doa24uk |
08-07-2009 01:12 PM |
Hi Lynne,
Ok so I've now been messing about with the newthread_post_start hook & it looks initially like this may be the area to be playing with (pre-caching)
Anyway, the HIDE hack has the following code in misc_bbcode_complete & I've managed to create a variable & echo it then exit() when the post is submitted, so I think we may be getting closer ... could you take a look at the php code & see if any answers are hidden there ??
PHP Code:
// establish link to the engine if (!isset($hhr)) { global $hhr; }
// initialize main bbcodes $hhrbbcodes = array(); $shortcut = str_replace('|HIDE', '', $hhr->tags[$vbulletin->options['hidetag_shortcut']]); $show['shortcut'] = false;
if (($vbulletin->options['enable_hposts_tag'] && ($permissions['hhroptions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['hhroptions']['enable_hposts_tag']))) { if ($shortcut == 'HIDE-POSTS') { $show['shortcut'] = true; } $hhrbbcodes['HIDE-POSTS'] = array( 'explanation' => $vbphrase['hidetag_explanation_hposts'], 'twoparams' => true, 'samplestamp' => 'X', 'sampleoption' => '5', ); } if (($vbulletin->options['enable_hrply_tag'] && ($permissions['hhroptions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['hhroptions']['enable_hrply_tag']))) { if ($shortcut == 'HIDE-REPLY') { $show['shortcut'] = true; } $hhrbbcodes['HIDE-REPLY'] = array( 'explanation' => $vbphrase['hidetag_explanation_hrply'], 'twoparams' => false, ); } if (($vbulletin->options['enable_htnx_tag'] && ($permissions['hhroptions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['hhroptions']['enable_htnx_tag']))) { if ($shortcut == 'HIDE-THANKS') { $show['shortcut'] = true; } $hhrbbcodes['HIDE-THANKS'] = array( 'explanation' => $vbphrase['hidetag_explanation_htnx'], 'twoparams' => false, ); } if (($vbulletin->options['enable_hrplytnx_tag'] && ($permissions['hhroptions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['hhroptions']['enable_hrplytnx_tag']))) { if ($shortcut == 'HIDE-REPLY-THANKS') { $show['shortcut'] = true; } $hhrbbcodes['HIDE-REPLY-THANKS'] = array( 'explanation' => $vbphrase['hidetag_explanation_hrplytnx'], 'twoparams' => false, ); } if (($vbulletin->options['enable_showtogroups_tag'] && ($permissions['hhroptions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['hhroptions']['enable_showtogroups_tag']))) { if ($shortcut == 'SHOWTOGROUPS') { $show['shortcut'] = true; } $hhrbbcodes['SHOWTOGROUPS'] = array( 'explanation' => $vbphrase['hidetag_explanation_showtogroups'], 'twoparams' => true, 'samplestamp' => 'X,Y,Z', 'sampleoption' => '5,6,7', ); }
// construct shortcut bbcode if ($show['shortcut']) { $hhrbbcodes = array_merge(array('HIDE' => array( 'explanation' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['hidetag_explanation_hide'], strtolower($shortcut), $shortcut), 'twoparams' => false, )), $hhrbbcodes); }
// construct bbcodes foreach ($hhrbbcodes as $code => $info) { $code = strtolower($code);
$bbcode = array( 'title' => ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $code)), 'bbcodetag' => $code, 'bbcodeexplanation' => $info['explanation'], );
if ($code != 'hide') { if ($info['twoparams']) { $bbcode['tag'] = '[' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . '=<span class="highlight">' . $info['samplestamp'] . '</span>]<span class="highlight">' . $vbphrase['value'] . '</span>[/' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . ']'; $bbcode['bbcodeexample'] = '[' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . '=' . $info['sampleoption'] . ']' . $vbphrase['hidetag_hidden_data'] . '[/' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . ']'; } else { $bbcode['tag'] = '[' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . ']<span class="highlight">' . $vbphrase['value'] . '</span>[/' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . ']'; $bbcode['bbcodeexample'] = '[' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . ']' . $vbphrase['hidetag_hidden_data'] . '[/' . $bbcode['bbcodetag'] . ']'; } $bbcode['output'] = $hhr->parse_bbcode($bbcode['bbcodeexample'], 0, 0, 0, 0); eval('$template[\'bbcodebits\'] .= "' . fetch_template('help_bbcodes_bbcode') . '";'); } else { eval('$template[\'bbcodebits\'] .= "' . fetch_template('help_bbcodes_hide') . '";'); // special case }
eval('$template[\'bbcodelinks\'] .= "' . fetch_template('help_bbcodes_link') . '";'); }