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Paul M 05-22-2007 06:06 PM

Nope, not idea, misc.php calls flashchat.php anyway. Are you running two copies of flashchat or something ?

mescalin 05-23-2007 02:59 PM

yea i know its just an iframe of flashchat n there is only one installation but it behaves as two diffrent installations. anyway i think its flashchat issue..

thank for this great mod..

zahid1 05-23-2007 03:25 PM

This hack is pretty neat. I have a small board and wasnt really sure of installing it or not..I might though. Does somebody have it installed and could give me a link so i can view a live demo ..


sectiongraphix 05-23-2007 06:35 PM

I have installed flashchat correctly but when i start chat and i post a messege in the main window takes time to be present inside.Something like delay.Anyone can help?

jake7338 05-27-2007 08:52 PM

Looks like a fantatic mod Paul. I am having trouble with the last step. This is the first product i have ever installed.

I go to plugins and products -> manage products -> [add/import]

When i select the xml file its says :

Importing Product, Please Wait...


and then doesn't do anything. Do i need to enable products? It says it will do that automatically for me. Any advice appreciated. Thanks, --jake

Paul M 05-27-2007 09:26 PM

What exactly do you mean by does nothing ?

If it stays stuck on that importing screen then something is wrong with your vb product import.

jake7338 05-28-2007 03:24 AM

Yes, it stays stuck. The activity indicator in the top right of my browser stops.
I tried loading the xml file from my pc and off my web hosting server. No difference.

Any chance you could tell me how to trouble shoot the vb product import system?

I am having a problem with editing forums since i upgraded to vb 3.6.6, and i am still working on that issue. Other then that everything in admincp seems to work fine. I don't think this would be related to that. This doesn't use the "forum" table in sql does it?


fenris 05-28-2007 10:48 AM


i hope you understand my bad english. When the Chat is running, every User can add a new room. Were can i disabled this ?
Only Admins, Supermod and Mods will be created new Rooms but not the Users. Is the any Options that will this make ?



Paul M 05-28-2007 12:15 PM

As the main post says ;


I am not Tufat.com or Flashchat Support - if you have questions about Flashchat, their forums are here.


Mastar 05-29-2007 08:03 PM

How can I embed this chat in the foumhome page without it logging out whenever the page is refreshed?

Strafe 05-30-2007 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by JeffreySmith (Post 1248187)

I have a question about the usergroups being integrated with flash chat. Are the username html markup's shown in the flash chat? IE: If I have one of my usergroups set to BOLD RED for their usernames will it show up as BOLD RED inside and during the chat sessions?

Thank you,

Jeff Smith

If you are using the "Who is chatting" addon, the HTML markups work there. Inside the chat, it's just impossible.

Strafe 05-30-2007 06:13 AM

Paul, need another help here.

I'm not really sure if it is covered by Tufat's support or your script.

My problem is, custom usergroups I create are unable to login into chat. I checked the config if there is an option for usergroup chat access but its not there. I remember in the installation however that you get to set usergroup numbers at one section - which exact file whould I be looking at to allow custom usergroups access to chat?

Snatch 05-30-2007 06:29 AM


I use VB 3.6.7 and I dounĀ“t have any Option for using the Chat in the Usergroup setting.

Whats wrong?


Strafe 05-30-2007 07:31 AM

Have you installed Flashchat? If yes, have you input the proper settings in chat/inc/config.php?

AresGW 06-02-2007 04:11 AM

Fantastic! Thank You!!!

Strafe 06-02-2007 04:55 AM

Can anyone let me know why my members on a custom usergroup can't access flashchat?

EBrant 06-02-2007 08:19 AM

I had a quick look at the flash chat fite Tufat.com for some reason the forum page did not seem to work.

In any event can someone please answer some questions for me please:

1: Do you have to install the marcomdia Flash plugin toyour browser for Flash chat to work ?
and what if new users to your site do not already have it.

2: Is it limited to 10 user per chat room. Some of the information I saw on tufat.com seemed to suggest it was limited to 10 users per room only.

Please let me know Ernest_Harold_Brant@Yahoo.co.uk

If you could email me I would be grateful Thanks

wdlove 06-04-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1245328)
You can't do it, at least not via misc.php.

