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-   -   How To: Add A "Comment On This News (3 Comments)" to a webpage. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=67469)

Yanks1343 08-13-2004 12:06 AM

This sounds great, but how do I get it to display the post on the main page?

I'd like to display the 3 newest topics..

nogerorob 08-13-2004 02:20 AM

Let me see if I can figure this out. I'll give it a shot.


Vixion 08-14-2004 10:57 AM

Okay, I thought YEAH! But I visited you website, and I noticed the following thing;

The 'news' is still posted in a PHP file, included into the main webpage. Isn't there a way, that you can 'insert' the first post of your forum to the news. So you don't ran into problems with no comments, and creating comment page.

nogerorob 08-14-2004 03:34 PM

I see, so the first comment in the thread would be the content that's inserted into the webpage?

I think this would not be difficult to do, the concern would be making sure that the first post had the proper html/css tags so that when it is inserted into your main page it displays properly.

You can see I am including a php file that contains tables, external style sheet markup and an image. I'm not sure how well this would display in a vB thread. Maybe I'll try it this afternoon.

Would you want the entire contents of the article to be at the head of the thread, or just a summary? In order to refer to a single include from the main page it either has to be complete in the head of the thread.


kkiely 12-22-2004 03:28 AM

Sorry to jump in the middle of this discussion but Imay be able to clarify. I believe people are looking for the comments to come ON the page of the article. This hack can be done - because I already have about 5 requests for it out (including a $100 reward), here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=72007.

An example of what I am lookign for is here


nogerorob 12-22-2004 05:41 AM

You want it to display the past five newest replies to a given thread? Like the past 5 comments?

Kind of like what IMDB does? (scroll to bottom)

I can do this. Let me work on it.


firstimecaller 05-02-2005 03:39 PM

are there any more options for this type of system to add comments to existing article/news/story pages? I have lots of articles that exist on their own in separate sections of my site. I'd just like to add the ability to comment on them but this hack seems overly simple. TIA

nogerorob 05-04-2005 12:30 AM

Heh, easy on the "overly simple" stuff.

You can use this code to add to existing pages. You simply need to create the corresponding threads, or use the threadID from an old discussion on the particular aritcle / news item.

See it in action: www.weeklydavespeak.com.


ps. as a brief aside, I haven't done the last 5 replies hack yet--but I still intend to.

kkiely 05-04-2005 01:13 AM

what I am looking for is where the comment are shown under the actual story - not the way IMDB does it but the way TechIMO does it. They actually use a commercial program called ReviewPost which is only $100. Considering I have posted a paid request for a hack here and on rent-a-coder for $100 and got no interest I think I will buy reviewpost until a VB hack comes out.


Their front page still has the format of "ARTICLE TITLE (3 comments)"

deathemperor 05-06-2005 02:23 PM

if a page is included the global.php it will basicly add 5 queries if I am right.

then why don't you just make it like a vbulletin page, that way it's easier to change the look (by editing the template). also easier to make the page become more complex.

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