just import the product on top of the current one. Let me know if you have any trouble with it.

the Sandman 01-28-2006 02:46 PM

OK, I've updated the plugin and made the changes to my Google Analytic goal tracker. I'll let you know how it works when my stats update.

Small error in the installation text wording - the COPPA instructions have 5 or 6 steps, not 4 or 5. ;)

the Sandman 01-28-2006 04:52 PM

Another question -

Are you sure that the last step we enter in the "Define Funnel" section should be the same as our goal entered in the step above that? The goal URL is already listed at the bottom of the funnel in the Define Funnel section. :ermm:

kall 01-28-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Elleth Faewen
Hi, Sandman.
Yes, coppa can require an extra step. There is a hook for the coppa form in the registration system. I currently have that hook there but disabled. I need someone using Coppa to test it, but have not had anyone with coppa turned on to test it yet.

It sounds like yours is different, though, having the first registration page be the date of birth. I will go take a look at adding this in.

Ah-ha! So that would explain why this never worked for me! :)

Jacqueline 01-29-2006 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by the Sandman
OK, I've updated the plugin and made the changes to my Google Analytic goal tracker. I'll let you know how it works when my stats update.

Small error in the installation text wording - the COPPA instructions have 5 or 6 steps, not 4 or 5. ;)

Thanks. I'll fix that after I hear back from you. I hope the update went well.


Originally Posted by the Sandman
Another question -

Are you sure that the last step we enter in the "Define Funnel" section should be the same as our goal entered in the step above that? The goal URL is already listed at the bottom of the funnel in the Define Funnel section. :ermm:

Sandman, Yes, it is needed in both places for full info.
The goal URL and the funnel are actually two different things. The goal URL is used for your goal conversion stats and is required. The funnel is optional and lets you see how many come into the funnel, where they leave from the funnel, and where they go to when they leave. If you do not have the goal URL in your funnel, you will not see how many made it to the end in your report.


Originally Posted by Kall
Originally Posted by Elleth Faewen
Hi, Sandman.
Yes, coppa can require an extra step. There is a hook for the coppa form in the registration system. I currently have that hook there but disabled. I need someone using Coppa to test it, but have not had anyone with coppa turned on to test it yet.

It sounds like yours is different, though, having the first registration page be the date of birth. I will go take a look at adding this in.

Ah-ha! So that would explain why this never worked for me! :)

Actually, you should still see results with this regardless of your COPPA setting. The main difference being you miss an entry page in your funnel. The rest should still show up.
I am afraid that it is VB SEO. I did some checking at their forum to see if I could tell what might be happening. VB SEO is actually rewriting the URLs, so that could easily be causing the problem. Google is also looking for a URL rewrite, and either it is getting confused between the two, or perhaps the .htaccess changes for VB SEO is preventing Google's script from running.
I also saw that VB SEO has an option to turn on the basic google script for each page. That could conflict if you followed step #2 of the instructions, which is basically doing the same thing.

2. Add your Google Analytics code to the end of your head include template.
Replace the X's with the proper code for your account. "UA-xxxxxx-x"; To get your full code,
sign in to your Google Analytics account and click on "Check Status" for your domain.
Example screenshot: http://www.webadzone.com/images/headincludescript.gif
That's what I've found so far. Check your VB SEO settings and see if you turned on Google Analytics code. If you did, then remove the entry from #2 of my instructions and see if that makes a difference.

the Sandman 01-29-2006 04:19 PM

The upgrade went fine. :)

Thanks for the clarification regarding the final step in the funnel being the same as the goal.

One problem though - it keeps showing that the number of members who get to the second to last step, the member added step (Awaiting Email Activation) is equal to the number who make it to the final step (and goal) - activation. This is not the case.

Jacqueline 01-29-2006 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by the Sandman
Another question -

Are you sure that the last step we enter in the "Define Funnel" section should be the same as our goal entered in the step above that? The goal URL is already listed at the bottom of the funnel in the Define Funnel section. :ermm:

I just reread your question and see what you are talking about, the goal URL below the 10 steps. I put it in there based on Google's instructions, which are a little vague. It may work without the goal URL in the steps. If you try it, let me know how it works for you.

