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nomoreturn 11-17-2009 10:34 PM

Where we have to upload test.php

cellarius 11-17-2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by nomoreturn@hotm (Post 1916232)
Where we have to upload test.php

Put it in your forum root.

Lionel 11-18-2009 01:11 AM

Nice, and what do you do if you want to have 3 columns in your page? Right now I had to create a table with 3 td, but I had rather avoid that

Lynne 11-18-2009 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel (Post 1916357)
Nice, and what do you do if you want to have 3 columns in your page? Right now I had to create a table with 3 td, but I had rather avoid that

There is no reason you can't use a table if you don't want to use divs. But, if you want to use divs to make 3 columns, google is a great place to start. There are lots of sites that will show you how to use divs in place of tables.

Lionel 11-18-2009 02:22 AM

Got your first reply. Sorry Lynne. I asked because I found you extremely helpful and because I could not find any places by vb to explain about the new css, until I saw that there were new templates.

Specially whatever you put in $stylevar does not necessarily gets implemented. So instead of thinking that they were bugs, I inquire first.

Mythotical 11-18-2009 03:22 AM

Lynne, so how would we call multiple templates for the same custom page and it actually work?

Lynne 11-18-2009 03:33 AM

You would do it as before, only use the new syntax. So, something like this:
PHP Code:

$pagetitle 'My Page Title';

$foo 'hello';
$bar 'world';
$templater vB_Template::create('first_template');
$my_variable $templater->render();  

$templater vB_Template::create('TEST');
$templater->register('pagetitle''Test Page');

You would use {vb:var foo} and {vb:var bar} in your first_template to insert the variables $foo and $bar and then you would use {vb:var my_variable} in the TEST template to insert the output from $my_variable.

Mythotical 11-18-2009 03:37 AM

EDIT: I'm a fruitcake, damn pain pill is kicking my butt right now.

PHP Code:


Missing that from my print_output area.

Thanks tho, at least I understand now.

--------------- Added [DATE]1258523530[/DATE] at [TIME]1258523530[/TIME] ---------------

Ok next question, I am reusing the same variable for different pages so I am not having a cluster of different variables within conditional statements. Right now it seems that is confusing me or its the meds, either way is it safe to say I can keep doing that or should I change it?

PHP Code:


That var is what I am reusing for each page load of do=cat or do=file, etc. Do I need to change it to print_output or what?

LoveStream 11-18-2009 03:51 PM

Thank your tutor.
I had met following error, when I using this template page, there is a cookie sent already.

PHP Code:

Unable to add cookiesheader already sent.
File: /www/forum/phoenixjournals.php

Forums test 

I create scripts as phoenixjournals.php, but it occur if I logout.

How could I solve it? or what deos it mean in this case?

I hope your teaching. Thanks.

ragtek 11-18-2009 04:16 PM

Be sure that there's nothing before <?php

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