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KTBleeding 11-20-2005 09:50 PM


I wish I could get a refund. I hate photoposts support.. even today, I posted my opinion on the matter (I'm not an immature person, I stated my opinion in an adult matter) and my posts are deleted. Gone.

After giving them all that money for both Photopost, and now vBGallery and not being able to state my opinion on the matter?

This is more of a reason to hate them now than before. Infact, before.. I never actually used the word, "hate". Maybe I'm just very upset about it, but still.

Let me state that I don't dislike the products. Both products are incredible and I have no complaints about them. My issues are with the staff at Photopost. I have had nothing but bad luck with them.

420 11-20-2005 09:54 PM

they are closing threads and deleting posts on both sites right now... everyone is pissed and venting... if i were pp, i'd leave everything up and resolve everything... EVERYTHING... this would give new hope and respect for pp... resolving every issue may take a long ass time, but in the end, you will have full support and the best product on the market.
long term, success.

trackpads 11-20-2005 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
I wish I could get a refund. I hate photoposts support.. even today, I posted my opinion on the matter (I'm not an immature person, I stated my opinion in an adult matter) and my posts are deleted. Gone.

I am gonna have to agree with them on that one, I wouldnt let someone critise on a site where you are hoping to attract more customers. Why didnt you just email them?

I feel you but I think at this point it is a lack of PR that is causing the hoopla, this discussion should have happened a week ago on Vbadvanced instead of springing it on us.


Originally Posted by 420
they are closing threads and deleting posts on both sites right now... everyone is pissed and venting... if i were pp, i'd leave everything up and resolve everything... EVERYTHING... this would give new hope and respect for pp... resolving every issue may take a long ass time, but in the end, you will have full support and the best product on the market.
long term, success.

Do you honestly think that if you went to Vb.com and posted that they would let you bash Vb there without removing the posts? Those are business decisions.

MPDev 11-20-2005 09:58 PM

I'm not interested in slinging mud, if you want to do that you'll probably have to find somewhere else other than our respective sites because it doesn't belong.

As for "disclosure", I removed one thread that was nothing but mud slinging. Other than that, I also removed one post that I felt contained an inappropriate comment about the birth of my first son this past Thursday, something I would consider out-of-bounds on any forum.

Zachariah 11-20-2005 09:59 PM

@ Brian - Great News !! for making a product that was bought out. :D

Great investment Michael P. Looking forward to the party :)

KTBleeding 11-20-2005 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by 420
this would give new hope and respect for pp...

Bingo! By deleting my posts, it just shows me that they are still just as shady as before. If not more.


Originally Posted by trackpads
I am gonna have to agree with them on that one, I wouldnt let someone critise on a site where you are hoping to attract more customers. Why didnt you just email them?

I see your point, but I did not bash them. This is what I mean by I handled it in a mature way. If I were bashing them, then yes. And my posts weren't just upset/angry rants either. Infact, I stated how it was both a good and bad thing that this happened, and I listed what I felt the pros and cons were.

vBulletin would have allowed that. In my honest opinion, I saw nothing wrong with my posts there at all, and they were removed.

MPDev 11-20-2005 10:01 PM


In my honest opinion, I saw nothing wrong with my posts there at all, and they were removed.
Assuming your post was part of the "bashing" thread, it would seem reasonable to say that it wasn't "your" post that caused the thread to be removed; but rather the tone and direction the entire thread had taken.

trackpads 11-20-2005 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Other than that, I also removed one post that I felt contained an inappropriate comment about the birth of my first son this past Thursday, something I would consider out-of-bounds on any forum.

Wow, definately out of line then. MP, please refer to a slap hack I was working on :)

Look people, if you havent been shot at today then I would recommend relaxing a bit. The sun will come up tomorrow, most likely you will live to see it and if you are not reading this from a KBR internet trailer in Iraq, then you are not in the worlds worst place right now.


MPDev 11-20-2005 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by trackpads
Look people, if you havent been shot at today then I would recommend relaxing a bit.

Can always count on you for putting it into perspective. ;)

Honestly, I said this on the photopost.com site; this all went down today and nature doesn't always respect business deals. I've been out of the loop since we were admited on Wednesday for the delivey of our first son (after four girls) and the lack of work on the forums on PhotoPost.Com is my responsibility. I haven't really been paying attention with what's going on, for obvious reasons; but am working to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

That said, I will be working on the information as soon as it comes in. I hope that everyone can respect that we don't always control the circumstances that set our priorities and that a couple days to get it all sorted out isn't much to ask for.

PixelFx 11-20-2005 10:20 PM

I wondering how hard it would be to get a temp photopost vbagallery hacks support forum setup on photospost.com as a short term solution, for members to help each other work out any bugs etc in the versions we have of vbagallery, while you wait for the dust to clear, posts or files from vbadvanced to arive :P

I just finished hacking my site with vbagallery, and I have a few bugs I need to work out .. I'm sure other members that use the systems would appeciate something like this ..

again congrats on your new little one :D

FleaBag 11-20-2005 10:31 PM

With all due respect MPDev, you run a business with paying customers. If I went to my boss on a friday and said "oh I havent done any of my work since monday because I had all these real life issues" - I would be out the door! You've had a kid, congrats and good luck - but don't expect the whole world to sit around waiting for you. We are paying for a service and we don't want to hear excuses. The whole cloak and dagger approach of this 'deal' is making me spit blood. Someone on these forums a short while back commented on how the vB community has matured - that is very correct and you can't treat us in this way. If it wasn't bad enough not getting a decent Gallery update in over half a year I've now had my custom sold to the highest bidder. I'll give PP a chance to show me what can be done I guess, but the impression I'm getting thus far isn't a good one. This whole thing stinks of illegality, have any of you actually sought legal advice? For your sake I hope so...

