TheLastSuperman |
09-07-2015 05:52 PM |
I'm not saying this is the case here, not by any means however usually when we see posts like the original above its due to them running nulled/pirated versions... since they have no account on they come here to try and receive help. Either that or its someone from one of the nulled sites who offer paid support to their members then in-turn come here to ask the questions they're asked, using us to provide support which they're paid for, shady shady. I'm not here to point any of these out but I will say if you look hard enough a few examples will show up from the past few months based on their post count and signature links to their site where you can see them ask here then take our answer and provide it to their clients. This type of shady thing happens all the time and not just here nor with vBulletin by itself... on other software support sites as well and I shall refrain from calling them what I perceive them to be, it would be st*r'd to death regardless :cool:.
Needless to say, like I initially said above I don't know if that's the case here, I'll instead be positive and hope for the best i.e. that it was something on your part, you believed to be a valid idea - without realizing the drawbacks.