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Goodman_2020 05-19-2008 12:16 PM


is the hack reading flash video? avi?

naisho 05-19-2008 03:37 PM

When I have a few flv files in the same post, and I use the arrow to go diretly to next video I have a quick pink (fuschia) background color between each embeded video. I have been looking in all script to find out where it comes from without success. It sure doesn't come from my videos and I 'd like to change this as the color is quite strange...(just want to have white or black instead).
Looking at the source code, I can't even find a pink color code...
Could you please tell me in what file I can change this?

Finster 05-19-2008 06:04 PM

On a Mac using Firefox, videos do not work in that the screen darkens as usual, a white video streaming box opens up, but no video ever appears and streams. I can click on the close tag in the upper right.

Works fine on a Mac using Safari 3.1.1

Resolution ideas?

nix 05-19-2008 07:19 PM

I'm also on a mac. Its a firefox 2 bug with flash. Its fixed in firefox 3.

Finster 05-19-2008 08:56 PM

Ok, works with OSX Firefox 3 beta....thanks for the fast response.

As an incentive to get users to register, most images/videos will not render unless one registers, but the way this mod appears, unregistered members can view videos, which defeats the valuable registration incentive.

Can this be rectified?

edit- I see in the Admin control panel under user groups for unregistered users that I can toggle to "can't view images" to the off setting.

FiMeTi 05-20-2008 02:49 PM

Hi everybody.
I installed this very nice hack and it works just smooth with YouTube and also pictures.
I downloaded this 1.5 Version and dont know where to get a 1.8V?

But it does not play ".AVI" neither ".MOV"(QuickTime) movies.

Since the other features works, I am sure all options are set and saved fine.
What can I do to fixx this issue? Possible to play direkt .AVI Links or not?


Tested also on 1.8. .AVI and .MOV not working. Deinstalled.
Hope it will work soon.

iceytdot 05-20-2008 05:26 PM

good hack man. installed on my site now an its working perfectly. thanks for this!

Pro Scribz 05-20-2008 05:56 PM


Warning: require([path]/goldbrick/plugins/global_setup_complete.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/global.php(1042) : eval()'d code on line 1

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home1/konvictf/public_html/goldbrick/plugins/global_setup_complete.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home1/konvictf/public_html/global.php(1042) : eval()'d code on line 1

DDad 05-20-2008 09:59 PM

I had to uninstall everything and reinstall to get 1.8 working.
Now It's working great, I'll ask the person using the mac if he's still has a problem and get back to you.

YLP1 05-21-2008 02:03 AM

I cannot get this to work on vb3.7gold and version 1.8 for wmv or swf files.

paldo 05-21-2008 03:28 AM

had problem but was on my end .. thank you

MPDesignZ 05-21-2008 07:15 AM

Have a permissions issue. I've set the permissions to not allow guests, not logged in and no unregistered people to see the videos. But it still shows them to all guests an what have you. I need this hack to work where it does not show at all in any way to outside people. This is crucial for me if this option does not work I cannot use this hack :( Here's what I have & what has been done.

1. Running php5
2. Using vb 3.7 stable release
3. I have installed the entire hack and all works except the permissions.
4. All the permissions for the groups that I do not want to see this video hack and the videos on the site have been set and they are correct, I rechecked to make sure.

Please help. Thanks

Yurimien 05-21-2008 10:10 AM

how do you add this site:
i looked in the docs but it's like chinese for me

rapidphim 05-21-2008 01:53 PM

Still waiting patiently for the final upgrade release.

Goodman_2020 05-21-2008 03:19 PM

this version for 3.7.0 beta 2 doesn't work on 3.7.0 final :(

Carsten77 05-21-2008 04:21 PM

great mod, upgraded from anymedia to goldbrick.

the problem i now have are the missing german sites like google, myvideo ...

and the other problem is, that the flash player opens the video like a new link in the same window as fullscreen. is it possible to swith it into it like anymedia with the window in the site?

jbldesign 05-21-2008 09:24 PM

Can anybody help implement www.dogster.com

Have been looking to the docs, but I cant make it work :-(

Chadi 05-21-2008 09:30 PM

Small strange problem (on top of the missing profile video I mentioned earlier, even on 1.8version)

I have the below in a post, that worked fine since day one. Suddenly, the video is just missing (basically, as if no media tags / link were included).

