Thank you all for the compliments. :)
I've tried to create a portal/cms that would allow novice users and advanced coders alike to easily set up and manage their site's content, and easily add new modules without having to hack any files. Judging from the comments, it looks like I've acomplished my goal. :cool:
does this allow me to create seperate /file.php? files with these options, or are they all /index.php?page=file generated?
You could rename the cmps_index.php file to anything that you would like, and change the 'page=' part to anything you would like (there's an option to change the 'page=' variable in the default settings). It also would not be a problem to have multiple copies of the cmps_index.php file on your server if you wanted one for your homepage and another for some other reason.
Can you tell us how many queries does your hack have?
It is just about the same as vBa Homepage, except there is one extra query (which is very quick) to pull the info for the particular page. With all of the default modules enabled, I believe the number of queries is at 20. Here is a quick breakdown of the queries for you though:
- News & New Archive - 1 query pulls both
- Latest Threads - 1 query
- Poll - 1 query
- User's Avatar (part of the Welcome Block module) - 1 query
- Buddy List and/or Online Users - 1 query pulls both
- Mini Calendar - 3 queries (none for the simple calendar)
- Stats - 2 queries
- New Posts (part of the Welcome Block module) - 1 query
- Quick Moderation - 4 queries (Note that these will only be performed for usergroups that have permission to view this module).
Also note that the queries will not be performed for any modules that are not active on a particular page.
what are the advantages of using this over the original VBadvanced?
Excuse me for being lazy, but I'm just going to copy and paste the answer I gave when this was asked on our forum the other day. ;)
If you're good with PHP, or at least very comfortable with HTML, then the Homepage may be a good solution. If not, the CMPS is much easier to customize and change. If you would like to move one of the blocks in the Homepage, you would have to edit a template and move the HTML around. In the CMPS, you simply click a link to move the module to a different column, and specify the order in which you'd like it to be displayed in that column. Adding modules to the Homepage would require hacking the file to add the code. Adding modules to the CMPS only requires uploading the file, and then adding the module through the Admin CP. The CMPS also gives you more control and options when adding new pages, whereas the Homepage only allows you to replace the news section in the middle with content from a custom template.
i remember having a major struggle with making the main page 100% width last time
because the forums width is fixed at 750
is it easily done this time around ?
The CMPS should go by the same width you have set for your forums. The only case I remember where someone has experienced a problem with this is when their news posts contained images that were too big and were causing the page to be stretched out. Other than something such as that, there should be no problem.