Floris |
10-20-2002 10:44 PM |
Originally posted by the_sisko
Public shouldn't be a prob, as we can use the forum permission function. My only thought about this is, on my forum which have ~55 active forums, I have ~100 queries for this page. OK its half the query size as when I go to edit forums in CP but its the CP and I don'T do this often.
So I could make this a public one as well, but remember this could make a lot load on you db.
Since I am just a little people person with little people members and little forums .. i think it wont be a problem, not many will use it, not even on a daily base!
In my personal case i would like to have it:
admins - through back-end {everything} and public like the (super)mods.
(super)mods - can view everybody (like the admin, but only public (my (super)mods don't have back-end access
registered - can only view their own information - not others. (maybe through userCP option?)
everybody else - no access to this feature at all
And ofcourse, if a registered member can't view the moderators forum - then they shouldn't - like normal protection. but thaz all.
Just to give an impression of what I have in my head about this.