A snippet from a great message entitled How great is our God! by Louie Giglio, this section talks about Laminin, an amazing molecule in the human body. A must see!

Full DVD available at 268GENERATION

The same link works fine, so I'm not sure why it won't work on the forums. I've checked some other newer/older threads in my forum for both youube and godtube links they work fine strange enough.

Any ideas?

This is the original link:

rapidphim 05-23-2008 01:45 PM

Nix... any update on the upgrade version?

jbldesign 05-23-2008 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by jbldesign (Post 1527313)
Can anybody help implement www.dogster.com

Have been looking to the docs, but I cant make it work :-(

Should it work just by making a new php file like dogster.php and simply upload it to the sites dir in goldbrick - or do I have to "tell" Goldbrick somehow, that I have uploaded that new file, and it shall look for postet links to convert ?

skariko 05-25-2008 06:19 PM

Hi Nix,
i've installed now the Goldbrick version on my 3.7vbulletin forum.
Is possible to add this feature on Social Groups?


ldma 05-26-2008 08:14 PM


Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in [path]/goldbrick/includes/class_goldbrick.php on line 526
This message is displayed on all profiles to which an item of media is posted using 3.7 Gold.

It doesn't prevent the media from displaying or playing, but it is annoying.

motowebmaster 05-26-2008 08:17 PM

I had the v1.5 Mod installed for a few moments on my site. In general, it is a great Mod but wouldn't always run videos that were active on YouTube. On my site I would see a "not available" message, but still be able to play the video on YouTube's site.

It isn't a significant issue, this particular site is still in development and there are many other things I'm working on. However, I would like to use GoldBrick for displaying videos:

vb 3.7 Gold
vba cmps 3.0.1
vbseo 3.2.0 RC5

If you would like for me to put your Mod back on, I'll PM you the URL to my site.

rapidphim 05-26-2008 09:31 PM

The reason you are not able to play the YouTube video on your site because the author blocked or not allowed you to embed. It's nothing wrong with YouTube on this hack.

nix 05-27-2008 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by ldma (Post 1532196)
This message is displayed on all profiles to which an item of media is posted using 3.7 Gold.

It doesn't prevent the media from displaying or playing, but it is annoying.

Download goldbrick 1.8, you should find it a couple of pages back.


Originally Posted by motowebmaster (Post 1532200)
I had the v1.5 Mod installed for a few moments on my site. In general, it is a great Mod but wouldn't always run videos that were active on YouTube. On my site I would see a "not available" message, but still be able to play the video on YouTube's site.

It isn't a significant issue, this particular site is still in development and there are many other things I'm working on. However, I would like to use GoldBrick for displaying videos:

vb 3.7 Gold
vba cmps 3.0.1
vbseo 3.2.0 RC5

If you would like for me to put your Mod back on, I'll PM you the URL to my site.

rapidphim is correct on this one. Not all videos are allowed to be embedded, there is noting I can do about that.

jbldesign 05-27-2008 03:41 PM

Can anybody see why this wont work for dogster, I cant find the error, but nothing is grabbed in the post :-(


 * Dogster Video site configuration
 * @version            $Revision: 108 $
 * @modifiedby          $LastChangedBy: admin $
 * @lastmodified        $Date: 2007-10-28 23:10:50 -0700 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) $
$info = array(
        'idregex'    => array('#http\://www\.dogster\.com/video\([0-9]{6})/([-_a-zA-Z])#i' => 1),       
        'profile'    => 'flash',
        'width'      => 320,
        'height'      => 273,
        'titleregex'  => array('#\<title\>(.+)\<\/title\>#si' => 1),
        'extension'  => 'swf',
        'loop'        => 0,
        'flashvar'    => '%s',
        'srcformat'  => 'http://content.fliqz.com/components/5d248aaf154d4fa7aae86ad370a85e69.swf'

$regex_fields = array(
        'idregex'    => array('id',    'url'),
        'titleregex' => array('title', 'content')

$format_fields = array(
        'srcformat'  => array('src',  'id')


aksolo 05-27-2008 04:21 PM

ok im having some problems after the installation. when i create a new post and i got to post it i get these 2 errors below. The post does go true some how but i got a felling something is not right.


Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in [path]/goldbrick/includes/class_goldbrick.php on line 526


vBulletin Message

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/diego2/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3237
also the profile video is not working for me wont save .i get another error


Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
Ill take advice from anyone lol thanks in advanced Great Mod !! :up:

nix 05-27-2008 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by aksolo (Post 1533093)
ok im having some problems after the installation. when i create a new post and i got to post it i get these 2 errors below. The post does go true some how but i got a felling something is not right.


also the profile video is not working for me wont save .i get another error

Ill take advice from anyone lol thanks in advanced Great Mod !! :up:


Chadi 05-27-2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1522782)
Thanks nix, upgraded to 1.8 but still do not see anything in my profile showing the video I posted. Its not under "my media" tab either, which honestly I do not even remember if that tab is default vb or part of GB itself. However, its empty either way.

Anyone else having this problem too?

nix 05-27-2008 08:52 PM

did you add the media to your profile?

Chadi 05-27-2008 08:54 PM

Yes, I did. I mentioned this link before, few pages back:


Nothing shows up in profile.

Can you confirm if the "My Media" tab is from GB or a new VB 3.7 feature? Just curious as I did not pay attention prior to the upgrade on GB or VB 3.7

rapidphim 05-27-2008 11:51 PM

I do show the media under my media tab on my profile.

aksolo 05-28-2008 12:52 AM

thanks a bunch now works fine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nix 05-28-2008 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by chadi (Post 1533366)
Yes, I did. I mentioned this link before, few pages back:


Nothing shows up in profile.

Can you confirm if the "My Media" tab is from GB or a new VB 3.7 feature? Just curious as I did not pay attention prior to the upgrade on GB or VB 3.7

That isn't the correct link for youtube. Just use the url in the browser. My Media is from GB.

rapidphim 05-28-2008 10:40 AM

we now have vb 3.7.1, can you please update when the new update/upgrade version will be released? Thanks!

Chadi 05-28-2008 08:32 PM

Small problem. I cannot figure out which exact template to edit and which code portion to fix the background color of the My Media tab. See attached. I'm referring to the actual tab bg, not video area bg.

Also, seems I have some duplicate templates of GB probably from old version.

Please confirm which ones are correct and which can be deleted.

Also, is there a way to set moderation for GB profile video ?

nix 05-28-2008 08:58 PM

I'll clean up the templates.

That tab looks correct since its the selected tab.

Chadi 05-28-2008 09:02 PM

I was referring to the background of the tab *page*, not the actual bg of the tab itself.

The tab page should be default e4e6f5 color. Only for the GB tab, it shows up as e2e1ea.

Even in usercp, only when you go to the GB profile video area, suddenly ALL the rows to left panel are in the same e2e1ea color instead of the set e4e6f5

Finster 05-29-2008 02:42 PM

It is really odd how this hack sometimes renders a video thumbnail, then other times for the same video file sharing site it only shows up as a hyperlinked url, with url tags added viewable only when editing. Editing it to add media tags then makes it entirely disappear sometimes. Other times it shows up as a hyperlinked url, then later, the media tags get auto-added and it renders as a vid thumbnail.

Does 1.8 fix the 1.5 issue of when the admin cp is set so guests cannot view media or images, 1.5 shows them anyway? 1.5 wouldn't let us change the viewer window size in the hack cp.

MikeHolohan 05-29-2008 08:40 PM

I have an error, I am running 3.7.1


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/*****/public_html/goldbrick/plugins/bbcode_create.php on line 53

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