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stonyarc 04-11-2006 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by MrNase
I want to rename it. ;)

vbgooglemap.php can be renamed to banana.php but why would you want to do that.

Lance Carbuncle 04-11-2006 06:04 PM

Hello again,

I upgraded to 2.01 and see you changed the css part of the display map template.... and added some code... I played around with it again, but for som reason on my site, I just can't get the username text to show as anything but white no matter what I set the color too.... I just set all the backgrounds in the css to black, and actually like how it looks now, but it is odd that changing the color in the template has no effect on the username color..... (it is still set to red but shows white)


Thanks again for such a great hack, I look forward to keeping current on upgrades and really appreciate you sharing..... You need a paypal button in your profile! :)


bashy 04-11-2006 06:13 PM

Hi peeps

I cannot find the post i made earlier with regards to inputting a key
evrytime i create a key and input it then goto the googlemap on my site
i get this error (please se image)

I have tried this about 6 times now....
I add my url to the googlemap site and it generates my code, i paste it
in and get the error :(

Please help

morrow 04-11-2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by morrow
First, Nice hack!

ok, I'm also have the issue with the avatar not displaying, but not in IE only. Firefox just eliminates the red X.


Replaced the new file 2.0.0 - 2.0.1... Still, in IE, I get the red 'X' for my avatar. I'm running database avatars, not file based.

Also, I'm wondering if there's an ability to allow for multiple locations for each user. I'm not really using this for a "Hi, I'm located here." thing. I'm using it so people can post various locations they've been.

Here is a link:

No problems in Firefox, just IE.

moonclamp 04-11-2006 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Hi peeps

I cannot find the post i made earlier with regards to inputting a key
evrytime i create a key and input it then goto the googlemap on my site
i get this error (please se image)

I have tried this about 6 times now....
I add my url to the googlemap site and it generates my code, i paste it
in and get the error :(

Please help

You need to use the URL to your /forums directory and not your site root.

stonyarc 04-11-2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Lance Carbuncle
Hello again,

I upgraded to 2.01 and see you changed the css part of the display map template.... and added some code... I played around with it again, but for som reason on my site, I just can't get the username text to show as anything but white no matter what I set the color too.... I just set all the backgrounds in the css to black, and actually like how it looks now, but it is odd that changing the color in the template has no effect on the username color..... (it is still set to red but shows white)


Thanks again for such a great hack, I look forward to keeping current on upgrades and really appreciate you sharing..... You need a paypal button in your profile! :)


The gmlink sets the color for the div surrounding the member link.

The link itself takes from the core template you have running that is why it shows like that.

Add this to the template and you can start showing off


.gmlink a:link, .gmlink a:visited {
  font-weight      : bold;
  text-transform    : none;
  font-size        : 11px;
  color            : #000000;

.gmlink a:hover {
  font-size        : 11px;
  color            : #FFFFFF;
  text-decoration  : underline;
  font-weight      : bold;


stonyarc 04-11-2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by morrow
Replaced the new file 2.0.0 - 2.0.1... Still, in IE, I get the red 'X' for my avatar. I'm running database avatars, not file based.

Also, I'm wondering if there's an ability to allow for multiple locations for each user. I'm not really using this for a "Hi, I'm located here." thing. I'm using it so people can post various locations they've been.

Here is a link:

No problems in Firefox, just IE.

works fine for me in IE too http://www.njflyfishing.com/vBulleti...hp?do=showmain

You can enable disable avatar support in the options

moonclamp 04-11-2006 06:23 PM

Is turning avatars off going to be the only option for people using the file system?

stonyarc 04-11-2006 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Hi peeps

I cannot find the post i made earlier with regards to inputting a key
evrytime i create a key and input it then goto the googlemap on my site
i get this error (please se image)

I have tried this about 6 times now....
I add my url to the googlemap site and it generates my code, i paste it
in and get the error :(

Please help

Hey bashy,

Make sure you generate it for http://www.bashys-place.com/forums and enter it in the backend. Don't forget to hit save (sometimes even I forget it :confused: )

stonyarc 04-11-2006 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by moonclamp
Is turning avatars off going to be the only option for people using the file system?

At this point it is

Sorry about that. It's on my todo list but I cannot make a turbo fix for that.

It is ranked on high on the vbgooglemap todo so I hope I get it fixed soon.

Problem isn't displaying it but tracking changes. eg => avatar1_1.gif new upload avatar1_2.gif or people that have change the dirs around. there are a lot of vars to take into account on that one.

bashy 04-11-2006 06:41 PM

Hi peeps

I have done this many times now, i have tried

I still get the same error, I have saved every single time as well....
I am gutted as this upgrade looks great lol
When you say backend you mean admincp yeah, cause this is where i been doing it!!


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Hey bashy,

Make sure you generate it for http://www.bashys-place.com/forums and enter it in the backend. Don't forget to hit save (sometimes even I forget it :confused: )

stonyarc 04-11-2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Hi peeps

I have done this many times now, i have tried

I still get the same error, I have saved every single time as well....
I am gutted as this upgrade looks great lol
When you say backend you mean admincp yeah, cause this is where i been doing it!!


The link is http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/vbgooglemap.php and not VBGooglemap.php

http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/vbgooglemap.php works fine for me.

Just change the link and it should be ok

It's indicated that the case is now ALL LOWER CASE

bashy 04-11-2006 06:45 PM

It shows when i click Show Map

Thats wierd, since clicking Show Map its been fine :)
Does anyone know how to manual remove a member from the map please?

Thanks for ya advice Stony :)

stonyarc 04-11-2006 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
It shows when i click Show Map

Did you revert all 4 templates?

stonyarc 04-11-2006 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
It shows when i click Show Map

Thats wierd, since clicking Show Map its been fine :)
Does anyone know how to manual remove a member from the map please?

Thanks for ya advice Stony :)

You can do that in the phpmyadmin => googlemap table

That's also something on the todo list to make the delete available in the backend.

I'm creating all these features for the hotspot edition.

bashy 04-11-2006 06:55 PM

Nice 1 m8...again thanks for ya advice :)
I have always like this

Tis a shame it cant be the same maps used in Google Earth ;) pmsl


Originally Posted by stonyarc
You can do that in the phpmyadmin => googlemap table

That's also something on the todo list to make the delete available in the backend.

MrNase 04-11-2006 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
vbgooglemap.php can be renamed to banana.php but why would you want to do that.

I have a custom solution already and this extension is going to replace that. :)

stonyarc 04-11-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by MrNase
I have a custom solution already and this extension is going to replace that. :)

That's always nice to hear :)

KevNJ 04-11-2006 08:41 PM

Stony - You responded in my GoogleMap mod so incase you dont check back over their I figured I would post in yours... I noticed its gone to 2.0.1 now. Nice job. Only did mine cause I wanted hot spots, and you were tied up with the Xbox site. ( my 360 and GRAWF should be here tomorrow ) and then I decided against having the users post where they were from and adding locations them selves. More for me to monitor and such. But after you add the hotspots to your next version Ill add that back to my site to allower certain users ( bands and bars ) to post upcoming events since it has userpermissions as well. Thanks!

stonyarc 04-11-2006 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by KevNJ
Stony - You responded in my GoogleMap mod so incase you dont check back over their I figured I would post in yours... I noticed its gone to 2.0.1 now. Nice job. Only did mine cause I wanted hot spots, and you were tied up with the Xbox site. ( my 360 and GRAWF should be here tomorrow ) and then I decided against having the users post where they were from and adding locations them selves. More for me to monitor and such. But after you add the hotspots to your next version Ill add that back to my site to allower certain users ( bands and bars ) to post upcoming events since it has userpermissions as well. Thanks!

If you feel like working on the hotspot edition we can work something out.

You can always add me to you xbox friends list once you get on 360

You can do that even directly from http://www.xboxusersgroup.com if you want.

MrNase 04-11-2006 09:15 PM

Thank you, installed and working like a charm! :)

I am currently changing the code so that online user's are highlighted instead of different colors for usergroups. I'll post the code if you want me to. :)

stonyarc 04-11-2006 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by MrNase
Thank you, installed and working like a charm! :)

I am currently changing the code so that online user's are highlighted instead of different colors for usergroups. I'll post the code if you want me to. :)

That would be nice. I have that on the todo list but if you are writing the code (shouldn't be that hard) you can always post so I can add it as a standard feature (race you for it :D :D :D :D )

Is it better to add a special cricle on those that are online? So that both are combined.

MrNase 04-11-2006 09:41 PM

The code itself is done.. I am using my method because I don't have any moderators and I don't want to have another color as an administrator. :)

Editing your code I've found out some possible errors:

Here's the part I am talking about:
PHP Code:

if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==6)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==7)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==5))

         if ((
$type $coloradmin ;
        if ((
$type $colormod ;
           if ((
$type $colorsupermod ;

$type $colorother;

I am not quite sure but I _think_ it must be this instead:
PHP Code:

    if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==6)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==7)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==5))

         if ((
$type $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_coloradmin'] ;
        if ((
$type $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colormod'] ;
           if ((
$type $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colorsupermod'] ; 

$type $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colorother'] ;

And here is what I did to only show online users in another color:
The new query (line 94)
PHP Code:

$selection_xml TABLE_PREFIX "googlemap.lng_map as lng, "TABLE_PREFIX ."googlemap.lat_map as lat, 
.TABLE_PREFIX."googlemap.text_map as text, ".TABLE_PREFIX."googlemap.userid as userid, 
.TABLE_PREFIX."googlemap.username as login,".TABLE_PREFIX."googlemap.usergroupid as displayusergroupid,
TABLE_PREFIX ."online.userid as isonline";
$get_xml_users $db->query_read("SELECT ".$selection_xml.
                            FROM `"
                            LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "session AS online ON(online.userid = googlemap.userid)
                            WHERE lng_map<>'' AND lat_map<>''"

and some lines below it (106):

PHP Code:

    if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==6)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==7)OR($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==5))

         if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==6))
           $type = $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_coloradmin'] ;
        if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==7))
           $type = $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colormod'];
           if (($get_xml_user["displayusergroupid"]==5))
           $type = $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colorsupermod'];

    $type = $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colorother'];
if ($get_xml_user["isonline"])
$type $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_coloradmin'] ;
else {
$type $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colorother'];

I commented your code out so that I can easily change it back.
The last 7 lines basically tell to use the color specified for the admin when a user is online (red in my case) and gray when the user is offline.
So far I could only test it with 2 users, future will tell how this performs. :)

stonyarc 04-11-2006 09:47 PM

Nice work.

I hadn't even started :)

I'll run some tests to make sure it performs like it should.

What I want to do is put a little marker on the map where the user is online but that can be done starting from this code.

the vars like $colorsupermod are set on top of the file grouped with all other vars just to make some cleaner code

PHP Code:

$zoomlevel $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r''zoomlevel'TYPE_UINT);
$zoomlevel $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_zoom'];
$googlekey $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_key'];
$dlat $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_lat'];
$dlng $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_lng'];
$textchars $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_ltext'];
$gmtexttablewidth $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_tabletext'];
$gmavatartablewidth $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_avatar'];
$gmavatar $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_enable_avatar'];
$coloradmin  $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_coloradmin'];
$colorother  $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colorother'];
$colorsupermod  $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colorsupermod'];
$colormod $vbulletin->options['vbgooglemap_colormod']; 

I can include the online status in the marker file (little rewrite needed in the javascript parsing but that's ok). Thus avoiding messing with the usergroup codes. That way we can easily add something on the map or on the balloon.

I'll check what I can come up with.

It's 1 AM over here so I'm off to bed

MrNase 04-11-2006 09:55 PM

Did you know that your marker on the screenshot is placed in Germany? It seems to be only 100 kilometres away from my location! :) aaah it's also 1AM for me.. I'm off. ;)

Do whatever you want but keep up this good work! :)

Tyegurl 04-11-2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
I checked and it was running on your website.

I haven't been able to identify the problem on vba.

I need to install it on my test server. In the code I don't see anything that might be causing that problem except maybe the window.onload javascript.

Do you have any other image maps running on your vba site????

um no not that i am aware of....but if you would like to check....i can pm you my login info....

oh and yes i am up and running....haven't tried with vba since the upgrade....i will

MrSquid 04-11-2006 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
so it should be your basic URL you should enter on google.com and don't add a trailing /


Wierd... I finally got it to work but using http://IP/. :banana: I know I tried that same thing about a dozen times last night and never got it to work. Hmm... should I risk jumping to 2.0.1? :cheeky:

bigtomisin 04-11-2006 11:00 PM

why does my googlt map say i dont have permission to view?

Tyegurl 04-11-2006 11:02 PM

you haven't edited usergroup permissions yet ;)

Cajun 04-11-2006 11:11 PM

I am using vb 3.5.4 and vba 2.1.0 and the marker will not show on the map page and it also shows no users.

Now I can see my marker on the Your Entry page.

Anyone know what could cause this?

bigtomisin 04-11-2006 11:13 PM

it doesnt show up in the user group permissions. i found that strange.

Tyegurl 04-11-2006 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
I checked and it was running on your website.

I haven't been able to identify the problem on vba.

I need to install it on my test server. In the code I don't see anything that might be causing that problem except maybe the window.onload javascript.

Do you have any other image maps running on your vba site????

this is my problem too....he is looking into it :) i have 3.5.4 and vba myself

Parture 04-12-2006 12:50 AM

How do we get our Avatars to show up? My Avatars are about 150 lengthwise. Is that why they don't show up?

stonyarc 04-12-2006 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by bigtomisin
it doesnt show up in the user group permissions. i found that strange.

Are you sure that you uploaded all the files in the upload folders.

It seems that your bitfields aren't correctly set.

Please upload all files and make sure you follow the instructions in the PDF file.

Moreover watch out with the case of the file name it's all lower now.

/admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields can help to if the bitfield file is in the /includes/xml but that is normally automatic

stonyarc 04-12-2006 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Parture
How do we get our Avatars to show up? My Avatars are about 150 lengthwise. Is that why they don't show up?

If you are running the avatars from the filesystem you need to disable avatar support in the backend options or move your avatars to the database system.

I'm looking for a fix for that one.

stonyarc 04-12-2006 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Cajun
I am using vb 3.5.4 and vba 2.1.0 and the marker will not show on the map page and it also shows no users.

Now I can see my marker on the Your Entry page.

Anyone know what could cause this?

Make sure you run it on the forum.

Can you post an accessible link so I can check?

bigtomisin 04-12-2006 05:29 AM

ok. i put the bitfields file in the includes and not the xml. my bad. thx for the help

stonyarc 04-12-2006 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by bigtomisin
ok. i put the bitfields file in the includes and not the xml. my bad. thx for the help

No problem that's why we are here :rolleyes: :D

bigtomisin 04-12-2006 05:34 AM

ok, now when i set the permissions to yes for a user group and save, it gives me an error and stays to no.

stonyarc 04-12-2006 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by bigtomisin
ok, now when i set the permissions to yes for a user group and save, it gives me an error and stays to no.

Do you have a link for me??? because the defaults are all yes !!

Remove/uninstall and do a full reinstall please. Make sure you follow the instructions

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