what if we have to reset the bot.
you will basically be stuck......at this point, when you run the extremewebtech leaned.xml, you bot is gonna learn what i have taught it too......You bot is gonna know alot of profanity, and smart a** answers......
If you don't like profanity, i wouldn't use the extreme antic's upload for you database.
Would be nice to have either/or for our database's......with the botlearner file that is on this site, there is a file in there for making changes to your external.php file, which would teach your bot information, just for your site. i have been trying for almost a week to get the php file to work like it did in 3.0, but i just don't know enough about the new php language. I think i am getting close though, I finally am not recieving error page's, just a blank page. I think it is just a matter of time and i will get it figured out. .....then you could use extremetims if you want your bot to have alot more knowledge information.
My bot isn't for having a serious conversation, it is just for having fun and teasing....If you would like to see an example of what your bot is going to learn, via antics, check
check this out
I sure hope someone else may be able to look at the php code and figure it out, it is kind of frustrating. I mean, the code is right there on the main section of this
thread it is just a matter of writting it to the new 3.6 style of php.......Or better yet, tim da man, releases the option to us.......dat would be da sh*t.
Don't get me wrong at all, i think that tim has done an awesome job, i was just wanting to make my bot fit my site, not have a huge knowledge of everything that everybody else wanted to learn and i am sure after talking with a few other people, they don't want there bot to learn my example of certain human anatomy parts, as i have them described......hehehee