Zachery 11-20-2005 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by trackpads
I am gonna have to agree with them on that one, I wouldnt let someone critise on a site where you are hoping to attract more customers. Why didnt you just email them?

I feel you but I think at this point it is a lack of PR that is causing the hoopla, this discussion should have happened a week ago on Vbadvanced instead of springing it on us.

Do you honestly think that if you went to Vb.com and posted that they would let you bash Vb there without removing the posts? Those are business decisions.

People come and rant and rave at us all the time, Generally if it is classified as trolling it gets closed to let it sink to the bottom of the depths. We rarely remove anything.

FleaBag 11-20-2005 10:39 PM

OK so first reactions may seem a little harsh. But like I say I'll give PP a chance, not through choice though, to see what they can do - I appreciate what MPDev says and I can't judge the company by what a few disgruntled voices say. It may be the start of something beautiful. But then again it may not...

/me lights up (how appropriate it's green on this style)

I'm gonna relax now...

MPDev 11-20-2005 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
but don't expect the whole world to sit around waiting for you.

I don't "expect" anything from you or the "whole world"; I'm just letting you know why some things haven't happened on our side. It's up to you to figure out how to cope with it.

And if you couldn't get a few days off from work to have a kid, then I would suggest you are working at the wrong company. ;)

FleaBag 11-20-2005 10:54 PM

As my second post suggests, I realised I may have been a little harsh. But, for example... I work for T-Mobile, I would get the day off if I had a kid, but would I expect all the customers to wait until I got back into the office before I could deal with their support? It doesn't happen that way if you want to retain custom. The way this has been dealt with is making every vBa Gallery customer want to jump ship away from PP ASAP, there are already talks of rival scripts. You could have welcomed these customers with open arms, and told them about the future. Instead you have left them in a haze of confusion and panic, and I think most people just want you to admit that is the case rather than the approach of 'we don't know exactly what's happening'. That would set me, at least (and I expect a few others) at ease. At the moment it feels like I'm being taken for a ride.

trackpads 11-20-2005 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
As my second post suggests, I realised I may have been a little harsh. But, for example... I work for T-Mobile, I would get the day off if I had a kid, but would I expect all the customers to wait until I got back into the office before I could deal with their support? It doesn't happen that way if you want to retain custom. The way this has been dealt with is making every vBa Gallery customer want to jump ship away from PP ASAP, there are already talks of rival scripts. You could have welcomed these customers with open arms, and told them about the future. Instead you have left them in a haze of confusion and panic, and I think most people just want you to admit that is the case rather than the approach of 'we don't know exactly what's happening'. That would set me, at least (and I expect a few others) at ease. At the moment it feels like I'm being taken for a ride.

Pretty sure T-Mobile has more employees.......

Has your website died in the past 24 hours where you must get anything done at this minute? I would be more upset with Brian not telling us about this than the people on the receiving end.

MPDev 11-20-2005 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
At the moment it feels like I'm being taken for a ride.

I believe Scott already addressed your concerns earlier in this very thread; take a look and I think it will put you back at ease.

FleaBag 11-20-2005 11:06 PM

Yeah and I assume that PP has more employees? If not, why not - as support demand is clearly not being met if this is the case.

My website has not died, I don't need access to the files or an update. It's not going to rock my world. But it's the fact that consideration was not given to the customers is what riles me. But like I say, it isn't the end of the world. ;)

peterska2 11-20-2005 11:08 PM

Completely off topic, but doesn't this thread remind any one else of the time that IPB went paid for only?

MPDev 11-20-2005 11:08 PM

Yes, PhotoPost has employees, but I handle Forum Administration. And, as I said earlier, I'm also waiting on data to do an actual import/merge.

ConqSoft 11-20-2005 11:09 PM

This is the 21st century... Why are you waiting on a CD in the mail for this?

MPDev 11-20-2005 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by peterska2
Completely off topic, but doesn't this thread remind any one else of the time that IPB went paid for only?

It certainly brings out the drama in some people, doesn't it? ;)


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
This is the 21st century... Why are you waiting on a CD in the mail for this?

That would be a question for the lawyers and respective parties to the agreement.

FleaBag 11-20-2005 11:10 PM

And in response, I've just re-read all of Scott's posts in this thread. While not dismissing his posts, I do not see that as you claim, any one of my points has been addressed.

Are you referring to a CD that is lingering somewhere in the postal system? Why can this data not be sent over the internet? I understand that a transition and intagration can take time, but I can see no reason for more than a few hours if this had been planned?

MPDev 11-20-2005 11:12 PM

I don't have an answer for you on the method of transfer for intellectual property. I assume that it's part of whatever transaction took place, but thats not anything I was a part of.

noppid 11-20-2005 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
It certainly brings out the drama in some people, doesn't it? ;)

People concerned about the vaule of their purchases is not drama.


Originally Posted by MPDev
That would be a question for the lawyers and respective parties to the agreement.

That's drama.

Good luck with the new baby!

MPDev 11-20-2005 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
People concerned about the vaule of their purchases is not drama.

And, as I pointed out, I believe those concerns were addressed by Scott earlier in this thread.

FleaBag 11-20-2005 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
It certainly brings out the drama in some people, doesn't it? ;)

Be-littling your customers concerns. Great move. :)

noppid 11-20-2005 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
And, as I pointed out, I believe those concerns were addressed by Scott earlier in this thread.

I'm an outsider, I don't own photo post products. However, I have experience installing photopost gallery and photopost classifieds for many customers. I'm certainly qualified to critique the product, but I'm not interested in that here.

But I am trying to share that you're not helping yourself here and probably should have dealt with this in advance at your place and Brian's. Some of your comments are not helping you turn this around. This is not good press!

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