Here's the pertinent step from Google:
Continue entering goal steps until your funnel has been completely defined. You may enter up to 10 steps, or as few as a single step

It depends on what they mean by 'completely defined'

the Sandman 01-29-2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Elleth Faewen
I just reread your question and see what you are talking about, the goal URL below the 10 steps. I put it in there based on Google's instructions, which are a little vague. It may work without the goal URL in the steps. If you try it, let me know how it works for you.

Here's the pertinent step from Google:
Continue entering goal steps until your funnel has been completely defined. You may enter up to 10 steps, or as few as a single step

It depends on what they mean by 'completely defined'

LOL - I've tried both ways several times and it appears that you should not add the goal URL to the funnel definition - just let GA add it automatically.

I think that you might have put in one too many steps - I think the Register Form step might be redundant and cause the rest of the funnel to be off. I'm testing that now - unfortunately I have to wait for the stats to update and I'm not particularly patient...

Jacqueline 01-29-2006 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by the Sandman
The upgrade went fine. :)

Thanks for the clarification regarding the final step in the funnel being the same as the goal.

One problem though - it keeps showing that the number of members who get to the second to last step, the member added step (Awaiting Email Activation) is equal to the number who make it to the final step (and goal) - activation. This is not the case.

Final Account Activation and Registration are the same on mine, but not Awaiting Email Activation. It looks like you are correct about not needing the last step. I will test on mine and update as soon as I have results.

Thanks for spotting it!

Jacqueline 01-29-2006 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by the Sandman
LOL - I've tried both ways several times and it appears that you should not add the goal URL to the funnel definition - just let GA add it automatically.

I think that you might have put in one too many steps - I think the Register Form step might be redundant and cause the rest of the funnel to be off. I'm testing that now - unfortunately I have to wait for the stats to update and I'm not particularly patient...

I think you're right, and since I won't have much time tomorrow, I went ahead and created a new version with new instructions. Download it and re-install the plugin as I made a minor change to remove some unneeded code. The instructions have been changed to remove the last step on all permutations.

the Sandman 01-30-2006 10:28 PM

Still having the same issue:

Check DOB...........68
Sign UP...............53
Register Form.......44
Member Added.....18

I believe that the Member Added step is showing Activations, because there are no Abandonment points listed for that step. So, there's an offset by one, but I'm not sure where.

the Sandman 02-02-2006 07:31 PM

All of my numbers are dropping - I don't think the plugin is working anymore... :(

thebassman 02-02-2006 07:35 PM

Still seems pretty accurate for me...?

Jacqueline 02-05-2006 01:20 PM

Sandman, doublecheck your code. Perhaps there is a typo somewhere? I have been running the last week with the update and it has fixed the double entry. I show for my funnel:

Initial TOS: 100%
Username: 90.48%
Send Activation Email: 77.78%
Registration: 33.33%

As a side note, I have another site I just launched but am using Subdreamer. It is using a .htaccess file to rewrite the URLs the same way VB SEO does, and it is also showing no stats. Looks like the URL rewrite is definately conflicting with Google's rewrite.

the Sandman 02-05-2006 01:41 PM

I did find one small error in one of my step URL's which I corrected. I also reinstalled the product. I'll let you know how it goes.

BTW, the stats for my site seem to be lagging for the last couple of days - my last full day of results is Thursday. Anyone else seeing this?

Jacqueline 02-05-2006 02:19 PM

Yes. When I looked this morning, my stats for Saturday were 0 on all four of my sites I have in Analytics. The update must be slow today.

BlackHawk1994 02-15-2006 03:38 AM

heheh, here I am almost two months later and I still haven't managed to get this to work. I've got some quick register mod installed which means registration is a one step process, so I've just been using ..../member_added.html without any of the funnel steps, but nothing shows up.

cgchris99 03-15-2006 01:22 AM

Does this work with 3.5.4?

I installed the xml in the "manage products" but it didn't seem to change the registration process at all. I clicked to register and it still came up register.php

My site is www.domain.com/forums if that matters.

Jacqueline 03-24-2006 12:19 AM

It should work with 3.5.4 no problem. You won't see the URL itself change, so register.php is correct. I tried following your link to look at your forum, but it brought up a 404.

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