You can do it via flashchat.php?username=_int_&room=2 (or whatever room number you want).

This works wonderfully. One problem (for anyone willing to help). When I set a room to private and I try to join the room via the method above, it joins a room called "[null]".

Is there a fix to make it join the proper private room?

Thanks in advance.

JaredC01 06-05-2007 06:22 PM


Paul M 06-05-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Strafe (Post 1259586)
Can anyone let me know why my members on a custom usergroup can't access flashchat?

There can be numerous reasons, impossible to say without ftp/admin access.


Originally Posted by EBrant (Post 1259659)
1: Do you have to install the marcomdia Flash plugin toyour browser for Flash chat to work ?
and what if new users to your site do not already have it.

2: Is it limited to 10 user per chat room. Some of the information I saw on tufat.com seemed to suggest it was limited to 10 users per room only.

These are Flashchat support questions - but briefly - 1. Yes, 2. That's a config setting. Also, JFYI, I don't reply to any support questions via e-mail.


Originally Posted by wdlove (Post 1260705)
This works wonderfully. One problem (for anyone willing to help). When I set a room to private and I try to join the room via the method above, it joins a room called "[null]".

Is there a fix to make it join the proper private room?

Again a Flashchat question really - but I would guess that Flashchat does not allow direct access to private rooms (if it did, they wouldn't really be very private).

Nordraserei 06-05-2007 11:07 PM

It seems when I download the mod, most of the files are missing. Install.php is missing, config.php is missing. I only have 2 XML files and that's it. :down:

Paul M 06-05-2007 11:13 PM

There are no files missing from this mod. Those files belong to Flashchat, not this mod.

Silvio 06-11-2007 10:31 AM

Is there any known issues with sub-groups management for this mod?

I try to better explain and please accept my apologises for itanglish used.:p
(Scenary : vBull 3.6.7PL1/ FlashChat4.7.11/FlashChat Integration 3.52)

example : I do not want that 'Registered Users' group has privileges to use flashchat, but I want that a Group called 'Active Users' nested as sub-group to 'Registered Users' could have the rights to login the Chat.

Now at the state of the art this option is unavailable as if I try to set on 'Registered Users' group all necessary flashchat rights as by following parameters:
- No Chat Access=yes
(tested also with - Banned From Chat=No
and aftewords set the sub-group 'Active Users' as
- User Level Access= yes
this subgroup then should get access but it don't.

they only way I got to let it work is
- No Chat Access=no on 'Registered Users'
- User Level Access= yes on 'Active Users'
obviously the chat requester presented to 'Registered Users' is not the one ment, but it works.

Did I something wrong? is it fixable?

ty so much and regards

take care


Paul M 06-11-2007 11:24 AM

A usergroup can only have one permission, if you set more than one then only one will be used (the lower one in the list). You must set Registered Users = No Access & Active Users = User Access (which seems to be what you have done).

I don't understand what you mean by this bit "obviously the chat requester presented to 'Registered Users' is not the one ment"

varkjie 06-11-2007 05:29 PM

at the expense of sounding stupid here but will I need to buy the flashchat or is it included with the download here of the instructions to install??

Thanks for sparing me of your laughter!:o

Paul M 06-11-2007 07:04 PM


(Yep, you need to buy it :))

Paul M 06-13-2007 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Strafe (Post 1259586)
Can anyone let me know why my members on a custom usergroup can't access flashchat?

I looked at your forum tonight for you - you had not uploaded the vbulletin36CMS.php file that is supplied with this modification - I have uploaded that file for you, and your custom usergroups now work as expected.

JodiSal 06-14-2007 12:09 AM

How do I install this one? I'm a bit confused by the directions. I don't know which files go where.

Paul M 06-14-2007 07:03 AM

Just copy the folders to your forum root.

jessej 06-14-2007 06:07 PM

clicks installed:)

jessej 06-14-2007 06:09 PM

Is there a way (can you tell me how?) to remove the links that are displayed in the WOL display?

upd: Figured it out and thanks Paul for all of the great stuff you provide us all! :)

for those that care to know, and don't know, the way I did it was so simple I had to laugh..

To get rid of the link in the who's online display when a user in in flashchat you need to modify the plugin called 'online_location_unknown' in the plugin manager in adminCP of vBulletin.

