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Palmer ofShinra 11-24-2001 09:27 AM

TextPad all the way.

I just LOVE the options... syntax highlighting to easy find and replace, MDI, spell checker...

"Match Brackets" is a LIFESAVER.

snyx 11-27-2001 02:29 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Palmer ofShinra
"Match Brackets" is a LIFESAVER.

Dark Blaze 11-27-2001 04:28 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SWFans.net
errrm, I really don?t know PHP, but I just use plain old Notepad until I need to do ?find and replace?, then I use Wordpad.

Dark Blaze 11-27-2001 04:33 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Palmer ofShinra
TextPad all the way.

I just LOVE the options... syntax highlighting to easy find and replace, MDI, spell checker...

"Match Brackets" is a LIFESAVER.

Admin 11-27-2001 12:02 PM

I'm just guessing, but maybe it's something that checks } and { and makes sure you don't have too many or too less?

Dark Blaze 11-27-2001 06:50 PM

Yeah, probably that's the description of that feature would be if it actually exists...

Palmer ofShinra 11-28-2001 09:08 AM

Put the cursor next to any bracket [ ( {

Hit Ctrl+M

It will jump to the matching bracket...

It's a great way to see if you missed a } when you have a dozen nested IFs, WHILES and FORs.

The easy way is to put it at the last } in each section [if ($action)] and then hit Ctrl+M.

if it doesn't go to the beginning, something's screwed. Then you can use it to narrow down where it's missing pretty quickly.

I can find a missing bracket and fix it in a couple minutes now, rather than the unreliable looking over it manually for half an hour, missing it a dozen times, commenting every bracket pair so you can match them up...

Only to discover you have a line like this

if ($condition) { dosomething;

With no closing }... cuz it's just one statement after an IF, right?

It also helps with nested ( ) for IF statements as well...

Dark Blaze 11-28-2001 09:28 AM

Thank you for that info Palmer ofShinra :)

Admin 11-28-2001 10:01 AM

It helps to do things like this:
PHP Code:

if ($foo=="bar") {
  for (
$i=10$i>0$i--) {
"Who's your daddy?!?!";
// for ($i=10; $i>0; $i--)
// if ($foo=="bar") 

and even easier:
PHP Code:

if ($foo=="bar")
  for (
"Who's your daddy?!?!";
// for ($i=10; $i>0; $i--)
// if ($foo=="bar") 

like the standard is on C/++.

Personally I use the first method, then when releasing the code I just remove the comments to make it cleaner (the comments just help when testing the script, that's all).

Dark Blaze 11-28-2001 10:18 AM

Btw FireFly, I was checking out Online Users Section, and I noticed that next to your name it said "No peeking Dark Blaze ;-)" or something similar... Could you tell me which script is that and where I can download it please?

Thank you,

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