Cloudrunner |
09-26-2005 02:39 AM |
Originally Posted by HotLinkHosting
that's a great idea, probably the best yet
With the sizes you are speaking it sounds to me like what we call here in the states a normal wolf spider. They are generally more afraid of you then the opposite. They are not very aggressive normally, and will go on about their business without much ado. As you do not live in Australia, I don't think you've much to worry about, the typical US wolf spider get to be about that size and is attracted to human domociles because of the relative stable temperatures, and the cornucopia of insects that live with us, even in the cleanest of homes.
What I do with them is simply get a glass and cover them with the glass (if on the ceiling do the same and they will fall into the glass) then simply slide a piece of paper under (or over) the glass and then throw them outside the door and into the lawn or nearby tree. They are typically harmles to us, and provide us with a benefit in that they help keep our household insects in check.
neway, that's my two pence.
P.s. don't watch the discovery channels insect stories if yer that afraid of things in the home, they did a story on what comes in our beds with us at night while we sleep, and they said that the average human eats about 4 pounds of bugs a year in their sleep. I thought that was a pretty cool figure.