Xplorer4x4 |
01-03-2006 01:02 AM |
Originally Posted by nexialys
bad reason... i receive hundreds of links each day, that doesn't mean i will post a new thread of them just because it may be useful... this url was really from someone wanting some new clients... if you're not that guy, why post?!... this is spam to me, even if you don't think it is...
Why post it? because of a desperate need for hosting. Click the link in my sig for DOMS. Do so and an explanation is obvious, or so I would hope.
Spam? Your the one taking this completley out of context and beating a dead horse.
this is the exact same stuff than when you receive a chain of letters in your email... "if you don't send this email to 7 people it will break the chain and you will have a headache"... this is spam, flooding, not just spam... think of the result, if 1000 persons send that chain to 7 people the same day, and next day these 7000 people do the same again... the internet is flooded too much already.
I can;t argue with you that chain letters are anoying which is why I tell people NOT to send them, but I hardly see the relvance. I don't care that the link was edited. Change the link to servage.net and drop the www. part for all i give a..I just wanted soem reviews on the hosting company and instead we get side tracked by this senles bable.
(oh btw this is just a copy/paste of my prefered stuff... i'm not spending my time writing it.. lol)[/QUOTE]
Why post it? Because I wanted reviews on the hosting before I or somone else(as one of the mods ended up buying it)
Originally Posted by KTBleeding
That seems to be a simple warning.
Making a threat to delete posts was totaly uncaled for IMO. Must we really beat a dead hoarse, I just want reviews. If you don;t have a review then please don;t spam up the thread. K thanks.