Remove the code below in red.


if ($userinfo['activity'] == 'flashchat')
 $handled = true;
 $userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase['in_flashchat'];
 $userinfo['where'] = '<a href="misc.php?do=flashchat">'.$vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/misc.php?do=flashchat</a>';

Strafe 06-14-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1267945)
I looked at your forum tonight for you - you had not uploaded the vbulletin36CMS.php file that is supplied with this modification - I have uploaded that file for you, and your custom usergroups now work as expected.

Ah that explains it.

jake7338 06-14-2007 10:10 PM

Hey Paul,

I moved to a new server and everything works great. Thanks. I do have just one tiny problem. Where can i edit the URL that it launches on exit? I think it auto detected this on my old server, now that i am on a new server the path has changed. So everytime someone exits they get sent to a bad url. It's supposed to go to the main forum URL.


reismarktq2 06-15-2007 01:14 AM

Paul, there's some problems with the misc.php interface in its handling of sessions that's causing my site visitors some problems. I've tried this multiple times to be sure I have it down right, and this is the behavior we're experiencing:

- When the user accesses chat via misc.php, logging out from chat with the X at the top-right of the Java applet does not remove the session from the connections table. Instead, it merely nulls the userid associated with the session. Should the user access chat via flashchat.php and do the same thing, the session clears properly. (This behavior would seem to point to the problem being with the hack and not Flashchat.)
- In certain instances, when the user erroneously leaves chat by closing the browser - again, the user is always accessing chat via misc.php - the session is left unaltered, which results in the user being unable to re-enter chat. I've tried replicating this error using flashchat.php a hundred times, with both Firefox & IE, and I can't do it. Again, this points to a problem with the hack.
- What's even more annoying is that sessions like this don't seem to be affected by the timeout configuration settings. (We are using an inactivity interval of 30 minutes, with default autologout and autoclose times.) This is resulting in me having to go into phpMyAdmin and manually delete problem sessions, which is annoying because I am usually not present for chats.

I'm going to be switching back to having people use flashchat.php in the meantime, but I'd really appreciate it if you could try and figure out what's causing these bugs.

Paul M 06-15-2007 06:58 AM

Sorry but those are all Flashchat issues (in fact, the first one is standard Flashchat behaviour, sessions are not deleted when you exit, just nulled).

JFYI, as you don't seem to realise - when using misc.php you are still accessing the chat via flashchat.php (there is no other way) - it's just enclosed in a frame so that the forum is still visible.

varkjie 06-15-2007 10:28 PM

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction, I search flash chat and could not find what I was looking for?

I was curious as to how do I get members to automatically log into the flash chat with out them having to enter their name and password? If I remember correctly this is possible right?

I just installed the integration add on and that didn't do it, which I thought it would???

Thanks in advance for your help!

reismarktq2 06-16-2007 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1268855)
Sorry but those are all Flashchat issues (in fact, the first one is standard Flashchat behaviour, sessions are not deleted when you exit, just nulled).

That wasn't the case when I accessed chat on my boards via flashchat.php directly. Irregardless of browser, irregardless of whether I click X on the applet or close the browser window, whenever I left chat from using flashchat.php, the sessions were completely removed from the DB, not nulled.


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1268855)
JFYI, as you don't seem to realise - when using misc.php you are still accessing the chat via flashchat.php (there is no other way) - it's just enclosed in a frame so that the forum is still visible.

No, I do realize it's merely a framing of the client - just that the way it appeared to me last night was that it was that framing that was causing the sessions to not clear right.

Anyways, I've told my site visitors to use flashchat.php only and have set up my links that way, and I'll continue monitoring for troubles. Haven't had any issues with any of the other aspects of the integration.

abdulla1 06-16-2007 01:30 AM

How can i do the first step? anybody help? (install flash chat)

varkjie 06-16-2007 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by abdulla1 (Post 1269426)
How can i do the first step? anybody help? (install flash chat)

go buy the program

varkjie 06-16-2007 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by varkjie (Post 1269345)
Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction, I search flash chat and could not find what I was looking for?

I was curious as to how do I get members to automatically log into the flash chat with out them having to enter their name and password? If I remember correctly this is possible right?

I just installed the integration add on and that didn't do it, which I thought it would???

Thanks in advance for your help!


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