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deathemperor 09-22-2005 03:48 PM

thanks, glad to hear that, I'll try it

Alan @ CIT 09-23-2005 12:52 AM

Hi Kirby, just 1 quick question if I may.


To use it, create an appropriate Bitfield XML File.
What is an "appropriate Bitfield XML file"? Do you have a template of what one should look like?


Dark_Wizard 10-03-2005 05:18 PM

Therer was an apparent restructuring of the file class_dbalter.php changing the class and functions used in Kirby's uninstall example.

fetch_table_info has now changed to fetchTableInfo and drop_field has changed to dropField and lastly table_field_data has changed to fetchFieldInfo.

new coding
PHP Code:

if (empty(
DIR '/includes/class_dbalter.php');
$dbalter = new vB_Database_Alter_MySQL($db);
    if (!

Lastly TABLE_PREFIX is no longer needed...

harmor19 01-04-2006 04:57 PM

I did everything the tutorial said and I can see the radio button in the admin permissions but when I click "yes" and save it, it goes back to "no".

Do I change customadminperms?

Kurisu 02-09-2006 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by harmor19
I did everything the tutorial said and I can see the radio button in the admin permissions but when I click "yes" and save it, it goes back to "no".

Yes, same problem for me...

Revan 02-21-2006 12:38 AM

This thing doesn't actually work. (3.5.3)
After the first check of permissions, the static $adminpermissions; takes over, to which the custom permissions are not added.

Therefore an alternative solution is required.
I will look deeper into it tomorrow.

Andreas 02-21-2006 05:36 AM

You're right. Must have missed that issue as I only had one custom navgroup - and it was the first one.

I tweaked the code a bit to get around this.

Revan 02-21-2006 09:59 AM

Allow me to point out two facts:
  1. static doesn't work through eval(). Believe me, I tried. I worked with this for 3 hours straight yesterday XD
  2. You might not actually have to run a new query:
    PHP Code:

    global $admin;

    if (isset(
    $admin $getperms['customadminperms'];

    if (!isset(
    // must get our perms
    $getperms $vbulletin->db->query_first("
            SELECT `customadminperms`
            FROM " 
    TABLE_PREFIX "administrator
            WHERE userid = " 
    $admin $getperms['customadminperms'];

    foreach (
    $do AS $field)
        if (
    $admin $vbulletin->bf_misc_customadminperms["$field"])
    $return_value true;

    I tested this code on localhost yesterday, and it works like a charm, no extra queries involved unless for some reason it won't work like it should without :)

EDIT: This randomly doesn't seem to work for OLD administrators, and only in the ACP menu.
In my custom menu it works fine, it just doesn't work in the cpnav_ menu.
EDIT #2: I fixed it now. Made it so it doesn't query unless for some reason it didn't fetch the permissions properly. Also I replaced the * in the query for a slight load decrease =P

Andreas 02-21-2006 02:58 PM

Well ... as of vBulletin 3.5.4 $admin is there by default :)

The following code might work cross-version?

PHP Code:

if (!isset($admin))
// this is not vBulletin 3.5.4+
global $admin;

if (!isset(
// must get our perms
$getperms $vbulletin->db->query_first("
        SELECT *
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "administrator
        WHERE userid = " 
$admin $getperms;

foreach (
$do AS $field)
    if (
$admin['customadminperms'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_customadminperms["$field"])
$return_value true;

Revan 02-21-2006 04:27 PM

It might, but due to the fact that I don't actually use the $admin variable, I don't know if I need to change the code.
I don't really see how changing the variable name would help in solving the original problem, though. I just tested the new plugin with some slight alterations and it works.
I cba to "remake" it into your "customadminperms" format so Ill just give it like I use it:
PHP Code:

global $rpgpermissions;

if (!isset(
// this is not vBulletin 3.5.4+
$admin $getperms;

if (isset(
$rpgpermissions $admin['rpgadminperms'];

if (!isset(
// must get our perms
$getperms $vbulletin->db->query_first("
        SELECT *
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "administrator
        WHERE userid = " 
$rpgpermissions $getperms['rpgadminperms'];

foreach (
$do AS $field)
    if (
$rpgpermissions  $vbulletin->bf_misc_rpgadminperms["$field"])
$return_value true;

Tested to work on 3.5.3 and 3.5.4.
I think that's a pretty efficient way of doing it, as it only runs 1 additional query for ONE admin (out of the ~10 I tested it on, non-superadmins that is).
So yeah, tis odd, but meh =P

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