yoyoyoyo |
09-14-2007 11:26 AM |
Thanks for sharing. I hope you don't mind me adding my two cents here, but the following method is more vb-friendly, and will allow the animated cursor to be viewed in any style:
1) Add this code to your headinclude template:
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">p {align=justify}
BODY{cursor: url($vboptions[bburl]/mouse/example.ani);}
a {cursor: url($vboptions[bburl]/mouse/example.ani);}
</STYLE><b style=position:absolute;left:0px;top:90px;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;>
Be sure to change example.ani to the name of the animated cursor that you choose to use
2) Create a new directory called "mouse" in your forum home directory (where index.php and forumdisplay.php reside)
3) Upload the animated icon of your choice to the "mouse" directory you just created.
Attached to this post are nearly 370 more animated cursors to choose from.