06-23-2010 06:49 AM |
Originally Posted by Inflikted
(Post 2023907)
here is the version josh edited. frontpage is always kind of funky how it accepts your modules, depending on what else you have loading in. he was able to alleviate it by setting up a php include file..
1. make a php file and name it w_steamgroup.php put it into your includes folder
PHP Code:
<body style="font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px;">
<table style="font-size:9px;" width="100%">
<tr align="center" valign="top">
$url = file_get_contents('http://steamcommunity.com/groups/joinwcs');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 0);
preg_match('#<h1>(.+)</h1>#sU', $url, $aMatches);
echo "<h3 class='article_preview'><a href='steam://url/GroupSteamIDPage/103582791429921702'>$aMatches[1]</a></h3>";
preg_match('#<div class="groupMemberRow">(.+)</div>#sU', $url, $aMatches);
$aMatches = str_replace('class="linkStandard"', 'class="linkStandard" target="_blank"', $aMatches[1]);
$pieces = explode(" ", $aMatches);
$domain = strstr($pieces[3], '>');
$strip1 = substr($domain, 1);
echo " <b><font style='color:#417394'>$strip1</font> Members</b>";
echo "<br>";
$domain1 = strstr($pieces[6], '>');
$strip2 = substr($domain1, 1);
echo " <b><font style='color:#417394'>$strip2</font> In-Game</b>";
echo "<br>";
$domain2 = strstr($pieces[9], '>');
$strip3 = substr($domain2, 1);
echo " <b><font style='color:#417394'>$strip3</font> Online</b>";
2. In your actual widget put this code in
PHP Code:
require_once './includes/w_steamgroup.php';
I haven't tested this out, but this is what joshtrav did to fix his issue.
This works for me except I'm being taken to his community page. I placed my community name "puwa" in the proper place but I think it has something to do with this line of code...
<h3 class='article_preview'><a href='steam://url/GroupSteamIDPage/103582791429921702'>$aMatches[1]</a></h3>
Is this the community address? If so, where do I find that info on my community? This is my Steam Group's page but when logged in or otherwise I don't see anything resembling the above id.