CAG CheechDogg |
08-17-2014 08:04 PM |
In 1992 during the Rodney King riots not only in Los Angeles but nationwide, everyone was saying "oh no, Martial Law is going to happen" that was 22 years ago. Then the 911 and Katrina incidents still no Martial Law. As bad as this country is at times, in order for Martial Law to happen, something huge has to happen.
And the fact that we now have over 15 private military companies and those are just the ones that are contracted by the US such as Academi which was known before as Blackwater, the US Congress would be stupid to declare Martial Law.
If Martial Law is ever declared, it would be for some sort of invasion or revolution movement which would take a lot to even get organized. All these PMC and PMF get funded by our own Government and Martial Law could probably only happen if these companies revolted against our government but then you have our own Military going up against these PMCs and PMFs....
I am almost 40 years old my Man you are a bit older and during my time I have heard so many rumors about stuff like this and the fact that our government has been able to maintain order during some very tumultuous times, we have to give our government some credit for doing so.
As corrupt as our government may be, it is "Us" the people who bring all these problems in our own communities. Most of us "turn the other cheek" when we see something wrong and never open our mouths due to fear, yet when we have something like what happened in Ferguson everyone wants to join in and cause chaos.
Could it happen, yes of course, but the odds are against it not happening because this Country always seems to manage one way or another ....