Zachariah |
09-06-2005 12:51 PM |
Field ircchan is not defined in $validfields in class vb_datamanager_forum in /includes/class_dm.php on line 483
Has nothing to do with this hack directly, unless there is another hack and is conflicting. Looking @ your error there was a hack dealing with IRC/MIRC you installed that missed a step in the creation of the hack or you missed a step installing it. ( I think ..... I am not a VB guru :cry: )
If this is true try adding a Plugin.
Although you can edit class_dm_form.php, in VB3.5 we have plugins !!! :bunny:
hookname = forumdata_start
PHP Code:
$this->validfields['ircchan'] = array(TYPE_STR, REQ_NO);
Let me know how it works out. :nervous:
Originally Posted by TCattitude
Great! :*
:rambo: , have you tryed out the html / code part of the update ? I only tested w/ java and Iframe from phpadsnew output.
Feedback :nervous: