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teenhut 10-31-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1628132)
The Mod is Really Nice but this Security/Privacy Issues are Critical when Critical Private Information is Shared.

For the Regular Forums there are Options to be Set for the Forum's Permissions to Allow or Not Users to see Other Member's Messages, that's the same Expected for this Mod, that even if a User tries to Guess someone else's Private Ticket isn't Able to See it. :confused:

Also the Public/Private Tickets of Others can be Edited by Any User, and that's not right; only the Owner of the Ticket and Admins should be able to do that, (perhaps other Usergroups set on the Mod's Options). :confused:

I also hope that the Developper can Fix this Issues, the Mod has Great Potential for Efficient Support on the Boards.

My Best Regards.


Thats big issues. One can change the ticket ID in the address and browse other private tickets and can even close, edit that ticket :/

That turned me away from using this. Because it can make any user mess with the support system.

powerful_rogue 11-06-2008 06:01 PM

My helpcenter is being bombarded by spam bots.

Is there any plans to make it a bit more spam proof?

silens12 11-07-2008 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1660661)
My helpcenter is being bombarded by spam bots.

Is there any plans to make it a bit more spam proof?

Same thing here, had about 30 tickets open with pr0n links and junk since yesterday. I disabled unregistered users/guests from accessing it, but then people that might have issues registering cant use it either :/

PaulSonny 11-09-2008 07:50 PM

I will try and come up with a solution. I am currently working on a 1.5 edition of HelpCenter Lite. Is anybody interested in working on this with me?

Please get intouch.

Regards, Paul.

dmknights 11-10-2008 11:24 PM

Just What I Need. Thanks

parabat 11-20-2008 01:14 PM

How can I show new helpcenter requests as part of the daily new post listing??


p.s. GREAT MOD THANK YOU :up::up:

Ozster 11-21-2008 10:27 AM

i dont seem to be able to find the options to do it, so im assuming that you cannot restrict access to individual department tickets. eg. i want my moderators to only be able to see moderation style tickets and not the subscription/membership tickets.

If that isnt possible, this isnt very useful to me.

TaMpE 11-25-2008 10:38 PM

Can you set permissions to allow only certains usergroups to use this feature? Some forums have paid subscriptions and they might want to give support only to those members.

Great hack!

TaMpE 11-25-2008 11:00 PM

Nevermind, I just saw the editing of USERGROUPS!

omg this is awesome!

Digma 11-26-2008 11:46 AM

Hmmm, was looking for a mod like this as we're getting bombarded by questions about a new game release, most of them on the technical side.

So correct me if I am wrong. This mod doesn't support privacy and is leaky because it allows others to see, edit and close tickets?

I would like my members to be able to submit a ticket, have my staff take care of it and keep communication between staff and user during the whole process completely confidential.

Digma 11-26-2008 11:48 AM

Uhoh, been a bad observer..

Version 1.00 Beta 6:

Make tickets public/private.

I take it that solves it then?

chick 12-04-2008 02:08 PM

I too just realized I was spammed with literally hundreds of tickets... I had it set for guests to be allowed... I have set it to disallow guests NOW.

Is there anyway to mass delete tickets???????? I have hundreds

PaulSonny 12-04-2008 04:45 PM

I am going to be releasing an updated version come the weekend. I have decided to put in some extra features that I have come to realise are required.

I have taken note of all the current errors so far so I will try to fix all of them.

Kind Regards, Paul.

macc 12-04-2008 06:36 PM

will wait to new-updated version ..



PaulSonny 12-07-2008 03:50 PM

If someone is interested in beta testing the latest version could you please get intouch. If I dont respond it means I have already found enough beta testers, I will try my best to respond but I am extremely busy.

Kinds Regards, Paul.

Xphusion 12-08-2008 09:51 AM

could u add popup Pm notification to admins and such when a new ticket is created

TheBoys 12-14-2008 08:46 PM

Hello, I've installed this mod and I have absoloutly no complaints. Does just about everything I was looking for, thank you very much for the suberb mod.

I do have a couple of questions.

Is it possible for tickets for different departments to be posted in different forums and is it possible for replies made in the threads it creates to be shown on the ticket in the helpcenter area.

Thank you.

honcho 12-17-2008 11:57 PM

yeah that would be great if poss as my heklp forum ihas 3 sections in it

also how about a notification for admin andmods thre is new help centre posts

Haltech 12-18-2008 05:28 PM

Ive been eyeballing this mod for quite some time now. Looks superb, one question though...

i have a vendor section on my forum... they deal with car parts. Can this be used in multiple sub forums to answer customer questions separate of each forum?

stalkertj 12-25-2008 05:42 PM

You can probably see the problem I'm having from the picture I attached... where can I edit the color of the tables or the color that the text is?

Thanks for any help you can give...

rob01 01-06-2009 10:57 PM

for all Helpcenter users:


1.- Open the plugin called HelpCenter Template Cache and add this:
(Plugin Manager -> HelpCenter -> HelpCenter Template Cache)

$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_message';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_ticketopen';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_ticketclosed';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_ticketlist2';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_newticket';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_quickreply';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_reply';

then click save

So it should look like this:


$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_navbar';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_message';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_ticketopen';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_ticketclosed';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_ticketlist2';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_newticket';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_quickreply';
$globaltemplates[] = 'hcenter_reply';

cheers ( this might kill some queries since they where calling a Uncached templates)

stalkertj 01-09-2009 02:10 AM

Is this going to work with version 3.8.0? Or will an update for HelpCenter be required?

stalkertj 01-09-2009 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by stalkertj (Post 1693530)
You can probably see the problem I'm having from the picture I attached... where can I edit the color of the tables or the color that the text is?

Thanks for any help you can give...

Anyone have any ideas on this?

PaulSonny 01-09-2009 10:16 AM


can you please send me your helpcenter templates via PM and I will try to fix the colour issues.

No update should be required for 3.8.0 - although I am working on an updated version.

James Argo 01-09-2009 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by PaulSonny (Post 1706137)
....although I am working on an updated version.

Glad to hear it Mr PaulSony :D

This mod has been one of the most useful installed in my forum :)

Keep up the good work! Cheers!

James Argo

stalkertj 01-09-2009 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by PaulSonny (Post 1706137)

can you please send me your helpcenter templates via PM and I will try to fix the colour issues.

No update should be required for 3.8.0 - although I am working on an updated version.

Will do, thanks Paul!

Markus2 01-18-2009 12:55 PM

Good Mod ;)

inciarco 01-24-2009 09:12 PM

I Hope PaulSonny Can Surprise Ur with an Update of this Great Mod. ;)

I Can see on the "helpcenter.php" File that there is Not Use of the Specified Options for "_any_tickets" on the Usergroups so all the "Can" Options "_tickets" are currently Working as the "_any_tickets", and that's Why All UserGroups can Edit, Open, Close, Delete, the Tickets of Other Users even if those Tickets are Private of those Other Users, (Great Bug for an User to be Able to See/Edit/Open/Close the Private Ticket of other User). :confused:

I Hope PaulSonny would Include all the Complete Functionallity of the "Can" do Actions on "_any_tickets", because in the Currently Version it isn't Working as I explained. :confused:

I Liked a Lot the Mod, but With those Bugs where other Users Can View/Edit/Open/Close/Delete other Users Tickets (Private and Public), the Mod is Un-Workable. :( (For Now I Have it Installed but Disabled :()

My Best Regards PaulSonny, I Hope for a Soon Update of this Mod. :up:


apiasto 01-24-2009 11:31 PM

kool hack any chance for 3.8
may be i am doing something wrong i made a forum to create a thread but when a ticket is posted it doesn't show in that forum .thnx in advance

Vaupell 01-25-2009 09:55 AM

EDIT : NV thank you, works great, also on 3.8.0

installed, and love it.

Markus2 01-29-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1723707)
I Hope PaulSonny Can Surprise Ur with an Update of this Great Mod. ;)

I Can see on the "helpcenter.php" File that there is Not Use of the Specified Options for "_any_tickets" on the Usergroups so all the "Can" Options "_tickets" are currently Working as the "_any_tickets", and that's Why All UserGroups can Edit, Open, Close, Delete, the Tickets of Other Users even if those Tickets are Private of those Other Users, (Great Bug for an User to be Able to See/Edit/Open/Close the Private Ticket of other User). :confused:

I Hope PaulSonny would Include all the Complete Functionallity of the "Can" do Actions on "_any_tickets", because in the Currently Version it isn't Working as I explained. :confused:

I Liked a Lot the Mod, but With those Bugs where other Users Can View/Edit/Open/Close/Delete other Users Tickets (Private and Public), the Mod is Un-Workable. :( (For Now I Have it Installed but Disabled :()

My Best Regards PaulSonny, I Hope for a Soon Update of this Mod. :up:


I can't reproduce this. For example my registered test-user can not see the tickets from administrator.

inciarco 01-29-2009 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Markus2 (Post 1728249)
I can't reproduce this. For example my registered test-user can not see the tickets from administrator.

Can't See Them LISTED, but try by Browsing the URL of the Ticket of other User (Private or Public), (very easy because the last Number in the Address is Secuencial), and You'll see that ANY User can Access ANY Other User's Tickets, and also if Options for Edit, Open, Close, Delete, Tickets are Enabled then ANY User can do that to ANY Other User's Tickets; the Options for Usergroups of Edit Tickets and Edit ANY Tickets, are the Same because in the Code there isn't any Usage of the Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket but the Code is Currently Designed to use the Edit/Open/Close/Delete Tickets as Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket.

If Users are not that Smart they won't be Curious to try and access any other User Ticket, but if they are Malicious (or Smart Enough) they'll Start Seeing Other Users Tickets, simply by Changing the Last Number on the Browser's Address to 1 (ticket 1), 2 (ticket 2), ... x (ticket x), so there is Corrently Not Privacy on the Tickets because the Code is Incomplete. :confused:

Review the Code of the File "helpcenter.php" and You'll see that I'm Right. :confused:

I Hope PaulSonny would Share with Us a Fixed and Complete Version of that php File that separates those Permissions. ;)

My Best Regards.


Vaupell 01-29-2009 11:15 PM

works 99% only the private ticket isent really that private..
but no complains otherwise. :D

inciarco 01-29-2009 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Markus2 (Post 1728249)
I can't reproduce this. For example my registered test-user can not see the tickets from administrator.

Also do this Easy Experiment, so that you can Proof that there is Not Currently Use of the Options for Edit/Delete/Open/Close ANY Ticket:

Set for your Test Usergroup, the following Permissions to YES

Can View HelpCenter: YES
Can View Public Tickets: YES
Can Create Tickets: YES
Can Edit Any Ticket: YES
Can Delete Any Ticket: YES
Can Close Any Ticket: YES
Can Open Any Ticket: YES

and the Other Permissions to NO

Can View IP Addresses: NO
Can Manage Tickets: NO
Can Edit Tickets: NO
Can Delete Tickets: NO
Can Close Tickets: NO
Can Open Tickets: NO

With this, if in the Mod were Code for the Can Edit/Delete/Open/Close ANY Ticket, that Usergroup should be Able to Edit/Delete/Open/Close ANY Ticket.

Try and do that !!

You'll see that You'll Get a Message of "You Don't Have Enough Permissions to...", because on the Code of the "helpcenter.php" only the Options of Can Edit/Delete/Open/Close Ticket are being Used as the Permissions to do that with ANY Ticket, so the Code is Currently Incomplete and have that HUGE BUG :confused::confused::confused:, (AnyBody can Edit/Delete/Open/Close AnyBody's Tickets), or perhaps on the Attached File PaulSonny forgot to Add the Updated File that Includes the Complete Code.

Now Set:

Can View HelpCenter: YES
Can View Public Tickets: YES
Can Create Tickets: YES
Can Edit Tickets: YES
Can Delete Tickets: YES
Can Close Tickets: YES
Can Open Tickets: YES

Can View IP Addresses: NO
Can Manage Tickets: NO
Can Edit Any Ticket: NO
Can Delete Any Ticket: NO
Can Close Any Ticket: NO
Can Open Any Ticket: NO

And Now go to any Ticket, let's say [YOUR_FORUM_PATH]/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1 and start changing the Last Number to 2, 3, 4, ... and Any Ticket that you Have, and you'll see that No Matter Public or Private you'll be able to Access the Tickets.

Now let's be Nasty...

Access Any Private Ticket of other User (go to one of your Admins Tickets, see the last Number of that Ticket and change the 1 of the [YOUR_FORUM_PATH]/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1 on the Test User of the Test Usergroup), and then Select the Edit/Delete/Open/Close Options. Surprise !! You've Just Edited/Deleted/Opened/Closed the Private Ticket of Other User (Admin in this Case). :confused::confused::confused:

That's My Exact Point, and that's the Reason Why I Haven't Used this Mod on my Forum Yet, I Have it Installed but Disabled, because with that HUGE BUG there's No Privacy and No Security for the Information that Users Post on their Tickets, so is Not Right to Offer that to them.

I Hope PaulSonny would offer Soon the Solution to that BUG, I think is worth an Urgent Update to this Mod.

My Best Regards.


Markus2 01-30-2009 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by inciarco (Post 1728566)
Can't See Them LISTED, but try by Browsing the URL of the Ticket of other User (Private or Public), (very easy because the last Number in the Address is Secuencial), and You'll see that ANY User can Access ANY Other User's Tickets, and also if Options for Edit, Open, Close, Delete, Tickets are Enabled then ANY User can do that to ANY Other User's Tickets; the Options for Usergroups of Edit Tickets and Edit ANY Tickets, are the Same because in the Code there isn't any Usage of the Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket but the Code is Currently Designed to use the Edit/Open/Close/Delete Tickets as Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket.

If Users are not that Smart they won't be Curious to try and access any other User Ticket, but if they are Malicious (or Smart Enough) they'll Start Seeing Other Users Tickets, simply by Changing the Last Number on the Browser's Address to 1 (ticket 1), 2 (ticket 2), ... x (ticket x), so there is Corrently Not Privacy on the Tickets because the Code is Incomplete. :confused:

Review the Code of the File "helpcenter.php" and You'll see that I'm Right. :confused:

I Hope PaulSonny would Share with Us a Fixed and Complete Version of that php File that separates those Permissions. ;)

My Best Regards.


Yes, you're right. I hope, PaulSonny reads these posts. This is a serious bug. :confused: :)

Vaupell 01-30-2009 06:45 AM

tested this with a normal user i cannot edit tickets when i change the url

i can reply with a new msg and i can attach stuff
but i cannot edit existing threads in the tickets.

But if im on any moderator,supmod or admin i can edit them all.

Feel free to test, the first 3 tickets are tests
user :

pass :

that user is a normal "registered" usergroup with wery limited forum acces
but got acces to helpcenter.

Ewen if i try to enter the Closeticket or editticket in the url
helpcenter.php?do=closeticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces
helpcenter.php?do=editticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces

as im concerned it works fine, only two problems
- private tickets ARE NOT PRIVATE.
- anyone can reply to tickets.

inciarco 01-30-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Vaupell (Post 1728845)
tested this with a normal user i cannot edit tickets when i change the url

i can reply with a new msg and i can attach stuff
but i cannot edit existing threads in the tickets.

But if im on any moderator,supmod or admin i can edit them all.

Feel free to test, the first 3 tickets are tests
user :

pass :

that user is a normal "registered" usergroup with wery limited forum acces
but got acces to helpcenter.

Ewen if i try to enter the Closeticket or editticket in the url
helpcenter.php?do=closeticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces
helpcenter.php?do=editticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces

as im concerned it works fine, only two problems
- private tickets ARE NOT PRIVATE.
- anyone can reply to tickets.

You Haven't Set Premissions for that Test Usergroup to Edit/Open/Close/Delete Tickets, that's why they can't do those Actions Not Even with Their Own Tickets. (I've done the Exercise with a Test User http://www.evisystems.org/forums/hel...o=ticket&tid=4 and that's why the Dropdown Menu that Shoul Appear at the Right of the Ticket doesn't Appear.

Do the Exercise EXACTLY as I Wrote in my Message, setting the Permissions EXACTLY as I've Described, do the Exercise, and You'll see yourself Editing/Deleting/Closing/Opening the Tickets of Any Other User (Even Admins).

I Keep my Conclusions as I mentioned them in my Last Reply, a HUGE BUG and Privacy Problem with the Ticket Info of other Users (Anybody can Edit/Delete/Open/Close Anybodies's Tickets if you set to YES the Options to Edit/Delete/Open/Close Tickets, Not ANY Ticket, just Tickets, because the ANY Tickets Function is Not in Use and the Edit/Delete/Open/Close Tickets is Working as ANY Tickets).

(Read my Other Posts in this Thread, I Reported that Bug many Months Ago but only in my Last Post I decided to Describe the Exact Process so that Anybody can Test and Know Exactly the Problem).

Other BUG, (but that would be workable if the other Bug weren't Happening) is that if you Set to YES the Permissions to Edit/Delete/Open/Close Tickets, you'll see the Dropdown Menu for those Options in ALL Tickets, and this should only be Displayed in the Tickets you can Perform Actions With. :confused::confused::confused:

My Best Regards.


Vaupell 01-30-2009 01:17 PM

no ofcourse not, i would never let the user themself allowed to edit the original ticket.

this is a ticket not a thread. been working as a supported for a it company we have a
similar system, except its 100% private but the original post is not editable.
only by mod or admin.

Like i have, i as admin or moderator is the ONLY one to edit/open/close threads.
would be unresponsible to let users do that themself, then its not a ticket system
then its just a forum board.

freewilley 02-02-2009 01:06 PM

I was looking for this! thank you so much! :)

nhlchuck 02-02-2009 08:58 PM

Can anyone help with this error during the product import

"A conflict was detected in the bitfields. You cannot continue with the installation of this product until this has been fixed. The conflicts found were:

* Bitfield Collision: canalwayspostmessage = canpostnonmembergroup"

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