Kentaurus |
01-20-2004 12:33 AM |
Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
Thanks man i would really love to have it like that.
.txt updated and added one screenshot. It was a small change in effect :)
How would you exempt the moderators and admins from this?
There are two ways to do it: you can either disable logging for the moderators and adminstrators (it would require further hacking), or just don't display it. If your administrator usergroup is 6 and your moderator's is 5 you can add a template conditional:
<if condition="$post[usergroupid] != 6 AND $post[usergroupid] != 5">
Your code here for printing the board spent time, $post[timespent]
Then you would only display the time spent in the board for non-moderators and administrators.
How often is the timer supposed to update?
It keeps updating as long as you are browsing the board. Whenever you click on a hyperlink and browse another page it updates the time spent in the forum. If you don't have any activity in the forum in the same time setting that you have for your cookie expire options in the admin control panel then it stop recording the board spent time and whenever you log in/open the forum again it starts adding to the time again.