integra99 |
08-12-2004 05:15 PM |
Originally Posted by Natch
Tosspot - it's got nothing to do with my or anyone else's wang ...
[high]* Natch sighs
It's obviously a waste of time to explain intellectual property - if you check out the code you "wrote" and then visit the thread on vBt started by Gary W relating to THIS EXACT HACK - the javascript you "wrote" is IDENTICAL. Now I have no idea about his or your wang (whatever that has to do with writing PHP and javascript) - he wrote this javascript - he should get the credit.
Additionally, check out the datestamp on the thread links from my sig - "Hover Effect..." you will 1) find code that works cross-browser to provide this same functionality dated months ago and 2) realise you are (as I mentioned above) a tosspot.
[high]* Natch waves bu-bye[/high]
Maybe you should talk to the creator of this thread, because I took what he had, mixed it up a bit to suit my needs, then just posted it back on the internet. I don't recall seeing any copyrights in his thread.. Nor do I recall putting my name on it anywhere.
It's one thing to steal someone's book and copy it, or a 10 page term paper.. but I posted what, 10 lines of code that I speifically said "HEY, I REWROTE THIS FOR MY NEEDS, YOU CAN USE IT." Also, what's a tosspot? Is that like the a nice way of calling someone a .... ;)
I'm fully aware of intellectual property rights, I deal with them frequently trying to keep employees from bringing their opies of Office in and installing them on our systems here at work.