cellarius |
07-14-2014 10:43 AM |
Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
(Post 2506698)
:rolleyes: XF is hardly "the VB killer."
Right. IB managed to kill it all by itself, no help needed...
That said most of the ill-will toward VB on TAZ and other Admin sites are from the same group of vocal admins mostly still angry that VB4 development did not live up to a post the project manager of VB4 posted shortly after its release. It was an ambitious plan that included all great things. Many people took this post as a "promise" despite the fact it was merely a plan and only things actually promised were delivered. Anyway, that project manager moved on and the plans for VB4 changed. Things like a real "Gallery" never came about.
This is a very, very short version, and in it's shortness, I'd say it's wrong. What's missing: IB started a presale for vB4.0, and many - still trusting in the former quality - bought into it. What was actually released was decidedly sub-standard, bug-ridden and hardly usable. It took the better part of 2-3 years until they got their act together. During that time, staff came and went like through a revolving door, and every time someone from the project management level went, all they said went with them. The post BoP5 mentioned really is just the most blatant example.
Then, once vB4 became a proper piece of software, they did the same stunt with vB5, releasing a software that was maybe up to alpha standards, but definitely not selling material:
In addition to those still waiting for a VB4 that is never going to happen
Yeah, bad luck, really.
and some (understandbly) upset VB5 users who purchased VB5 early and upgraded site unseen unaware of all the initial bugs.
Now, how in the world would customers expect a software they just coughed up several hundred dollars for to be in a usable state, not breaking their sites and driving away their users? Just look in the vB5 section in this very forum.
Many of the haters want nothing less than the destruction and bankruptcy of VB and IB (the parent company) and do everything in their power - including lie - to see that end.
Now, drama anybody? That's really pathetic.